"No hurry, no rush..."

The old man in purple looked at the top of the mountain and said, "Do you know what the sky is outside the sky?"

"The sky is outside the sky..."

Xiao Chen's expression condensed slightly. There were some memories of these three words in his mind, but they were not profound. He had rarely heard of them mentioned in the past, but it seemed that he had seen these three words in some ancient books. It was just about these three words. There are very few records.


Seeing his confused look, the old man in purple clothes smiled and said, "I'm going to tell you now what the outer world is. In ancient legends, the world is infinitely large, with nine heavens and ten realms, and the ancient Eastern cultivation world is just this." It’s just one realm among the ten realms. As for the Nine Heavens, in addition to the Lihen Heaven above the thirty-third heaven in the Heaven Realm and the Annihilation Heaven in the endless purgatory of the Demon Realm, there is another day in the human world, which is the Outer Heaven..."

After hearing what he said, Xiao Chen vaguely understood that this outer world should be one of the nine heavens and ten realms in ancient legends.

“Not bad.” ✰

The old man in purple saw that he seemed to have some enlightenment, and continued, "Although this Tianwaitian is in the human world, it is completely separated from the entire Xianyuan ancient land. Therefore, it can also be regarded as a small world of its own. Initially, Tianwaitian It is made up of all kinds of filth and demonic obstacles in the world, so most of the people living in it are evil and deceitful people, but later on, the world has already become difficult to distinguish between good and evil..."

At this point, he paused and thought for a moment before continuing, "Back then, immortals and demons were in chaos, and it was difficult to distinguish between good and evil. However, due to the battle between ancient gods and demons, the aura gradually declined, and resources became increasingly scarce, so they slowly began to covet them. They invaded the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land, but they did not succeed."

Speaking of this, the old man in purple glanced at the two people on the top of the mountain and continued, "It is said that thousands of years ago, the Qing Emperor used his supreme magical power to completely seal the world outside the world with the help of the aura of the entire Immortal Ancient Earth. The only passage connecting the ancient land of Xianyuan makes it impossible for them to go down to the next world again..."


Xiao Chen concentrated his attention. These things had never been mentioned by anyone before. It seemed that many unknown things happened in the ancient land of Xianyuan thousands of years ago.

And what is widely known is probably what is said in the records. The gods in the heavens enslaved mortals until the Qing Emperor came to the world ten thousand years ago. The cultivation method of moving mountains and filling seas was passed down to the world, and a prosperous age of immortality began...

"I didn't expect that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the seal that the Qing Emperor placed in Tianwai Tianwai has finally been loosened..."

The old man in purple looked at the two men and women from the Jiuyou tribe on the top of the mountain in the distance, smiled coldly, and then said, "My little friends, do you know which are the most mysterious forces in the outer world?"

After hearing what he said, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at him and said, "I would like to hear the details."

The old man in purple said, "There are a total of six forces in the sky and the sky. These six forces are...the Palace of Lihen, the Nine Nether Clan, the Nirvana Platform, the Greed, Anger and Idiot, the Abyss of Gods and Demons, and...all the wonderful things." door."

"The Palace of Lihen, the Nine Nether Clan, the Platform of Nirvana, the Abyss of Greed, Anger and Crazy, the Abyss of Gods and Demons, the Gate of Wonders..."

Xiao Chen's expression was slightly condensed. He seemed to have seen the names of the six forces of Tianwaitian in some ancient book, but there were too few records about Tianwaitian.

“Not bad.” ✰

The old man in purple squinted his eyes, looked at the evil man and the charming woman on the top of the mountain in the distance, and said, "Those two people, if my guess is correct, they are people from the Nine Nether Clan who came down from the outer world... …”

Xiao Chen also looked at the two people on the top of the mountain again. He didn't expect that the old man next to him knew so much. Who was he?

"I don't know what to call you, old gentleman?"


The old man in purple chuckled, stroked his beard, and said, "Just call me He Manzi. I know a little bit about this world."

"It turns out to be Senior He. My surname is Xiao and my courtesy name is Yichen."

Xiao Chen also reported his name to him. Since he was already in the sky, if he had doubts, there was no need to reveal his name. Since he had no doubts, there was no need to change his name.


He Manzi stroked his beard and smiled, "My name is Xiao Yichen, but there are countless people with this name in the world. I wonder which Xiao Yichen my friend is?"

Xiao Chen said, "It is true that there are countless Xiao Yichens in this world, and the one below is the Xiao Yichen you see in front of me."

"Haha, yes, yes..."

He Manzi stroked his beard and smiled, and while the two were talking, there was a sudden shock on the top of the mountain in the distance, and then a line of mysterious light was seen gathering up, reaching the top of the sky. Obviously, the spiritual power from all directions was about to gather. here.

Everyone around them suddenly became nervous, and on the top of the mountain, the Snow Realm Mad King and the Eternal Life Sword Master, who were originally opposed to each other, stopped fighting due to the sudden arrival of the man and woman from the Nine Nether Clan.

At this time, everyone's attention is focused on the points of spiritual power that are about to be condensed. Everyone present does not want to go to the fourth heaven. However, this spiritual power is only gathered together at the moment. Obviously, there is only the winner. , to be qualified to go up.

"It seems that we came at just the right time, brother, don't you think so... Haha."

I saw the Jiuyou Clan woman covering her mouth and smiling charmingly, and raising her hands, she was still enchanted, which made many men at the scene almost confused.

The Mad King of the Snow Region and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword naturally realized at this time that these two people came here to seize spiritual power. They both seemed to have high levels of cultivation, but they didn’t know who they were...

Just when everyone was nervous, suddenly, a cold air came from nowhere, which made people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar and were frightened. At this moment, many people became uneasy. This cold air, Could it be... someone from the Abyss of Ghosts!

"People from the Jiuyou Clan? You actually came down from the outer world..."

Finally, a cold and deep voice came from a distance. When they heard this voice, many people nearby were startled. This cold aura... was indeed someone from the Abyss of Ghosts!

"Interesting, people from the Abyss of Ghosts are here too..."

On the side of the boulder, He Manzi smiled, but did not appear surprised. Xiao Chen looked over there and saw a black wind blowing in, instantly turning into a ghost shadow. The ghost shadow gradually became solid and finally slowly... Slowly condensed into a figure.

It's just that the man's face is wearing a ghost mask, but he doesn't know which character from the Abyss of Ghosts is here.

The last time Xiao Chen visited Yunzhou, he had fought against Black and White Wuchang from the Abyss of All Ghosts. The man now was not Black and White Wuchang, and his aura seemed to be much deeper than that of the two Black and White Wuchang people back then. I think he had at least already. The cultivation level of a sixth-level quasi-sage.

"Oh? I wonder which one of the Ten Halls of Yama you are, the abyss of all ghosts..."

The Jiuyou tribe woman smiled seductively and looked at the ghost-faced human being. Although the Jiuyou clan is in the outer world, it seems that they are well aware of the forces in the ancient land of Xianyuan. Even Yama, the Tenth Hall of the Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts, knows about it.

When everyone heard that it was Yama from the Tenth Palace of the Abyss of Ghosts, everyone was even more startled. They all looked at the ghost-faced man. What did he mean when he said before that the Nine Nether Clan came down from the outer world? ? Which one of the Ten Halls of Yama is he...

"Qin Guang is not talented."

Under the ghost's face, a cold and majestic voice came out, which immediately made the people nearby feel as if they were falling into a cold pool. Unexpectedly, he was King Qin Guang, the head of the Ten Palaces of Yama... which is also the first palace among the Ten Palaces. !

Then what he came today is just a clone. I am afraid that his true self has already cultivated to the Holy Realm, and he will not come to Fengyuntian this time...

I saw King Qin Guang with his hands behind his back, his ghostly gaze, like sharp daggers, falling on the two men and women of the Jiuyou Clan, and he said coldly, "Your Excellency, you two are from the Jiuyou Clan in the sky... …”

"Tianwaitian, Jiuyou Clan..."

Upon hearing this, many people were startled and turned their heads again to look at the evil man and the charming woman. The identity of these two people was indeed a bit strange, but the Heaven and Earth, the Jiuyou Clan...could it be!

"Oh? Have you been recognized..."

The Jiuyou tribe woman smiled lightly, and the movement of covering her mouth at this time was still very charming, which made people feel intoxicated after seeing it, but everyone did not know how terrifying she was when she killed people. The Jiuyou tribe, in Tianwaitian is the most bloodthirsty clan.

"As expected..."

The Master of the Eternal Life Sword Leng Feng swung his sword at the two people from the Jiuyou Clan, "I thought there was something wrong with you two just now, but it turns out you are from Tianwaitian!"

At this time, some people gradually realized that Tianwaitian, could it be that Tianwaitian, which invaded the ancient land of Xianyuan many years ago, has six mysterious forces...

"Even if it is, so what?"

The evil man smiled faintly, but did not appear nervous at all, and said, "In the wind and clouds, everyone can come. My little sister and I are here today. Don't you all have the same purpose in coming here today?"

After hearing this, everyone nearby became silent. Logically speaking, Tianwaitian and Xianyuan Gudi were mortal enemies, but now, no one came up to trouble these two people.

Firstly, these two people from the Jiuyou Clan are not low in cultivation, and now they are in this stormy world. They don't want to cause trouble for themselves. What if there are people from the Jiuyou Clan outside? There is no doubt about the power of the Jiuyou Clan...

Secondly, everyone's goal this time is to ascend to a higher level. The bustling world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. The only constant in this world is profit. How can there be any real mortal enemy?

What's more, how many years ago did Tianwaitian invade the ancient land of Immortal Yuan?

In reality, let alone tens of thousands of years ago, he invaded a hundred years ago. How many people still remember the bloody shame of history? Especially some of today's young people, who only want immediate happiness, have already forgotten history.

"If you want to ascend to the fourth heaven, it depends on whether you two have the ability..."

King Qin Guang's voice was cold. As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and several black rays of light immediately wrapped around his body. A deep aura filled the air, making many people feel trembling.

"Haha, I just want to learn from Wangui Cetian of the Wangui Alliance..."

The evil man smiled coldly, and in the next moment, he launched an offensive towards King Qin Guang, and the charming woman flew up in an instant. The strange figure was really hard to distinguish!

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