My parents are both extremely traditional middle-aged people.

My mother works in a bank in the county town, and my father is also an ordinary working-class person.

As for his brother Zongze, who is one year younger than him, he feels much more at ease.

His younger brother has been smart since he was a child and is a veteran of strategy games.

I believe he can get off to a smooth start even without a strategy system.

In fact, that choice of life experience is more like a psychological test.

Different choices correspond to different personality preferences and attributes.

From the current point of view, this "game" is fairly fair.

According to different youth levels and physical conditions, they are divided into different batches and sent here.

Otherwise, infants of three to five months, elderly people in their seventies or eighties, disabled people with physical defects, and those who are seriously ill will all be transmitted here.

Isn't it a mess?

That is not a survival game, but a pure killing game.

If all of this is really caused by some unfathomable existence, then this existence must not want to see simple death.

After all, only struggling and surviving can be wonderful.

Thought for a moment.

Zong Shen used his mind to send the first message in the [Friends and Relatives Channel].

"Aze, how are you now?"

The next moment, new news came out.

The response was almost instantaneous, which showed that Zongze was also checking the information.

"I'm fine, brother."

"You have to be careful. Even near the Lord's Mansion, you may be in danger. During the three-day protection period, try not to leave too far from the Lord's Mansion."

"There are mountains everywhere here. I just vaguely heard the roar of the tiger, and now I am carefully collecting supplies..."

Zongze's progress was actually faster than him.

"Okay, take care of yourself and keep everything safe. There is a big city of Beluda 2,100 kilometers away from you. You can pay attention to the news in this regard."

Zong Shen warned again.

"By the way, Aze, did you load any special modules when you came in?"

"Or what strategies and notes will appear?"

He thought for a while and decided to ask Zongze if he had ever been in a situation similar to his.

"Without my brother, there are only a few light screen messages asking to choose my life experience as soon as I enter."

"Okay...I know, keep in touch!"

"Okay brother, you too, please be safe."

After a brief exchange, Zong Shen suddenly had an idea.

He also didn’t tell Zongze that he could see the strategies and notes for the time being.

It seems that I am the only one who owns this strategy module.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Zongze had the same adventure as him, but he chose not to talk about it for the time being.

He didn't know if there were other people in this world who had adventures and golden fingers.

Zong Shen was silent for a while and closed the [Channel] option.

Now, there is also a [Personal] option, which I haven’t checked yet.

It should be some information about his own attributes or skills.

Overall, this is a very game-like reality.

In other words, this is a game that is very similar to reality.

It has a unique system and perfect settings.

Just when he was about to check it out.

Outside the small courtyard, the sounds of three farmers calling for help and hurriedly running were heard.

"Lord, help me!"

"Coyotes! There are coyotes!"

Upon hearing this, Zong Shen immediately stood up, holding a shield in one hand and a rusty one-handed sword in the other, and came to the outside of the small courtyard.

Why not use a crossbow?

Because Zong Shen is still somewhat self-aware, for him who has no combat experience, it is obvious that holding a shield and sword is much more reliable than using a crossbow.

He looked outside the yard.

I saw three silly farmers running away, leaving the tools and collected materials behind.

And the creature that frightens them so much is a prairie wolf that looks like a wolfdog!

Zong Shen took a step back and stood in the courtyard, ready for action.

At the same time, he called three silly farmers to come in.

"come on in!"

The entire outside of the yard is covered by a layer of light that appears and disappears, which should be the so-called "novice protection state".

The three silly farmers dropped all their burdens and ran faster than the wolf.

Finally, when there was no time to spare, the three silly farmers, Tiezhu, Ergou, and Goudan, ran into the small yard almost at the same time.

The prairie wolf also rushed towards the yard fiercely!

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and pressed the Zheng-shaped shield firmly in front of him.

Prepared for the worst.

Zong Shen, as his name suggests, caution is his first principle.

I would rather make more preparations than leave myself with flaws and loopholes.

If the "novice protection state" cannot stop the prairie wolf, then he can quickly enter the attack state!



There was a crash and the wail of a coyote.

The light shield outside the small courtyard suddenly flashed and became solid.

I saw the prairie wolf bumping into the light shield outside the small courtyard.

Then the shock came back directly.

Falling on the grass.

A bright red number floated above its head.


He couldn't get up for a long time, and he was obviously very shaken.

Zong Shen looked at the prairie wolf intently, and immediately a system prompt appeared, as well as a strategy in gold font in brackets.

[Steppe Wolf lv3]

[Race: Beast]

[Bite damage: 15~17]

[HP: 130/145]

[Armor value: 10]

[Skills: Pounce, Throat Crushing]

(For a lone prairie wolf, don’t worry about meeting its companions. Its waist and nose are its weak points. With your current equipment, be careful and you can eliminate it!)

There is even a health value setting?

Zong Shen knew it instantly.

But I still felt a little uneasy.

There is no hope for three stupid farmers who are as timid as mice and have no weapons.

You have to rely on yourself.

"Wild monster...this is a wild monster..."

Zong Shen kept hinting to himself in his mind.

He mustered up his courage, held his shield and sword, and walked out of the small courtyard.

"Lord, you are so brave...!"

"We are so cowardly!"

"I feel so guilty..."

"Me too!"

The three silly farmers looked at Zong Shen's figure, which was far from majestic, with a little admiration and emotion in their eyes.

[Farmer Tiezhu’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 75]

[Farmer Ergou’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 75]

[Farmer Goudan’s loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 75]

A series of prompts refreshed in the corner of the field of vision.

Good guy, his act of standing up actually increased the loyalty of the three stupid farmers!

But now is not the time to consider loyalty. The prairie wolf has already struggled to get up.

It was obvious that he had recovered from the violent shock just now.

Its eyes flashed with cruelty.

There was no choice to attack Zong Shen directly.

Instead, he kept slowly retreating, trying to stay away from this small courtyard.

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