The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,138 Reversal of Yin and Yang


Another sharp sound filled the sky with black and white sword energy, as well as the yin and yang restrictions in the formation, almost instantly, it seemed as if Xiao Chen was about to be swallowed up.

At this moment, why were the restrictions in the formation so strengthened? Many people below were horrified. Can he still resist...

Xiao Chen held his breath and concentrated, the real energy in his body was almost pushed to the limit. At this moment, dazzling mysterious lights appeared on his body.

Manipulating life and death, reversing yin and yang!

In an instant, the layers of yin and yang restrictions were pushed back again.


Many people below were shocked. He could still resist such a strong restriction. What on earth is he capable of?

In the formation, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. At that moment, he seemed relaxed, but in fact he was extremely dangerous. If he succeeded, everyone would be impressed, and if he failed, he would sigh.

At that moment, he discovered that there was a strange force from outside, trying to disrupt the yin and yang in the formation. Although the force was very hidden, it was captured by his keen consciousness.


Suddenly there is another restriction coming from the sky, like a shocking sword energy. Under the sword energy, everything will be destroyed!

And at this moment, Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun formed seals with his hands and silently sent another finger force into the formation. But this time, the finger force went straight towards Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and he was obviously aware of the secret finger force in an instant. He raised his left hand to control life and death against the sword energy in the sky and the surrounding restrictions. The two fingers of his right hand were combined, and he also issued a sharp finger force, With a "chi" sound, he immediately collided with the finger force coming from behind.


At this moment, Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun, who was far away, could not help but paled slightly. Obviously, it took a lot of energy for him to control this finger force into the formation, and if the finger force was broken by Xiao Chen, he would inevitably suffer a backlash. .

"Master Ghost Saint."

The hunchbacked old man next to him narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't expect that Xiao Yichen was so powerful. He could actually penetrate the finger power of the Ghost Saint in front of him while he was in the formation.


Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun shook his head, his eyes fixed, and he looked at the formation and said in a solemn voice, "It seems that this kid really has some abilities..."

In the Tai Chi array, wind and thunder surged, and there were countless restrictions. The situation just now was so dangerous that everyone outside the array had cold sweat on their backs unknowingly.

I saw Xiao Chen's body shape changing all the time, like a ghost, sometimes avoiding the sword energy coming from the sky one after another, sometimes shooting out the power of yin and yang, breaking through the layers of restrictions, and in a moment, he actually rose up again About ten or twenty feet tall.

But as he went higher, the thunder became more fierce, the sword energy became more powerful, and the yin and yang restrictions in the formation seemed to engulf him.


The sharp winds continued, and the restrictions in the sky became stronger and stronger. Due to the imbalance of yin and yang in the formation, the entire valley shook slightly at this time. Many people were so shocked that they stepped back, but there were still some , stood there with breathless concentration, looking motionless at the high sky. Can he really break the formation by himself?


Suddenly, another mysterious thunder fell. Due to the serious imbalance of yin and yang in the formation, the Tai Chi diagram in the sky also suddenly changed. Sometimes the sky was full of wind and thunder falling downwards, sometimes it turned the sky into a sea of ​​fire, and sometimes there were thousands of thunders in the sky. The sword light slashed down.

"No, he can't get up."

Many old men with higher moral standards shook their heads at this time. The restrictions above were really terrifying. They were stacked layer by layer. They were completely beyond the limit that mortals could bear. Even those who have become saints may not be able to withstand it. If he can resist it, if he continues to go up, he will be wiped out.


A bolt of thunder and lightning suddenly struck, carrying a sharp sword energy and the terrifying Yin and Yang restrictions. Xiao Chen finally couldn't resist it. At this moment, Wei Young's appearance came to mind again. He promised Wei Young that nothing would happen here...

Finally, he gave up. One person really couldn't break through this Yin-Yang Tai Chi array. He jumped back and flew back into the valley.

At this moment, the whole valley suddenly became quiet, and everyone was silent. Everyone looked at him silently and said nothing. It was only a little bit worse just now, but it's a pity...

At this moment, many people are sighing in their hearts. No matter how strong he is, no matter how powerful he is, he still cannot change the law of yin and yang. This is a law in the world that can never be changed.

Xiao Chen covered his chest with his hands. The originally cold Xuanwu Armor was now filled with bursts of hot breath. If it weren't for the Xuanwu Armor's protection, he might not have been intact in that formation just now.

At this moment, he remembered that night again. Before leaving, Weiyang personally put this Xuanwu armor on him.

Is it... really impossible to go up?

Xiao Chen raised his head. He had tried his best just now. He had ignored the words of Fairy Suwen and the backlash of life and death. He had used the control of life and death to the limit to resist the restriction of the imbalance of yin and yang. But in the end, he still couldn't reverse it. yin and yang……

If you want to change your life, you must reverse the yin and yang...

At this moment, the words Ku Lingzi said to him in the past resounded in his mind. Throughout the ages, there are very few people who can successfully change their fate, unless they can reverse the yin and yang and seize the destiny of life and death.

The wind slowly blew past him. So where was his father back then?

Xiao Chen stared at the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the sky without moving. When his father ascended to the Nine Heavens alone, had he been here before?

How did he get up there alone? Could it be that he... actually has the ability to reverse yin and yang? Then why in the end, my mother died, and even he...

Xiao Chen suddenly clenched his fingers. At this moment, for some reason, he seemed to be even more persistent than Xiao Meng'er before. Under everyone's gaze, he rushed towards the formation again!


At this moment, everyone was even more shocked. Isn't he still determined to give up?

He was lucky just now. He retreated before the last restriction came down. But this time, if he is hit by the restriction, then... he will definitely die!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Xiao Chen once again rushed into the Yin-Yang Tai Chi formation. This time he was even more desperate and used his control of life and death to the extreme. Even the whole world seemed to be filled with a sense of desolation in an instant. , the wind is rustling, the water is cold... there is no way back!


The restrictions were like thunder, crashing down, almost tearing the void apart. No matter how Xiao Chen tried, he was still unable to break through the last layer of restrictions. In the end, he had to retreat to the valley.

This time, everyone stared at him blankly without saying a word. Just now, everyone thought that Xiao Meng'er was already a persistent person regardless of life and death. Unexpectedly, he was even more persistent than Xiao Meng'er, but Xiao Meng'er at least has Liu Wuxin to cooperate, but he is always alone...


At this moment, a woman's laughter sounded from behind the crowd, but it was the woman in red standing next to the hunchbacked old man.

She looked at Xiao Chen and said with a faint smile, "It seems that no matter how outstanding Lord Xiao is in cultivation, it is still impossible for him to break this Yin-Yang Tai Chi formation by himself? What a pity, what a pity, haha..."

Hearing this, many people sighed in their hearts, it is true. Although his cultivation level is extremely high, among his peers, no one can match him except for people like Xiao Menger, but this time, he After all, I still can’t go up to the ninth heaven.

The cold wind blows, revealing a sense of coldness and ruthlessness... Heaven and earth are ruthless, and so are all living beings.


The woman in red smiled faintly and was about to continue saying something. Suddenly, a cold breath came from behind and choked what she wanted to say in her throat, making her tremble all over. Abyss, I dare not say another word.

At this moment, the others were also shocked. This cold breath was...

"Me and him, together."

At this moment, a cold and indifferent female voice sounded from behind the crowd. Everyone was startled and quickly turned around, only to see a figure in the vague sky, who did not know when, like a fairy descending.

"In the mountain of Miaogushe, there is a god and man living there. His skin is like ice and snow, and his body is like a virgin. He does not eat grains, but breathes wind and drinks dew..."

At this moment, many people were stunned, as if they saw a fairy coming to the dust.

Originally, they thought that only Xiao Meng'er in the world had such peerless immortality, but the person in front of them was really like the reincarnation of the goddess, as beautiful as jade, as flawless as snow, with colorful feathers and colorful clothes, without a trace of human dust.

2020! In the new year, Guyi hereby wishes everyone a Happy New Year! Girls are as beautiful as jade, as flawless as snow, boys... drink more hot water.

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