The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,168 Murderous Intent Appears

"Your Excellency has a good reputation, but you dare not show your true face to others. I guess you are not a member of the Demon Sect."

The woman's voice was cold and indifferent, like the wind and frost that had lasted for thousands of years. It made people tremble all over after listening to it. She was indeed the youngest daughter of the head of the Su family, Su Changqing, Su Qian...

It is said that the Su family has the most talent in the past thousand years... no one can surpass him!

More than forty years ago, the head of the Su family, Su Changqing, gradually retired from the world. Since then, Su Qian has been responsible for almost all the affairs of the Su family. Why does she suddenly appear here today?

Everyone couldn't imagine it, and what did she mean by what she just said?

At this time, many people looked at the mysterious black-robed man again. Could this man be a member of the Taoist sect? But if he is from the Taoist sect, why does he look so evil?

"It seems that she is indeed Su Changqing's daughter..."

Under the black robe, an eerie voice came out again, and at this moment, the breeze gently lifted up the woman's robe. Xiao Chen remained motionless. At this moment, the face under the robe was the same as what he had seen in the dream. Yes, that familiar but vague face is vaguely similar.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" ✪

At this moment, the purple-robed woman suddenly turned her head. The moment Xiao Chen looked into her eyes, he couldn't explain how he felt. She was...

"Leave here first before we talk..."

Hua Weiyang was quick-thinking and immediately pulled his sleeve. Of course, she immediately guessed who the woman in front of her was.

Xiao Chen also turned around, no longer hesitated, raised his hand, and immediately led everyone outside Yun Zong.

The man in black robe stretched out his hand in mid-air, and a black mist rolled away immediately. However, at this moment, the woman in purple robe also stretched out her hand, and a ray of purple energy flew out, and the black mist dispersed with a bang.

Everyone nearby was shocked. Even the two quasi-sages Tang Qingshi and Meng Qinghe were also a little frightened. Could it be that her cultivation level has...

At night, with a bright moon hanging high in the sky, Xiao Chen and his party were far away from the boundaries of Cangshan Mountain and found a valley full of spiritual energy to rest temporarily. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

During the day today, Xiao Chen suffered too much from the Yun Sect and had to recover his true energy as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only would he be in danger at any time, but it would even affect his future cultivation, making it even more difficult to achieve breakthroughs in cultivation.

In the middle of the night, the moonlight all over the ground was as cold as water, and all the people in Wuyu Tian had taken away their breath and hid near the valley.

And deep in the valley where the spiritual energy is the most abundant, Xiao Chen closed his eyes lightly and ran the thirty-third level of the Art of Leaving Hatred, slowly absorbing the spiritual energy in the valley into his body. So far, he has only recovered less than 50% of his true energy.

After a long time, I saw him slowly opening his eyes. Little by little, everything that happened in Yunzong during the day began to reappear in his mind, and it all seemed like a dream, especially later, that person from the Su family The appearance of...

At this moment, he felt a trace of coldness on his chest again, an indescribable feeling. It was not the Emperor Gu Sword, but the blood jade.

Xiao Chen slowly took out the blood jade, and the lines on the jade were still clearly visible. When he was in Yun Zong today, he almost ran out of real energy, and when Yun Daozi died together in the end, it seemed that this blood jade replaced him again. Blocked it, otherwise, he wouldn't have been fine at all.

According to rumors, jade can protect the owner. If one day, the jade that has been carried around suddenly breaks into pieces, it will definitely save the owner from disaster.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was holding the blood jade in his hand, and a trace of cold breath slowly came out from the jade, and this cold breath was probably only felt by him, like a feeling of blood connection.

Could it be that those people who hunted my father back then... were doing it for this jade?

And the master gave her the blood jade after sixteen years. What exactly did she know, but she never told her...

The fog seemed to cover him heavily, and at this time, a sound of gentle footsteps also sounded outside, interrupting his thoughts.


Xiao Chen immediately put the blood jade into his arms, stood up and walked outside the cave. Under the full moon, he saw Hua Weiyang standing quietly by the spring outside the cave. The moonlight seemed to have covered her body with a thin layer of gauze.

"Are you feeling better?"

The red lips opened slightly, but seemed to hesitate to speak. Her eyes were like water, and even the moonlight at this time became gentle, shining on her, peaceful and flawless.

"What's wrong, Weiyang..."

Xiao Chen saw her looking strange and knew she had something to say, so he slowly walked over and said softly, "She's almost recovered. It's okay. Don't worry."

Hua Weiyang raised her head gently, her clear eyes were like spring water under the moon, her long and curved eyelashes, like cicada feathers trembling gently, like a beautiful couple of flowers, like water and tenderness, but still hard to hide, the heart between her eyebrows , that slight trace of sadness.


Ever since Xiao Chen became Supreme Wuyu, she had rarely called him this. At this moment, leaning on his chest, the mysterious young man playing the piano in the forest suddenly appeared in her mind.


She suddenly laughed. Xiao Chen didn't know why she laughed suddenly, but he thought that she didn't feel sad anymore when she laughed, so that was good, so he asked, "Wei Yang, why are you laughing?"

Hua Weiyang raised her head, looked at him and said, "I laughed at you for being a fool back then. You were deceived by me. My hands were just stained with some ink, so you said I was poisoned and you insisted on using energy to detoxify me. I was I'm still wondering how the world-famous Fairy Miaoyin can teach a disciple who is such a fool..."

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen was stunned. At this moment, he heard something from her words, and frowned and said, "So you knew my identity at that time?"

"Slightly, slightly..."

Hua Weiyang stuck out her tongue at him and made a face. She accidentally let it slip just now, and now she wanted to hide it like this, but Xiao Chen refused and asked, "Why did you know about me then?" identity?"

Hua Weiyang saw that she couldn't get through, so she snorted softly and said, "Of course I know. At that time, you went all the way to Xuanqing. Everywhere you went, you had to take care of everything big and small, even if it was as big as a bandit." Disturbing the people, it can be as small as Mrs. Wang’s lost cow, but you went to find it in the ravine, and when it was over, you still clasped your fists and said, I will learn from Fairy Miaoyin of Xuanqingmen..."

Hearing her say this, scenes from Xiao Chen's mind reappeared in the past when he was young. At that time, he was always proud of his master...

At this moment, both of them recalled the past events in their minds. Xiao Chen smiled softly, scratched her nose, and said, "At that time, you pretended to be your mother-in-law to lie to me. On Pingdingshan, you pretended to be me." To lie to others... Weiyang, what's wrong with you? "

She was fine a moment ago, but at this moment, tears fell from Hua Weiyang's eyes again. Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, gently caressed her cheek, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked softly, "You were fine just now. Why did I cry again suddenly..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were filled with tears, she was speechless and choked. She just leaned gently on his chest. Xiao Chen smelled the faint fragrance of her hair. At this moment, his heart was as tender as water. He no longer thought about the Hidden Saint, and he no longer thought about it. What are the people behind the scenes?

I just want that one day, when everything is over, I can fight with her to the end of the world, sing and dance, and see the spring flowers and autumn moons in the world. If she likes this world, then she can control life and death so that the flowers in this world will never wither...

However, at this moment, in his mind, her voice from the past resounded: "When you see the snow falling in the sky many years later, will you still think of the girl named Weiyang..."

"There are five kinds of flowers in the world's vegetation, but six kinds of snowflakes. So, snowflakes also have a name, they are called Weiyang flowers..."

"The Weiyang flower is fragranceless and tasteless, pure white and flawless. It's just too hurried. It only stays on the fingertips for a moment, and then dissipates without leaving a trace..."


At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt an unspeakable bitterness in his heart, and said softly, "It will be fine. When I return to Wuyutian this time, I will definitely let Senior Ku Lingzi find a way..."

Now that the Wushuang Society has passed and Yun Daozi is dead, although a mysterious person finally appears, Xiao Chen knows that he is not that person's opponent yet.

The last time he went to Wuyou Valley, although he had a flash of inspiration and realized that he could return to his true nature, and his cultivation had also improved to a higher level, in the end he was still a little bit close to being able to truly return to his true nature. If he could not truly return to his true nature, he would never be able to catch a glimpse of the saint. Realm, because the holy realm he wants to step into is not a holy realm that ordinary people can step into.

This time, everyone worked together to rescue Ku Lingzi from Xuanxiao Palace. Ku Lingzi was the Soul Saint of Youtian in Netherworld Road, one of the Eight Wastelands. His ability was so great that even those who entered the Holy Realm were Everyone is afraid of him. It must not be difficult for him to find a way to return to his true self.

Now Xiao Chen has felt it. Although his cultivation is almost unrivaled among his peers, the legendary era of annihilation has quietly arrived. The strong players from all sides are competing. In such a chaotic era, Only with sufficient strength can one stand on one side and compete with those people in the world.

So this time he decided that before continuing to pursue his father's affairs, he must let himself have a glimpse of the mystery of the Holy Realm, because the higher he pursues, the stronger the opponents he encounters. If he is not strong enough, he will only make himself miserable. and the people around you are in crisis.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew towards this place in the distance. In an instant, it was Zi Yuan who was back.

"Palace Master, Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan stared blankly at the scene in front of her. Hua Weiyang slowly let go of Xiao Chen, hiding her tears in the darkness of the night, and asked, "Zi Yuan, did you find out anything?"

Zi Yuan came back to her senses and said, "The road ahead is clear and you can travel smoothly."


Hua Weiyang nodded. Before Xiao Chen recovered his true energy in the valley, she asked Zi Yuan and Ye Ying's people to explore the way forward to avoid being ambushed by Wutian Palace. This time things made such a big fuss. , Wutian Palace will definitely take action.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang looked at Xiao Chen again. Without waiting to ask, Xiao Chen nodded, "I'm fine. You can leave tonight."

Immediately, the three of them went outside the valley and gathered everyone to set off and rush back to Wuyutian.

By the evening of the next day, the group had already left the land of ancient Shu, but at the earliest, it would take about three days to return to Wuyutian.

When a group of people came to a forest, suddenly, a cold breath came from the other end of the forest, as if it had murderous intent.

Feeling this cold breath, Hua Weiyang immediately stopped and raised her hand, making everyone alert. After all, she was not an ordinary woman. At this time, she was still calm and composed, looking coldly at the "I don't know who" at the end of the woods. The master is here, so you might as well show up to see me.”

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