The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,210 A Dream Like a Dream

The cold rain was pouring all over the sky, gradually engulfing the two people on the ground. Xiao Chen's eyes were getting darker and darker. Even the moment before he lost consciousness, his hands were still holding Ling Yin's already cold body tightly.

The night gradually enveloped, and in the cold rain, a figure slowly walked, getting closer and closer...

"Ta, ta, ta..."

The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer gradually became clear in the rain. The figure in the dusk slowly came to Xiao Chen. She looked exactly like Ling Yin on the ground, no different...

She was also dressed in green clothes, she was also holding a jade flute, she was also so youthful and gorgeous... But Ling Yin's body on the ground was already cold, and in the end, she slowly disappeared without a trace in the rain.

It turns out that the Ling Yin who died yesterday after breaking into Wutian Palace, going to Jiuyou Valley to rescue Xiao Chen, then coming out to fight against the three Taihuazi, and then fighting against the man in black robe, until now, was just a clone. .

Ling Yin has already mastered the wonderful method of "one Qi transforming three pure beings", and this time when she came to save Xiao Chen, what she was afraid of would never be Taihuazi and the others, but the man in the dark.

That night, when she was enlightened at Bishui Yaotai, the other party was able to break into her dream quietly. At that time, she knew that this person's Taoism was definitely not inferior to hers, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to find out in the three realms. Come out of here.

If this is the case, if this person's true self does not show up, how can her true self show up easily?

So from the very beginning, Ling Yin who broke into Wutian Palace was her "Yu Qing" clone. Although "Yu Qing" was just a clone, "One Qi Transforms Three Pure Ones" is definitely not comparable to ordinary clone techniques, so "Yu Qing" "Qing" has all her consciousness, and "Yuqing" is her.

Although it was just a clone, she felt the same from the moment she entered Jiuyou Valley, saw Xiao Chen, and came out, even until she died now, because it was her.


The rain gradually subsided, and Ling Yin slowly knelt down, gently caressed his cold and pale cheek, and finally gently picked him up. With a movement of his body, he instantly turned into a green light and went to the sky.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Chen finally woke up and turned around, vaguely smelling a faint fragrance of orchid and a wisp of light breeze.

The furnishings in the room were simple and elegant, very neat, and the window sill was spotless. The sunlight penetrated the window screen and slanted into the room.

"This, is..."

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and everything in front of him was so familiar, just like the morning when he woke up...

The layout of the room is still the same as before, no change at all...

"Senior brother, senior brother! The sun is shining on your butt! Why don't you get up quickly..."

At this moment, a girl's voice as clear as a silver bell suddenly sounded outside. Xiao Chen felt a little confused for a moment. What happened? Why did he return to Zixiao Peak? Even his white hair turned back. When I was sixteen...

"Brother, have you gotten up yet? Hurry up! Master will teach us mental skills today. Get up quickly, you lazy pig!"

"Master, what's going on..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen only felt that his head was as heavy as lead. He walked out of the bed in a daze, put on his clothes, and opened the door. The moment he opened the door, he felt that the sun was suddenly a bit dazzling.

"Big! Lazy! Pig! Stupid!"

I saw an exquisite girl standing in front of the door. The girl was wearing a white dress like snow, very charming. At this time, she put her hands on her waist, leaned forward slightly, and stared at Xiao Chen motionless with a pair of watery eyes. "Lazy pig, you finally got up!"


Xiao Chen's face was a little dull, and Ruoshui looked at him strangely, "Hey! What's wrong with you? Why are you so dazed so early in the morning? Let's go now. Master is waiting for us..."

"Wait...Master, is she okay..."

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? Master, she is fine, of course she is fine... Oh, no, did you have a fever today? I touched and checked, there is no fever... Okay, okay, let's go!"

Ruoshui pulled him to run to the top of the clouds. When he passed the purple bamboo forest, he saw every scene, every flower and every grass, nothing had changed. It was exactly the same as when he was at Zixiao Peak. What was going on...

Xiao Chen felt more and more groggy. Could it be a dream? But why do those things that happened in the past seem like dreams? Which one is a dream after all...

"Senior Brother, let me tell you, there are still three years until the Tianmen Martial Arts Competition. Qian Yu Nishang is so powerful, how can I beat her then, so Senior Brother, you have to work hard..."

"What are you talking about? Tianmenhuiwu, why do you want to fight Qianyu Nishang? Didn't she join Tianxuan Peak..."


Ruoshui stopped and looked at him with a strange look on his face, "Senior brother, what are you talking about? Qianyu Nishang is the most powerful person in Tianmen these years. She worshiped Master Youlan as her teacher..."

"What's going on..." Xiao Chen was even more confused. Qianyu Nishang, Youlan Zhenren...

"Master Youlan was killed by Shen Cangming three hundred years ago. The current Master Youlan in Tianmen is Shen Cangming!"


Ruoshui looked confused and looked at him blankly, "Senior brother, what on earth are you talking about? What happened to you today? You just said some confused words..."


Xiao Chen suddenly felt a tightness in his chest. No, no, this world is completely upside down. Where is this place? If it is a dream, how can it be so real? What on earth is this place... Hanzhao! Could it be that this is Hanzhao Realm!

"Senior brother! Where are you going! Wait for me... Hey! Senior brother! Wait for me!"

"I'm not from your world. You got the wrong person..."

Xiao Chen's feet were flying as fast as flying. No matter how beautiful this world is, it is not his original world after all. He wants to go back to save his master and Weiyang...

On the Immortal Burial Cliff, the wind is strong and cold, and the spiritual power below is surging. Even the immortal gods will most likely be destroyed physically and mentally if they go down rashly!

"Senior brother! What are you doing! It's dangerous there, don't go there! Senior brother..."

"Master, Weiyang, wait for me..."

Xiao Chen jumped up and jumped to Immortal Burial Cliff again. When he fell, he lost consciousness.

"Senior brother...Senior brother! You finally woke up!"

Inside the room, there was a faint fragrance of orchids, and the sun shone quietly on the windowsill. Besides him, there was a girl in white clothes, Ruoshui.

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. Everything in front of him was so familiar. What happened? Why did he come back here again...

The layout of the room is still the same as when he left it, and everything is still intact in its original position, even the books that he had not closed when he left in a hurry.

"Senior brother, do you still remember me? I, I am Ruoshui..."


Xiao Chen looked at the girl in front of him. Is this a dream again at this moment? Is it a dream that I don’t want to wake up from...

"Senior brother was seriously injured. Master brought you back yesterday. As of today, senior brother has slept for twelve hours..."


The memory in Xiao Chen's mind slowly became clearer, and the scenes of that day reappeared in his mind. At this moment, footsteps approached outside the house, Ruoshui stood up and said, "Ah, Master is here..."

"Ruoshui, you go out first."

Ling Yin's voice came from outside, Ruoshui nodded "Yeah", looked at Xiao Chen again, and then walked out.

After a while, Ling Yin walked in from the door, and Xiao Chen slowly sat up from the bed, "Master..."

"Chen'er, are you feeling better?"

Ling Yin came to the house, and Xiao Chen slowly got up from the bed and saw that she had nothing to do today, but that day, she clearly...could it be another dream?

"Master, you..."

"I'm fine."

Ling Yin shook his head, Xiao Chen was stunned for a while, and slowly looked out the window. This time, it was not a dream. He never thought that he would come back here after so many years...

It's not a dream, but it's as brief as a dream and easy to wake up from.


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a pain in his heart, but this heartache did not come from the injury, but... the connection between him and Wei Young.

I don’t know when it started, but sometimes there would always be some subtle feelings between him and Weiyang. At this moment, he suddenly thought of that day, that unreasonable heartache... It was Weiyang!

"Weiyang, is she here?"

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the master in front of him without moving, with a look of disbelief on his face. After a long time, Ling Yin nodded, "She is in Tianchi."


At this moment, Xiao Chen finally understood why the master suddenly came to save him. It turned out to be Weiyang... But this was Xuanqingmen. How could she still be alive when she came to Xuanqingmen!

On Tianchi Peak, there are still many people from various sects who have not left today, and behind Tianchi Square, in a courtyard, Mingyue and Ziyuan have not left either.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Xiao Chen coming, Mingyue and Ziyuan immediately walked out of the courtyard, while Xiao Chen had a sad look on his face, "Where is she..."

"Palace Master, she, she..."

There were faint tears in Mingyue's eyes again, and she finally looked into the courtyard and choked out, "The Palace Master is inside..."

"You guys stay here and guard."

Xiao Chen walked into the courtyard step by step, but at this moment, his feet seemed to be filled with lead. Every step forward seemed to be weighed down by a huge weight.

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