Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1523 Zong Shen's current strongest state [Subscribe please]

This move called [Life and Death] is quite strange.

It is different from various common dark skills and has elusive regular characteristics.

The blue and black life and death energy turned into a millstone, and it instantly covered Zong Shen together with the furnace constructed by Ming's internal power.

The former began to turn slowly, trying to annihilate Zong Shen like a real millstone. The blue life force can annihilate the body, and the black death force is destroying the soul.

The furnace sealed the external force, including the protection of Zong Shen by [Spirit Field of the Void].

At this time, Zong Shen felt great pain.

A blood-red damage value also appeared on his head.

Each one was exactly 1% of his upper limit of life.

"Uh ah..."

With a cry of pain, Zong Shen tried to break free from the shackles of the furnace. The blessing of tens of thousands of points of strength attribute made his physical strength comparable to that of a giant monster.

However, even so, the furnace only shook slightly.

Seeing this, Zong Shen, who was suffering from the pain of annihilation, not only did not feel depressed, but also smiled.

"Very good, worthy of the existence I have chosen."

"Being able to cross the gap of combat power of a large realm and forcibly bind me here..."

He was amazed. Although his blood was being deducted by a percentage, his life self-healing speed was not slow.

It was obviously not enough to deal with him with just this move.

And looking at Ming's previous burst state, the cost of launching this move was very high.

Ming consumed his own life to finally create this furnace that could seal Zong Shen, and the life and death millstone with amazing strength.

On the contrary, as long as the copy is over, everything can be restored, so Zong Shen does not have too many burdens and is in a more relaxed mood.

He quietly felt the annihilation pain coming from both his body and soul.

Although he has the combat power of a demigod, Zong knows very well that he is not a real demigod. After all, he is not on the path of becoming a god through rules.

So far, what he has done is just to continuously pile up attributes.

Among the four major attributes.

[Strength] and [Agility] are more about the external body.

[Wisdom] represents the inner will and spirit.

As for [Charm], it is more like a fusion of the two or a bridge between the two.

After all, the transcendent [Charm] must represent that both the inner and outer aspects have reached an excellent state.

So in theory, as long as there are conditions to continuously improve the four major attributes, the inner and outer aspects can naturally be improved simultaneously, and it doesn’t matter whether you take the Rule God Path or not.

The only trouble is the advantage of different divine powers that increase damage exponentially.

Because the divine power has both offense and defense, it makes it particularly troublesome for Zong Shen to deal with god-level enemies.

But that’s all.

Although the Rule God Path is a relatively clear and powerful route so far, it also has great limitations.

Godhead, divine fire, and divine position, no matter which one is fixed.

And every rule chain has a master.

No matter which rule Zong Shen takes, he will be suppressed by the higher-level rule gods.

It is far less free and comfortable than the current free route.

Speaking of which, he has risen for a short time, so he is not in a hurry to pursue higher-level power.

Just try your best to stack the attributes.

No matter how things change, they still remain the same. Laying a solid foundation is always the most important thing.

Moreover, Zong Shen firmly believes that as his strength and vision improve, there will definitely be a brand new path in the future.

The thought in his mind passed in an instant.

The painful feeling reminded him of his pursuit of strength.

This is a copy world, all skills are in a state of activation, and are not affected by the external state.

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes slightly and decided to give the greatest respect to Ming's decisive attack.

"Activate [Power Overlord Possession]!"

Suddenly, his body became extremely strong.

Strength and health points increased by 3 times.

Speed ​​decreased by 15%, and magic resistance also decreased by 120 points.

The sudden huge body and surging strength made Zong Shen's prestige soar.

His muscles were knotted all over his body, especially his arms, and the swollen muscles almost broke the armor.

Fortunately, [Power Overlord Armor] is the top equipment in the Yaoguang level, which can withstand extremely large body changes.

This is not the end. Zong Shen raised his lips slightly and launched a more powerful skill again!

"【Super Gigantism】!"

"【Gods Descend to Earth】!"

These two moves are not teachable skills, with very distinct characteristics, and are definitely not common stuff.

And the commonality between the two is that they are powerful!

After the launch of 【Super Gigantism】, Zong Shen's size instantly increased by 100 times.

At the same time, his strength also increased by 50 times.

In addition, the health and dual resistance were increased by 30 times, and after the body became gigantic, the equipment and the buildings in the environment were easily damaged, and the default attack type was blunt damage.

The huge body almost stretched the furnace in the blink of an eye.

Because this is not just a change in size, the simultaneous improvement is an attribute, which represents the power of the essence of life, so the furnace transformed by 【Life and Death】 naturally cannot continue to restrain.

The wheel of life and death that had been rotating and annihilating above Zong Shen's head before also seemed extremely small.

After two enhancements, his strength attribute soared to millions of points!

Wisps of steam came out of the huge and strong body.

If the dome of this hall was not high enough, it would have been broken.

As the size and strength increased dramatically, countless golden lights penetrated the darkness and boundary restrictions of the netherworld.

They condensed into a beam, directly covering Zong Shen in golden light.

This made Zong Shen's body shine with golden light, looking majestic and inviolable.

Although he had no divinity, he had an inviolable divine power.

Even his eyes suddenly changed, with a layer of light golden halo, which looked breathtaking and impossible to look at.

His physique became stronger in the process.

It even condensed into substance, raising a repressive airflow and repelling all the surrounding debris.

[Gods Descend to Earth] directly removes all control states suffered by himself.

Including divine power suppression and abyss-level blockade.

At the same time, Zong Shen's health limit increased by 5.0 times again, and his strength increased by 3.0 times.

He is immune to status elements, immune to broken limbs, and his body will never be incomplete.

The physical damage he suffers will also be reduced by 80%.

The attributes soared to millions of points.

"Powerful power!"

"Unfortunately, it can't last!"

Zong Shen sighed a little.

The powerful sense of power fascinated him.

After the blessing of the unteachable skills, his body strength has reached a new level.

At this moment, those lower-level buff effects are completely ineffective.

Exceeding the threshold of those skills.

The current state is much stronger than when he faced the Raven Divine Will.

With such a powerful attribute blessing, he is still strong even in the face of weakened divine power.

This means that in extreme conditions, Zong Shen is enough to fear most crises in the Endless Continent.

There is a superposition threshold for the effects of buffs and enhanced transformations.

This is the best combination he has found.

It is considered to have reached a small bottleneck.

If you want to raise your own extreme combat power again, there are only three ways to go.

The first is to continue to improve the basic attributes.

After all, if the basic attribute is increased by one point, the attribute after the buff can be increased by ten or even one hundred points.

The second is to get a higher-level and more powerful buff skill.

And the last way is to create another supreme road besides the rule of becoming a god.

In any case, as long as the road ahead is not completely exhausted, Zong Shen will always be full of motivation to move forward.

Savor the powerful feeling at this moment.

The pain from the grinding wheel of life and death also became insignificant.

"It's time to end."

The [Moon Wolf Fang] in his hand, as a heritage weapon, grew larger simultaneously.

The same was true for the armor on his body.

However, the armor was obviously almost stretched to its limit.

Zong Shen was now as tall as a tall building, and trampling on it casually would cause huge damage.

He aimed forward and swung the blade light of [Moon Wolf Fang].

The huge blade light swept out and actually split the space.

The ripples of the shattering cut off everything in the hall in front, and the end of the blade light slightly passed over the grinding wheel of life and death and made it dissipate in an instant.


Invisible tremors appeared.

The surrounding scene changed silently, and the sight returned to the Marquis' study in the giant city of Dagalisni.

Zong Shen was directly kicked out of the copy and returned from the projection world.

And the many powerful states that he had been blessed with naturally disappeared.

"Stingy guy, drink cold water."

Rolling his eyes silently, Zong Shen wanted to feel the state of a strong body.

Feeling strong is also helpful for his daily combat.

Many moves and feelings that cannot be verified when weak can become more intuitive when strong.

This lord system really doesn't waste a second.

But before Zong Shen could continue to complain, a new prompt appeared in his mind.

[Demon Abyss Dungeon - Dark King·Ming was defeated]

[Rating: Level 9]

[Additional rating: Level 9+]

[Special points: 250,000+85,000]

[Obtained: Demon Abyss Dungeon special treasure chest × 5, special experience beads (Radiant Level VII) × 1, double experience coupons (24 hours) × 3, general professional advancement books (Radiant Level III) × 12]

[Current Dungeon ranking: 1]

[The settlement period has not yet arrived, and settlement rewards will be given after settlement]

[The Dungeon Special Points Store will be opened after the Dungeon ends]

Zong Shen slowly exhaled.

In any case, this wave of [Demon Abyss Dungeon] can be regarded as achieving the goal.

After all, it is limited in number.

A single person only has one chance, and the total number of times per day is 500,000.

According to the continuous 30 days, at most 15 million lords can try.

A single-player dungeon full pass only has a few hundred thousand points.

This is just a small part for Zong Shen.

The real big part is his compensation as the dungeon explorer and the actual controller of the Dagalisni Megacity.

Because the dungeon is located in the core of the Dagalisni Megacity, Zong Shen can be regarded as a landlord.

According to the compensation of 0.5 special points for each dungeon,

he can get up to 250,000 points every day, and the accumulation of 30 days can make this number reach an astonishing 7.5 million points!

Adding the "three melons and two dates" that Zong Shen got for clearing [Dark King·Ming] with a high score, it means that by the end of the event, he will have nearly 8 million special points.

This does not include the final ranking reward.

Zong Shen's score in [Dark King·Ming] is the highest level 9.

Because of his outstanding performance, there is an extra plus sign after level 9.

However, these points are not useful for the time being.

The store must be opened after the dungeon is over.

This is not difficult to understand.

You should know that the dungeon is different from the previous continuous challenge.

This dungeon is limited to a certain number of times per day, which means that the number of lords who can grab the opportunity is limited.

So the lords who grab the opportunity first and get a positive score must first get a score.

If the store is opened for exchange too early, these points will quickly be converted into strength, and then this group of lords will quickly open up a stage gap with other lords.

And there are so many problems with the same settlement.

Another point is that the process of [Legion] is destined to have some legions with strong control.

If these strong [Legions] have high cohesion, they can take advantage of the members who get points first and let them exchange items and temporarily lend them to the seed players participating in the dungeon.

In this way, the subsequent results can be changed.

Now large legions generally have tens of thousands of members.

If you are lucky, it is normal to enter the single-digit members.

And as time goes by, the number of places will become better and better.

Although the current lord base is still huge, not all lords are concerned about dungeons.

Especially those lords who are not strong enough.

If you finally get a dungeon quota, but only get a score below level 3 after entering, you will have to deduct your attributes, which is not worth it at all.

Zong Shen estimated that this wave of dungeons is probably about hundreds of millions of lords competing for tens of millions of quotas.

I just don’t know how many of the remaining 116 monster rooms can be opened.

Therefore, for the sake of phased stability, it is most reasonable to postpone the opening of the store until the end of the dungeon.

Of course, this cannot avoid some accidents.

For example, if a lord dies during the period, then there is naturally no chance to redeem.

In comparison, the instant reward of score settlement is more like a compensation mechanism.

Zong Shen got a good score settlement reward.

In addition, [Ming] is a very special legendary strongman.

It is of great training value.

That move [Life and Death] has the potential to shake a large stage.

The most important thing is that Ming can train special Hell soldiers.

Combined with the undead training strategy in the territory, it is entirely possible to train an army of undead that combines the undead and Hell systems.

What's more, the Hell Army is different from the traditional undead.

The restraining effect of Holy Light on it is greatly weakened.

The undead do not have the advantages of fear and fatigue, which the Hell Army also has.

In addition to the strong discipline, the Hell Army soldiers from low to high levels have high discipline, which makes the Hell Army extremely cost-effective.

To a certain extent, it has even surpassed the pure undead system.

The only shackle is that it is difficult to increase the scale of training.

This point needs to be studied slowly after returning.

After finishing the Demon Abyss Hell copy, Zong Shen relaxed again.

Dagalisni, one of the 19 cities in the east, is completely under his command.

Integration and planning will take at least several days.

By then, the overall strength of Zong Shen's troops will usher in a leap! (End of this chapter)

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