The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,170 The mysterious woman reappears


After standing firm, Xiao Chen's face turned pale, and with a flick of his hand, a strong force of energy surged out, knocking back the approaching Lian Zhensi.

After Lian Zhensi stood firm, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This kid had a backlash in his body. He had been slapped again just now, and now he was still fine. He really had some ability...

"It's a pity that it's over." ❋♦

Suddenly, Lian Zhensi was in a state of great luck, and the whole forest was suddenly filled with mysterious lights that shot into the sky, like a forbidden formation, which formed in an instant and imprisoned Xiao Chen.

The surrounding restrictions came in an instant. Xiao Chen immediately launched Lingxian Steps to avoid the restrictions. He kicked off his feet and wanted to escape out of the woods. Lian Zhensi raised his hand, and a line of ten figures suddenly appeared in the void. Zhang Zhang's palm print suddenly enveloped him.

Noticing the force of the palm coming from behind, Xiao Chen had no choice but to turn around and strike out with a "bang". However, he was shocked back again and his face became even more ugly.

"I said that Lord Wuyu will not have such good luck today."

Lian Zhensi smiled coldly and attacked again in an instant. Under the backlash, Xiao Chen barely managed to lift three points of his true energy. However, the surrounding restraining force accelerated the loss of true energy in his body. If this continues, he will surely become Lian Zhen's. Captured by Si!

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the entire forest, but this strong wind was centered on Xiao Chen. Even Lian Zhensi's palm force, which was supposed to attack Xiao Chen at this moment, unexpectedly turned against him for some reason. Be absorbed by the other party.

"what happened……"

Lian Zhensi quickly stepped back. At this moment, he realized that it was the strange heavenly book that the good and the evil outside had been fighting for thousands of years.

And at this moment, in Xiao Chen's mind, only eight words appeared in Xiao Chen's mind: The universe of heaven and earth is under my control!

The spiritual energy all over the sky kept coming towards him. Lian Zhensi's expression changed slightly. How could this heavenly book be so powerful? The next moment, he no longer hesitated, gathered his true energy, and attacked Xiao Chen again.

With a flick of Xiao Chen's palm, a surge of strength surged out, and with a "bang" sound, he was knocked away. However, the next moment, he himself felt a sharp pain in his Dantian. Although the Book of Heaven can condense the surrounding spiritual energy, He adopted it for his own use, but this was only a temporary method. In addition, the heavenly book was incomplete, and he himself would suffer backlash.

This time, Lian Zhensi became much more vigilant. While Xiao Chen was recovering his true energy, he suddenly attacked. In the dim light, the two of them fought like this for a long time, destroying most of the forest.


Xiao Chen's face turned pale, and finally a mouthful of blood gushed out. Lian Zhensi found the right opportunity and struck with another palm. However, when he saw this palm, black mist formed in the palm of his hand, which was obviously poisonous. "Bang" With a loud sound, he hit Xiao Chen's chest, sending him flying backwards.

After falling to the ground, Xiao Chen kept retreating, and finally hit a broken tree. With a "pop", another mouthful of blood gushes out. However, this time, there was actually a trace of blood in his blood. There was a hint of black energy, and it was obvious that he had been poisoned.


Xiao Chen immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. At this moment, he could already feel that the true energy in his body began to dissipate. Lian Zhensi's palm just now...

"I didn't expect that Lian Zhensi would also use poison..."

This time, Xiao Chen could not hold on any longer. He had already lost too much of his true energy, causing a backlash against him. He had been slapped several times by Lian Zhensi just now and was seriously injured. Now he has been poisoned by this person. I'm afraid the situation is likely to be worse. Not good.


Lian Zhensi smiled sinisterly and approached step by step, "Lord Wu Yu has amazing cultivation and possesses such weird skills as the Heavenly Book. If I don't put the heart-corrosive bone-corrosive poison into your body, I will capture you." , when your true energy recovers, won't you be able to break through my seal and escape..."


Xiao Chen's face became even more ugly. His face was originally pale due to blood loss, but now due to poisoning, a trace of black energy gradually gathered between his eyebrows.

"I would like to advise Lord Xiao, although this heart-burning bone-corrosive poison does not harm people's lives, if you forcefully exercise your power, it will only cause the poison to spread faster, and by then it will corrode the meridians all over your body. From now on, you will be a It’s useless.”

Lian Zhensi said slowly as he walked over, fully expecting Xiao Chen to be unable to use his kung fu anymore, but unexpectedly, the other party suddenly hit him with another palm, and with a "bang", he was knocked away.


Lian Zhensi's eyes turned cold. This kid was seriously injured and was poisoned by his own heart-burning bone-eroding poison, but he was still able to perform martial arts. If he hadn't been on guard just now, he would have been injured by this palm.


Xiao Chen's face turned pale. The palm strike just now had almost exhausted the last of his true energy, but this time it caused the poison to spread faster. He immediately felt dizzy and could hardly stand still.

Lian Zhensi focused his gaze, fearing that there was some deceit in this. He once again gathered a burst of true energy in his palm, and swung it with a "bang" sound. This time, Xiao Chen vomited blood and flew backwards, landing heavily. On the ground, he finally stopped moving.

"This time...can't you stand up?"

Lian Zhensi was still wary and walked over cautiously. After making sure that Xiao Chen had fainted, he smiled coldly. However, just when he put down his guard, the other party suddenly opened his eyes and shot countless "sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" of Silver needle.


Facing this rain of silver needles, Lian Zhensi's expression changed. It was only because he was careless. At such a close range, almost no one could escape the needles fired by Xiao Chen.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Although he tried his best to resist, three needles finally penetrated his zhenqi barrier and shot him under his neck, chest and abdomen respectively. These three needles were not ordinary silver needles, but mixed with ordinary silver. There are three blood-transforming needles inside the needle.


Lian Zhensi's face changed suddenly, he gathered his true energy in an instant, and wrapped three blood-transforming needles under his true essence. Obviously he could also feel that these three silver needles were by no means ordinary hidden weapons, but some kind of extraordinary A powerful magic weapon!

At this moment, as long as he makes the slightest move, once the true essence surrounding the blood-transforming needle collapses, the blood-transforming needle will immediately be able to dissolve all the essence and blood in his body. Even if he can save his soul, there is no way he can save his physical body. , the cultivation level has dropped by at least several levels, and the longevity has been reduced by more than half.

Xiao Chen's face turned pale, and he kept the momentum of the seal with his left hand, but at this moment, he was a little weak even when he spoke, "If you dare to move, I will immediately teach you to turn into ashes..."


Lian Zhensi never expected that this kid would pretend to be dead to trick him. What should he do now? Unless Qisha rushed back now, he would not dare to use his kung fu at all. The blood-transforming needle was in his body, and if he was not careful, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Shasha, Shashasha..."

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the forest, which immediately attracted the attention of the two of them. The footsteps got closer and closer, and finally, a figure slowly appeared under the dim dusk.

It was a woman, but her whole body was hidden under a red robe, and her face could not be seen clearly. However, the sudden chill that descended between heaven and earth made Lian Zhensi feel cold all over. , as if instantly falling into a bottomless abyss of cold.

But the next moment, a look of joy appeared on his face, "You came just in time, quickly force the three silver needles out of your body for me!"

"Shasha, Shashasha..."

The figure was slowly approaching, and even though Xiao Chen's consciousness had begun to blur, at this moment, he felt that this cold chill was her...

It was the mysterious woman who destroyed three of his forces back then!

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