Clark could see that Anthony was really happy with this sudden vacation, cheered up, adjusted his state, and followed Anthony out of the elevator on the first floor of the mall.

This is the newly opened mall, and Anthony shook around and shoved two coupons for Clark.

They wandered around the first floor and passed by a giant poster. Clark glanced up, and Lex Luthor was smiling wildly with a few hairs on his head.

"This mall is actually owned by Luther

?" Anthony turned to look at him, "Isn't that normal?" most of the new buildings in the Metropolis now belong to the Lex Group, and the Lex Group is almost completely controlled by Luther. Why, don't like him? Clark

hurriedly said, "No, it's true that I'm not particularly comfortable, but Luthor is still quite capable." The mall is also very well built. "

The first floor is the children's area, which is now quiet and not too noisy. Anthony knew that it would be three or four o'clock and the children would come in. So they quickly went up to the second floor.

This is a beauty section, and they were not interested, but Anthony saw a row of dolls hanging in front of an affordable cosmetics store, so he dragged Clark over.

There was also a pair of girls in the store, who were supposed to be college students, walking around the row of eyeshadows with their hands in their hands, and when they saw two men coming in, they were first surprised, and then they couldn't help but mutter.

Clark was a little embarrassed, but Anthony stared at the doll hanging on the glass door. The doll features are particularly obvious, with white skin, small curly hair, blue eyes, red cape, blue clothes, and underwear to wear.

Anthony touched the small "S" shaped curly hair with his upper hand, and couldn't help laughing: "Clark, you see this curly hair can still move!" Clark

suddenly felt that he would be bald.

Fortunately, Anthony didn't stretch his hand to himself, but just took off the doll and compared it with him: "This doll is not realistic enough, it is one degree whiter than you." Clark

: "... Sunburned.

Anthony wanted to buy it, and said, "It's just one for each of us, hanging it on the work bag, how beautiful

!" Clark was ashamed and insisted: "I really don't want to buy it, and there is no copyright on this." We can't support piracy, no, it's something that infringes on image rights.

Anthony laughed breathlessly, hung the doll back, waved his hand to the clerk who walked by, and went out with Clark's arm.

Clark hurriedly escaped from the pink second floor and made his way to the third floor. But the third floor is still the world of women's clothing, and there are also three primary colors of life-size dolls, which are 1.7 meters long.

Anthony said that he would buy anything, Clark said that he would not buy anything, and the two of them pulled at the door of the store to the limit.

It was also the first time for the clerk to deal with this kind of scene, and he didn't know what to say.

Clarke's face turned red: "Please

, Anthony, there is already one at home, so there is no need for a second one!" Anthony pretended to be stupid: "Why is there one, that one is hard, it can only be used as an ornament!"

In the end, both sides took a step back and bought a forty-centimeter one. The clerk brought a bag for them to pack, and Anthony gave it to Clark.

Carrying the Superman doll in his left hand and his boyfriend in his right hand, Clark rushed to the elevator as if he were running away. This time he learned smartly, and glanced at the floor distribution map before entering the elevator corridor, and found that the fourth floor was a toy area, so he firmly pressed the fifth floor after entering the elevator.

Anthony: "I haven't been to the fourth floor yet!" Clark: "

Aren't you going to watch a movie at night? This mall is too big, and it's too late to walk through the floors."

Anthony leaned against the inner wall of the elevator and laughed again, and suddenly said, "I'm thirsty, and I forgot to drink water before going out." Clark

said: "There are vending machines on the corners of the elevators on the second and third floors, and the same should be true on the fourth floor." Getting

out of the elevator, Clark went straight to the vending machine and chose a bottle of Coke and a bottle of lemonade. The greedy Anthony naturally wanted it, so Clark first asked him to take a sip of lemonade, then opened the room temperature Coke and handed him a sip.

Anthony took a sip of his Coke and glanced at Clark. When Clark entered the mall, he began to "fight with his wits and courage" or take care of Anthony, leaving all other worries behind.

Clark then rushed into the public toilet.

Anthony leaned against the wall with two bottles of drink and knocked on his head. It's really a crow's mouth, what to say, as soon as you say it, trouble will come.

However, have to get used to it.

The fifth floor was one of the highlights, and the two of them wandered into the game hall. The music is loud and Anthony sits down to play a game of speed. Clark didn't play, just sat there and watched.

"You city people really know how to play. Clark poked an idle gamepad, and the console exploded with a boom, "Smaller has nothing, and some of the two consoles are still marbles."

Anthony laughs and says, "I'm not from the city, I started out as a farmer and then moved to Kansas City." I didn't play much of this after I moved.,At most, I just stood and watched others play.。

After speaking, he let go of the "steering wheel" in his hand and brought Clark over: "Come on, come on, make up for your childhood." Clark

played a game as well. The game is simple, he picked it up quickly and cleared it without any problems.

Anthony clasped his elbows in his hands and placed his arms a little under Clark's neck to provide voice guidance. Looking at the "victory" on the screen, he sighed: "It's really not the feeling of childhood.


"When I was a child, I could only play a game secretly, and I looked forward to saving enough money every day, but now I can play casually, and I don't have that excitement anymore." Anthony rubbed Clark's head, "Now I'm just looking forward to the highlight of the evening."

Clark reacted for a long time before he blushed and let Anthony pull him out.

"Okay, now don't think about it, I want to buy a new phone and laptop.

When they entered the elevator, Anthony touched the goosebumps on his arm: "The air conditioner is actually turned on here, and it's a little cold." Where's my doll?"

Clark looked at him.

"Is it in

the toilet?" the two pressed the elevator back again, and Clark rushed into the toilet to find it. Luckily, the doll bag hangs from the hook in the toilet cubicle.

They carried their things up to the fifth floor, and Anthony stuffed the doll into the free locker: "Remember to take it later." "

The prices of things on the fifth floor are very good, and Anthony and Clark go from store to store, just like the pair of female college students downstairs.

Clark looked at the clerks, a little embarrassed. Anthony was completely shameless, looking at them one by one, and from time to time asked to take the prototype in his hand to see.

In the end, I walked to the counter of the fruit phone. Anthony wanted to catch the trend and wanted to buy one for Clarke, but Clark was blinded by the price and quickly tugged at Anthony's sleeve.

Anthony thought about it or forgot it, so he finally chose a couple of cost-effective couple mobile phones. The teller smiled ambiguously, but Anthony began to haggle with her, trying to get two power banks and two wired headphones, or Bluetooth headphones.

The teller took out a cardboard box: "This is the exclusive gift of this pair of mobile phones, it is a couple of mobile phone pendants, you see, not only can be used as decoration, but also can support mobile phones..."


teller: "But you can't have both power banks and headphones..." Clark

joined the battlefield: "But we are also the first time to come, so there are no newcomer benefits? And we don't even use coupons..."

Anthony plans to use this phone to cope with his daily life with Clark, and Clark plans to use the new phone for life and entertainment, and the old phone for work.

Anthony sat on a public bench and stored the information on both mobile phones, and then strolled back to the laptop counter in the fruit store. Clark poked his head behind him.

Seeing Anthony happily pay for the packaging and buy a special headset for gaming by the way, Clark sat in the swivel chair in the store and closed himself: how much more money does he have to save to keep up with Anthony's consumption level...

Anthony stepped on the metal rod at the bottom of the swivel chair and stopped Clark, who had turned into a spinning top, "Alright, let's go!"

Clark followed him with a stumbling face, leaving the clerk with a messy face. Looking at such a big man, he still plays with their swivel chair like this, the point is, he doesn't get dizzy when he turns it down?

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