Are Saiyans weak? Freedom to start

Are Saiyans weak? Freedom to start


341 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: Are Saiyans weak? Freedom to start

Luo Xiu travels through the world of thousands of races, and starts to integrate the blood of the Saiyans! What! Saiyans are actually the weakest bloodline of D-class? Do you know the goods or not! Luo Xiu immediately expressed dissatisfaction! Immediately mastered Ultimate Instinct, and finally became a legendary powerful warrior through continuous fighting. Super Saiyan! That day. Luo Xiu was filled with golden arrogance, and everyone was stunned when he appeared in a super race form with terrifying combat power! "My God! 50 times the combat power increase! The potential of the Saiyan blood is so terrifying!" "Outrageous! Countless geniuses attacked together, but he didn't hurt him at all! Is this still human? It's simply a monster!" "Who said Saiyans Is it the weakest bloodline? Look at Luo Xiu in Super Saiyan form, do you call this weak?" At this moment, the world understands the strength of the Saiyan bloodline! But when everyone thinks that Super Saiyan is the limit of Saiyan blood. Luo Xiu turned into Super Saiyan 4, and his combat power was increased by 4000 times! Kill the god-level powerhouse of all races with one punch! Destroy all planets with one hand! At this moment, all races are horrified! "Emperor Luo Xiu, the catastrophe of all races!"


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