Anthony glanced at it, the magic runes on his chest heating up, alerting him to the danger.

Sitting across from him was Oswald Copote, his second-largest benefactor, neatly dressed and trying to squeeze a smile out of the owl's eyebrows. Behind him stood a tall bodyguard with unkind eyes. There was also a row of bodyguards with guns against the wall, and a few call girls scattered around, standing or kneeling.

Copote really put his wariness of him on the surface.

Anthony sat down on the couch prepared for him calmly, biological and chemical weapons are always more intimidating than thermal weapons, aren't they?

" "Anthony Pate, is this your

real name?" "If you believe it, this is my real name.

Copote narrowed his eyes at the person opposite. He had looked up this identity many times, but never believed it was his real identity. Without him, although Anthony is very similar to when he was a child, his appearance and age do not match. And Anthony Pate has disappeared, has no relatives, maybe it will be gone a long time ago, and now he is an impostor.

But it is true that his other identity cannot be found.

Cobot concludes that the other party is a good person at forgery, and now is not the time to hold on. He tugged at the corners of his mouth: "Mr. Pate is really young and promising, he can do so much business at the age of twenty-six." "

Thank you gentlemen for your care.

Anthony didn't want to talk nonsense, so he just put the lead box on the small table in the middle and pushed the wine glass or something aside. No one dared to touch it, and Anthony opened it himself.

The opal was thrown directly onto the table, and Anthony uncovered the compartment, revealing the four reagents inside.

"Adam-24," Anthony pushed the box across the board, "it's very volatile, put it in the target's room and you'll be there for it in a minute." After ten minutes, it will dissipate to the point where it is undetectable.

Colbott looked at the clear liquids in front of him, they looked ordinary and harmless, but there was a difference between the thickened tubes and the heavily sealed nozzles. He tried to reach out and pick them up, but remembering something, he retracted his hand and copied it.

"I heard that there was a scarecrow in Gotham recently, very similar to you, who also engaged in chemical weapons, and killed people with what fear gas. "

A terrorist attack to be exact, Anthony knew his track record, unleashing poison gas in a restaurant that made people die in despair, and the survivors were devastated, both physically and psychologically.

Anthony: "Peer, maybe a senior?" "

His name is Jonathan Klein, maybe you've heard of it.

Anthony tilted his head: "No, maybe I should meet him, maybe we will become friends." "

They talked about it for a long time, and Anthony wanted to leave. Copote suddenly asked, "Dear Anthony, why do you cooperate more with Falcone?

Anthony remembered something: "It's just a matter of habit." "

To buy a murder act, of course, the fewer people who know about it, the better. And Falcone is an old customer, and the degree of tacit understanding is much higher.

Anthony got up to take his leave, and Colbert didn't keep him. When Anthony went out, he immediately stood up and asked his men to disinfect all the places where Anthony passed.

"How's the recording?"

this is the latest Wayne technology, and Cobott has high hopes for it. Although the cooperation with Pate is okay now, maybe he will be dragged into the water in the future, and recording is a good thing.

"Sir, recording... There's only a murmur..."

"What's going on?"


Anthony walks to the side of the street with a sonic jammer in his arms and waits. Located in the middle of the Penguin's territory, Iceberg is a bit more peaceful than the other neighborhoods, at least with less street fighting. It's late at night, there are few pedestrians on the street, and some luxury cars are parked nearby, which look clean and tidy.

But turn the corner, and it's Gotham's real face. Alleyways are full of junkies, prostitutes are loitering, paupers who can't pay their rent and are being kicked out huddle next to garbage cans, thugs looking at Anthony under their hoods, as if to gauge whether this man can be slaughtered.

At this time, the business vehicle stopped between them. The thugs were quite eye-catching, and seeing that it was a modified car, they immediately pulled the hood down, turned and walked into the darkness. Broken cameras on street lamps reflect a faint cold light.

"Let's go to Gotham Hospital first.

Anthony trotted into the hall, there weren't many people here, and while Gotham often got hurt, more people would choose the small clinic. The hospital asks for money and registers identity.

The young man sighed in the face of the impatient reception window staff and pulled out a hundred dollars. The woman's face was a little better, and she typed on the computer: "Sally Napier." "

I'm sorry, sir, just now, well, about half an hour ago, Mrs. Napier died in childbirth, and the child was not saved.

"What about Jack Napier? I mean, her husband?"

"I don't know, I can't find anyone." "

When did they get into the hospital?"

"Hmm... It's been six days.

"Why do you wait so long to give birth?"

"Let me see... Mrs. Napier's fetal misposition combined with underlying medical conditions makes for a high risk of childbirth.

Anthony understood. He went to the morgue first to see Sally and her children. Then, he took the fetal hair of the dead baby and urged the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone guided him out of the hospital and into the chaotic depths of Gotham. Gotham was a bit stuffy in the summer, so he took off his coat and held it in his hand, exposed the pistol around his waist, and looked down at the stone in his hand from time to time.

The small snow-white stone has a green arrow on it, pointing to a place that is becoming more and more deserted until it is a completely abandoned factory.

The dazzling light hit him, and Anthony couldn't help but say angrily, "Who drove the high beam in the city?!"

The pitch-black Batmobile rushed past him, blowing his hair into a mess.

"Did the bat monster take the wrong medicine today?"

Anthony rubbed his forehead and moved on.

"Chemical plant?"

Anthony couldn't see, turning on his phone's flashlight. There were a few blood stains on the ground, and there were discarded shelves that were staggering, which were traces of a fight.

"Long time no see—"

Anthony stood in the open doorway, looking beyond the rusty instrument to see the man staggering over.


"No, I'm a Joker.


Fanny opens the door and exclaims, "I'm back!" and

her parents are sitting on the couch watching TV, both turning their heads to look at her. Mother said, "You're almost past curfew, it's 9:55 by now."

"It's not like I wasn't late, you can't blame me. What about Jenny?"

"Your sister is doing an experiment, so don't bother her, in case she gets angry again." Come on, there's cantaloupe here.

Fanny clattered and chewed on the cantaloupe, "Can I use the computer?" Lucia recommended a TV series to me today.

"Of course, but as soon as possible, you should start bathing before half past ten. The

Custer family had a strict upbringing, there was a curfew, and the sisters could only share a computer, which was placed in the family room for their parents to supervise at all times. Jenny likes to clear records, but Fanny learned to recover some of them today.

Fanny calmly clicked on the web page she searched, opened another web page, and after a while, she really found out some of Jenny's browsing history.

Forum of the King of Sulfuric Acid. Fanny made a note of the URL. She even clicked in to take a look, and casually saw what "aqua regia production competition" was.

Fanny quickly deleted the browsing history that she shouldn't have, turned off her phone, and went upstairs to take a shower. She kept thinking about that contest.

Fanny wasn't really into chemistry experiments, and she was even just starting to learn about it.

Her older sister, Jenny, was only three years older than her, and they played together as a child, but after she was a teenager, she put on a big kid's shelf and disdained to play with her anymore. Who is not an adolescent yet, and Fanny is also angry and doesn't play with her, but after all, she is a sister, and she still worships her sister deep down.

My sister boasted to her family that she could prepare aqua regia independently, and Fanny secretly remembered it in her heart and wanted to be comparable to her sister, so she asked Teacher Pate if she could teach her.

So she wondered where Jenny had learned, and what if she could have learned it herself? Jenny wouldn't let her into her lab, maybe she could go to school and borrow it...

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