
Looking at the countless puppets and the densely packed figures around them, not only the four real people in the Tianji Tower were shocked, but even Qin Tianzong and others did not expect that this time, Zhenjun Xuanxiao was determined to do it. Destroy the entire Tianji Tower?

"When the tower is broken, it will be the moment of your death! Break it for me!"

True Lord Xuanxiao gave an order, and the army surged forward, like a flood of beasts, attacking Tianji Tower from all directions.

"Hold them off!"

Qin Tianzong's figure moved and instantly turned into a flash of light, leading people to fly to the east. Murong Xi led people to fly to the west. Feng Renzong led people to fly to the south. The four real people remained behind. On the north side, resist the incoming layers of armies.

At this time, outside the Tianji Tower, the cultivators who came to watch the battle were also frightened. With so many people, why did True Lord Xuan Xiao decide to break the Tianji Tower? What happened...

Many people didn't know why True Lord Xuanxiao did this. Only a few people heard about True Lord Xuanxiao's recent secret control of various forces. At this time, they all thought to themselves, could the recent rumors be true? ?

The whole sky was filled with wind and clouds. Xiao Chen was still facing off against True Lord Xuanxiao. Now that True Lord Xuanxiao was so advanced, he was probably the only one here who could resist this person.

At this time, True Lord Xuanxiao looked at him with cold eyes, and said in a secret voice, "The Tianji Tower will be destroyed today. Lord Wuyu, why do you have to be my enemy? If you want that person's soul, I can return it." Here you go... in the future, if you and I make plans together, the whole world will be in our pocket.

Xiao Chen's white hair flew in the wind behind his shoulders, and he said coldly and calmly, "Instead of pretending to be here with me, True Lord Xuanxiao, why don't you think carefully about how to escape today..."

"Hmph! Stubborn!"

True Lord Xuanxiao snorted coldly, and swung his palm with cold murderous intention. Xiao Chen turned around and swung out the same palm. The two palms collided, causing the surrounding mountains to tremble.

As of now, the two of them still haven't used their ten successful powers, and neither of them knows the other's trump card. Xiao Chen has Fu Xi Qin and Di Gu Sword, but doesn't True Lord Xuan Xiao have a divine weapon in his hand?

But once the two of them use the divine weapon, it will most likely be a life-and-death battle. For everyone, it is a "danger".

This continued until the afternoon. The fierce fighting at Tianji Tower had already attracted many people, and most of those people were cultivators who had been attracted to Tianfeng City during this period.

Seeing this scene, many people showed surprise on their faces. The ancient realm of Xianbei and the Four Seas and All Wastes do not invade each other. Why did True Lord Xuanxiao bring so many people to besiege Tianji Tower today? Could it be that those recent rumors are not groundless but true...

More and more people are coming to the Tianji Tower. These people are from the ancient realm of Xianbei and respect the Tianji Tower very much. But seeing the Tianji Tower being attacked at this time, it is really hard to imagine what happened. , who is the white-haired man fighting with True Lord Xuanxiao at this time?

Seeing more and more cultivators gathering nearby, Chi Yunshi couldn't help but frowned, and immediately sent a secret message to True Lord Xuanxiao, "True Lord, if this continues, the number of people will become more and more, which may be... bad for us." .

True Lord Xuanxiao's eyes were cold and sharp: "Continue to attack me until the tower is broken!"

At this time, many cultivators have come near Tianji Pagoda. It is not necessarily true that they are all unknown people with mediocre cultivation.

At least at this time, Hua Weiyang has already felt that there are some abyss-like auras hidden in the distant mountains, and someone has been staring at the battle here.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Hua Weiyang no longer hesitated, jumped up and flew into the air. Everyone in the distance was startled when they saw her extraordinary appearance. What an unusual woman!

Hua Weiyang smiled in her heart, and in order to attract more people's attention, she simply sacrificed the Jade Lianhua. The bursts of light reflected her like a fairy on earth, and no evil spirit in the world could get close to her.

She was so angry that she said in a loud voice, "Zhenjun Xuanxiao, twenty-four years ago, you destroyed the entire Lingshu Palace for a strange book, and now you secretly control various sects and sects for your own selfish desires. Except for Tianji Tower..."

The sound spread for hundreds of miles, and almost all the cultivators nearby could hear it clearly, with a look of horror on their faces.

Twenty-four years ago, the Lingshu Palace was destroyed overnight, and all the disciples were killed. No one knew who the murderer was. The Lingshu Palace was destroyed, and it has become a mystery ever since.

And what this woman just said was that the massacre in the Lingshu Palace was actually done by True Lord Xuanxiao. How can this be believed?

"That's nonsense!"

True Lord Xuanxiao flicked his sleeves, his eyes were cold and sharp, and he was still fighting with Xiao Chen. Their palm movements turned the world upside down, and each move was so sharp that the people who saw it from a distance were frightened.

Hua Weiyang sneered and said loudly again, "True Lord Xuanxiao has worshiped under the Nether Soul Master of the Netherworld Road of the Eight Desolations. Now he has obtained a ray of soul power from the Nether Soul Lord, and he has used the blood and souls of thousands of people to sacrifice the blood of evil things." The soul flag is used to swallow countless people’s souls and spirits to help one’s body and soul remain intact..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more shocked. Many people looked here in shock, looking at the god-like True Lord Xuan Xiao who was high in the air. This woman... did she really mean what she just said?


True Lord Xuanxiao's eyes were cold and stern, and he brushed his palm towards Hua Weiyang. Suddenly a strong wind blew up, but there was a cold Xuan Jin hidden in the palm.

Xiao Chen flicked his fingers, and a finger force flew out. With a "bang", the mysterious energy he attacked Hua Weiyang disappeared.

At this time, many people in the distance started to discuss, and some people frowned, as if they were in deep thought. Thinking back carefully, Sihai Zhenjun was originally not concerned with worldly affairs, but in recent years, his actions were indeed a bit unpredictable, especially Xuanxiao Zhenjun...

"Um... Senior Brother, isn't Xuanxiao Zhenjun a good person? Why..."

"Junior Sister... Don't talk, hush!"

In the distance, some ignorant girls still thought that Xuanxiao Zhenjun was the extraordinary and otherworldly master, but some older senior brothers had already begun to doubt it.

In recent years, many people have disappeared in some mortal places. Various sects have sent people to investigate, but in the end they have not been able to find any clues. However, recently, it seems...

Just as everyone was discussing, a dark cloud suddenly came quickly from the northwest, and upon closer inspection, there were two mists, one black and one red, coming quickly towards this side above the dark cloud.

"Who is coming..."

Many people here were shocked. They obviously felt the power of the two auras, and... they didn't look like immortal cultivators, but most of them were demons!


In a flash, the two mists, one black and one red, were approaching, and at this time, a charming laugh like a silver bell suddenly came from the red mist.

When the young disciples of various sects heard this charming laugh, their blood rushed, and they felt dizzy and dizzy. Even their souls seemed to be about to float out of their bodies. They could not resist the devil's sound.

"Be careful... It's Xuanming Youji!"

Hearing this charming laugh, the older generation reacted immediately, their faces turned pale, and they quickly operated the mysterious skills to protect the hearts and veins of the disciples around them, so as to prevent the disciples with lower cultivation from being seduced by the devil's magic sound!


At this time, a laugh came from the black mist, and everyone was shocked again. This cold breath... is the Yinshan Ghost Lord!

At this moment, everyone's faces suddenly changed. Why did these two demons appear at this time? Could it be that they are here to attack the Tianji Tower today?

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