The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,151 Murderous Intent!

"Suzaku? Humph!"

Ghost Saint Feng Jingyun snorted coldly, and in the next moment, without saying a word, he struck hard at the mysterious Suzaku. As for the Sword Saint Seven Steps and One Kill and others, he attacked Xiao Chen again.

In the stormy sky, a fierce battle resumes, the cold wind howls, rocks fall, and the battle between the strong is about to break out!

On the other side, Qianyu Nishang was stuck with Xiao Menger and her senior brother. For a while, the battle was filled with sorrow and smoke.

Although she noticed the mysterious Suzaku that suddenly came, she did not dare to be distracted at this time. When she was concentrating, she poured out the Xuanqing Taoist method, and her whole body was suddenly enveloped in brilliant light, like a fairy coming to the dust.

Liu Wuxin did not expect that this woman from the Xuanqing Sect had such a high level of Taoism. She was not inferior to her junior sister at all. For a moment, she did not dare to be careless and underestimate the enemy, so she had to find the gap between the opponent's attacks, and then launched a series of fierce moves in her hand. . ❁

"The lotus blossoms form a veil!"

Xiao Meng'er swept the dust away, and the lotus platform under her feet immediately bloomed with a brilliant light, covering her whole body. Even though Qian Yu Nishang's sword was cold and ruthless, it was difficult to shake her body.

"Smoke marks thousands of miles!"

Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were cold, and he slashed out with a sword. Qiu Shui had not yet taken it out of its sheath, but the power of the sword had the power to shake the nine heavens and grasp the stars and the moon!

Even people who were far away were shocked at this moment.

Looking at the other side, the two brothers and sisters of the Jiuyou clan, as well as Guan Zhen, King Qin Guang, the Master of the Eternal Life Sword, the Mad King of the Snow Region, and others were all fighting with others at this time. For a time, the entire eighth level sky was filled with turmoil. , the battle between the strong shakes the heaven and the earth.

But the "cold sun" in the sky has not changed from beginning to end, like the eyes of the ancient gods, looking down at all living beings below.


There was another loud noise, and dust and smoke filled the sky. Sword lights flew up one after another. Sword Master Seven Steps and One Kill and Blood Saint Buliuxing joined forces to attack. Xiao Chen wanted to break the attack of these two men, so he slashed out with a sword, and there was a crash. The force destroyed the heaven and the earth, and he himself was constantly pushed back by the force, causing the boulders under his feet to break into pieces along the way.

At this moment, a hand pressed on his shoulder from behind, but Suzaku appeared behind him at some point, pressed his shoulder, and shook his head. His attack was too fierce, but it was not Not suitable for today's battle.

The moment Xiao Chen turned around, this scene felt a bit familiar for some reason. Why were the eyes under this cold mask so familiar? The Suzaku in front of me is different from the sick Qilin and Xuanwu who appeared in Huangquan Valley...

"Who are you?"

He opened his mouth to ask the doubts in his heart, but at that moment, the Ghost Saint suddenly attacked, the cold wind rustled, and the ghosts roared!

"Be careful."

With a calm and calm expression on Suzaku's face, he pulled him back with his left hand and pushed out with his right hand. His palm force was like a torrential force. With a "boom", he collided with the Ghost Saint's fierce offensive, and immediately kicked up thousands of feet of dust and smoke.

"Go." Suzaku said to Xiao Chen behind him while looking at Ghost Saint and others calmly.

At this moment, Xiao Chen still frowned slightly. At that moment...who was he?

"I'll stop them for you. You, go do what you want to do, but the road ahead is dangerous and unknown. You must remember that nothing is more important than life."

Suzaku's voice was clear. After saying the last sentence, he reached out and flicked his hand, and a long and loud roar of Suzaku suddenly sounded high in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a Suzaku shadow swooped down, rolled up Xiao Chen, turned into a pair of fire wings, and condensed on his back, helping him fly to the ninth level of the sky.

Seeing Xiao Chen flying towards the ninth level of the sky, many people below were shocked, especially Xiao Meng'er, whose expression suddenly changed.

The next moment, she put her two fingers together, moved a little toward the center of her eyebrows, then activated her bloodline power, and broke through the obstruction of Qian Yu's colorful clothes with one palm, intending to chase Xiao Chen away.

But at this moment, Qian Yu Nishang's three-flower gathering seal between her eyebrows was in full bloom. With a "clang" sound, the Qiu Shui Sword was unsheathed and struck at her with one strike.

"Junior sister, be careful!"

Liu Wuxin's expression changed, and he resisted in an instant. However, with his high and profound Taoist skills, he was actually shocked back by Qian Yu Nishang's sword.

Xiao Meng'er was unable to break through the obstruction of Qian Yu's colorful clothes, but she saw Xiao Chen rushing towards the "cold sun" in the sky, only a few hundred feet away from the ninth level of the sky.

"I'll stop him."

Liu Wuxin could no longer care about so many things. He kept forming seals with his hands and instantly performed the "Great Peng Spreads Wings" magic. He surged up and caught up with Xiao Chen in an instant. Without saying a word, he hit him with a fierce attack. Go.

Sensing the mysterious force coming from behind him, Xiao Chen turned around suddenly and swung out a palm. The collision of their palms caused the cold wind to rise in the eighth level of the sky, like sharp blades.

Fortunately, at this time, the pair of Suzaku divine wings on Xiao Chen's back had not dissipated, otherwise he would have been unable to withstand the raging cold wind on the top of the eighth heaven. If Liu Wuxin was hit suddenly by Liu Wuxin, he would surely fall from the top.

Above the nine heavens, the wind and clouds were surging, and the two of them stared at each other. Liu Wuxin knew that the person in front of him had profound skills and was not inferior to him. He did not dare to be careless at this time. After his breath had calmed down, he launched another offensive. His purpose was, It is not to defeat Xiao Chen, but to hold him back. This person must not be allowed to reach the ninth heaven before his junior sister.

A fierce battle resumed between the two, and Liu Wuxin suddenly pulled out an immortal sword. The purple light on the sword's body exuded an extremely powerful sword energy, and he struck at Xiao Chen with one strike.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

The two swords touched each other, making a cold metal collision sound. The sword technique used by Liu Wuxin was the "Peach Blossom Thirty-Six Swords" of the Xianqiong Sect. One sword after another, only to defeat the enemy and not to hurt anyone. Life was created by the Immortal Lord Donghua in the past, and he had the demeanor of a master of the Immortal family.

What Xiao Chen used at this time was naturally the "Thirty-Three Levels of Bixiao Sword Technique". When Ling Yin gave him this sword, he also hoped that he would have the world in his heart and would never have such murderous intent at this time.

Just because in these years, the coldness in his heart has become heavier and heavier, and at the same time, because of the evil spirit in the emperor's sword, his heart has become colder and colder. Therefore, at this moment, every sword strike seems to be invisible and traceless, but it is full of murderous intent. Heavy!


There was a sharp sound, and blood splashed everywhere. Liu Wuxin was hit by a sword on the left side of his chest. If he hadn't blocked it with his sword in time, and used his true energy to protect his body, he would have probably passed through Xiao Chen's heart with this sword. .

"Senior brother..."

At this time, Xiao Meng'er was confronting Qian Yu Nishang below, but she happened to see Xiao Chen's murderous sword.


There was another sharp sound, and Liu Wuxin was hit by another sword. Even though the "Thirty-Six Peach Blossom Swordsmanship" he used was also an extremely profound swordsmanship, he was now up against Xiao Chen's "Thirty-Three Layers of Bixiao Swordsmanship" , but still slightly inferior.

Many people below naturally saw this scene, and they all thought in their hearts at this time, one is the current disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord, and the other is the former disciple of Fairy Miaoyin of Xuanqing Sect, but now it seems that Liu Wuxin Slightly less so.

"You can't stop me today. I think you are her senior brother. Now stand down. I won't hurt you."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. Because Emperor Gu was stained with blood, the evil spirit in the sword gradually became heavier, and even the sword was covered with a layer of blood mist.

If it were anyone else, if they were still holding this sword, they would have been eroded by the ancient evil spirit in the sword, and they would have become ruthless in their killing. But at this time, he was still able to maintain his character, which was definitely not the case. What ordinary people can do.

"I won't let you go up there."

The corner of Liu Wuxin's mouth was bleeding continuously. He fought with his seriously wounded body. He used his true energy again and struck out with another sharp sword. He attacked Xiao Chen directly. With him in the way, it was difficult for Xiao Chen to reach the ninth level smoothly.

"Knowing that you are outmatched, hitting an egg against a rock is extremely stupid."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's eyes turned cold, and his sword energy was activated. The Emperor Gujian's blood glow suddenly increased, and the sword penetrated Liu Wuxin's layers of sword energy, and with a "chi" sound, he passed through his chest.

"Uh... poof!"

Liu Wuxin was severely injured by Di Gu, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out. This scene also shocked the people below.


Suddenly, Xiao Chen let out a muffled groan, and Emperor Gu drank blood. At this moment, there seemed to be a blood mist in the sword, which penetrated into his wrist, making the killing in his heart increase several times!

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have suddenly changed. With a fierce and murderous aura in his palm, he suddenly hit Liu Wuxin with one palm without leaving any room.

"Xiao Yichen...stop!"

Below, Xiao Meng'er's expression changed, and with a swipe of her finger, the Chenxin Sword instantly turned into a green sword light and flew up, but it was still a moment slower after all.

There was only a "bang" sound, and Xiao Chen's palm hit Liu Wuxin firmly, causing the latter to be severely injured. A mouthful of blood spurted out and he fell down.

At this moment, everyone below was shocked. That was the disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord. He actually attacked him so hard that he wanted to take his life...

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