The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,144 Detoxification

I saw Gui Yunshan raised his hand, and a ten-foot crack suddenly appeared in the void, and suddenly enveloped Zang Fengyun.

"Be careful..."

At this moment, the Ghost Holy Wind and Jingyun flew in instantly, and with the mysterious seals of both hands, a black strange light flew out. With a "boom", it offset the void crack in Guiyun Mountain, but the mysterious power of both sides was shocked. It was several miles away and trembled violently.

"This is……"

Blood Saint Bu Liuxing and Cold Saint Qianshan Xue were both startled. Could this black shadow in front of them be... a dead soul? But he actually has the strength of quasi-sage level 6 or above... ♦

"Guiyun Mountain?"

Feng Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. Could it be that Gui Yunshan back then has become... a dead soul now? Could it be...

At this moment, he had already thought of something. When he looked at Xiao Chen again, his eyes were obviously filled with surprise. The Guiyun Mountain back then actually died in his hands...

"You'll be next."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Gui Yunshan, kill him!" He had nothing to say to this ghost saint Feng Jingyun, let alone show mercy.

"Guiyunshan...received." At this moment, Guiyunshan's whole body was filled with evil energy, and it was filled with deathly silence for miles around.

"The devil cries, nine transformations!"

With a sharp shout, billowing evil energy gathered within a hundred feet radius, and instantly turned into countless ghostly shadows, screaming and screaming, and rushed towards Feng Jingyun and others. The scene was terrifying.

"Back off."

Feng Jingyun reacted in an instant, quickly formed seals with his hands, and several black lights flew up around his body, forming a powerful barrier in an instant. With a "bang", the layers of ghosts on Guiyun Mountain were scattered. They all resisted outside.

The cold wind blew nearby and the atmosphere was tense. Feng Jingyun stared at Xiao Chen in the distance. At this time, he looked at him with some special eyes. He said gloomily, "It's amazing to be able to imprison the dead soul of such a master... It's a pity that you can't go." The ninth heaven.

After saying that, with a flick of his sleeve, the barrier immediately turned into a mist, and he, Zang Fengyun and the other three people behind him disappeared into the void in an instant.

The surrounding area finally slowly returned to calm, with only the cold wind blowing by, stirring up dust and sand all over the ground. Several peaks around it were destroyed by the battle just now.

However, this area of ​​several tens of miles is nothing more than a drop in the ocean for the entire Fengyuntian. Even if it is destroyed, it will not have any impact.


Suddenly, Qian Yu Nishang let out a muffled groan, and her face suddenly became paler. The poison of Poison Saint Zang Fengyun is so powerful. Unless the Medical Saint Shui Hanyan and the Medicine Saint Bu Yundian are here at the same time, even if she is Sanhua It is difficult to detoxify this poison even if it is gathered at the top. It can only temporarily seal the heart meridians to prevent the poison from continuing to spread.

"How are you?"

Xiao Chen frowned, thinking back to the time when he was in Qinling, when Xiahou Jie from the Seven Summer Hall in the Snowy Land attacked him. At that time, he was far from Xiahou Jie's opponent, and the Qin family in Qinling probably only had their hometown. Lord Qin Guan was able to deal with this person reluctantly.

But Xiahou Jie was very good at poisoning. If Qin Guan made a mistake, the entire Qin family would probably be destroyed for a while, and Qin Lian would be forcibly taken away. Therefore, at that time, he went to fight on behalf of Qin Guan and fought against Xiahou Jie. There was a competition.

However, this competition is not about martial arts, but about "poison". Xiahou Jie will inject the poison and he will detoxify it. If the poison is detoxified, he will win. If the poison cannot be detoxified, then he will be poisoned. Fatal and dead.

Even at that time, it was difficult for him to cure Xiahou Jie's poison, so that time, he took a desperate risk and used himself as a cauldron to condense Xiahou Jie's poison into a poisonous pill in his body. , after being refined, it can be said to be the most poisonous in the world.

At this time, it seems that the poison in Qian Yu Nishang's body is more serious than the poison he was in that day. I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to use his body to condense the poison elixir like he did that day.

Let me ask, if everyone can use their body as a cauldron to condense poisonous elixirs, then what kind of deterrent power does the poison of Poison Saint Zang Fengyun have?

It is precisely because no one can cure his poison, so even those who have reached the holy realm are very afraid of him. It may not be difficult for people in the holy realm to kill him, but if they have been poisoned by this person, And if you kill this person, it is equivalent to ruining your own life.


At this moment, Qianyu Nishang used her mellow skills to forcefully support her, but it was still obvious that she was seriously poisoned and her face was getting uglier.

Obviously, no matter how powerful she is, she can't withstand the Poison Saint's poison. Even if her master Meiyue is poisoned by the Poison Saint, she can't say that nothing will happen to her.

"That spiritual power...disappeared."

Qian Yu Nishang looked into the distance. She could no longer feel the spiritual power that she and Xiao Chen had detected just now, which meant that the gathering point of spiritual power had disappeared, which meant that someone had gone to the eighth heaven.

"The poison in Zang Fengyun is very powerful. If it is not detoxified in time, your life may be in danger. First find a place with strong spiritual energy and I will detoxify it for you."

Xiao Chen frowned deeply. At the moment, he no longer cared about the gathering point of spiritual power. He had to find a way to undo the poison for Qian Yu Nishang first, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. The Poison Saint's poison was by no means just talk.

After half a stick of incense, the two came to a flower valley, where they saw strange flowers blooming, green grass, and green mirror-like lakes in the distance. The aura here is natural, and it can be said to be a holy place for practicing and healing.


Qian Yu Nishang's face turned pale, and poison was faintly spreading around her wrists.

Unexpectedly, the poison of Zang Fengyun was so powerful. It took only half a stick of incense. Even though Qian Yu Nishang had already sealed her heart, the poison had the potential to attack the heart. Xiao Chen supported her, and without saying a word, he jumped with her. Flying towards the valley.

Falling in front of a shallow pool, Xiao Chen helped her sit down, but saw that the water in the pool was crystal clear, and the spiritual energy flowing on the surface was particularly extraordinary, which must be more conducive to detoxification.

No longer hesitating at this moment, Xiao Chen ordered Gui Yunshan to guard behind the entrance of the valley, and immediately supported Qian Yu Nishang and walked into the pool. After the two sat down, the water in the pool rippled gently, just reaching between their waists and abdomens.

"Do you know how to detoxify..." Qian Yu Nishang's lips turned pale and she turned her head slightly. At this moment, even speaking seemed a little weak.

"I know something, don't move." Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and with a movement of true energy in his palm, he immediately pressed it against her back and under her shoulders.


Qian Yu Nishang let out a muffled groan. At this moment, she felt like electricity passed through her body, and there was a numb and tingling feeling.

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Chen's frown became deeper and deeper. The poison was so powerful that it was comparable to the poison Xiahou Jie used on him when he was in Qinling Mountains.

If it weren't for the fact that his current cultivation level was no longer comparable to that of before, he would have been unable to do anything. But now, the biggest obstacle is between him and Qian Yu Nichang.

Zang Fengyun's poison is very powerful. To a certain extent, it is more powerful than the poison of "Xiahou Jie", even though they are both the same person.

So now, if she wants to detoxify Qianyu Nishang, there must be no obstruction between the two of them. Moreover, Xiao Chen's true energy belongs to "Yang". If it stays in Qianyu Nishang's body, the toxins will spread faster, so she Clothes must be removed.

"Why did you... stop?" As if she noticed that he had stopped, Qian Yu Nishang turned pale and asked slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's frown deepened. Although the two of them had known each other since they were teenagers and were even more intimate when they practiced swordsmanship together on Zixiao Peak, the obstacles between the two now are by no means just One layer of clothing.

"I see……"

Qianyu Nishang's lips were pale. She was no longer the girl she was before, and she knew that Xiao Chen was worried at this time.

After a while, Xiao Chen frowned and said, "If the poison is allowed to continue to spread and it is delayed for three more moments, then I will not be able to remove the poison..."

"Then close your eyes and don't open them..." Qian Yu Nishang's words were a little weak, but her tone was very calm.

"Okay." Xiao Chen closed his eyes as she said.

Qian Yu Nishang reached out and slowly unbuttoned her clothes. Her face, which was still a little pale, seemed to have regained its complexion as her heartbeat quickened.

I don't know whether it was because of the poisoning or the nervousness at this moment, but her hands were trembling slightly, and her body was trembling slightly, causing the water in the pool that was up to her waist to ripple outward in circles.

Finally, the clothes were gently untied, and the skirt slid down the water, like a flower blooming in the water, reflecting the flawless shoulders in the water.

"Okay, okay..."

The breeze slowly blew through her chest, and Qian Yu Nishang felt her face blazing, and even her breathing was trembling.

Xiao Chen's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he no longer hesitated. With a movement of his palms, he pressed his palms against her back, and a warmth immediately spread across her water-like skin.


Another muffled groan came from Qianyu Nishang, and her face felt even hotter. At this time, she could clearly feel the traces of true energy traveling throughout her body.

After a day and a night like this, Qian Yu Nishang's complexion looked much better, but at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion gradually began to turn pale. It was obvious that in order to cleanse her of the poison, he spent a lot of money that day and night.

But Qianyu Nishang was not without consumption. At this time, her consciousness finally began to blur. I don't know how long it took, but I could only feel that my vision went dark, and she fell onto Xiao Chen behind.

Xiao Chen immediately supported her, reached into the water with his hand, put the clothes on her body, and then opened his eyes.

Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were slightly closed, and a layer of sweat had gathered on her face. However, the signs of poisoning had finally gone away. I think the poison given by Laizang Fengyun had been completely eliminated. Next, all she had to do was wait for her to recover.

The clothes on her body were already soaked by the pool water. Xiao Chen took her out of the water and went to a cave in the Flower Valley. He used his inner strength to force the water out of her clothes. However, at this time, he accidentally saw her under her left shoulder. , close to the chest, there is a light red mark, which looks like a sword mark, but I don’t know where it is.

"This is……"

Xiao Chen's expression immediately condensed. Based on his knowledge, this light red mark that looked like a sword mark was definitely unusual. What kind of mark was it?

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