The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,215: Ending the mortal world

"Zhao...Zhao Dahu, you, what are you going to do..."

The villagers were so frightened that they kept retreating, but Zhao Dahu walked arrogantly towards the village step by step, "Get out of the way! Don't block the road!"

Everyone did not dare to stop him and stepped aside. However, seeing that Zhao Dahu was heading towards Liu'er's house, everyone had a bad feeling.

When they arrived at the Liu Family Courtyard, they saw the door was closed. Zhao Dahu sneered and said inside, "Doctor Liu, today someone Zhao came to propose marriage in person. What's wrong? Are you just going to stay behind closed doors?"

The villagers did not dare to say anything. After a long time, the door opened and Dr. Liu walked out. He looked at Zhao Dahu and said, "Go away. I will not marry Jingjing to you."

"What did you say……"

Zhao Dahu's eyes suddenly became very fierce. The two big men next to him immediately walked up and held down Doctor Liu's shoulders. The villagers outside were so frightened that they trembled. "Zhao Dahu, what are you going to do? Tell me if you have anything to say." , let Doctor Liu go..."

"You two bastards! This is my father-in-law, why don't you back down!" Zhao Dahu shouted coldly, and the two strong men immediately let go of Doctor Liu, lowered their heads and stepped back.

Zhao Dahu walked forward, looked at Doctor Liu and sneered, "My subordinates are ignorant. They scared my father-in-law just now. I didn't hear what my father-in-law said just now. You say it in my ear again..."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the villagers turned pale with fright. They all frowned and shook their heads at Dr. Liu. If he said another word, I was afraid that Zhao Dahu would take action...

"I won't marry you."

At this moment, a cold female voice came from the courtyard. Hearing this voice, many people outside were startled. Liu Jingjing walked out from inside, holding a pair of sharp scissors in her hand. On his own throat, he stared coldly at Zhao Dahu.


Doctor Liu's expression changed, and seeing this scene, the villagers outside were also startled. They were worried that she had been depressed all day long because of A Tian's affairs for more than a month, and this time Zhao Dahu came to forcefully marry her again, fearing that she On impulse, he did something stupid. Everyone hurriedly said, "Liu'er! Don't do anything stupid. Put down the scissors quickly..."

"Jingjing! Put down the scissors..."

Doctor Liu's face was also pale. He knew what his daughter's temperament was like. If Zhao Dahu really wanted to forcefully marry her today, she would rather die than obey...

"Sister Liu'er..."

In the distance, Caiwei was also frightened. She saw Liu Jingjing's cold face as she walked outside step by step. She looked coldly at Zhao Dahu and said word by word, "If you keep pestering me, I, Liu Jingjing, will die here today." You can’t get away with it either…”

The atmosphere suddenly became even more tense. However, Zhao Dahu did not panic at all. Even the smile on his face has not changed until now. He only smiled faintly and said, "Miss Liu'er, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am sure……"

Liu Jingjing stared at Zhao Dahu, cold and unyielding, but Zhao Dahu smiled coldly and said to the back, "Take out the betrothal gift and show it to Doctor Liu.


Two people came up immediately from behind. The so-called "betrothal gift" turned out to be dozens of land deeds. Zhao Dahu took a land deed and placed it in front of Liu Jingjing. He sneered, "The land deeds of everyone in Guhe Village are here. From now on, From now on, all the land in the village belongs to my Zhao family..."

"What, what's going on..."

The villagers could not react for a while. They were all ordinary farmers. Most of them did not have their own land. The land belonged to the landlords.

As for the land in Guhe Village, all the land belonged to other than the king. How come the land deed was in the hands of Zhao Dahu? Could it be that Yuan Wang sold all the land to the Zhao family?

Zhao Dahu sneered and said, "From next year, every household will have to pay an additional 30 dan of grain... Even if it's less than 1 dan, it won't work."


Upon hearing this, the villagers were shocked. Wang Yuanwai only collected three dan of grain from them every year. When Zhao Dahu came, he raised it ten times. How could there be so much grain to hand over? Wouldn't that mean that people would starve to death...

Liu Jingjing frowned, "Zhao Dahu, what do you want..."

Zhao Dahu smiled coldly, "That's right. Doctor Liu doesn't usually make a living by farming. It doesn't seem to have any impact on your Liu family. As for the others... Thirty-three kilo of grain, not even a kilo is less."

"Zhao Dahu! You are bullying others too much. You want to force us to death today. Then my old man will not take this life today and fight you!"

Suddenly, an old man holding a hoe rushed over. However, before he could get close, he was kicked away by one of Zhao Dahu's men. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"Uncle Liu! Uncle Liu, wake up! Uncle Liu!, Zhao Dahu, you killed someone..."

"Haha, you all saw it. He just rushed over to kill me. I was just acting in self-defense..."

Zhao Dahu smiled coldly, holding the land deed in his hand, and walked closer to Liu Jingjing, "If Miss Liu'er dies here today, then add ten more stones. If Miss Liu'er puts down the scissors in her hand, she will marry me today." If the Zhao family comes, from now on, it will still be three dan per year, and not one more dan will be levied..."

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet. Slowly, someone looked at Liu Jingjing and said, "Liu'er..."


Zhao Dahu sneered, "What? Miss Liu'er, do you still want to think about it? My patience is also limited..."


More and more people looked at Liu Jingjing, and saw her body began to tremble slightly, and the hand holding the scissors also trembled. Finally, with a "clang", the scissors fell from her hand to the ground. Two lines of tears also slipped down her face.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Dahu raised his head and smiled, threw the land deed in his hand back, and said with a smile, "It's like this earlier, it's okay. I, Zhao Dahu, never get what I want! Haha..."

All the villagers lowered their heads, shook their heads and sighed, living in the present, what can they do if they are oppressed...

And just when everyone kept sighing, a woman in white walked in outside the village. Everyone was stunned when they saw such a woman who looked like a fairy entering the village. "The girl is..."

"Who is Zhao Dahu?"

The woman in white walked in. She was none other than Bai Luan.


Zhao Dahu looked at her, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "I am, what? Little lady, where did you come from? Tsk, tsk, tsk, not bad, I delivered it to my door..."

Bai Luan looked at him and said calmly, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"


Zhao Dahu chuckled, feeling that it was interesting, and slowly walked towards her, "My master, there are many wishes. First, marry Liu'er, and then, it would be good to marry you, the little lady, what? You Want to help me realize these wishes?”

Bai Luan shook his head, "No, I'm just curious if you mortals have any regrets before the end of your life. I'm just asking."

As soon as he finished speaking, he swiped his fingers, and a sword light flew away. With a "chi" sound, blood suddenly splashed three feet. Zhao Dahu's head disappeared. When everyone saw it, it had already fallen on the snow. , I didn’t even have time to close my eyes.

"Ah! Killing...killing!"

The villagers had never seen such a terrifying scene before, and they were so frightened that they hid in the house. Doctor Liu reacted and hid in the yard with Liu Jingjing in his arms.

As for Zhao Dahu's dozen men, their faces were pale with fear at this moment, their legs were trembling, and they stood there without daring to move.

Bai Luan said calmly, "Listen clearly, if anyone dares to disturb the villagers in this village again, no matter how big an official you are in this world, or even your emperor in this world, he will suffer the same fate as this person."

"Yes Yes……"

More than a dozen men were so frightened that they trembled all over. This time, a villain met a god...

"Take this man's body and leave."

"Yes, yes..." More than a dozen people immediately carried Zhao Dahu's body, rolled and crawled, and ran outside the village.

After a long time, Bai Luan said to the village, "Those people have left. No one will dare to come to the village to cause trouble in the future. You don't have to be afraid. Come out."

After a while, someone slowly came out of the room. Thinking back to the scene just now, I still couldn't believe it. Could this person in front of me be an immortal too?

"Fairy, you, you are..."

Everyone couldn't believe it. They just drew it like that, and the bully's head flew off. Is this the trick of an immortal...

Bai Luan looked inside again and asked, "Who is Miss Liu'er?"

"I, I am..."

Liu Jingjing was still a little shocked. She walked out of the yard at this moment, looked at Bai Luan, and murmured, "Did A Tian ask you to come? He, how is he now? He was kidnapped by the man in purple that day..."

"A Tian..." The villagers finally realized that it was A Tian...

Bai Luan said, "Your Majesty, everything is fine." As he spoke, he walked towards her, and then handed a concentric knot to her, "Your Majesty, you asked me to return this to the girl."

"A Tian..."

Liu Jingjing took the concentric knot, which she knitted with her own hands that night. There were two of them, which were tokens of engagement between the two of them.

At this moment, tears gathered in her eyes again. She raised her head and looked at the fairy-like woman in front of her. "Then, will he come back..."

Bai Luan took a deep breath and said, "The world of immortals has a different path after all. Your Majesty, he has already given up on the world of mortals. I hope Miss Liu'er can let you go... A Tian has always been in your heart and has never left, but Your Majesty." , but he has never been here... Do you understand? "

After saying that, Bai Luan smiled softly, nodded, and then turned around and walked out. When he came to a tree, he condensed the real energy in his palm and pressed it on the chest of Uncle Liu just now. After a while, he saw Uncle Liu wake up. , as if nothing happened.

"This old man just fainted and is fine now. In addition, I have set up a layer of spiritual power near the village to ensure that the village has good weather for a hundred years."

"Thank you fairy...thank you fairy!"

"Everyone, please don't send me away." Bai Luan looked at everyone, then stepped on his feet, and suddenly turned into a white light and flew away through the air.

"You really are an immortal..."

Everyone stared at the disappearing white light in the sky, still a little unbelievable. Over at the Liu family, Doctor Liu walked out of the yard, "Jingjing..."

"Dad, I'm fine..."

Liu Jingjing held the concentric knot in her hand, shook her head and smiled. Although there were still tears in her eyes, her face showed a smile for the first time in more than a month, as if the sky had finally cleared up today.

Desireless Heaven, Secret Demon Cave.

I saw the spiritual energy flowing in Xiao Chen's body, and the scenes of the past world, like the past, passed through my heart one by one, but they were gone with the wind.

At this moment, a spiritual light finally rushed out of him, causing the whole Wuyu Heaven to have a vision. The disciples outside were startled and looked in the direction where the vision appeared. All they saw was the Mystic Demon Cliff. The aura over there soared to the sky, and everyone felt an extraordinary aura at this moment.

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