"Hodge!" JJ burst into the office and said to Red and Hodge, who were honking, "Some people said that someone was witnessing someone burying a body at Forest Hills Cemetery!" Red

frowned, "No way, this doesn't follow the logic of Unsub's behavior." The

sheriff trotted in and stuck his pistol into his waist: "Maybe it's him, this pervert, who knows if he will change his mind."

JJ looked at Hodge, who quickly spoke, "At least about the murder, let's go."

Red looked at the map and said, "No, this forest knoll park is closer to where Morgan patrols." The

sheriff said he had already transferred, and Hodge frowned and insisted on not letting Morgan pass.

So, when Hodge and Red pushed the car door, they saw that it was already crowded with police, with car lights and flashlights illuminating the small cemetery, and an "unrelated person" sitting on the side of the road. The man had his back to the light, and he couldn't see his face clearly, as if he was eating something.

Rhett wore gloves and complained, "Every city has a forest hill cemetery or park. He saw Hodge's serious face and began to reflect on his own bad joke.

Hodge lifted the cordon, and there were no bodies at the scene, to be exact, no fresh bodies. The man must have dug up the tomb, revealing a small half of the coffin lid. Fortunately, this is the corner of the cemetery, and there are not many footprints left during the day, and the police have found the footprints. One column is towards the nearest wall, and the other is in the other direction. There was a small movable door, and out there was a bush, which was clearly trodden, and a little farther on it was a small side road around the main road of the city.

There are no footprints when he came, it should be that unsub felt that there was enough time at that time and erased the footprints.

There was nothing left to check, and Hodge straightened up. Red carefully followed the footprints in that direction.

"There was no trace of dragging. Wrong... You see, get out of the house and there's a little drag here. But... Isn't that right, our unsub is a strong man, how could he not carry a petite woman?"

Hodge frowned.

"We're not sure it's burying bodies, and it's possible to rob graves. He said, "Where are our witnesses?"

and a small officer turned around and went out, bringing back a young man two minutes later. Red noticed that he was the same person who had been sitting outside the cemetery eating before, at least in the same shape.

The man quickly stuffed a white mass of something to the little policeman, walked up to them, and said in a proper manner: "I'm Anthony Pate, an eyewitness.

Then without waiting for Hodge to speak, he said quickly like a well-behaved schoolboy who had done something wrong: "I know what I did wrong, it is illegal for me to come to the cemetery wall in the middle of the night, but I really don't want to rob the grave, it's just that I only came back to Los Angeles tonight, and I want to see my mother so much..."


young Mr. Pate took his left hand by his right hand and said very seriously: "I'll start at the beginning." I'm coming over the wall from that side, right there. When I got to the ground, I saw a figure here, holding a long strip, and at first I thought it was a tomb robber. Then my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I saw a long black shadow at his feet, not in the shape of a man, but a long bag, and I thought he was a murderer and hid a corpse, and I was scared to death. He came at me with a shovel, and I was so frightened that I immediately ran away, and started running towards the road. He must have chased him out for a while, but then I didn't hear any footsteps. But I didn't dare to stop, and I didn't stop until I was on the main road around the city. That's about it, I've forgotten a lot of details, you can ask, I'll see if I can remember.

He spoke so fast that Hodge almost thought he was possessed by Red.

Rhett was more serious than him, asking, "Are you sure that bag contains a corpse?"

"This is the cemetery... What else could it be if it wasn't a corpse?"

"How long is it?"

I'm not sure on the other end, but after this mound of dirt anyway, it's blocking my view. Actually, I don't remember very clearly, I only glanced at it at the time. "

Do you

see what he looks like?" "There were very sparse street lights on the path outside, but I only glanced back, and it shook quickly, he was wearing a cap and a mask, and I couldn't see what he looked like. But he's not as tall as me, and he looks quite strong, so I don't know if it's the effect of wearing clothes. I don't know very well either, I was running.

Rhett smacked his tongue, glad to meet such a cooperative and sensible witness. The little police officer interjected: "I didn't expect you to run so fast, but fortunately you ran fast."

Mr. Pate smiled politely: "It's just survival instinct."

Hodge asked a few random questions, and Mr. Pate answered them clearly and coherently, but always accompanied by a sentence like "I'm not sure."

He felt that there was nothing else, and considering that it was too late, he asked Mr. Pate to follow the police car back to take notes, and accept the punishment for sneaking into the cemetery at night.

He watched Pate turn around to leave, and suddenly asked, "Can I ask why you stayed?"

Mr. Pate froze for a moment, then half-turned and replied, "Because I am a school teacher, school will start soon, and I don't want to delay the time, lest I not be able to go to work on time."

Hodge nodded, and asked, "Have you had a similar experience before?"

The man in front of him showed a sad expression: "My brother and mother both died unnaturally... My girlfriend from college was also murdered..."

Hodge: "I'm sorry.

Pate hurriedly followed the little police officer.

Red sighed, "How could anyone experience so many deaths.

Hodge didn't answer and asked the sheriff, "Is Pate's alibi complete?"

The sheriff said, "You don't need to suspect him, he did arrive in Los Angeles this evening, the ticket testified, and the hotel check-in record." Red

reacted: "You suspect he's a little... Antisocial personality?"

Not really, but he didn't feel right to me. "How can a teacher be so afraid of the police, no, he is obviously not afraid of the police, and when he came over, he stuffed the bag of sandwiches to the little policeman. Feel... It's just that I'm afraid of myself.

And, it seems, too much calming ... Although he has always stressed that he is not sure of anything.


Anthony quickly moved out of Chief Hodge's sight and felt much better.

Probably out of survival instinct, Anthony was quite comfortable facing this group of police officers, and when he saw Hodge, it was all radar. That Red was a bit of a nuisance, but not as scary as Hodge.

It's a bit like Batman. But Batman can't check him openly, while BAU can.

Is this the strongest investigative agency in the United States, scary, and I must not dangle in front of them in the future. Anthony decided to hurry up and leave tomorrow after seeing Maria and Alexander. Hopefully the Met won't provoke them. There is Superman, probably not.

The little police officer threw the sandwich pocket into the trash can and followed Anthony into the police car: "You talk to us so naturally, why are you so nervous when you see BAU?" Anthony

shrugged: "When I see you, I know that I am safe, and I naturally feel relieved." As for them, they remind me of my teachers when I was a kid, with eyes like searchlights. The

little police officer saw that the front row was full of his colleagues, so he opened up and said: "We don't like them either, and as soon as they 'parachute' they give orders to us, thinking who they are."

Anthony blinked, but didn't say anything. Then a carload of police officers began to complain about the group of people, saying that they came here and did not know the place well and did not respect their locals.

The policewoman in the front row handed over a bottle of mineral water: "Pate, you must be very thirsty after eating a sandwich, come and drink a bottle of water."

Anthony took it, said thank you, unscrewed the cap and took a sip. The weather is cold, and the mineral water is icy. The little police officer next to him knocked on the front seat: "Lily, I'm thirsty too." Lily

: "No

!" Anthony originally wanted to tease whether Lily thought he was handsome, so he treated him differently, and then he saw Lily hand out a thermos cup: "Take it!" The

little police officer took it, opened it and took a sip, and then showed off, and said, "It's better to be a baby, bring me hot milk." The

older police officer who was driving the car laughed, and Anthony had a sore expression.

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