"No, it doesn't matter. You will remember it later. The most important thing now is to recover.

Liu Jingjing slowly helped him down, thinking that since he was so seriously injured, it seemed that he had lost all his memory. After a while, she asked again, "Then do you remember, what is your name? Where do you live?"

"I..." Xiao Chen's eyes were confused. After thinking for a long time, he finally shook his head.

Seeing that he still couldn't remember anything, Liu Jingjing smiled softly, "It doesn't matter, I'll check your injuries first..."

Three more days passed like this, and under Liu Jingjing's treatment, Xiao Chen's injuries finally recovered slowly and he was able to get up and walk.

The villagers in Guhe Village also knew that he had "alive", but except for Liu Jingjing and a few others, no one came here to talk to him, nor did they let him enter the village.

These days, there are only Liu Jingjing and his daughter, the swarthy boy Sun Xiaohou, the girl in red skirt Caiwei, and a strong young man. A few people will come to Wuyan to see him, and sometimes they will bring some Food is served. ❈

On this day, Xiao Chen's injury had improved a lot, but he still couldn't remember anything about the past. At noon, Liu Jingjing brought food to see him. Because the village chief didn't say to let him enter the village, So Liu Jingjing couldn't take him into the village.

After the meal, Xiao Chen put away the food box and raised his hand to Liu Jingjing, "Thank you for taking care of Miss Liu these days..."

Seeing that he was getting better day by day, Liu Jingjing was naturally happy and smiled, "Just call me Liu'er!"

"Yes, Miss Liu'er..."


The weather was sunny today, and Liu Jingjing was in a good mood. She added, "I don't know your name, and you don't remember it yourself. It's April, the season of summer, otherwise, I would call you Xia Tian..."


Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded, "Okay..."

"Yeah." Liu Jingjing nodded and smiled, but she seemed to have forgotten what her father said, that he was not an ordinary person.

Three more days passed, and it was past noon that day, but Liu Jingjing did not come to Wuyan. There was still a faint noise in the village at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Chen went outside the cave and looked towards the village. He saw a lot of people gathered at the entrance of the village to the east, but the distance was too far and some of them could not be seen clearly. Something must have happened in the village.

He didn't pay attention at first, but as he went further, more and more people gathered at the entrance of the east village. It seemed that something was slightly wrong. He decided to go down the mountain to the village to see what happened.

After arriving in the village, I could only hear the constant barking of dogs, and almost everyone in the village gathered at the east village entrance.

At this moment in the East Village, there were only five strong men blocking the entrance to the village, and the leader of them had a dark-skinned boy in his hand. That boy was Sun Xiaohou from Guhe Village.

"Zhao Dahu! What do you want? Why don't you let me go yet!"

At this time, many people in the village were shouting and scolding, and some even took out their hoes and poles. However, facing the five strong men outside, everyone could only do something. It seemed that no one dared to really step forward.

"This little thief stole something from my house. Of course I'm going to take him to the county government office."

The burly man who caught Sun Xiaohou at this moment was Zhao Dahu, a well-known bully in eight villages within ten miles. He had learned some martial arts on his own, and his father was a landlord nearby. He had some money and a good appearance. My uncle worked as an errand in the county government, so he was used to being domineering. No one in the ten miles and eight villages dared to offend him.

"Fart! I didn't steal anything from your house!" Sun Xiaohou kept struggling, but how could his small body break away from Zhao Dahu's hands, which were thicker than his legs?

“People have both stolen and stolen goods, and they still want to make excuses!”

Zhao Dahu immediately took out a jade pendant from his body. Sun Xiaohou struggled even more fiercely, "You framed me and forced this piece of crap onto me!"

"Hmph!" Zhao Dahu sneered, "When I meet the official, I'll give you thirty blows first, then you'll know how powerful I am. I'll see if you admit it then.

Upon hearing this, many people in the village were shocked. Zhao Dahu's words were not meant to scare people. He could really do this kind of thing. His cousin uncle was an errand in the county government, even if he was a white man. It can also be said to be black...

"Zhao Dahu! That's enough! The little monkey won't steal your things, let him go!"

At this moment, a woman's soft shout came from the village, and Liu Jingjing came out. As soon as she came out, everyone around the entrance of the village immediately fell silent.

"Sister Liu'er, you finally came out."

Zhao Dahu smiled evilly, and the four men beside him stared at Liu Jingjing motionlessly, as if they were drooling.

"What are you looking at!"

Zhao Dahu scolded the four people, then turned around, stared at Liu Jingjing again, and said with a smile, "This little monkey Sun stole something from my house. Sister Liu'er, tell me what to do..."

"I didn't steal anything! Sister Liu'er! They falsely accused me!"

"You little thief, shut up!"

Zhao Dahu slapped Sun Xiaohou on the face. Everyone in the village was shocked and pointed at him and said, "Zhao Dahu! You...why did you hit someone!"

Zhao Dahu sneered and said, "This little thief stole my things, so what if I break his legs?"

"I didn't steal anything! Let me go, ah!"

Sun Xiaohou continued to struggle, while Liu Jingjing frowned and looked at Zhao Dahu coldly: "Zhao Dahu, what do you want!"

"What do you want?"

Zhao Dahu sneered, looking up and down her body, as if he was drooling, and said with a smile, "If sister Liu'er is willing to marry me, then brother, just pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, now... Take him to the county to see an official..."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the village was shocked. As expected, Zhao Dahu is still evil and still misses the daughter of the Liu family. This time, it would be better to frame him up. If we ask the officials, who can tell whether they are black or white? I'm afraid that the little monkey will have to eat a meal, and he will have to spend a few more years in prison.

"You... are extremely shameless!"

Liu Jingjing gritted her teeth with hatred, but she was helpless at this time. Zhao Dahu sneered and said, "Sister Liu'er, what do you think? If you agree to this marriage, I will go back and get the betrothal gift to propose marriage to Uncle Liu. I, Zhao Dahu, will definitely marry with glory." You come through..."

"You...don't even think about it!"

Liu Jingjing was so angry that her face turned red and white, and her body trembled slightly. Zhao Dahu sneered, "Then don't blame your brother for being ruthless."

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd, "Miss Liu'er, what happened?"

This voice was like an ancient spring in the mountains, clear and elegant, making people feel like the wind passing through their ears. It was very refreshing. When they heard such a voice, everyone was startled and turned around, only to see a man in green clothes and white hair. People, I don’t know when they have arrived here.

Naturally, everyone recognized that this was the white-haired young man Liu Jingjing rescued by the river that day. Why did he come to the village?

When Liu Jingjing saw Xiao Chen coming suddenly, she was also startled, "Why are you here..."

Xiao Chen walked forward and said, "I heard dogs barking in the village just now. I thought a thief had entered the village, so I came over to see what happened here."

"You brat! Who do you think is a thief? The thief is here!" A man standing next to Zhao Dahu shouted angrily.

Xiao Chen looked at him, nodded and said, "Yes, the thief is right there."


The man was speechless for a moment. Zhao Dahu raised his hand to stop him from continuing to speak. He stared coldly at Xiao Chen, thinking that this man was the one Liu Jingjing saved that day. At first glance, he looked like a scholar. A pretty boy with no strength to restrain a chicken, sister Liuer must have fallen in love with this smelly white-haired boy, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Dahu got an unknown fire from nowhere and shouted at Xiao Chen, "White hair, who are you? If you don't get out of my presence, I will have your four legs disabled today!"

Facing Zhao Dahu who showed his fierce appearance, the villagers always dared to get angry but dared not speak. Xiao Chen looked at him and said, "You framed others first, but now you are confusing right and wrong and questioning people. Is there still a king in this world?" It’s law.”

"Wang Fa? Hahaha!"

Zhao Dahu raised his head and smiled, pointed at him and said, "If you don't go to inquire about the eight villages in ten miles, I am here, I am the king's law! If anyone is not convinced, come up and give it a try!"

There was a loud shout, and many people were immediately frightened and backed away. This Lian Jiazi's ability could kill a cow with one punch, and that was no joke.

"Zhao Dahu! You are just a bastard. Why don't you go to the county town just because you have a few pieces of land at home? You are worthless! You are returning the king's law, bah!"

Sun Xiaohou was pinned in the air and kicked towards Zhao Dahu's face. Zhao Dahu tilted his head and said angrily, "You bastard, you are seeking death!" After that, he slapped his forehead with a palm.

"Little monkey!"

Liu Jingjing and everyone in the village were shocked. Zhao Dahu could smash a stone with one palm, so how could Sun Xiaohou's head be as hard as a stone?

Just when everyone was horrified, they felt a strong wind passing by. Xiao Chen rushed forward in an instant, and with two fingers together, he touched the underside of Zhao Dahu's right shoulder with lightning speed.

With a "bang", Zhao Dahu suddenly became numb, and his hands lost strength. He let go of Sun Xiaohou and staggered back.

Xiao Chen caught Sun Xiaohou who fell from the air, frowned and asked, "How are you? Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay...Brother Xia Tian, ​​be careful!"

Sun Xiaohou exclaimed and saw Zhao Dahu's four men rushing towards Xiao Chen like hungry tigers pouncing on food. Zhao Dahu was even more frightened and angry, with a fierce look in his eyes and said fiercely, "Fuck me!" Hit it!"

"Go to the back."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to send Sun Xiaohou behind him, then stepped forward and struck a strong man on the chest with his hand as fast as lightning, sending him flying away.

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