With a "squeak", the door opened, and a cool breeze blew in. It turned out that it was already dark, and Liu Jingjing was seen standing at the door, holding a food box in her hand.

"I guess you must have fallen asleep again and didn't come to eat. Here, I brought you something to eat."

"Thank you Miss Liu'er."

Xiao Chen took the food box she handed over. He was not in the mood to eat at this time, but he didn't want to violate her kindness, so he took it into the house and ate some casually.

Liu Jingjing sat opposite him, resting her hands on her shoulders and looking at him motionless. After a while, she asked, "Atian, have you thought of anything during this time?"


Hearing her sudden question, Xiao Chen put down the chopsticks in his hand and finally shook his head, "I still can't remember anything..."

Liu Jingjing frowned and looked at him, "But these days, you are always in a trance, and sometimes you fall asleep during the day. Everyone is worried... Otherwise, I can ask dad to prescribe some soothing medicine for you?" "

As he was talking, two footsteps suddenly came from outside, followed by the voices of Caiwei and Sun Xiaohou: "Sister Liu'er, brother Xia Tian, ​​come out quickly!"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Chen and Liu Jingjing walked out, "What's wrong?"

Seeing the flames soaring into the sky over the village, Caiwei said with a smile, "The bonfire party has begun! Sister Liu'er, brother Xia Tian, ​​come quickly!"


Liu Jingjing lightly covered her mouth, "I had forgotten that today, June 15th, there will be a bonfire party in the village. I wish you a good harvest this autumn..."

"Hehe! Come on!"

Caiwei and Sun Xiaohou took the two of them and ran to the village dam. When they arrived, they saw a bonfire in the middle of the dam. There were many people outside, drinking wheat wine, singing Yangko, and dancing...

"A Tian, ​​come on!"

Reflecting the firelight, Liu Jingjing's smile was as bright as clouds. Xiao Chen looked at the bonfire in the dam and said with embarrassment, "But I can't dance..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Liu Jingjing grabbed his hand and ran to the middle of the dam. Everyone held hands and formed a circle outside the bonfire, singing and dancing.

Xiao Chen, who was unfamiliar at the beginning, gradually became familiar with him, and gradually forgot about the dreams he had had these days. There were stars in the sky, people singing and dancing in the dam, and fireflies streaming by the fields, slowly forming... a picture of the most simple things in the world. An unpretentious picture.

"Oh! Go catch fireflies by the field!"

At the end of the bonfire party, the children dispersed in a hurry and ran out of the village with their gauze veils. When they ran to the edge of the field, in the grass, the sky was filled with flying fireflies, which were like stars in the sky.

"Ah Tian, ​​Ah Tian, ​​let's go too!" Liu Jingjing smiled as brightly as a flower, pulling Xiao Chen and running to the fields outside the village.

But I saw fireflies flying all over the field, and it was also filled with the laughter of children, and of course there were some young men and women.

This small mountain village is not like those deep palaces and courtyards in big cities with "silver candles and cold autumn light painted screens". What is here is a kind of earthly simplicity and authenticity.

"Ah Tian, ​​Ah Tian, ​​look, I caught a lot of fireflies..."

Liu Jingjing covered her hands and ran over, but there were beads of sweat on her face, and the hair around her ears was stuck to her cheeks. She covered her hands tightly and said with a smile, "Stay closer, or they will fly away." ”


Xiao Chen came closer, and Liu Jingjing let go of her hands, but no fireflies flew out, but a beetle flew into his face.

"Ah! What, what is this...ah...take it away..."


"A Tian, ​​let's go to the mountains to watch the stars."


The night was slightly cool, and the two of them went to the rock house on the mountain. There were no houses and no trees to block them, and the entire bright starry sky came into their eyes.

The two of them sat on the rock. Liu Jingjing looked up at the stars in the sky with a smile on her face. "When I was young, my mother told me that if a relative dies, they will turn into stars and still guard us." ...Tian, ​​look at that star, is it my mother looking at us in the sky..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and asked, "Your mother, how did she..."

Liu Jingjing still had a smile on her face, looking motionlessly at the star in the sky. Finally, the smile slowly disappeared and she said, "My mother's health has never been very good, especially after giving birth to me, she became thinner and thinner. She passed away when I was eight years old..."

"I still remember that on the day my mother passed away, my father completely collapsed and threw himself on her body. He just kept crying, 'Xiu'er, Xiu'er, I can save everyone, but why can't I save you? As a person, no matter how good my medical skills are, it is of no use, I might as well die..."

"Since then, my father has seldom smiled. Every time on the anniversary of my mother's death, he always stays alone in the room. The next day, I saw his red and swollen eyes..."

Listening to her quiet words, Xiao Chen thought to himself, it turns out that Dr. Liu is also such an infatuated person...

Liu Jingjing turned her head, looked at him and said, "In this world, there are always too many life, separation, and death, and mortal life is always fragile and short-lived, just like the plague that occurred in several villages across the river not long ago. so many people.

Xiao Chen said, "If we are separated between life and death, there is nothing we can do."

"But you know what?"

At this time, Liu Jingjing frowned and said, "When the plague spread to the town, there were people who were driving up prices at this time, and there were people who were selling fake medicines to make a fortune, and there were even people who were selling fake medicines while others were away from home. , forcibly burying other people's cats and dogs alive, but cats and dogs cannot infect humans at all..."

Xiao Chen shook his head, "So ridiculous and ignorant."

"Yeah, what's even more frightening is that not only did they not feel a trace of guilt afterwards, but they also felt that it should be taken for granted..."

Liu Jingjing frowned tightly, and finally shook her head and sighed, "The scary thing is not the plague, but the humanity of those who were eroded little by little by the plague and finally completely annihilated, becoming selfish, ugly, ignorant, and vicious... The plague will always pass, but The people's hearts that have been eroded and lost their humanity will never come back. Even the master of rejuvenation can't save them..."

I don't know when the night gradually became heavier. Liu Jingjing saw Xiao Chen's heavy look and said, "Okay, Brother A Tian, ​​let's not talk about these infuriating things..." That's it. , smiled softly, "Look, is the moon beautiful tonight?"

It was the fifteenth day of the year, and the bright moon seemed to be shining brightly. It seemed like a light veil was wrapped around the two of them.

Xiao Chen nodded lightly, and after a while, Liu Jingjing said again, "Atian, when you remember what happened in the past, are you going to leave..."

Xiao Chen turned his head, and saw gusts of cool wind blowing from the bottom of the mountain, but he happened to see her watery eyes looking at him under the moonlight, as if full of love.

"I have no idea……"

Xiao Chen turned his head back again and looked at the dimly lit village at the foot of the mountain. The past two months of mortal life seemed to have made his mood gradually change little by little, although he still couldn't remember it. Anything about the past.

Liu Jingjing looked at him motionless and said, "In winter, it will snow. At that time, the river is frozen and the mountains are covered with snow. It is also very beautiful. At that time, we will come here again to watch the heavy snow together." Flying?"

"Is it snowing heavily...Okay, I want to see one too, it's snowing heavily."

Xiao Chen looked at the quiet village under the night without moving. Liu Jingjing smiled and said, "Atian, did you know? Snowflakes actually have another name, called Weiyang flower... There are five kinds of flowers in the vegetation in the world, but only six snowflakes... …”


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a sharp pain in his head. At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice seemed to ring in his ears.

"Remember my name, my name is Hua Weiyang..."

"After a long, long time, when you see the heavy snow falling in the sky again, will you still think of the girl named Hua Weiyang..."

"In the future, we will no longer care about the turmoil in this world. At that time, I will accompany you to see the flowers blooming and falling in this world, okay..."


Xiao Chen covered his head with both hands. Suddenly he had a splitting headache and rolled on the ground. Liu Jingjing was frightened and immediately pressed him down. "Ah Tian! Ah Tian! What's wrong with you... Ah Tian! Ah Tian! Don't be scared." I, A Tian, ​​what’s wrong with you..."

Early the next morning, Xiao Chen woke up and turned around. Liu Jingjing stayed in his room all night without closing her eyes. When she saw him waking up, she immediately walked over with water in her hand, "A Tian, ​​you're awake!"

"I, I...what's wrong with me?"

Xiao Chen rubbed his forehead, wondering why his head hurt so much when he woke up so early in the morning, but he couldn't remember what happened last night...

"Last night at Wuyan, you suddenly fainted..."

"Suddenly fainted..."

"How do you feel now?"

"It's okay, I made you worry."

Time flies, and the sun leaves no trace. In the blink of an eye, more than three months have passed. Early winter is approaching, and there is a hint of late autumn coolness outside.

All in all, it has been half a year since Xiao Chen came to Guhe Village. To this day, he still can't remember anything about the past. In the past three months, Zhao Dahu has not come to trouble him again. The man in purple, Since that day, it seems to have disappeared.

At this time, in the desireless heaven.

"How's it going? Is there any news from Your Majesty?"

Inside the palace, Hua Weiyang frowned. Xiao Chen had been missing for half a year. He had searched everywhere, but there was no clue at all.

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan both lowered their heads. In the past, with Ye Ying's ability, it was not difficult to find someone, but this time, they searched almost everywhere and could not find Xiao Chen.

After a while, Bai Luan raised his head, raised his eyebrows and said, "Zi Weisi from Wutian Palace seems to have disappeared together with Your Majesty. There is no news about him yet."

"What's going on? This time, why can't even the jade note be sensed..."

Hua Weiyang's frown deepened. Xiao Chen had been missing for half a year, which was unprecedented in the past, and she kept hiding this matter so that no one could know about it.

Today, the situation in the world is turbulent. Wuyutian is being watched by countless forces, including the righteous sects of the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan, Tianmen, Wutian Temple in the Lingxu Realm, as well as those mysterious forces that have not yet emerged, as well as the wilderness...

If people knew that Xiao Chen was missing, there would be turmoil, so for this period of time, she had been disguising herself as Xiao Chen to stabilize the situation.

However, she didn't know how long she could sustain it like this. Some outside cultivation forces that were peeping in the dark seemed to be ready to move against Wuyutian.

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