The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,118 The Mysterious Black Wind

After an unknown amount of time, the shock slowly stopped, and the oppressive aura that had just come from the third heaven, even the fourth heaven, and even the higher wind and cloud sky gradually disappeared.

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses. The aura just now was very strong. He didn't know who was up there, but no matter who it was, he had to be careful about what happened next.

But now, he has to find a way to get to the third heaven first. It has been ten days since he entered the Red Sun Taixu Realm. Weiyang, Ziyuan, Shui Hanyan, Buyundian and the others are not sure what to do now. Whether they are still in the Lingxu Realm, they must have not returned to Wuyu Heaven.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Xiao Chen continued to go into the valley, wanting to see if there was a gathering point of spiritual power in front of it. The restrictions in Fengyun Sky were too strong, and even the spiritual consciousness was not easy to explore.

After about a stick of incense, he reached the depths of the valley, but suddenly stopped. At that moment, he seemed to vaguely feel an unusual aura.

The surroundings were also very quiet, with only the whining sound of the wind blowing through the valley. After a while, he gathered all the breath from his body before continuing to walk in carefully.

After walking for a while, I arrived at a mountain stream, and I saw that there were black winds shrouding the front. These did not look like fog. The abnormal aura that Xiao Chen felt outside just now should be from these black winds. It came from inside.

At this time, he slowly frowned, what are these black winds? And what is inside these black winds? Why is it shrouded here? It's indescribably strange when I think about it.

After a while, I saw that the black wind was still lingering, and it was difficult for Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness to detect it, but he did not dare to rush into the black wind, so he could only gather his true energy and point towards it with a finger. The black wind flicked it away, wanting to see what was inside.

With a "whoosh" sound, his finger force instantly shot into the black wind, but at this moment, he saw that the black wind suddenly rolled up, and then enveloped him. ✧


At this moment, when the black wind rolled up, Xiao Chen saw that under the black wind, there were actually bones covered with bones. He thought they were all cultivators who had strayed into the valley in the past few years.

He didn't expect this black wind to be so powerful. At this moment, Xiao Chen turned around and ran without even thinking about it. He even used the Lingxian Steps under his feet to the extreme, but the black wind behind him also caught up with him without any speed at all. Not beneath him.

"Buzz buzz..."

Within the black wind, a scalp-numbing sound suddenly came out. I don’t know what was in it, but I think it is definitely not an ordinary thing to be able to eat up so many cultivators into white bones!

Xiao Chen increased his speed to the limit. At this moment, he looked like he was in Ningcun when he was a child. Although he looked very embarrassed when he ran away, he was really handsome when he poked a hornet's nest in front of all the children in the village. Although she was laughed at by Shen Jing for a whole month afterwards.

But at this moment, the black wind behind him wanted his life.

Xiao Chen ran away all the way, but he didn't expect that after leaving the valley, the black wind behind him was still pursuing him. Compared to when he was a child, the swarm of wasps outside the village was much more terrifying.

With a swipe of his fingers, Xiao Chen launched a sword energy, and with a "whoosh" sound, he slashed at the black wind behind him. Hundreds of feet of sword energy, dust flying everywhere, and a "boom" sound, splitting the black wind instantly. scattered.

However, just for a moment, the scattered black wind gathered again and rushed towards him again.

Unexpectedly, the terrifying creature in the black wind could not be killed. Xiao Chen immediately launched the Lingxian Steps again and continued to run forward.

But the black winds behind him seemed to be targeting him to death, and they were chasing him all the way at an extremely fast speed.

By the time dusk fell, Xiao Chen had no idea where he had fled, and the black wind behind him was still chasing after him. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the front: "It seems like someone is coming again, stop him." "

I saw four figures suddenly appeared in the valley ahead. I don't know which sect they were. They seemed to be here to kill people and seize treasures.

"That person in front of you, stop!"

Seeing Xiao Chen coming here at high speed, the four of them immediately offered up their magic weapons. However, Xiao Chen had no time to pay attention to these people. He fixed his fingers and shook away the two people blocking the way, and moved forward in an instant. The dust goes away.

"Buzz buzz..."

At this time, the black wind behind him also swept up, and the four of them were shocked, "What... what is this! Ah——"

Originally, the four people's cultivation level was not low, and they also had magic weapons to protect themselves. But almost in an instant, when the black wind swept past, the four people immediately turned into four white bones, and even the soul could not escape.

Looking back and seeing this scene, Xiao Chen was even more shocked. What kind of ancient creature was this? It was so terrifying...

There was no longer any time to think about it. The black wind swept up again in an instant. Xiao Chen quickly raised a talisman. The talisman instantly burned to ashes in the air, and his figure also teleported forward at this moment. A distance of tens of miles.

Although he escaped dozens of miles away in an instant, the black wind seemed to have locked him in, and would catch up to him soon. Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, immediately picked up his true energy, and launched the Lingxian Steps again. Go forward.

It was like this until night fell, and the last ray of afterglow in the sky was swallowed up by the night. The surroundings suddenly became pitch black, and the terrifying black wind still caught up.

Xiao Chen had a bad feeling. Under this night, it was easier for him to break into some forbidden places, and the black wind behind him was faster. What should he do now?

Ever since he entered the Scarlet Sun Taixu Realm ten days ago, he has never felt such a sense of crisis. This is only the second level of Fengyun Tian, ​​and it is already so terrifying. The higher level is even more unimaginable...

"Buzz buzz..."

In an instant, the terrifying black wind swept up from behind again. Xiao Chen did not dare to stop any longer, so he had to lift up his true energy and continue to move forward. But in this vast night, everything ahead was unknown, and he rashly If you break in randomly, it will be even more dangerous!

But now, he could no longer think about it anymore. He had already seen the horror of the black wind just now. It could eat people into bones in an instant, which was beyond his ability to resist.

After escaping like this for an unknown amount of time, a bright moon finally rose slowly, illuminating the area brightly. Xiao Chen could see the road ahead clearly, and he speeded up a lot, but the black wind behind him was still Caught up.

It was probably mid-night when a valley suddenly appeared in front of them, and in the valley, there were ancient palaces looming, vaguely, and giving off a forbidden aura.

The black wind behind him had already swept up. At this moment, Xiao Chen didn't care so much anymore and fled into the valley in an instant.

And the moment he fled into the valley, the black wind behind him suddenly stopped and gathered into black mist, lingering at the mouth of the valley, but he did not dare to come in.

Xiao Chen's body was already soaked with cold sweat, and now he felt waves of chill coming under the night wind.

Turning around, he saw that the terrifying black winds did not dare to come in. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. But the next moment, he suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back. These black winds were so terrifying, but they did not dare to come in at this time. That means...

At this time, under the bright moonlight, the ancient temples in the valley looked even more strange and eerie. Xiao Chen held his breath. What were these ancient temples used for? What's inside...

Just as he was concentrating, a very cold old man's voice suddenly came from the depths of the valley: "If anyone below the twelfth realm dares to come in and die, I will kill you with one palm of my hand... Get out!"

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