The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,125 The Mysterious Man


The Mad King of Snowland snorted coldly, his sword shook, and like a flash of light, he attacked again.

At this moment, the cold and sharp sword light and the fierce wind of the sword were attacking Xiao Chen at the same time. Everyone stepped back and held their breath. Even though the young man in front of them was so powerful, could he? Withstand the simultaneous attacks of these two masters?

Just when everyone was concentrating, Xiao Chen raised his palms, and thirty-six rays of Tiangang profound energy appeared all over his body. With a bang, he actually resisted the attack of the two masters.

But the abilities of the Mad King of the Snow Region and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword were far more than that. Seeing that their offensive was blocked, the two men immediately changed their moves, and the swords suddenly showed murderous intent again!

On one hand, Xiao Chen had to resist the fierce and heavy Overlord Sword of the Mad King of the Snow Realm, and on the other hand, he had to deal with the ever-changing Eternal Life Sword of the Master of the Eternal Life Sword. Even though he had thirty-six lines of Tiangang Xuanqi to protect his body, he still couldn't tolerate any carelessness. .

A duel between masters often involves life and death in a matter of seconds, not to mention that he was dealing with two masters now. If he was careless, he would be completely defeated!


The extreme moves were facing each other, dust and smoke filled the sky, and rocks flew everywhere. Originally, everyone's attention was still on the battle between the two people from the Jiuyou clan and King Qin Guang, but in an instant, they were already occupied by Xiao Chen and the Mad King of Snow Territory. The duel between the two masters of the Changsheng Sword Master attracted him.

There were fierce moves and life-and-death battles between the three of them. Even King Qin Guang, who was fighting two men and women from the Jiuyou tribe on the other side, was attracted by this moment.

"I never imagined that there are such powerful young people in the world."

King Qin Guang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly thought something powerful, but he still didn't know that the young man in front of him was the Lord of Wuyu Tian who fought back the black and white impermanence he sent outside Yunzhou City.

"Drink! The third form of the Crazy Sword - the world is in turmoil!"

The Mad King of the Snow Territory shouted loudly, a cold light suddenly appeared from the sky and the earth, and the Overlord Sword was slashing like thunder, seizing the soul! Everyone present retreated.

Xiao Chen's internal Yuan Ji Yun was so strong that he made a move in his hand. The sharp edge appeared and his strong internal energy surged out like a wild wave. With a "boom", the surrounding clouds surged.

"Flying flowers are fleeting, yellow beams are a dream!"

The Master of the Eternal Life Sword shouted coldly, and his sword moves came again, following the trend, but this time the sword technique was as gentle as water, like flying flowers, like butterflies dancing, like a fleeting dream... When Xiao Chen came back to his senses... When he came, the sword edge was already in front of him!

"Zheng!" There was a sharp sound. Fortunately, Xiao Chen reacted in time and blocked the attack of the sword with his fingers. Otherwise, he would have been seriously injured by this strange and fast sword.

At this moment, everyone in the distance held their breath. Against two masters at the same time, he was able to survive hundreds of moves. This young man was really powerful. Even if he was defeated here today, no one dared to underestimate him.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, suddenly... a murderous intention came from the sky!


Many people present were shocked and looked up to the sky. They saw a figure flying down among the clouds!

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more shocked. Could it be that he came down from the fourth heaven? It is difficult for them to go up now, and now this person actually came down from the fourth heaven?

At this moment, Xiao Chen also felt that the cold murderous intention behind him was obviously coming towards him! A hundred feet of sword energy flowed down like a waterfall, heading straight towards him!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's inner energy was shaken, and he forcibly broke through the power of the Snow Mad King and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword. He flew forward with a "boom" and dust flew behind him. That sword was actually on the top of this mountain. above, leaving a crack of a hundred feet.


Xiao Chen's voice was cold and sharp, and he stared coldly at the black-robed figure who suddenly appeared. Different from the Mad King of the Snow Realm and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, the two people in front of him were only in a competitive relationship with him, and there was no hatred between them. Today's stormy fight is beyond reproach, but the man who attacked him just now clearly had a cold murderous intent.


The black-robed figure suddenly sneered, his voice low and hoarse, "Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​someone asked me to come and take your life. Do you have any last words to explain?"

Upon hearing this, everyone around was shocked. This man in black robe came down from above. Could it be that he came here to kill people?

At the same time, everyone looked at Xiao Chen again. At this moment, their eyes showed surprise. It turned out that this white-haired young man was actually the Lord of Wuyu Tian? No wonder he has such great abilities...

"Lord Wuyu, Xiao Yichen..."

In the distance, King Qin Guang of the Abyss of Ten Thousand Ghosts was also concentrating. He had guessed a little bit just now, but he didn't expect that he was really the Lord of Wuyu Tian.

At this time, the two people from the Jiuyou clan also stopped. The evil man looked at Xiao Chen intently, with a faint flash of light in his eyes, "It's the disciple of Miaoyin..."

"It's interesting...hehe."

The seductive woman looked at Xiao Chen with charming eyes, a faint smile on her lips, as if she was very interested in the man in front of her.

"Are you worthy of taking my life?"

Xiao Chen's voice was still as cold as ice, and the Mad King of Snow Realm and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword on both sides were startled. It turned out that the young man who had been fighting with them for a long time was actually the Master of Wuyu Tian who had been rumored recently.

"Whether you are worthy or not, you will probably know soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, that black shadow struck instantly, carrying fierce murderous intent in his palm, and the storm surged. It was obvious that this person's cultivation level was not lower than that of the Mad King of the Snow Realm or the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, but was even better than those of the two. superior!


When a palm met, the sky and the earth shook. Xiao Chen only felt the true energy in his body was stagnant, and he was almost knocked out. This man has such strong internal power, but this power is vaguely strange... as if he is being controlled by someone. Looks average.


The black-robed figure let out a sinister laugh, "Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​please tell me this time whether you are worthy or not if I want to take your life."

At this moment, everyone in the distance held their breath, and couldn't help but secretly sweat for Xiao Chen. They saw the black-robed figure's breath was calm, and the palm just now seemed to have only used half of his power.

But this time, Xiao Chen didn't dare to be careless. He knew that the person in front of him had a very high level of cultivation and his identity was also particularly mysterious. Could he be someone from Wutian Palace who wanted to kill him?

"Haha... Lord Wuyu, be careful."

The figure in black robe smiled solemnly, and in the blink of an eye, another fierce attack came. The entire mountain top was suddenly filled with strong winds. Even the Mad King of the Snow Region and the Master of the Eternal Life Sword felt the powerful aura.

Naturally, it was impossible for the two of them to fight with Xiao Chen at this time, so they both flew away so that Xiao Chen could let go of his hands to deal with the mysterious black-robed man who suddenly appeared.

Dust and sand flew all over the sky, and I saw that the man in black robe was extremely fierce, and his moves were aimed at Xiao Chen's life, but Xiao Chen always concentrated on facing each other, the two people shook each other's palms, and their majestic energy forced each other, shaking the area ten miles away. The clouds are surging!

After a moment of awkwardness, the two were still in a deadlock, but it was not difficult for everyone to see that the black-robed figure's moves were extremely strange, and his inner energy was as strong as a mountain. Therefore, after fighting for a long time, he was still able to do so with ease at this moment.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he was guarding every step and was surrounded by dangers. Everyone couldn't help but sweat again. This man in black robe came down from the fourth heaven specifically to kill Xiao Yichen. Who is he? The method of cultivation is also very strange and rare. It is really impossible to tell which force he belongs to.

"Haha, Lord Wuyu, be careful..."

Suddenly, the black-robed figure transformed into several swift shadows, attacking at the same time. It was difficult to tell the true and false, but when they got closer, the several swift shadows merged into one, and finally used one extremely powerful move. With his sword, he was heading straight towards Xiao Chen!


Blocking the power of this sword, Xiao Chen flew back. After he settled down and stood firm, he couldn't help but frowned. Who is this person? His technique is so weird, it seems to be even worse than Guiyunshan back then. Be difficult to deal with.

"Haha, come again, this time, Lord Wuyu, you must be more careful..."

The figure in black robe smiled sinisterly, and in the blink of an eye, he attacked again. This time the attack was more fierce and fierce than before. Even the people in the distance felt their breath suffocated... It was so strong!

"Want to kill me? You seem to be dreaming."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and sharp, and as soon as he finished speaking, he urged his true energy, and launched the thirty-third level of the Separation of Hatred Art. One minute moved the thunder, three points shook the universe, and there was no room for maneuver in his attack!


There was a loud noise, and the two people faced each other again, and the sand was suddenly thrown up. Even those who were far away felt this moment was thrilling.


The figure in black robe smiled coldly, and while confronting Xuan Jin, he said gloomily, "Shang Wuyu's skills are indeed amazing. He has not entered the holy realm, but he is more powerful than the holy realm. It's a pity that you stayed outside Fengyuntian." Those people, do they also have such unparalleled skills as yours..."

"who are you."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became even colder. Thinking that Wei Yang and the others were still outside, he inevitably felt worried.


The figure in black robe smiled solemnly and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, but Lord Xiao, you will be able to see them soon. By today, they must have been captured by mistake..."

"you wanna die."

Xiao Chen's murderous aura froze, and he used a move of Xuan Jin to shake him away. He knew that he wanted to disturb his mind. There was violence outside, and there were two quasi-sages, Bu Yundian and Shui Hanyan. Weiyang and the others would be fine. .

The man in black robe sneered, "It seems that you really care about the life and death of Palace Master Lianhua. I think it was because of her that Lord Xiao betrayed the Xuanqing Sect..."

"Shut up!"

Xiao Chen tried his best not to be distracted and attacked again. The man in black robe stepped back with his feet and flew back. He smiled sinisterly and said, "If she dies, I wonder if Lord Xiao will still live alone in the world. If you are Between the two of them, only one of them is destined to live, haha..."

"If you dare to hurt her even a little bit, I will teach you that your soul will be driven away from the sky!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's body was full of murderous intent, but the more so, the harder it was to capture this person.

Everyone in the distance watched with bated breath. The woman from the Jiuyou Clan smiled calmly, "This boy seems to have lost his mind... He is probably no match for that person. Brother, what do you think?"

"I said... that person is so strange. Didn't my sister find something?"

The evil man's eyes narrowed slightly. From just now to now, his eyes have been falling on the mysterious man in black robes, and there was a hint of suspicion.

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