That time when he went to look for the "Worry-free Valley", Xiao Chen changed his cultivation and rode a carriage all the way to Xishu, where he met the young man Leng Baihu in an ancient city.

Today, almost a year has passed. He originally taught Leng Baihu the method of cultivation and formed a mortal relationship. Naturally, he will not forget it.

The mortal world is neither big nor small. Entering it again this time, I wonder if I will meet Leng Baihu again.

Dark clouds were gradually coming in ahead, and it seemed like it was going to rain again. It was always rainy in Sichuan, especially at the turn of spring and summer in March, the weather was even weirder, and the grass beside the road was swaying in the wind, and there was no support.

While he was meditating, there was another severe cramping pain in his Dantian. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, no longer hesitated, stepped on his feet, started Qinggong and headed towards Xishu.

Two days later, in a remote town in Xishu, just after noon, the square in the center of the town was crowded with people. Amidst the noise, voices begging for mercy could be heard constantly coming from the stone platform of the square.

I saw blood on the stone platform. Seven burly men were kneeling down and begging for mercy. Their faces were covered with blood. Both ears had been cut off. They fell on the bloody stone platform, which looked particularly terrifying.

Around the stone platform, the voices of indignation and curses continued. The seven big men knelt on the stone platform, shaking like chaff, and kept kowtowing to the ground. "Young man knows you are wrong. From now on, you must do good and change your past." No, my hero, please spare my life..."

It turns out that these seven people are the notorious "Seven Evils of the Yellow Wind" nearby. They were quite honest in the past few years. Even though they were skilled in martial arts, they did not dare to go against the government.

But since the year before last, these seven people have learned a "demon technique" from nowhere. With a single stroke out of thin air, they can summon a gust of demonic wind to twist people away. Ordinary swords can hardly hurt them at all.

So these seven people began to do evil unscrupulously, committing treachery, robbery, and robbery. The government had nothing to do with them. The nearby knights had no martial arts skills, but they could not fight against this powerful evil spell.

As time went by, everyone in the surrounding towns became afraid. If any family had a prostitute, they had to hide it. Even if they were so careful, the number of girls in the hands of these seven people was not small.

Until yesterday, a young man in white happened to pass by this place. He saw the blue sky and white sun, but the doors of every house were closed. Out of curiosity, he went to the mayor and asked the reason.

After hearing this, the young man was so angry that he clapped his hands on the table: "In my humble land of Shu, in broad daylight, there are people who do such evil and treat the law as child's play. How can it be unreasonable!"

Hearing that the Seven Evils of the Yellow Wind were coming to town today, the young man waited on the stone platform in the square, and thus the current scene happened.

"My hero, please spare my life... From now on, I will definitely do a good deed every day and never dare to do evil again..."

The seven big men kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, but outside the stone platform, they saw a young man in white standing there. The young man looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with eyebrows like swords and eyes like stars, but he was extraordinary handsome and had a hanging hanging on his waist. A snow-white sword adds to his heroic appearance. It is none other than Leng Baihu.

Leng Baihu looked at the seven people in front of him and thought that the martial arts and magic skills of these seven people had been abolished by him. They would never do evil again in the future. Cutting off their ears was considered a punishment. Brother Chen said that everything has its place. Ling, since the seven of them have the intention to repent today, then please spare their lives.

"Listen up, seven of you. From today on, if anyone commits any crime, I will definitely uphold justice for God!"

Upon hearing this, the seven people on the stone platform immediately felt as if they had received an amnesty and kept kowtowing, "Thank you so much, hero, for sparing your life. Thank you so much, hero for sparing your life. From now on, we will definitely change our evil ways and do good..."

When the people around him heard that they wanted to let these seven villains go, they were all shocked. They all looked at Leng Baihu and exclaimed, "Young hero, you must not do it! The so-called eradication of evil has been completed. If the tiger returns to the mountain today, I'm afraid... …”

Even in the distance, someone had brought torches and planned to burn these seven people to death. The seven people on the stone platform were so frightened that they trembled all over and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

"Young hero! You must not let these seven people go. My daughter was kidnapped by them. When she came back that day, she hanged herself from a beam..."

"Young hero, these seven people have done all kinds of evil and harmed the world. Let me tell you, they should be burned to death..."

For a time, the people's anger continued, and Leng Baihu sighed in his heart. These seven people did evil things, causing the people in the town to become so violent. He glared at the seven people and said, "Get out of here!"

"Yes Yes……"

The seven people picked up the ears on the ground, got up quickly, and ran out of the town in a panic. Everyone was still complaining. Even if the seven people could no longer do evil in the future, could the things they had committed in the past be the same? So forget it?

Leng Baihu looked at everyone and said, "Those seven people have lost their martial arts skills. From now on, they will no longer be able to do evil. Everyone no longer has to worry..."


Just because those seven people were not killed, there were still people in the crowd shaking their heads and sighing. At this moment, Leng Baihu suddenly felt a familiar breath. This breath was...Brother Chen!

Back in Wuyou Valley, Leng Baihu absorbed the spirit of the ancient tree, and during this period he practiced the Xuanmen mind skills taught to him by Xiao Chen day and night, so now his spiritual consciousness is no longer what it was before.

At that moment, he was convinced that Brother Chen must be nearby!

"Young hero, young hero, where are you going..."

Amid the shouts of the crowd, Leng Baihu unfolded his handsome body movements, like a wisp of smoke, and headed out of the town.

When we arrived at the stone bridge outside the town, it was March, the young willows were sprouting, and the breeze was fragrant. I saw a figure standing under the willow tree. The figure was wearing a blue robe, but he could not hide his slightly pale face. The face was none other than Xiao Chen.

"Brother Chen!"

Leng Baihu never expected that since the last time they were separated, he thought that they would be separated from each other by immortals and mortals. He never expected that he would meet Xiao Chen here today.

"Bai Hu, it turns out you are here..."

"Brother Chen, why are you here? You... are wrong! Brother Chen, why do you look so ugly..."

"Cough,'s not a good place to talk, you come with me."

These days, Xiao Chen has forcibly suppressed his cultivation and blocked the eight extraordinary meridians. It is obvious that the situation has become increasingly pessimistic. If this continues, his heart and soul will eventually be destroyed.

After a while, the two of them left the town. When Leng Baihu saw that his face was pale and he was wearing a robe, he immediately thought that someone must be chasing him, but his cultivation level was so high, who could chase him...

"Brother Chen, who hurt you..."

"Cough, cough..."

Xiao Chen looked pale and waved his hand, indicating that he should not ask further questions. Leng Baihu also responded immediately. The top priority was to send him to a quiet place to heal as soon as possible, and said, "This is not far from my home, Brother Chen, we... …”


Xiao Chen shook his head, obviously he was worried that if the people from Ziweisi and Wutian Palace were to pursue them, they would definitely bring trouble to the Leng Baihu family, and asked, "Is there another place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a hidden place..."

"Beautiful mountains and clear waters, a hidden place..."

Today's Leng Baihu is no longer the Leng Baihu of the past. He naturally understood that the place with beautiful mountains and clear waters that Xiao Chen mentioned at this time must be a place with spiritual energy in the mountains. He said, "I know! More than a thousand miles north from here, There is a thatched cottage there, which I built when I was hunting..."

"Okay, let's go..."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, pointed his fingers, and was about to use his flying sword, but Leng Baihu stopped him. "Brother Chen, you are injured, let me do it!"

After saying that, he twisted his fingers to form a seal and held out a flying sword. As the spell was completed, the flying sword immediately enlarged several times and hung about a foot above the ground.

"You know how to control a sword..."


Leng Baihu nodded vigorously and brought him onto the flying sword. After reciting a spell, the flying sword immediately rose. Although it was a little shaky, it would not fall.

"Brother Chen, hold on tight to me."

Leng Baihu supported him with one hand and held the sword secret with the other hand. The flying sword immediately flew forward and disappeared into the clouds in a moment.

After a while, Xiao Chen asked, "What happened in that town just now..."

Hearing this, Leng Baihu told the story about the Seven Evils of Huang Feng. At the end of his words, he frowned and said, "Finally let those seven people go. Brother Chen, tell me, did I do the right thing or the wrong thing..." "

"If what you are thinking is due to your nature, how can it be right or wrong... If you kill them, you will still come and ask me if what you did is right or wrong, and I will still answer you the same way."


Leng Baihu didn't understand the meaning of his words for a moment. Just like what he said at the beginning, everyone in the world wants to live forever, but when the day of immortality comes, he watches the people around him die one by one...

When dusk fell, Leng Baihu finally came to a deep valley with his sword. He saw that the scenery in the valley was deep, and there were countless exotic flowers and famous medicines everywhere. On top of a cliff in the deep valley, there was a thatched cottage, which Leng Baihu called this place. "Medicine House".

"Brother Chen, we are here! Brother Chen...Brother Chen!"

When he landed on the ground, Leng Baihu discovered that Xiao Chen was covered in cold sweat and had fainted. He thought he was seriously injured, but he didn't know that Xiao Chen's current condition was more serious than being seriously injured.

"Brother Chen, hold on..."

At the moment, Leng Baihu had no choice but to carry him into the house and slowly work on him all night without daring to move. It was not until the early morning of the next day that Xiao Chen woke up and turned around.

"Brother Chen! You wake up!"

Seeing him waking up, Leng Baihu hurriedly brought a bowl of water over. Xiao Chen looked around. Although the walls in the house were desolate, the aura of the mountains and rivers here was extremely pure, even better than in some cultivation places. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is purer.

"Bai Hu, go find these medicinal materials for me..."

"Okay! Brother Chen, tell me, I will remember it."

At that moment, Xiao Chen listed out the medicinal materials he needed one by one. This time, he forcibly suppressed his cultivation and sealed his meridians, which had already caused serious backlash. Now he could only use elixirs to slowly treat them. Fortunately, he was with Shen Jing. I learned extraordinary medical skills there, otherwise the consequences would be embarrassing this time.

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