"Little...boy, who are you!"

Obviously, at that moment, the white bones also felt Xiao Chen's artistic conception of immortality. In the entire world of human cultivation, most practitioners are trying to understand the artistic conception of the way of heaven, and realize that life and death are reciprocated, and the way of heaven flows, so that life and death are endless.

But how many people have realized the unique artistic conception of immortality like him? Without birth and death, it is already contrary to the flow of life and death in the way of heaven.

At this moment, Xiao Chen could hear that the old man's voice was full of surprise. Obviously, he probably didn't expect that he would have such an artistic conception of immortality and break through the constraints of his thoughts, right?


Just hearing a quick sound, the emperor's sword flew towards the bones in an instant, like a meteor and lightning, so fast and galloping that the whole palace was filled with violent winds! ✾

Seeing the attack of Di Gu's sword, the white bones kept retreating with "thump thump thump", as if they were very afraid of the evil spirit in Di Gu's sword.

Finally, there was another "clang" sound, and the Emperor's Sword hung three feet in front of him. The sword body exuded an extremely cold, abyss-like aura.

Then Xiao Chen's cold voice sounded, "Tell me... who are you!"

His eyes were as cold as ice, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. His bones trembled all over, and he no longer had the momentum he had just now. Even his voice was no longer the same old man as before: "You, you, you... ...Let it go, let it go..."


There was another sharp sound, and Di Gu Sword moved forward another foot, and White Bones stepped back again. It was not that he was afraid of Xiao Chen, but the evil spirit of the sword in Di Gu Sword at this moment made him feel very uneasy. " You, even if you kill me, you won’t be able to get out of here..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and his guess was indeed correct. This white bone was indeed the bone of an immortal. Even though tens of thousands of years had passed, it was still immortal, so completely preserved, and it also possessed an immortal power.

But what is inside the bones at this moment is probably a soul body, occupying the remains of the immortal.

Xiao Chen walked closer to the head of the palace, looked at the white bones, and said coldly, "You are so courageous that you even dare to appropriate the remains of immortals. If those people outside know about it, I'm afraid even the bones will have to be dismantled by you." Already..."

This sentence is true. If such a complete immortal bone reaches the outside, it will inevitably cause competition. Just imagine, if you can use this immortal bone to refine a physical body, or condense a clone, what will it be like? powerful?

But these words did not frighten Bai Gu. He only heard him coldly snort, "Are you talking about the juniors outside? If I were in my heyday, I could kill them with one palm! But now... cough cough."

"So now, you are occupying this immortal bone, pretending to be a ghost all day long, scaring others away from coming in, so that you can absorb the spirit of the immortal soul in this valley alone to help the soul recover, right?"

Xiao Chen walked closer as he spoke. Even so, it cannot be denied that the aura of the holy realm created by the bones is indeed scary.

If he hadn't been determined, he might have been frightened outside before, and the idea just now was indeed powerful. If he hadn't had the idea of ​​immortality, it's hard to say what would happen now.

He didn't know what was inside the bones, so he just called it a bone demon.

"This, ahem..."

The bone demon coughed, and then said confidently, "So what? There are many dangers in this valley, and there are restrictions in those ancient palaces. I don't let them in, it's for their own good. Once they come in, what's wrong with rashly breaking into those ancient palaces?" Even the dead ones don’t know.”

Xiao Chen said, "You have almost absorbed the spirit of the immortal soul in this valley. Now tell me, what are those black winds outside."

"Black Wind..."

The Bone Demon thought that he seemed to be chased by something before, so he came over in a panic and said, "Those black winds you mentioned are just the 'bone-corroding spirits' in the stormy sky. It is difficult to escape if you are entangled by them, but it is also difficult to escape." It doesn't matter, they will naturally go back after daybreak.

"I see……"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a "Zheng" sound, he took back the Emperor's Sword, and said, "Anyway, you have absorbed the immortal soul energy in this valley. You will go out with me tomorrow and help me find it." The place where spiritual power gathers.”

Seeing him put away the Di Gu Sword, the Bone Demon coldly snorted, "You asked me to help you find the place where spiritual power gathers, and I will help you. Wouldn't that make me lose face?"

Xiao Chen said, "With all due respect, the spirit of the immortal soul here is as shallow as a pool of water. I know a place where the souls of gods and demons are like a vast sea, endless. In the future, I can take you..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Before he could finish speaking, the Bone Demon laughed loudly, "Boy, don't think I don't know. You are talking about the Tomb of Gods and Demons, right?"


Xiao Chen was not surprised. He glanced at him and said, "You know quite a lot."


The Bone Demon raised his head and said triumphantly, "I'm not bragging. In these four seas and wastelands, nine heavens and ten realms, do you think there is any place that I don't know about or have never heard of?"


Xiao Chen said lightly, "Then do you know about Guixu?"

At this moment, the entire palace suddenly became silent, and upon hearing the word "Guixu", the Bone Demon suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Xiao Chen said again, "Help me find the place where the spiritual power gathers. I will take you to the Tomb of Gods and Demons one day..."


The Bone Demon snorted coldly, "Boy, just blow it. The Tomb of Gods and Demons is easy to get in and hard to get out. You went in, and you want to come out again?"

Xiao Chen said, "It's easy to get in and hard to get out. Is it difficult to get out of Guixu? To be honest, nearly twenty years ago, I actually went in once and came out again."

"Can you come out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons?" The Bone Demon looked at him dubiously and asked.

"Of course." Xiao Chen looked indifferent, and he didn't even tell him that he was not afraid of the aura of gods and demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons at all.

"Huh! I don't believe it!"

The bone demon still raised his head, and Xiao Chen stopped talking. He put his two fingers together and condensed a wisp of green smoke on his fingertips.

At this moment, the Bone Demon seemed to smell something he liked, and immediately turned his head, staring at the green smoke that kept beating on his fingertips, and said, "It is actually the soul of a person in the Holy Realm..."

Obviously, the wisp of green smoke in Xiao Chen's hand at this moment is the soul of Cang Yue, but the soul of Cang Yue can be divided into twelve wisps, and this is just one of them.

"This is a welcome gift."

Xiao Chen Ning pointed his finger and generously handed over the ray of soul in his hand. The Bone Demon opened his mouth and immediately swallowed the ray of soul.

At this time, in the Bahuang Nether Palace, Cang Yue himself was practicing. His face suddenly turned pale, which was really ugly. It was obvious that his own soul had been swallowed up. No matter how far away he was, how could he not be able to sense it at this moment? ?

"Boy... I will definitely refine your soul so that you can't live... you can't die!"

At this moment, Cang Yue's face was gloomy, her eyes were red, and her eyes looked as scary as possible.

Fengyuntian, inside the palace, the Bone Demon nodded, "Not bad, not bad. Although the soul of a person in the Holy Realm is a little lighter, it's not bad... some more."

Xiao Chen swiped his fingers, took out another wisp of Cang Yue's soul, sent it to him, and said, "Help me find the place where the spiritual power gathers. From now on, you can have as many of these souls as you want."

I didn't expect this bone demon to be so easy to bribe. It would be much easier to find those spiritual power gathering points next.

The night slowly passed, and it was already dawn. The Bone Demon went outside the palace, not afraid of the light, and said, "The bone-eroding spirits that chased you last night have left. Boy, you are safe."


When Xiao Chen came outside, he felt that the light was a bit dazzling for a while, but he could not see the ancient palace in the valley clearly last night. Now it is dawn and everything is clear to his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this ancient temple in the mountain is still so completely preserved. It must be as the Bone Demon said, there are restrictions inside, and most of those who rashly break in will be buried inside.

At this time, he didn't want to cause trouble anymore, he just wanted to go to the third heaven as soon as possible.

The bone demon came to the stone steps outside the temple, put his hands behind his back, looked at the rising sun in the sky, and said with a smile, "It's been three hundred years since I entered this valley, and I haven't been out for three hundred years. I don't know." Now that those cultivators outside have some abilities, are they worth my while..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at his back, as if he no longer felt exaggerated, but had the illusion of seeing a peerless master.

"Boy, don't be in a daze and follow me."

The bone demon made a gesture of fluffing his sleeves, then stepped on his feet and flew away in the air, not afraid of any restrictions in the valley.

Thinking about it, his "bone body" is the remains of an immortal from thousands of years ago or even tens of thousands of years ago. Even after thousands of years, it is still immortal, so why should he be afraid of the restrictions of the second heaven?

But Xiao Chen had to be more cautious. After all, he was still a mortal. In terms of toughness, he was currently not as strong as this immortal skeleton. He had no choice but to start Lingxian Steps, carefully avoiding the surrounding restrictions, and followed.

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