If the true face of True Lord Xuanxiao in the ancient realm of Xianbei can be revealed, then all the forces unite together and they will definitely be able to stop this person from his ambition to devour the entire ancient realm. But now, no one is willing to believe it even if he says it.

After a while, Master Gudeng raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "According to Xiaoyou's plan that night, in a few days, I will let people release the news about the 'Ancient Immortal Land' and attract a large number of cultivators to Tianfeng." City, when the time comes… I’ll trouble you, little friend, to go to Yunzhongxuan Realm again.”

Xiao Chen nodded, "No problem."

Qin Tianzong frowned and asked Master Gudeng, "What does the 'Ancient Immortal Land' that Master just mentioned mean?"

"This..." ✰

Master Gudeng gently stroked his white beard, looked at him and said, "Sword Master Tianlan doesn't know something. This is exactly the strategy Xiaoyou came up with that night. Please listen to me and explain it slowly."

It turned out that Xiao Chen's improvised plan that night was to lure countless people from cultivating forces to Tianfeng City. In this way, Zhenjun Xuanxiao would definitely have some scruples.

Even if he still has no scruples, he will definitely trap all the cultivators who come to Tianfeng City in the city and cannot get out. At that time, it will be much easier to expose this person's face and intentions.

It is not difficult to introduce a large number of cultivators into the city. That day on the Yunzhong Xuan Realm, Xiao Chen returned the center of the formation to its position, and that ten thousand feet of mysterious light connected the heaven and the earth. The vision was amazing at the time, and now it has been spread.

So now, all we need to do is to secretly send someone the news that an "ancient immortal heritage site" has been discovered in the "Tianfeng Mountains" in the middle of Tianfeng City.

As long as the news spreads without leaving any trace, and Xiao Chen continues to go to Yunzhong Xuan Realm in the past few days, causing the vision to reappear, it will definitely attract a lot of people.

"I see..." After listening, Qin Tianzong kept nodding. "That's very good. It's really a clever plan."

At this moment, he admired this young man even more from the bottom of his heart. At such a young age, not only did he possess such a level of cultivation, he was also so calm and strategic. If he relied on his brute strength to fight against True Lord Xuan Xiao, he would surely suffer heavy losses, and in the end The gain outweighs the loss, which is not advisable.

Late at night, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang left the secret palace. Along the way, the cold wind blew. Xiao Chen asked, "Has the spiritual power in the jade note completely lost contact with Wu Yutian?"


Hua Weiyang frowned slightly and nodded. When they were in Wuyutian, the spiritual messages sent back by Ye Ying and the four people from here had been intermittent, and their spiritual power was often interrupted.

As of today, the two places have completely lost contact. That is to say, no matter what happens over there in the Five Immortal Domains, it cannot be passed over, and no news can be sent back here.

"It doesn't matter, there are two seniors, the strange senior and the medical sage and the medicine sage, sitting in charge. There are so many restrictions outside, no one dares to violate the Wuyutian."

Xiao Chen was not worried that something would happen to Wuyu Tian, ​​but he was only a little worried because there were still four months until the Wushuang Meeting in the Lingxu Realm.

When the time comes, people like Xiao Meng'er and Chen Yufeng will definitely go, and the Ten Saints who disappeared that year will probably appear again, but now he is delayed in the ancient realm of Xianbei. He doesn't know if it will be too late to rush back by then. .

Even if he rushes back, he will still have to face a problem. By that time, there will definitely be many powerful people in the Lingxu Realm, and even masters who have been hidden for a long time will appear one after another...

As for his current cultivation, in the final analysis, he has not yet truly understood the mysteries of the Holy Realm, and has not been able to get a first glimpse of the Holy Realm, even though he has the "Immortal Realm of Immortality" and the "Thirty-Three Levels of Separation from Hatred" that no one else has.

But it is still unclear who will win in the end, especially Xiao Meng'er, who has always been a very unstable factor. If her two senior brothers from the Xianqiong Sect come to help her, then her chances of winning will be even worse. Hanging...

"Your junior sister may come to help you."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang suddenly spoke, with a slight smile on her face, as if she had seen through the worries in Xiao Chen's heart at this time.

"Qianyu Nishang..."

Xiao Chen slowly raised his brows, thinking about the most critical moment on the day when the Sky-Covering Formation was deployed. Fortunately, Qian Yu Nishang suddenly rushed to help. Otherwise, it may be hard to say what the consequences would be. And on that day, her strength... was also... It is indeed too strong.

Now...how far has her strength reached? The gathering of three flowers at the top is by no means an easy matter.

However, when he thought of Qianyu Nishang's identity, Xiao Chen felt another layer of confusion in his mind. Who was Qianyu Nishang, and what was her real purpose in coming to Xuanqingmen? How could it be such a coincidence that I bumped into her under Tianshu Peak that night...

Regarding Qian Yu Nishang, this woman is too mysterious. The longer they know each other, the harder it is for Xiao Chen to see through her. But every time he thinks of that innocent girl back then...

"Hee hee, remember, my name is Nishang, and I am the Nishang of 'The wind blows and the fairy's sleeves flutter, just like the colorful feathers dancing'..."

The clear laughter of the girl in the past is still so pure and natural every time I recall it. But why has she changed now...

I, haven’t I also changed...

"In your heart, you must still regard her as your junior sister." Suddenly, Hua Weiyang said this without any warning.

I saw that she still had a smile on her face, but I didn't know why this smile looked a little sad and touching.

"Many, many years later, maybe you still think of her as your junior sister in your heart, and she will also call you senior brother. Maybe by then, she has already ascended to the immortal world and is already the immortal master who shocks the heaven..."

There was clearly a smile in the words, but for some reason, the listener felt an unspeakable sadness. Many, many years later, how long was that, thousands of years later, the world has changed...


At this moment, as if he heard something else from her words, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, but only touched a wisp of fragrance behind her...

There is a lingering fragrance in my hands.


Xiao Chen quickly chased after her and gently held her hand, but at this moment, he only felt that the palm of her hand was a little cold.

The moonlight was melting, reflecting the figures of the two people. Hua Weiyang still had a smile on her face and gently stroked his frosty white hair. "Many, many years later, you will still remember that person who likes the falling snow and the human world." A girl..."

"Why are you suddenly saying these sad words?"

Xiao Chen gently stroked her face, and the moonlight at this time slowly became gentle, as if it wanted to blend the two of them together.

Hua Weiyang shook her head, and probably didn't want to talk about it anymore. She changed the topic and said, "I have clearly remembered the appearance of True Lord Bai Hong today."

Such words immediately brought Xiao Chen back to the reality in front of him. Now that True Lord Xuanxiao is getting stronger, the ancient realm of Xianbei is in danger, and Ku Lingzi's life and death are unknown, but why is he still here... He only cares about the love of his children? Long, regardless of the safety of the world.

"This is not the place to talk. Go back first."

After a while, the two of them returned to the courtyard. After setting up a layer of soundproof barrier, Xiao Chen said, "The two demon sects, Yinshan Sect and Xuanming Mountain, are very powerful. Whether it is the ghost master of Yinshan Mountain or the heroine of Xuanming Mountain, , are full of dangers... You and Zi Yuan should be careful this time."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, and said a little playfully, "Then, my palace master's disguise technique, I don't know, I deceived everyone at the beginning..."

Hearing her talk about the past, Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled, then stretched out his hand to pinch her cheeks. Hua Weiyang mouthed, "What are you doing? Let go of your hands. Zi Yuan will come and see her later..."

Xiao Chen said, "Let me see if someone disguised themselves as you to deceive me."

It was in the middle of the night that Ziyuan came quietly, and when it was almost dawn, she and Hua Weiyang had already transformed themselves into True Lord Baihong. Next, the two of them were going to the ancient realm of Xianbei, "Yinshan Sect" and "Yinshan Sect". "Xuanming Mountain" where these two great demon sects are located.

Of course, this is also a plan, but this plan must not be known to others to avoid leaks.

In the remaining days, according to the plan, the four real people of Tianji Tower secretly released the news without revealing any traces. There was an ancient immortal land in the Tianfeng Mountains. In addition, Xiao Chen went to the Yunzhong Xuan Realm these days, which made the strange people... Xiang was reborn, and as expected, in the next few days, more and more cultivators came to Tianfeng City.

Several days passed like this, and on the tenth day, Hua Weiyang and Zi Yuan finally came back, presumably their affairs had been settled.

On this day, many cultivators have come to Tianfeng City. Now there is no need for a few real people to secretly let people continue to spread the news. The fact that the Ancient Immortal Land has appeared in the Tianfeng Mountains has been spread to ten people and hundreds of people. Almost the entire Xianbei Ancient Realm knows about it, and many people are on their way there.

The entire Tianfeng City is very large, and the Tianfeng Mountains in the middle are even more endless. Once inside, it doesn't feel like you are outside.

The spiritual power in the mountain range is chaotic, and those who enter can no longer fly with their swords. In addition, there are layers of miasma in the deep mountains, and there are also those ancient unknown creatures...

These are all things that the cultivators in Tianfeng City are afraid of. It is precisely for this reason that few people dare to go to the central Tianfeng Mountains on weekdays.

But these days, there have been countless cultivators going to the Tianfeng Mountains, and the entire Tianfeng City seems to be shrouded in layers of clouds. The sky has not been clear for several days, and there was a kind of black cloud at noon this day. The depressing feeling of overwhelming the city.

In the Tianji Tower, the faces of the four real people now had a look as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and the others were also nervous and on guard, because at this time, they could already feel a suffocating aura, They are approaching the East City from the north, obviously heading towards the Tianji Tower.

"Is it finally here..."

On the Tianji Tower, Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and sharp, but his expression was very calm. He had already made preparations today. He was sure that True Lord Xuan Xiao would take action within the next few days, and it was true.

Next, I'm afraid there will be the first battle. I don't know how this battle will turn out. The disciples in the Tianji Tower, as well as the people from various forces who came a few days ago, are all nervously on guard at this time.

About half an hour later, in the northern sky, there was a sudden gust of wind and clouds, followed by layers of clouds that gradually approached, making the already dark sky suddenly even darker.

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