In this pasture environment, breeding and farming have far-reaching development significance.

Although hunting can now solve the basic food problem, Zong Shen still wants to be as self-sufficient as possible.

To do this, you also need to have a good relationship with the indigenous people.

Now he is worried that he has no entry point to connect with Sitano Village.

As a stranger from outside the village, he must become familiar in order to benefit from the villagers.

"Where does Mr. Mars live?"

Zong Shen asked with interest.

The scruffy villager breathed a sigh of relief.

He said hurriedly.

"Go along this street to the end. The largest house at the other end of the village is Mr. Mars's home."

"Next to the house is his family's cattle farm. There are more than a hundred of the strongest Avalon Prairie cattle... and a dozen cows."

Seeing the way he was beaming as he spoke, Zong Shen vaguely felt that something was wrong.

I won’t steal his cattle...

"OK, thank you."


Zong Shen asked what he was concerned about and was too lazy to continue the conversation with this sloppy farmer.

He was already smelly enough after not taking a shower for three days, but the smell of the farmer in front of him was even more indescribable...

Hearing what Zong Shen said, the sloppy farmer felt as if he was being pardoned. He nodded and bowed hurriedly and ran away.

Zong Shen touched his face.

Turning around and asking Aisia.

"Am I that terrible?"

Aisia looked at the horned helmet on Zong Shen's head, and then at the web-patterned spider armor he was wearing. The silver armor was actually engraved with green spider web-like patterns.

No matter how you look at it, he is not a good person.

She nodded subconsciously at first, then quickly shook her head.


"It's not scary, it's not scary."

"These villagers have never seen the world."

Aisia said seriously.

She seems aloof, but she is actually more lively than Tasia.

I got along very well with my comrades along the way.

Hearing this, Zong Shen touched his chin.

"That's right."

"Okay, let's go and meet the village chief."

Zong Shen clasped his hands behind his back, like a gentleman paying a private visit incognito, and walked forward slowly, curiously looking at everything in the village.

The villagers coming and going were a little wary of Zong Shen and moved out of the way.

It was almost like a bully had entered the village.

Luna and Asia followed on his left and right.

Farvid and Rensa Shatterclaw stood in the third line.

Madeline carried a long bow on her back and put her hood on her head. She looked at the surrounding commanding heights and windows of private houses with sharp eyes, and walked at the end of the team.

The sloppy villagers did not lie. After walking along the street for five or six minutes, they saw a square in the middle of the street.

It's right in the middle of the street.

There are many people staying in the square.

There are also those who are buying and selling, and there are also those who are chatting.

Zong Shen even saw people dressed like traveling merchants, selling exotic products.

"The rare dried matsutake mushrooms from the Kingdom of Vaegia and the Ten Thousand Years Icefield are now sold for only 370 mainland dinars per bag!"

"The passion tea produced in the giant city of Lentax is rich in fragrance and good for strengthening the body. Each can is only sold for 200 mainland dinars!"

"The manor of Baron Bosbon Bezos recruits three maids, provides room and board, pays 20 continental dinars per month, and can visit relatives 20 days a year!"

"The Gujialang Mercenary Group is recruiting members. Males over fifteen years old and in good health can sign up!"

"Excellent worsted forged cloth, with novel patterns, tough fabric, warm in winter and cool in summer, priced at only 10 mainland dinars per meter."

“Craft tequila made from the finest agave…”

The lively shouts could be heard endlessly.

These traveling merchants traveled between cities and villages, selling special products to each other and making profits.

In the square, there are several places with eye-catching signs.

【Citano Chamber of Commerce】

【Sitano Recruitment Office】

【Wild Thorn Tavern】

According to what the sloppy villagers said, the village chief should be in this tavern.

Zong Shen had a clear goal and walked directly to the tavern.

He opened the saloon door of the tavern directly.


The obscure sound of opening the door came from the door shaft. The door was not smooth enough.

The bar was slightly dark, with scented candles lit on every table, and the blinds on the windows on all sides were drawn down.

Zong Shen felt a little speechless. Wouldn't it be possible to save these candles by opening a window in broad daylight???

In addition to long tables and bar chairs, the pub also has about a dozen small square tables.

In broad daylight, one-third of the seats in the tavern were already filled.

The pub was a little noisy, with many people drinking and chatting.

Among them were some young warriors wearing light armor.

There are also hunters carrying hunting crossbows and wearing fur hats.

There are also traveling businessmen with sharp eyes and luggage on their backs.

Alcohol can numb nerves and is the best choice for relaxation.

At least it's the best choice in Citano Village.

As for the more wonderful pastimes in state cities and giant cities, they are the real gold-selling caves, whether you are a mercenary, a hunter, or a powerful soldier.

They can always make you willingly take out every penny in your pocket.

Zong Shen and his group of six walked into the tavern and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Some of them looked at them in a hurry, and some had bad intentions.

Especially Luna and Asia, they immediately became the focus of the crowd.

Zong Shen glanced around without caring.

He went directly to the bar.

The bartender is a middle-aged man with blond hair that is very common in the Kingdom of Avalon.

He carried it on his back, a fashionable hairstyle rarely seen in the village.

"Any good wine?"

Zong Shen put his hands on the bar and glanced at the wine cabinet behind the bartender.

"If you and your companions want to get drunk, I would suggest you choose Osloni shepherd's wine. It is very strong and the shepherds will always be drunk until dawn."

"As for the two beautiful ladies beside you, here are two glasses of whipped cream liqueur."

“Of course, if you want to relax, fine ale with fennel beans is also a good choice.”

While the bartender was selling, he glanced at Luna with a hidden gaze, especially her pair of elf's signature pointed ears, which were particularly eye-catching.

The elves have been hiding in the entire continent for many years, and no one knows where they are hiding in the continent.

However, elves occasionally come to the outside world, unless they are accompanied by powerful elven soldiers.

Otherwise, some slave traders with powerful hands and eyes would not let them go.

Every elite member, regardless of gender, can sell for a sky-high price among the upper-class nobles of the kingdom.

"A barrel of ale and five plates of fennel beans."

"In addition, I advise you to give up some inappropriate thoughts, otherwise you may suffer some hardships."

Zong Shen said slowly, he had already seen the slightly aggressive look when the bartender looked at Luna.

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