The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1089 Blood Moon Night

Seven days have passed, and this night is the full night of the twelfth lunar month. The entire Tianfeng City is unusually cold, especially in the East City. Winter has not yet arrived, but a layer of frost has already formed on the ground.

More than a month has passed since the last attack by True Lord Xuan Xiao, but the cultivators in the city still feel panicked and uneasy, as if everything happened yesterday.

Tonight, the bright moon is thousands of miles away, but it reflects the whole city in an extremely cold light. On the two peaks near the Tianji Tower, I saw a figure standing on the top of the mountain. It was Zhenjun Ziyu and Zhenwei Lan. You two.

If Lord Xuanxiao and Guiyunshan really attack at this time, maybe they are the only two people in the whole city. Together with Murong Xi, Qin Tianzong and others, as well as the masters of other forces in the city, they may be able to temporarily resist for a while. . ✬

The night wind rustled, and both of them frowned. Recently, the entire Eastern Territory has been in turmoil, and many sects have been destroyed by True Lord Xuanxiao...

There was another reason for them to worry. Guiyunshan had disappeared for many years, but it suddenly appeared this time. This was probably unusual.

It is very possible that this person is already a member of the Bahuang Dao. If the Bahuang Dao is also involved this time, then the whole thing will probably become very troublesome.

At this moment, in the Tianji Tower, there are still many disciples guarding the tower. Today is already the seventh day since Xiao Chen climbed to the 81st floor, but there is still no movement coming down from there. .

Aoki and other elders also frowned deeply. No one knew what was on the eighty-first floor. They had only heard people say that on the eighty-first floor, there was a huge Huantian Mysterious Realm.

It is like a small world with abundant spiritual energy. One day of cultivation is comparable to one year outside. There are even countless ancient books that were lost thousands of years ago...

Of course, these are just rumors. As for whether it is true as stated in the rumors, no one knows, because even more than 600 years ago, Senior Yi Ye Qing could not complete the entire 81st floor. Fantasy Heaven Mysterious Realm.

It was really too vast, almost boundless, and there were extremely terrifying restrictions in many places. Even Senior Yiyeqing didn't dare to try it easily back then.

To this day, there are still many people guarding the Tianji Tower. At this time, in a small courtyard, the candlelight in the house is swaying, and two figures are reflected on the thin window screen.

Hua Weiyang had woken up just now. That day, she fainted due to excessive mood swings, which caused the Xuan Yin energy in her body to backfire.

At this time, she heard Shen Jing say that Xiao Chen had reached the 81st floor, and she finally felt relieved. However, during these days of coma, she felt uneasy even in her sleep. She always dreamed of some terrible dreams. It seems like an illusion, but also like reality.

"Why is it so cold tonight..."

The cold outside continued to seep into the house, so cold that even the candles in the house seemed to be extinguished, and there seemed to be something vaguely abnormal.

Shen Jing said, "Maybe it's just winter. It's already started to snow in many places. I spent some time in the ancient realm of Xianbei many years ago. Winter here comes early and it's colder than the southern region of Xianyuan." Some."

", this chill..."

Hua Weiyang frowned. She has a body of Xuanyin, and she is more sensitive to the cold air than anyone else. The coldness tonight is definitely not the coldness of winter.

"Shen Jing, how long have I been unconscious? What day is it today?"

Shen Jing saw that she looked strange and said, " already October 15th, and you have been in a coma for seven days."

"October 15th... Yin year, Yin month, Yin day..."

Hua Weiyang's eyebrows furrowed deeper and she kept calculating something in her hands. Shen Jing saw that her expression became more and more strange, and she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oops... today is a very cloudy day, and tonight is... the night of the lunar eclipse."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's face began to turn pale again, and Shen Jing saw that she didn't seem to be joking, and asked, "What is it a very overcast day or a lunar eclipse night? Weiyang... what are you talking about?"

"Quick! Go tell the four real people...tonight is a night of extreme yin, and True Lord Xuanxiao will definitely use this extremely yin energy to completely integrate with the Blood Demon!"

Hua Weiyang's face suddenly turned pale, and Shen Jing finally understood that when Zhenjun Xuanxiao left that day, he once said, "On the night of the blood moon, this city will definitely flow into a river of blood." On the night of the blood moon, , does it mean...

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, as if something had happened. Hua Weiyang's expression condensed, and she immediately put on her clothes and stood up. With a "squeak", the door opened from the outside, and then she saw Ziyuan hurriedly walked in.

"Zi Yuan, what happened outside?"

"Palace Master...are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what's going on outside?"

Hua Weiyang immediately walked outside. The moment she walked out, the moon was originally bright and flawless in the sky, but at the edge of the moon, it slowly began to turn red, as if stained with blood.

"Oops...the lunar eclipse has begun!"

Hua Weiyang's expression changed and she immediately went outside. Zi Yuan was surprised and said, "Palace Master!" As soon as she finished speaking, she also chased after him.

At this moment, there was already chaos outside. The moon in the sky gradually turned red as if stained with blood, slowly covering the entire Tianfeng City with a layer of blood light.

And amidst everyone's panic, countless monsters suddenly appeared in those dark shadow corners. These monsters came from unknown sources, as if they climbed up from the ground. Whenever they saw a living person, they would pounce on them, and soon they would devour them. Already causing panic throughout the city.

"Those...what are those!"

"Be's a monster!"


"Senior me...ah!"


The entire Tianfeng City fell into extreme chaos in an instant, especially in the East City. Demonic shadows could be seen almost everywhere. Some of the demonic shadows were extremely fast and could attach themselves to people in the blink of an eye. Every time they swallowed one, they fell into extreme chaos. With human souls, the power of these monsters will become much stronger.

"These...are night demons!"

On the two peaks near the Tianji Tower, True Lord Ziyu and True Lord Weilan also changed their expressions. With a single movement of their fingers, the flying swords immediately turned into thousands of sword energy and flew out, killing those night demons with their swords. Down.

However, the number of these night demons is too huge, far exceeding the number of cultivators in the city. No matter how powerful they are, Zhenjun Ziyu and Zhenjun Weilan cannot kill all these night demons at once.

The entire East City fell into extreme panic, and on the Tianji Pagoda Mountain, the night demons were like a tide, coming from all directions.

"This... what the hell are these things? They can't be killed no matter what!"


"Junior careful!"

"Oops! These monsters are heading towards the tower...go and stop them!"

In the Tianji Tower, chaos suddenly broke out. Countless night demons swarmed up from the mountain. How could the disciples in the Tianji Tower stop them?

Even with the presence of masters such as Murong Xi and Qin Tianzong, it would be difficult to resist such a huge army of night demons for a short time.

These night demons are extremely fast, can hide in the darkness, and can also attach themselves to people. It is difficult to kill them with ordinary Taoist methods. Even the fairy swords that everyone practices are easily demonized by them. Turbid stains are very difficult to deal with.

Soon, under the crazy offensive of tens of thousands of night demons, many places in the Tianji Tower were lost, and everyone could only keep gathering towards the tower.

"What's going on...why are there so many monsters suddenly!"

Lingluan and others were guarding the Tianji Tower at this time. When they saw the monsters coming like a tide in the distance, they all turned pale with fear and quickly sacrificed their magic weapons.

At this time, in the courtyard, Hua Weiyang, Zi Yuan and Shen Jing, as soon as the three of them came out, they were surrounded by countless night demons. The number of demons overlapped so much that it was difficult to estimate how many there were.

"How come there are so many monsters..."

Zi Yuan and Shen Jing were both shocked, while Hua Weiyang's face was slightly startled. She naturally recognized that these were night demons, very low-level monsters, but the number was very large, but why were there so many night demons? Will come to the human world...

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In an instant, these night demons attacked the three of them. Zi Yuan looked shocked and immediately stood in front of Hua Weiyang, "Palace careful!"

However, how could she stop the countless night demons from all directions?

Shen Jing also summoned two medicine men in an instant, but even so, it was difficult to resist these terrifying night demons.

Not only are these night demons extremely large in number, but their own strength is also not low. What is even more frightening is that once a cultivator is contaminated by their demonic energy, their Taoism will be damaged.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, countless night demons rushed towards Hua Weiyang. Zi Yuan's face was shocked, "Palace careful!" However, before she could pass, a group of night demons had surrounded her.

At this time, facing countless night demons rushing towards her, Hua Weiyang's eyes gradually turned cold. When the night demons rushed up, she could only hear her coldly shout, "Get on with it!"

The moment the words fell, those night demons seemed to be under a restraining spell. They all froze in place, not daring to move. The next moment, they started to tremble uneasily.

It was unimaginable that these cruel and bloodthirsty night demons, who were not even afraid of quasi-sages, acted like ministers in front of her, not daring to make any mistakes.

Soon, these night devils that came like a tide disappeared like a tide. There was no trace of a night devil in the surrounding area, and it was extremely peaceful.

"What's going on..." Before Zi Yuan could react, the night demons besieging them retreated like a tide.

Not far away, Shen Jing looked at Hua Weiyang. At this moment, there was a flash of suspicion on her face. Why did those monsters just now look... as if they were afraid of her?

"Palace Master...what should we do now?" Although these night demons temporarily retreated, Zi Yuan still did not dare to be careless and quickly protected Hua Weiyang.

Hua Weiyang looked towards the Tianji Tower, her eyebrows gradually deepening. Now Xiao Chen is still in the tower. In any case, before he comes out... these night demons must not be allowed to get close to the Tianji Tower!

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