The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,107 Tianshan Suwen

At the same time, in the Netherworld Road, Cang Yue's own blood gushed out, and his entire face turned extremely pale.

Perhaps this time he never expected that not only did he lose a clone, but also the soul was imprisoned by the opponent. The loss was as big as you can imagine.

"Boy... I, Cang Yue, will definitely kill you in the future. You Tian, ​​don't even think about yourself being safe."

At this moment, Cang Yue's eyes were cold, and her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. It was as terrifying as it was.

At this time, in the Tianji Tower, Lingluan suddenly woke up and said, "Liao Wuchen!"

In fact, it had only been one night since the Night Demon attacked last night. She spent a lot of spiritual power last night, activated the teleportation array, and teleported Xiao Chen and others to the seaside, so she fell into a coma. She didn't wake up until now.

"Ling'er, what's wrong? Have you had a nightmare?" Murong Xi had been staying by her bedside and never left. Seeing her waking up with a start, Murong Xi asked softly.

"Grandma, I, I..."

Lingluan's face turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat gradually formed on his forehead. Before he finished speaking, his eyes turned red and he choked, "In my dream, I saw Wuchen dead, and even his body was broken into pieces..." Wu...Grandma, Liao Wuchen will be fine, right? He promised me last night that he would come back safe and sound..."

"Of course."

Murong Xi gently rubbed her face with a smile on her face, but she sighed softly in her heart. How could she not see that Lingluan had more than a superficial crush on Xiao Chen, but that person There is only one person in my heart, and life and death will not change... Sigh.

"It's just a dream. He is very capable and no one can hurt him, including True Lord Xuanxiao." Seeing that Lingluan was still a little stunned, Murong Xi comforted him with a smile on his face.

"Well, nothing will happen to Liao Wuchen. He has Xuanwu Armor..."

Lingluan's face finally improved a little, but her body still couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Just because the dream just now was so real, she could still remember every flower and tree in it clearly, but where exactly was the place in the dream and why were there seven high peaks there... …

"One dust, one dust..."

Like the wind blowing, quiet and gentle, the entire Fangwai Island slowly sank. Everyone flew into the air with their swords, and in the air, Xiao Chen's body was no longer able to fall into the sea.

Hua Weiyang moved and flew over in an instant, reaching out to catch him. But at that moment, what made her feel so cold that her heart seemed to have stopped...

"no no……"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang seemed to have collapsed, with a dull expression on her face. She just hugged Xiao Chen tightly, and the two of them fell into the sea water, as if they were going to sink to the bottom of the sea together.

"Your Majesty...Palace Master!"

Zi Yuan and others also reacted, flew over, and brought the two of them back to the top of a mountain that had not yet sunk into the sea.

The waves crashed down below, and everyone looked quietly at the top of the mountain. Ku Lingzi flew over in an instant, and touched Xiao Chen's eyebrows with two fingers. Shen Jing also flew over, and the same Pressing Xiao Chen's wrist.

After a while, the two looked at each other, neither of them looking good. Hua Weiyang finally came to her senses and asked hurriedly, "How is he?"

Ku Lingzi's eyebrows were deeply knitted, "Everything inside is broken, and all the heart and veins are damaged... Cang Yue, you are really cruel, you don't hesitate to harm your own soul..."

At this moment, a terrifying cold light clearly flashed in his eyes. This time, this kid was hurt so badly because of him.

After Hua Weiyang finished listening, she suddenly felt dizzy. When she looked at Shen Jing, her face was also as pale as paper. I am afraid that this time, even she was not completely sure.

"What should we do? What should we do now..."

Hua Weiyang, who had always been calm, was at a loss at this moment, but she seemed to have forgotten one person.

And Zi Yuan's face turned pale. In all these years, she had never seen His Majesty injured so seriously...

"Don't be anxious, I'll fix his soul first."

Ku Lingzi frowned and no longer hesitated at the end of his words. He condensed the soul power in his palms and instantly used the soul-stabilizing technique on Xiao Chen. At the moment, he could only stabilize his soul first.

" is he doing?"

At this time, Qin Tianzong and others also came up, but looking at their faces there were still looks of shock, but even now, they still can't believe the scene that just happened.

Ku Lingzi didn't speak. After a while, he picked up Xiao Chen, looked at Qin Tianzong and others and said, "You guys go back to Tianji Tower first. I want to take him to a place. Only that person can save him."

Hearing this, Qin Tianzong and others were stunned. Last time Feng Gufei was so seriously injured, this girl Shen Jing was able to cure it. Isn't it possible that even Miss Shen Jing can't do anything now?

Only that person can save him, that person...could it be!

At this moment, Qin Tianzong, Zhenjun Ziyu and others all thought of who the person Ku Lingzi was talking about. They thought that apart from Fairy Suwen of Tianshan Mountain, there would be no other person in the world, but they had to find Fairy Suwen to save people. , even they may not be able to open this mouth.

"Shen Jing, let's go."

Ku Lingzi glanced at Shen Jing behind him, said no more, and flew out of the island with Xiao Chen, but that direction was not the direction back to Tianji Tower. Hua Weiyang, Zi Yuan and others also immediately followed. Go up.

Behind them, everyone was still in shock, until a moment later, the sea water surged up, and the entire Fangwai Island was about to sink. Everyone had no choice but to use their flying swords and fly away from the island.

After leaving the sea area, Ku Lingzi and others came to a mountain range, but they saw vast clouds and overlapping peaks in front of them, and they didn't know how many thousands of miles they had to go.

Ku Lingzi's eyebrows were furrowed, and he glanced at the unconscious Xiao Chen and said, "Right now, only Su Ling'er can save him, but..."

When he said this, a look of deep worry suddenly appeared on his face. This worry came from the Bahuang Dao.

Today, Xiao Chen damaged a clone of Cang Yue. Many people witnessed it with their own eyes. I am afraid that it will spread throughout the entire Xianbei Ancient Realm in the near future. It is impossible not to let the Nether Soul Master know about it. Now it seems that both parties have no doubt. It's already hostile.

And now, there is one more thing that he is worried about. It is not that the Nether Soul Lord is coming to arrest him, but that the Nether Soul Lord may be harmful to Xiao Chen, because there are too many secrets hidden in Xiao Chen.

"Suwen Fairy..."

Shen Jing's brows furrowed slightly, and she suddenly imagined a fairy in white clothes fluttering in the snow, an unworldly fairy...


Ku Lingzi looked down at Xiao Chen, who was unconscious, and said, "Only she can save the boy, but it is tens of thousands of miles away from Tianshan Mountain, and it will take seven days at the fastest to arrive."

"In this case, it's not too late. Let's go to Tianshan Suwen Palace now."

Hua Weiyang frowned. At this moment, Su Wen Palace with snow falling on the mountain appeared in her mind again, as well as the fairy in white clothes who fluttered and did not eat the fireworks of the world.

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