Everyone rushed to the mine in the northeast without stopping.

It also took about an hour to reach the ruins outside the mine.

They still tied their horses on the grass next to the ruins.

Bajie under Zong Shen’s crotch kept moaning and groaning, and seemed to have strong opinions on revisiting his old place.

Compared with the wonderful world outside, the mine is too dark and closed.

The wolf cavalry were the first to set foot on the ruins, with Zong Shen riding Bajie following in the middle. At the end of the team, several mages and ranger Mapel followed behind on foot.

When they arrived outside the mine, they found that the small half of the mine entrance that had been blocked had been completely destroyed.

All the rubble was scattered into the cave entrance in a radial pattern, which was obviously caused by external damage.

The thick smoke in the cave has completely dissipated, with only occasional wisps of blue smoke floating out.

Standing outside the mine, you can smell a smoky smell.

However, what really concerned them was that there were obvious signs of fighting outside the mine.

The corpses of four or five web-weaving monster warriors appeared near the entrance of the mine.

Each corpse had a large number of slash marks and was inserted with many arrows and short spears.

Obviously, there had been a fierce contact battle here. The spider web monster's body had not been decomposed. It should not have been done by the lord. It is very likely that other monsters appeared.

After all, the smoke from the previous mine was billowing, and in this clear weather, it could be seen from dozens of miles away.

The Wolf Cavalry searched everywhere, not letting go of any clues.

The victor's side cleans up the battlefield.

However, Colby still found a stump of a limb in the cracks of the gravel.

This is a thin green arm, the skin is dark green, and the palm is slightly smaller than a human's.

Colby looked serious and came to Zong Shen with his green arms.

"Sir, I found a fragment of a green goblin's body..."

During his exploration in the previous two days, Colby had encountered an attack by a goblin tribe in the mountain forest, and he was deeply impressed by this.

Zong Shen frowned slightly.


"It seems that the thick smoke from the mine attracted the attention of the Goblin tribe."

He looked at the corpses of the spider web monsters.

"When did the fight happen? Did anyone else enter the mine?"

Zong Shen asked in his heart.

Lines of golden subtitles appeared immediately.

(3 hours and 27 minutes ago, the smoke in the mine was discovered by the Goblin tribe. They sent two teams of green-skinned warriors to explore the mine. They entered the mine 1 hour and 3 minutes ago and were in the mine hall at this time. A fierce battle with the spider web monster)

Sure enough, the smoke coming out of the mine still attracted some uninvited guests.

Zong Shen first decomposed the corpses of the spider web monsters.

Obtained some materials.

Then, he waved his hand and led his men into it.

"Chi chi chi chi!"



As soon as you enter the mine, you can hear the faint echo of shouts coming from the depths of the mine tunnel.

Favid collected some torches again and lit them with small fireballs.

At this time, several mages discovered something.

There is natural magic left in this mine.

Aisia took the lead in locking the target and fired a holy light arrow at the corner of one side of the mine wall.

Just when the holy light arrow was about to hit the mine wall, a phantom appeared with fluctuations.

It's a blue eye mark.

The eye mark was immediately shattered by the Holy Light Arrow.

"Sir, that is a magic sentry stationed by green-skinned shamans."

"They should have noticed our arrival."

Aisia reported softly.

Zong Shen waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. We can advance, attack, retreat or defend. The Spider Web Monster's lair is not so easy to break. They only have two teams. I'm afraid they are already in a tough fight now."

"Come on, let's go check out the situation."

After that, he took the lead and walked forward. The three magicians and Mapel walked at the end, looking around cautiously.

Those green-skinned shamans are good at natural magic and often use some unexpected tricks.

Xiru shucang.cc Xiru. The ground of the mine tunnel was covered with a fine layer of ash, and the spider webs on the mine walls had completely disappeared, leaving only smoky darkness.

As Zong Shen and others approached, the noise in the mine hall became more and more obvious.

From time to time, you can see firelight shining from the top of the mine at the end of the mine tunnel.

"It looked like they were fighting fiercely."

Being able to fight fiercely with the web-spinning monster in the mine for so long shows that the strength of these goblins is not low.

At this moment, two shadows shot out from the end of the mine tunnel, heading straight for Zong Shen's head.


"Sir, be careful!"

Mapel narrowed his eyes, drew out a long arrow and shot it out.

Others had no time to react, and Zong Shen only had time to raise his shield to protect his upper body after Mapel's warning.

One of the black shadows was deflected by the arrow, while the other one came straight towards Zong Shen.



A huge force came from the shield in his hand, and Zong Shen's body swayed, dispelling most of the force.

The tip of a black iron spear penetrated the shield directly, only one centimeter away from Zong Shen's eyes.



The durability of the [Thorn Buckler] in his hand was directly reduced by one tenth.

This shows that the opponent's attack has a damaging effect.

Moreover, the other party is very well concealed and has not shown his figure until now.

However, in Zong Shen's field of vision, two tall figures were depicted by golden lines in the mine tunnel in the distance, hiding in the recesses on both sides of the mine tunnel.

"Favid fires small fireballs in front of him."

Si minus Si. "Tasia, summon the undead archers."

"The Wolf Cavalry launches a round of short spear throwing at the end of the mine tunnel!"

Zong Shen got off his mount and continued to ride the pig. The target was too big and he was a living target for the opponent.

He pulled out the black iron throwing spear inserted into the shield.

It is heavy and very weighty. To be able to throw it with such power, it must have a very strong strength value.

[Heavy black iron throwing spear]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Throwing damage: 40]

[The black iron spear used by Goblin spear throwers has strong penetrating ability]

Zong Shen silently put away his throwing spear.

Farvid finished chanting.

A small fireball dragged its wake and flew firmly into the depths of the mine, illuminating the mine along the way.

The six wolf cavalry began the first round of shooting, and the powerful spears were inserted into the mine wall like a shower of pear blossoms.

As long as you pass this section of the mine tunnel, you can reach the previous mine hall.

Tasia summoned two skeleton archers, and the red soul fire in the head kept jumping, making the mine walls on both sides full of light red light and shadow.

This round of attack made the two cunning goblin spear throwers afraid to take the lead.

These two guys seemed to be stalling for time.

Mihe Mi. There is no strong intention to attack. It seems that the battle in the hall ahead has entered a fierce stage!

At this time, it was time for Zong Shen's entire army to attack!

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