Soon, more than twenty people in black clothes appeared nearby, their auras were deeply hidden, but they still could not escape Xiao Chen's current consciousness.

These twenty-odd men in black seemed to have high levels of cultivation. They were all probably from Wutian Palace, and Xiao Chen did not expect that his whereabouts would be exposed so quickly.

"The one in the distance, please show up too..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and indifferent. Just as he finished speaking, a figure slowly appeared on the other side of the street. The man was thin and wearing blue clothes. There was a cold murderous aura in his eyes. At the same time, there is also a bit of greed.

"What? Is there only Lord Wuyu..." The man walked over slowly, smiled coldly, and the murderous aura and greed in his eyes became heavier.

When the people nearby heard the words "Lord Wuyu", they were all shocked. Apparently they had also heard about the recent events. At this time, they all looked at Xiao Chen. Could it be that the white-haired man in front of them Is this the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​Xiao Yichen?

At this time, many people fled to the distance. Except for some brave people, they continued to stay nearby and watch. They had all heard of Xiao Chen, but they had never seen him in person. Unexpectedly, today, This person actually appeared in Guyang City.

Xiao Chen looked at the thin man in green in front of him and said calmly, "Seven Kills, Po Jun, Greedy Wolf... It seems that your Excellency is Greedy Wolf." ✫✷

As soon as these words came out, the people nearby were even more startled, and they all looked at the thin man in green clothes. This man was the master of Tanlang Hall under Wutian Hall...

"Lord Xiao, you have good eyesight..."

Tan Lang stared at Xiao Chen and smiled coldly in his heart. Lian Zhen and Qisha failed in their mission, and he sent false news to Zi Wei and Po Jun. Now they won't be able to come here for a while.

In this way, as long as you catch Xiao Yichen, all the credit will be yours, and Lian Zhen's position will also be yours by then, haha...

At this moment, many figures suddenly flew over from a distance, led by three old men with white beards and white hair. They looked like immortals and had high levels of cultivation.

At this time, the surrounding atmosphere became even more tense. Tanlang looked at the three old men floating in the distance, and said lightly, "I am Tanlang of Wutian Palace. I have been ordered to take people. Three elders from Guyang City." , he shouldn’t intervene in Wutian Palace’s affairs, right?”

As soon as these words came out, a biting chill instantly filled the cold wind. Apart from forces like Tianzhu City, which ordinary small force would dare to take care of the affairs of Wutian Palace?

Only the three old men were seen. The old man in green in the middle said, "The master of Greedy Wolf Palace is here to take someone, and we will not stop him." After saying that, he raised his hand and immediately ordered everyone to stay away from the area.

"Don't worry, it will be soon..."

Greedy Wolf smiled coldly, and in the next moment, he suddenly disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he was in front of Xiao Chen, with five fingers turned into blades, and he grabbed Xiao Chen's throat.

This came down very quickly, and the people outside didn't see it clearly at all. When they saw it clearly, they saw Tanlang flying to the side, and with a "bang", he smashed a stone platform into pieces, and on the street Suddenly smoke and dust filled the air.

"what happened……"

Many people in the distance were shocked. They couldn't see clearly just now. The speed of these two people was really too fast.

"hehe, not bad……"

Among the smoke and dust, Greedy Wolf slowly walked out and dusted himself off vigorously. Although there was a sneer on his face, his eyes became more fierce and fierce at this moment.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he was still standing where he was, not even seeming to move, his hands still clasped behind his back.

But this was only seen by other cultivators nearby. The three elders of Guyang City were all shocked at this time. Naturally, they had heard of Xiao Chen's name, and they thought that this man must have had an opportunity to do so. He has such a high level of cultivation.

But they saw the scene just now. This person's attack was as fast as a shadow. Greedy Wolf's strength in the Seventh Hall was already not low, but in that moment, he was directly knocked away by the opponent.

The three of them looked at each other, their faces serious at this moment, and nodded to each other, not knowing what they were thinking.

At this time, the twenty or so men in black around them did not dare to take action rashly. It was obvious that they were also shocked just now. With Tanlangsi's strength, they were knocked away at once. This man's strength, What level of quasi-sage have you reached?

No one dared to act rashly, but Greedy Wolf's eyes were filled with murderous intent. As soon as he activated his Xuan Gong, streaks of green light rose up from his body. He gathered the real energy in his palm and struck Xiao Chen with a sudden blow.

At this moment, the sky was full of wind and clouds. Even people far away felt suffocated and kept retreating. It was obviously because of the first failure, but this time, Greedy Wolf almost spared no effort!

This palm came suddenly, but Xiao Chen remained calm and calm, and did not even turn around. When Greedy Wolf was approaching, he flicked his palm back, and a wave of mysterious energy surged out. With a "boom", the strength of the two people The collision immediately shook the area, and the surrounding houses were reduced to ashes in an instant.

Even those who were a little further away felt suffocated at this moment. They saw the two of them facing each other in the air, and the strong wind surging nearby seemed to tear everything to pieces.

Tanlang's face gradually became a little ugly, and he gradually felt uneasy in his heart. What happened to this person? Didn't it mean that he only had the strength of a quasi-sage sixth level, but why... Obviously, he underestimated the strength of his opponent.

"Master Greedy Wolf Hall, you seem to be a little overconfident."

Xiao Chen's eyes were light, and his skills were as deep as the vast ocean. Even the three elders in Guyang City in the distance were shocked at this time. They never expected that this Xiao Yichen would actually With such profound skills, even if the three of them work together, they may not be able to match him...

"Haha, is that right..."

Greedy Wolf's face was ugly, but his eyes still showed a ferocious look. When the Xuan Gong was activated, another strange force rushed straight towards Xiao Chen, even the ground along the way was shaken to pieces.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and Xiao Chen raised his left hand slightly, and he easily resisted Greedy Wolf's attack.

"How is it possible..." Tanlang was secretly shocked, but on his face, he forced himself to be calm and shouted coldly, "Kill him!"

After hearing this order, the twenty or so men in black around them reacted, but based on their cultivation, it was almost impossible to kill Xiao Chen.

The twenty or so people were seen taking out the talismans from their sleeves, and suddenly the sky was full of gloomy wind. The talismans seemed to have turned into indestructible sharp blades in an instant, and they attacked Xiao Chen.

Faced with the attack of these talismans and seals, Xiao Chen immediately launched Lingxian Steps, his body shape changed unpredictably, and his moves were like lightning. Soon, a dozen of the twenty or so people were seriously injured under his palms, and the remaining They were already frightened, they all underestimated each other's strength.

Tanlang had a bad premonition in his heart. This time he completely miscalculated the opponent's strength. The strength shown by Xiao Chen at this moment... was clearly on par with Ziweisi!


There was a sharp sound, and Tanlang was hit in the chest with a palm before he could make a move. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards heavily, smashing a building into pieces.

In the distance, more and more cultivators from Guyang City have gathered, and they all stared dumbfoundedly. A palace master from Wutian Palace had no room to fight back in Xiao Chen's hands. This... …Everyone was horrified.

"Uh... poof!"

Among the ruins, Tanlang stood up quickly, but couldn't hold it back. Another mouthful of blood gushed out. It was obvious that Xiao Chen's palm just now directly penetrated his body-protecting Qi, causing his internal organs to tremble. The eight meridians all suffered considerable trauma.


Tanlang looked at the man walking slowly outside the smoke. At this moment, he finally felt a cold fear.

And this fear came from the other person's eyes, which seemed to be the coldest and most terrifying eyes in the world, as cold as an abyss. For a moment, he even seemed to be hallucinating. The person walking towards him at this time was not Xiao Yi. Chen Chen, but Xiao Zhufeng.

This time, if he hadn't been greedy for credit and led Ziweisi and Pojunsi elsewhere, how could he have faced such a terrifying opponent alone?

The cold and oppressive breath was getting closer and closer. Tanlang's face was startled. He looked at Xiao Chen's figure getting closer and closer outside the smoke. At this moment, he did not hesitate anymore and immediately took out a jade note. With his fingers condensed, a stream of spiritual power was injected into the jade note.

The next moment, Zi Weisi's voice came from the jade note, "Gandan Lang? Where are you now? There is nothing here..."

"Guyang City! I'm in Guyang City...and he's here too!"

"What did you say?"

"Xiao Yichen, he is in Guyang City...ah!"

"Greedy Wolf! Greedy Wolf! What happened? Greedy Wolf!"


Waves of heart-rending screams kept coming from the smoke, and everyone outside was horrified to hear it. When the smoke inside dispersed, they saw Greedy Wolf being choked by Xiao Chen, and his whole face was almost in a state of panic. It became purple-black.

"Greedy Wolf! Greedy Wolf! What happened? Answer me!"

Ziweisi's voice was still heard from inside the jade paper, while Tanlang was being strangled by the throat, blood was flowing out, and all five of Xiao Chen's fingers were pinched into his throat.

All the people in the distance were frightened by this scene, but Xiao Chen's eyes were always cold and indifferent, which made them even more frightened. As expected, just like the rumors, this man was cold and ruthless...


"Ganlang! Greedy Wolf...speak!"

Zi Weisi's voice kept coming from inside the jade paper. Xiao Chen slowly looked at the jade paper and said lightly, "He is dead." As soon as he finished speaking, he exerted his control over life and death in an instant.

"Ah - me...ah!"

The last word Greed Wolf uttered was already shrouded in the air of death. When the thick black mist of death dissipated, there were already more than twenty corpses lying on the ground. Among them, Greed Wolf's death scene was the most terrifying, and he was still strangled by Xiao Chen. His throat was stuck, but the flesh on his body was completely sunk in, like a mummy.

With a "bang", the body fell down, with five terrible bloody holes still left on its throat. The jade paper he was holding tightly in his hand also slipped out.

There was still Ziweisi's voice coming out of the jade paper. Xiao Chen glanced at it lightly and trampled it to pieces.

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