Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 87: The village chief who came to your door

Zong Shen's tone was very calm, and his expression didn't change much.

As if describing something trivial.

Now he is able to express a certain kind of majesty and suppression through his tone and expression.

"Yes...Sir, a total of 50 continental general dinars."

The bartender nodded hurriedly, not daring to look Zong Shen in the eyes.

[Wild Thorn Tavern] is one of the three most famous taverns in the Kingdom of Avalon.

In all the villages under Bosbon's jurisdiction, all villages with a moderate size have a [Wild Thorn Tavern].

Therefore, the bartender's vision is not low. In his opinion, Zong Shen and the people around him are not simple.

In all likelihood, he was a nobleman who was out for training. If he hadn't been so surprised to see a beautiful elf woman, he wouldn't have lost his composure.

Luna has a slightly cold personality, and often has a sense of sadness about the ruin of her country and her family.

As the number of professional fighters under Zong Shen increased, she became less and less prominent in the team.

Naturally, she noticed the look in the bartender's eyes, but she always remembered Zong Shen's instructions that she would never conflict with any villager after entering the village.

However, after Zong Shen took the initiative to speak for her, Luna was still moved.

There was also a strange look in Zong Shen's eyes.

Zong Shen opened the storage compartment, took out 50 yuan, and placed it directly in front of the bartender.

This money refers to what they call the mainland's universal dinar.

The bartender put the money away and pulled out a 5L keg ​​from under the wine cabinet.

After taking out a few more large wooden cups, Rensa Broken Claw took the initiative to pick up the wine barrel and placed it on a small square table nearby.

At the same time, a square table and several chairs were dragged from the side and put together to form a large table.

The bartender had taken out several plates and was ladling fennel beans onto them from a wooden bucket.

Zong Shen sat directly on the chair, and Favid and the others placed the fennel beans, wooden cups, and five forks on the table.

People in the Kingdom of Avalon do not have tableware like chopsticks and usually use forks. Even ordinary glasses are rare.

Rensa Shatterpaw filled every glass with beer.

Just a meal of wine cost 50 Continental General Dinars, which made Zong Shen feel a little expensive. Outside the square, Zong Shen once heard that a maid's monthly salary was only 20 Continental General Dinars. dinar.

This meal of wine is equivalent to two and a half months' salary of the maid.

Zong Shen picked up the wooden cup and took a sip. The craft beer had a rich taste and complex aroma, and the delicate foam lingered on his lips and teeth.

Really comfortable.

Everyone is a professional warrior, even Favid and Althea, who are relatively weak in physique, are far better than ordinary people.

Zong Shen picked up a fennel bean, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it carelessly.

It tastes crunchy and crispy, with a hint of anise flavor. It goes well with wine and is very fragrant.

But Zong Shen Bixing didn't come here to drink. His main purpose was to contact the village chief.

He raised his head and was about to ask the guide to see who the village chief was.

An armed militiaman walked into the tavern and took a seat in the corner.

In the ear of an old man, he whispered in his ear, pointing to Zong Shen from time to time.

After some exchanges, the old man's eyes lit up, he stood up and walked towards Zong Shen.

Behind him were two young people with childish faces and delicate looks.

That militiaman seemed to have another mission and left in a hurry.

The old man walked quickly, his steps very steady.

He came to Zong Shen's wine table and spoke proactively with a smile on his face.

"Hello, sir, I am the mayor of Sitano Village. Can I have a chat with you?"

The old man bowed slightly and his attitude was very low, which surprised Zong Shen.

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes.

Zong Shen looked at the old man.

Information appears immediately.

[Chief of Citano Village: Spichi]

【Level: 23】

[Race: Human]

(The old village chief of Sitano, he seems to have some task for you)

Zong Shen quickly stood up and held the old village chief's hand warmly.

"Hello, village chief, please take a seat."

He pulled out a chair from behind and invited the village chief to sit down.

The smile on the old village chief's face became even bigger, and he sat next to Zong Shen.

"My lord, just now the militiamen of the village guard told me about the arrival of you and your men."

"We in the village of Citano are experiencing a little trouble and we would be grateful if you would help us."

The old village chief said straight to the point.

After listening to his words, Zong Shen stared at him with playful eyes.

"Is it just gratitude?"

"Cough cough cough..."

The old village chief coughed a few times.

"Of course, we'll pay you something, but otherwise you'll have the friendship of Sitano Village."

[Chief of Citano Village: Spike, I’d like to send you a mission invitation]



When Zong Shen was about to choose to accept, a young man wearing a hooded gown walked over quickly in the tavern, followed by three sturdy wolf-riding soldiers.

"Village Chief, maybe I can complete your mission. I don't need reward. I just need the friendship of Sitano Village."

Oh, here comes a cut-off guy.

This guy was squatting in the tavern, obviously waiting for an opportunity to contact the village elder.

Zong Shen glanced at him calmly.

This man has dark brown skin and a thin build. He is obviously not a native of Avalon, but looks like a Southeast Asian.

Sure enough, the information exposed his identity.

[Lord: Jayomar 1992317]

[Territory level: 0]

However, Zong Shen hasn't spoken yet.

The old village chief shook his head first.

"My lord, unfortunately, you are not strong enough to help with this."

After saying that, he turned his head and stopped looking at him.

It made his face look ugly.

The Southeast Asian lord named Jeyomar glanced at Zong Shen and his soldiers without saying much.

He walked away directly with his men.

Zong Shen watched them leave.

This was his first time face to face with other living lords. Although there was no communication during the whole process, he was actually mentally prepared for it.

The density of lords in each area is actually not low, and every ruins and aboriginal village will become a key target for the lords to compete for.

Even the lord itself is a resource that can be fought for.

This is an inevitable trend of future development.

Fortunately, the old village chief has good eyesight.

Otherwise Zong Shen will definitely deal with this guy.

He looked away.

Select [Accept] directly.

"I accept your mission, let's drink to the friendship of Sitano Village?!"

He took an empty wine glass, filled it with beer and handed it to the village chief.

The old village chief took the wine glass.

The two raised their wine glasses together, touched them lightly, and then drank them all.

"Now, please tell me the details of the mission, and I will solve the troubles in Sitano Village."

Zong Shen put down his wine glass and spoke proactively, waiting for further prompts on the mission.

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