The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,208 The Bitter Wind and Rain

The two people on the hillside at the moment, the man in the wheelchair, was none other than Bing Qilin, who had appeared in Huangquan Valley and gave Xiao Chen a "life and death" gold leaf.

As long as Xiao Chen is holding this Golden Leaf of Life and Death in the Hill of Illusion Ruins, then the cultivation forces in the Hill of Illusion Ruins, whether cultivating Taoism or cultivating demons, will probably give Tianzhu City three points of face.

Tianzhu City has existed for a long time. Since ancient times, there have been seven palaces, namely Canglong, Qilin, Baihu, Xuanwu, Zhuque, Baize, and Chongming.

The Seventh Hall has always been headed by Canglong, who is also the only supreme leader of the entire Tianzhu Hall.

But a hundred years ago, after Canglong appeared, he never appeared again. So now, the entire Tianzhu Palace is taken care of by Bing Qilin, temporarily taking Canglong's place. But today, for some unknown reason, not only is he no longer in Tianzhu Hall, City, but came so far to Wutian Palace.

At this moment, the mysterious man in black robes in the sky obviously recognized the sick Qilin, and said coldly, "The Master of Qilin Palace has inconvenient legs and feet, but he still traveled all the way to get here. Aren't you afraid that he won't be able to go back..."

Qilin was gentle and gentle, and said with a faint smile, "If I face you with this half-waste body, I don't know... what is the chance of winning."

"Probably... you will die here today." ✧

The voice of the man in black robe was cold, but he was sick and still had a smile on his face. "If I unfortunately die here, it is probably due to fate. I must not blame others."

“Minding other people’s business… brings about your own destruction.”

The man in black robe's voice turned cold, and the murderous aura in his body suddenly became much stronger. Before he finished speaking, two sharp palms hit Qilin.

Even though he had been injured by Xiao Chen before, his strength at this time should not be underestimated. With two palm strikes, he saw Qilin patting the wheelchair under him, and the entire wheelchair flew backwards.

With a "boom", although the two palms of the man in black robe were powerful, they only shattered the mountain top and did not hurt Sick Qilin at all.

But at this moment, I saw Bing Qilin push with both hands, and the same two palms that penetrated the clouds and cracked the stone were hit towards the sky. The same move, but the man in black robe did not avoid it, straight up his front, "Boom" With a bang, the palms of the two collided, causing the clouds in the sky to disperse. Everyone below them retreated, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Hmph, it seems that Tianzhu City is nothing more than that."

The man in black robe snorted coldly, and in an instant, he attacked again. This time, he raised his palm, and five black rays of sword energy suddenly appeared under his palm. "Sha Sha Sha!" They all looked at the sick Qilin. Beheaded.

Facing those five strange black sword energy attacks, Bing Qilin remained calm and composed. He patted the wheelchair under his body and the wheelchair flew up again, moving like the wind in mid-air.

And his moves are also very simple. Every time he waves his finger, a mysterious light will fly out and fight with the sword energy of the man in black robe.

Everyone in Wutian Palace was dazzled, and Taihuazi and the three of them all had shocked expressions on their faces at this time. Although Qilin suffered from leg disease, the wheelchair under him was made of cold iron from the outside and was hard. It is incomparable. At the same time, it is equipped with a sophisticated mechanism designed by "Chong Ming". It emits hidden weapons and can hurt people invisible. In addition, he has extraordinary cultivation and uses mystical power to drive this wheelchair. It can be said that it moves like the wind without any hindrance. It is absolutely extraordinary. within reach.

At this moment, even Taihuazi and the three of them could hardly see for a moment how far Bing Qilin's cultivation had reached...

On the other side, Xiao Chen supported Ling Yin. Although he didn't know why the people in Tianzhu City would help him again and again, it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. Thinking of this, he immediately flew out with Ling Yin without hesitation. .

When the man in black robe saw him escaping with Ling Yin, he immediately focused his fingers and hit him with a finger force. However, it was cut off by the same finger force that Bing Qilin sent out instantly.

"We can't let him leave..."

At this time, Master Taihua saw Xiao Chen running away with Ling Yin. At this moment, he didn't care so much and chased after him in an instant. However, before he could catch up, a vermilion figure suddenly stopped him. It was Suzaku.

Seeing Suzaku coming to stop him, Master Taihua's eyes immediately turned cold. However, at this time, he was seriously injured and his vitality was severely damaged. He might not be able to get through. He said coldly, "A hundred years ago, Cang Long made an oath. In a hundred years, Inside, Tianzhu Palace will never leave the Hill of Illusionary Ruins. Now, the hundred-year period has not yet arrived, but you broke your oath and came out early..."

"so what……"

Zhuque's expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem to care at all. Master Taihua's eyes suddenly became colder, and he said in a deep voice, "That's it. It seems that you Tianzhucheng, Wuyutian, and Xuanqingmen have been secretly colluding together for a long time. Already..."


Suzaku smiled lightly, "Whatever you say, as long as you are happy."


Master Taihua pointed his hand, and at this moment, two more figures flew up from behind, but they were Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan.

In the past, the three of them had holy realm cultivation, but this time their vitality was severely damaged, and their cultivation level was reduced by 90%. Even if they were added together, they could probably only be tied with Suzaku at best.

Master Taihua's eyes were as cold as ice and he whispered in secret, "Hurry up and chase Xiao Yichen and Ling Yin. Don't let them return to Xuanqingmen. I will hold this person back..."

After hearing this, Master Chongjiu and Master Cuihan were about to leave, but at this moment, Suzaku's hands shook, and two identical clones appeared on the left and right in an instant.

Even Master Taihua couldn't help but change his expression, what a powerful clone technique...

"Three real people might as well leave here, but as soon as you leave, I will kill all the chickens and dogs here, and the Wutian Palace will be stained with blood... I, Suzaku, always mean what I say."

Suzaku smiled lightly and looked at the three people in front of him.


Master Taihua pointed at him, but at this moment, he knew that these words were by no means alarmist. Today, almost all the people in Wutian Palace were injured and their vitality was greatly damaged. Only Ziweisi and Jumonsi still had some strength. , but the two of them want to seal the Nine Nether Valley now, so they can't come over at all...

"What am I?"

Suzaku looked at him, tied his hands on his chest, and said calmly, "In your eyes, aren't the people in Illusion Ruins Hill all vicious demons...and I, Suzaku, happen to be a bad person. Bad people kill people, so we need to Reason?"

On the other side, Qilin and the man in black robes were fighting fiercely. They seemed casual, but in fact they were cautious in their moves. At the same time, he sent a secret message to Suzaku: "Suzaku, don't be careless about what happened today. Stop playing around..."

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Ling Yin. After the two left Wutian Palace, they walked quickly. Ling Yin's face became paler and paler, and his breathing became weaker and weaker. Finally, he fell back.

"Master..." Xiao Chen's face was startled, and he stretched out his hands to hug her. At this moment, he felt her body was ice cold...


Ling Yin wanted to speak, but in the end she was too weak to say a word. Xiao Chen hugged her tightly and looked around, worried that the people from Wutian Palace would catch up, so he immediately chose a remote mountain to travel.

After flying like this for an unknown amount of time, dusk was approaching, and the dark clouds on the horizon were as heavy as lead. Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, a muffled groan came from his throat, and then a mouthful of blood came up.

It was obvious that the Three Corpse Demons had taken a heavy toll on him. In addition, he was almost dizzy at this time as he had galloped all the way here and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.


A thunderous thunder sounded in the sky, followed by icy raindrops. The entire mountain range became covered with rain and fog, making the mountain road even more difficult to travel.

Xiao Chen hugged Ling Yin and walked forward step by step with difficulty. Blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth, gradually mixing with the cold and biting rain all over the sky...


The thunder was heavy, the wind was biting, and the cold wind and rain all over the mountain continued, as if it was about to engulf the master and disciple in the dim twilight.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the road became harder and harder. Suddenly, Xiao Chen's foot slipped and he fell to the ground. Ling Yin also rolled out in his hands.

There was a steep cliff below. Xiao Chen pounced forward with all his strength, splashing mud and water all over the ground, and pulled her back.


Xiao Chen held her tightly, but Ling Yin was already hanging on the cliff with most of her body. Their arms were covered with mud and water, which became increasingly slippery. Xiao Chen's body gradually slid towards the cliff, and finally Only by grabbing the tree roots on the edge of the cliff was he able to stabilize himself.


The thunder in the sky is getting louder and louder, and the merciless rain in the sky seems to be swallowing up the master and the disciple. Xiao Chen's hands are getting weaker and weaker. No matter how tight he is, the opponent's wrist is still tightening little by little. It slowly slipped out of his hand.


Xiao Chen let out a long roar, and the hand holding the root of the tree was already bleeding. The rain became heavier and heavier, and eventually the entire cliff slid down.

The two of them rolled down together. In the chaos, Xiao Chen held Ling Yin's hand tightly, hugged her hard, and covered her mouth and nose with his clothes. The two of them just hugged her and rolled down the hillside. Go, I don’t know where it is down there.

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