Hearing him tell the six forces of Tianwaitian, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, "Senior, do you also know about Tianwaitian?"

Ku Lingzi put his hands behind his back and stared at the sea of ​​clouds under the night in the distance. He shook his head and said, "It's not clear, but I know it somewhat. According to legend, Tianwaitian is one of the nine heavens and ten realms. It was originally caused by all kinds of filth and demons in the world." The world formed by the condensed miasma was not called Tianwaitian at that time, nor did it have any name. It was not until later that cultivators went to it, took root and multiplied, and the later Tianwaitian came into being..."

At this point, Ku Lingzi paused for a while before continuing, "In ancient times, due to the war between gods and demons, the heavens outside the sky destroyed the spiritual veins, resulting in the decline of spiritual energy and the gradual shortage of resources. Later, they began to covet the immortal Yuan Gu on earth. land……"

"Ten thousand years ago, it was rumored that the Qing Emperor used his supreme supernatural power to borrow the aura of the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land to completely seal the only passage between Heaven and Earth. From then on, people from Heaven and Earth could no longer come to the human world. , and as for where the only passage sealed by the Qing Emperor was, no one knows yet, and there is no record of it in the ancient books. It is probably to prevent evil people from finding the seal and destroying it..."

After listening to what he said slowly, Xiao Chen also fell into meditation, thinking that what Ku Lingzi said at this time was exactly the same as what the strange old man He Manzi said to him that time in Fengyun Tian.

What happened ten thousand years ago? No one could match Qing Emperor's cultivation in his lifetime, and Jiutian Xuannv was nowhere to be found. What happened at that time? However, in the ancient books, there are only a few figures on the cultivation method passed down by Qing Emperor to the world... …

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses. He frowned and said, "In your opinion, is it possible that that person is from Tianwaitian? That day in Fengyuntian, I saw two Jiuyou People of the clan, presumably now, the seal set by the Qing Emperor has gradually been loosened..."


Ku Lingzi nodded slightly and said, "That person is from the Taoist sect. As for whether it is related to Tianwaitian, this matter... it's hard to say yet."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking that in the past, the old guy could quickly determine everything, but this time, even he couldn't be sure. It seemed that the identity of that person was indeed a bit mysterious.

But right now, his first concern is still the Bone Erosion Land. This time he must get a place to go to the Ancient Immortal World.

Ku Lingzi connected with him and said, "Boy, if you have thought about it, don't hesitate, but there is still one thing. I want to remind you that since the Bone Erosion Land is called the most dangerous place in the Lingxu Realm, there must be The truth is, do everything with caution. If you die again this time, no one will save you..."

At this point, he turned his head and looked at the sea of ​​clouds under the night in the distance, and continued, "Although strength is respected there, there must be some powerful forces. After you go there, you must be more careful and remember. , just after passing through Yi Zhe and arriving at the Bone Erosion Land, you are no longer the Lord of Wuyu Heaven..."

Xiao Chen nodded, "I know, you too, be careful. The Nether Soul Lord already knows your whereabouts and will definitely take action again..."

A few days later, Xiao Chen prepared everything and explained everything to Xiao Cangtian and others. As for Leng Baihu, Bai Luan would guide him in his cultivation in the future. Before leaving, Mrs. Xianshu handed over the Xuanwu Armor to Leng Baihu. handed it to him.

At this moment, feeling the cold breath coming from the Xuanwu Armor, Xiao Chen felt an unspeakable pain in his heart. It turned out that when Weiyang went to Xuanqingmen that day, he was already prepared to die, so he took off the Xuanwu Armor and left To yourself... Weiyang, wait for me to come back.

Seven days later, he came to the Hill of Illusionary Ruins again. What happened at Wutian Palace was not only spread throughout the entire Yuding, but also in the Hill of Illusionary Ruins. Perhaps now, it has spread to the Land of Bone Erosion as well. Not allowed.

In the afternoon of this day, Xiao Chen came to Tianzhu City. Tianzhu Palace had helped him several times before. Since he was passing by this time, he naturally wanted to say thank you. At the same time, he also wanted to know why the other party helped him again and again.

Tianzhu City is the largest city in the entire Illusionary Ruins Hill. It is surrounded by spiritual energy and is very prosperous. There are many cultivation forces in the city, and the Illusionary Ruins Hill is an extremely chaotic place in the Lingxu Realm. , then Tianzhu City is the most orderly place in this chaos.

Just because there is a Tianzhu Palace in Tianzhu City.

But Tianzhu Palace, like Wuyu Heaven, hangs thousands of feet high in the sky above Tianzhu City. It is almost difficult for ordinary people to go up, and no one dares to go up at will.

"This friend wants to go to Tianzhu Palace?"

Just when Xiao Chen came to an open place, a man in black walked towards him. Xiao Chen looked at him, "Are you from Tianzhu Palace?"

The man smiled and said, "Then you must be the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​please come with me."

Now Xiao Chen's aura is much deeper than before, and it is difficult for ordinary people to feel it. I don't know how this man recognized him.

After a while, Xiao Chen followed him to a height of ten thousand feet, and saw a nearby island floating in the sky. It was very similar to Wuyutian, but it didn't have the fairy spirit of Wuyutian, but it had a more formidable feeling. , especially the seven highest islands, the seven palaces above, from a distance, give people a cold feeling.

After arriving at the Qilin Hall, I heard the sound of rolling wheels in the hall, and not long after, I saw Qilin coming out in a wheelchair.

Qilin always had such a gentle and elegant look, but his eyebrows were concealed. At this time, he smiled softly and said, "Master Xiao has come from a long way, but I apologize for the inconvenience of going out to greet him... please."

Xiao Chen cupped his hands slightly, came to the hall, and said, "Speaking of which, last time in Wutian Hall, Xiao didn't have time to thank the master of Qilin Hall."

Hearing this, Qilin smiled brightly, "It's trivial, it's not worth mentioning."

Xiao Chen added, "Actually, Xiao is still a little unclear. I don't know why Tianzhu Palace keeps helping me?"


Qilin looked at him and said with a smile, "Is it possible that Lord Xiao is confused about this matter? Speaking of which, your father Xiao Zhufeng had a relationship with the Lord of Canglong Palace back then..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. In fact, he had already guessed that it was related to his father, but how could his father be related to Canglong, who had disappeared for many years? And what does Qilin mean by "a relationship" at this time?

"But as far as I know, the master of Canglong Palace disappeared a hundred years ago..."

Qilin smiled and said, "That's just a rumor outside. What do you think, Lord Xiao?"

"I see……"

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. This time, he finally felt relieved. In fact, a long time ago, when he was in Huangquan Valley, he had an indescribable feeling when he saw Qilin. This feeling must be related to his father.

But this time, he came to Tianzhu Hall. Although it was much colder than Wuyu Tiansen, when he came up, he didn't feel any restraint. Instead, he felt an indescribable feeling of intimacy.

Qilin smiled softly and asked, "I wonder where Master Xiao is going this time?"

"The Bone Erosion Place."

Xiao Chen said it directly without hiding anything. This time he went to the Bone Erosion Land, which was actually extremely confidential and must not be known to other forces. But now, in Tianzhu Palace, in front of the mysterious Qilin, he felt there was no need to hide it. .

Over the years, no matter where he was, he would always remain vigilant. But now in Tianzhu Palace, standing in front of sick Qilin, he felt completely at ease. He couldn't explain why he had such a feeling. Feel.

"The land of bone erosion..."

Qilin concentrated his mind and said, "As far as I know, there are ten major lands in the Bone Erosion Land, and each of these ten places is occupied by countless forces, namely the Land of Crazy Corpses, the Land of Bitter Cold, the Land of Crying Ghosts, The land of Shura, the land of Netherworld, the land of buried gods, the land of fantasy sea, the land of immortality, the land of Xuanyin, the forbidden land..."

Hearing him mention these ten major lands at this time, Xiao Chen's heart condensed slightly. Just listening to these ten names gave him an extraordinary feeling.

After stopping for a while, Qilin said again, "You keep going east, and you will arrive in about a month. The first place you arrive should be the land of the Phantom Sea. Although this place is called the 'Illusion Sea', it is not an ocean, but there are some dangers in it." Don’t try it easily, otherwise you will easily get lost in it. If you accidentally fall into it, no matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult for you to get out again..."

"Qilin, who is here with you?"

At this moment, a soft male voice suddenly came from outside the hall. Qilin looked out and chuckled, "It's the son of Zhufeng."


Outside, a man in green clothes walked in. The man had long hair like a waterfall and a handsome appearance, but his eyes were covered with a black gauze, and a small green bird flew on his left shoulder.

"Who is this……"

Xiao Chen looked at him, wondering if he could not see with his eyes?

Qilin smiled and said, "He is Chongming."

"It turns out to be the master of Chongming Palace..."

Xiao Chen cupped his hands slightly and looked at the little blue bird on Chongming's left shoulder. He possessed the art of life and death, so he could tell at a glance that this thing was not a living thing. However, it was so lifelike that it was nothing like a living thing. Very different, mostly out of curiosity: "This blue bird is so special."

Qilin smiled softly, "Chongming's mechanism skills are very good. This is the mechanism bird he made. Don't look at such a small blue bird, it is very powerful. And my 'Qilin Fire' was also completed by him." "

"Mechanism technique..."

Xiao Chen was slightly startled, thinking that if Chongming could not see, could he still make such a sophisticated scheme?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something. The Golden Crow Foot that he had accidentally obtained in the Eastern Continent was damaged. The Golden Crow Foot was an ancient treasure with great power. Unfortunately, it had already been damaged when he picked it up, but even in a damaged state, its power was still strong. It's equally astonishing. Can you give it to Chongming now and let him try to repair it? He said, "I wonder if Master Chongming Palace can look at something for me to see if it can be repaired?"

However, just as he finished speaking, he suddenly regretted it. Today was his first time in Tianzhu City. He was originally here to say thank you, but why did he bother others again?

Qilin saw what he was thinking at a glance, raised his hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Chongming likes to tinker with those things the most. Lord Xiao, you might as well show him something like that."


Chongming also nodded, "Show me what it is."

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