Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 81: Spider Web Monster and Kobold

The sounds of fighting quickly subsided.

Then, there was some kind of weird and scary dragging sound, and a "rustling" crawling sound.

Everyone looked to the left side of the hall.

I saw several large and small dark shadows appearing from the left channel.

Here they come!

"Favid, launch a rain of fire covering the entrance to the left passage. Start chanting now and maintain it until the rain of fire ends."

"After the first round of fire rain fell, Luna got close and started to interfere with the moon blade, and the wolf cavalry immediately threw a spear."

"Asia and Madeline also launched long-range attacks at the same time, delaying them for one more round, and then immediately launched melee attacks with Rensa Shatterclaw, fighting them around the fire rain area to limit their movement range."

Zong Shen explained in a low voice.

After hearing the order, Favid immediately raised his staff and started chanting softly.

The giant wolf under the Wolf Cavalry's crotch was a little uneasy and grinned at the passage on the left side of the hall.

The shadows got closer and closer until they left the left passage and entered the hall.

Three two meters tall, with the lower body of an eight-legged spider and the upper body of a humanoid monster, walked out slowly.

The huge abdomen behind them has strange lines in circles.

At the ends, there are also dragging a huge group of spider webs, bulging inside, as if something is constantly wriggling and struggling,

This is the so-called spider web monster.

In addition, there are several small spider web monsters that are only half the height.

All spider web monsters have eight legs and a huge abdomen on their lower bodies, and their upper bodies are the same as humans, with a pair of arms.

The two arms of the big spider web monster were holding two odd-shaped single-edged swords.

The little spider web monster is holding two sharp fang daggers.

They have no noses on their faces, eight eyes juxtaposed on both sides, and their mouths are like spider???, with two fangs extending out.

Zong Shen concentrated on them and checked their attributes.

[Little spider web monster lv10 (white)]

[Race: Nerub Spider Demon]

[Piercing damage: 23~27]

[HP: 190/300]

[Armor value: 10]

[Magic Resistance: 5]

[Skill: Poisoning lv1 (attack with 1 point of poison damage)

Fear of fire (when attacked by fire attribute, you will receive additional damage)]

(The smallest spider web monster also has the ability to pierce enemies)

[Spider Web Monster Warrior lv20 (Green)]

[Race: Nerub Spider Demon]

[Puncture damage: 47~50]

[HP: 680/800]

[Armor value: 20]

[Magic Resistance: 13]

[Skill: Poison Quenching lv10 (attack with 10 points of poison damage)

Spray venom lv1 (Spray monster warrior digests venom at the injection site, range 10 meters, causing 100 points of poison damage, cooling time 30 minutes)

Web lv5 (The web-weaving monster warrior weaves a spider web to wrap up the enemy. The spider web has a solid value of 1000 points and a cooling time of 1 hour)

Fear of fire (when attacked by fire attribute, you will receive additional damage)]

(The conventional power among spider web monsters, the overwhelming spider web monsters are definitely a nightmare for all enemies)

There are three web-weaving monster warriors and four small spider-web monsters, which are fully capable of fighting.

The most important thing is that these spider web monsters are all in a state of residual health. Obviously, the previous movements in the left channel were that they were fighting certain creatures.

For example, those bulging things in the spider webs should be the creatures that they fought with before.

But now, it seems that he has become prey.

Just when these spider web monsters just walked out of the passage.

Favid's rain of fire magic is already ready.

A magic circle appeared at the top of the hall, facing the passage on the left, and began to tilt and rain fire.

Dozens of fist-sized fireballs hit his head and face.

Most of the hall was vaguely illuminated.

The fireball hit the web-weaver monster hard, leaving dark marks and a burning smell.



A series of injuries emerged.

Because the web-spinning monster is afraid of fire, the damage of the fire rain is much higher than when it is cast normally.

Some fireballs hit the cobwebs, igniting them directly.

Damage began to appear continuously, continuously reducing the sturdiness of the spider web.

In addition, some sparks flew out, igniting the spider webs attached to the ground.


The web monster warrior let out a scream.

Immediately target Zong Shen and others.

Just when he was trying to leave the scope of the fire rain and pursue the pursuit.

The wolf cavalry's spear throws, Aisia's holy light arrows, and Madeline's dragon shots were fired almost at the same time.

Forming a small-scale remote barrage.

Hit these spider web monsters.

Preventing them from escaping and trapping them in the range of the rain of fire.

One after another injuries appeared.

Then, these wolf cavalry and claw druids rushed forward.

The hand-to-hand combat began.

These spider web monsters were stuck in the scope of the fire rain.

The rain of fire came in waves, which greatly suppressed the spider web monster's attack frequency.

Under the circumstances, when the fourth wave of fire rain fell, all these spider web monsters had turned into white light.

[Your wolf cavalry has killed the little spider web monster lv10, you will get half of the experience points]

[Your subordinate Druid of the Claw kills Spider Web Monster Warrior lv20, and you will receive half of the experience points]

[Your subordinate Night Huntress kills the little spider web monster lv10, you will get half of the experience points]

[Gain experience value (170×?)=85]

【Gain experience value (1280×?)=690】

[Gain experience value (170×?)=85]

With a flash of white light, Zong Shen rose to level 12.

Farvid stopped the rain of fire.

Zong Shen rode a wild boar and began to clean the battlefield.

The web-spinning monster burst out several balls of white light, leaving some corpses behind.

Zong Shen walked up and collected the trophies one by one, and then decomposed the web-spinning monster's body.

At this time, Zong Shen discovered that the spider webs on the abdomens of the web-weaving monster warriors had not disappeared.

Instead, it continued to burn.

From time to time, a damage number pops up.

"It seems like the thing in the spider web is still alive?"

Zong Shen seemed to have discovered something and drew his sword.

"Pull away the cobwebs!"

The diligent wolf cavalry immediately moved forward and carefully cut open the burning cobwebs with their sabers.

The 1,000-point solidity value makes these cobwebs difficult to destroy. Not counting the previous burning, the wolf cavalry pulled at them for a long time before destroying the cobwebs.

Each web contained four or five small, ugly creatures.

These creatures are also human-like, about 1 meter tall, but have heads like dogs??.

Wearing ragged cloth all over.

A few wore worn leather armor.

He also held some weapons such as daggers and daggers in his hands.

All of them were kobolds.

After these kobolds broke free from the cobwebs, they all yelled "Wow!"

Looking at everyone with fear.

Zong Shen took a look and saw that the fonts of these kobold messages all represented neutral gray.

It shows that these kobolds are similar to human aborigines and belong to a certain neutral force!

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