After a long time, Zixuan'er came back to her senses, and when she looked forward again, Xiao Chen's figure had disappeared.

She had always been praised highly by everyone, but just now she felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her. She also thought that Xuan Yue had always been obedient to her in the past, but now she was so cold.

This contrast made her even more disgusted, and she wanted to get the Tongxin Jade back no matter what. But before, she was thinking of Xuan Yue who was always obedient to her. As long as she spoke, Xuan Yue would not agree even if she didn't agree. , she will eventually give Tongxin Jade to her, but now Xuan Yue is so cold and indifferent, what if he doesn't give it to her?

The more she thought about it, the more unknown fire she felt for no reason in Zixuan'er's heart. By chance, two charming women walked up not far away and glanced at her with a sneer, "Zixuan'er, could that person just now be you?" My childhood sweetheart’s fellow disciple in the third level domain?”

"What does it have to do with you?"

Seeing these two people approaching, Zixuan'er felt even more irritated and disgusted, especially when she heard someone mention that she came from the third level domain.

"Heh..." ❁

The two women laughed evilly and said, "It's nothing, I just care about my junior sister. Oh, by the way, I also heard that you and that person are a fairy couple. It was decided by your master back then. But now, you are with Xie Senior brother, tut tut tut…"

"What's wrong with me and Senior Brother Xie? Look at the two of you, lying in front of others, and they may not even look at you?"

"Little bitch...what did you say!"

"Presumptuous! What are you doing here!"

Just when the two sides were arguing, Elder Xingxu suddenly came out with a stern look on his face, causing the disciples to step back obediently, "I've seen the elder..."


Elder Xingxiu's eyes were cold and his face was covered with frost. "If nothing happens, go back and practice hard. Soon, it will be the Cold Mountain Trial. This time, our sect only has three places to go to the first-level domain. If you want to become a Master, just work hard from now on! Even if you don’t get a spot this time, you can continue next time!”


The disciples did not dare to make another mistake and went away one after another. The two charming women before sneered at Zixuan'er and then left.

"Zixuan'er, you stay here first." Just when Zixuan'er was about to leave, Elder Xingxu suddenly stopped her.

"Elder, what's wrong..." Zixuan'er turned around and saw Elder Xingxu looking at her with a frown, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Elder Xingxiu looked at her and said, "I have some friendship with you and Xuan Yue's master. Just now in the letter, I heard him mention the matter of your immortal couple..."

Hearing this, Zixuan'er immediately trembled, as if she was suddenly struck by lightning, her face was anxious, and when she was about to say something, she was interrupted by Elder Xingxu's hand, "Xuan Yue's talent is actually not low. , given time, the Dapeng will definitely spread its wings, and it would be perfect for you to combine with him..."

"Wait! Elder, I..." Zixuan'er's face turned even pale and she said anxiously, "Senior brother and I..."

"Okay, you can go back." Elder Xingxu waved his hand, turned around, and walked into Xingxu Pavilion.


Zixuan'er was left standing there alone, with cold wind blowing past her. After a while, she slowly came back to her senses. No wonder Xuan Yue was so cold and cold just now. It turned out that he was looking for Elder Xingxiu said this, thank you Xuan Yue, I haven’t seen you for sixty years, you have indeed changed and become more powerful than before...

At this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed in Zixuan'er's eyes, Xuan Yue, if you have the ability to go to Elder Xingxu, then I will go to Senior Brother Xie...

Next, two days passed, and during these two days, Xiao Chen was busy learning about the Illusion Sea and the Bone Erosion Land, and slowly discovered that it was not easy to get a place in the Ancient Immortal World, at least in In a small place like Tianming Sect, there is absolutely no possibility. The only way is to keep going up...

As for Tianming Sect, a sect in the second realm, it is not a big one. There are eight elders in the sect, and Elder Xingxu is just one of them. The cultivation levels of the elders of the Eight Pavilions are different, and the cultivation level of Elder Xingxu is in the The extraordinary stages of the first four stages of becoming a saint are not that high.

As for the one with the highest cultivation level, it is Xuanming Pavilion. I heard that the elder of Xuanming Pavilion has achieved the level of a quasi-sage, and the leader of Tianming Sect has been in seclusion recently. No one knows how high his cultivation level is. Clearly, it is only rumored that the sect leader is approaching the holy realm.

If you look at it this way, the strength of this Tianming Sect is similar to that of the Yun Sect in ancient Shu, maybe even higher.

However, Xiao Chen is not interested in these. The Tianming Sect has nothing to do with him. Xuanyue's identity is only temporary. His purpose is to go to a higher place and get a place to enter the ancient immortal world, so He is destined not to stay in the Fantasy Sea for long.

This night, the night was like ink, and a cold crescent moon hung on the horizon. Xiao Chen was sorting out the things in Xuan Yue's bag in the room, and suddenly a small concentric jade fell out.

There was only half a piece of Tongxin Jade, and inside it was a ray of blood essence sealed with a secret technique. According to Xuan Yue's memory, Xiao Chen naturally knew what it was, and at the same time, he also thought of Zixuan'er that day.

With his knowledge, he couldn't tell that Zixuan'er didn't have Xuan Yue in her heart at all. Even the woman acted very unnaturally that day. It seemed that she had already had an affair with someone else.

But it doesn't matter to Xiao Chen. He is not the real Xuan Yue anyway, so he will send this half of the Tongxin Jade over tomorrow.

At this time, something else fell out of the baggage, but it was a bead with a faint green light. Xiao Chen held the bead in his hand and thought that Xuan Yue was also pitiful. Before she died, she was still thinking about him. Junior sister, but he didn’t know that the junior sister he had been thinking about had already betrayed him.

With a casual throw, Xiao Chen threw the beads out. These had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to have any entanglement with Zixuan'er. He would send the Tongxin Jade to her tomorrow morning.

The next morning, as soon as Xiao Chen went out, he saw many people gathered in the open space outside the courtyard, and in front of the courtyard, there was a figure standing, which was Zixuan'er that day.

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

Xiao Chen looked at her, his face still as calm and indifferent as that day, and just when he finished speaking, a person suddenly walked up from behind the crowd. As that person walked forward, the disciples of Xingxiu Pavilion who were gathered together all He quickly stepped aside, as if he was afraid of blocking this person's way.

But look at this man dressed in red, with cold eyes and a domineering aura all over his body. It was Xie Wuxia that day.

"Thank you, thank you, senior brother..."

Seeing this person approaching, Zixuan'er's face suddenly became even more nervous, while Xie Wuxia's eyes fell coldly on Xiao Chen, without saying a word, which brought a suffocating feeling to the people around him. Feeling of oppression.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Chen asked calmly when he saw this man blocking the road and staring directly at him.

Xie Wuxia didn't say much. He waved his fingers and with a "whoosh" sound, something flew towards him. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to catch the flying object and looked at it, but it was a spirit with extraordinary aura. Jade.

Xie Wuxia still looked condescending and domineering, "I'll give you this spiritual jade. From now on, don't bother Xuan'er again. Also, give me Xuan'er's Concentric Jade."

What he said seemed to be an extremely domineering attitude, as if the other party had to do as he said without any room for negotiation. Even the disciples watching the excitement at the back shuddered inexplicably at this time.

Xiao Chen took the spiritual jade in his hand, looked at him, and said lightly, "Does the matter between me and my junior sister have anything to do with you?" After saying that, he flicked the spiritual jade back with a "whoosh" sound.

This time, the Xingxiu Pavilion disciples behind him were stunned. Senior Brother Xie’s status is not ordinary. His clan belongs to the first-level domain. Now he is just here for training. Even the elders are polite to him on weekdays. You're being polite, this guy comes from a small third-level domain, is he really desperate for his life?

The atmosphere suddenly became particularly cold. After many people looked at each other, they subconsciously stepped back. Zixuan'er was also stunned. She never thought that the former senior brother was not only obedient to her, but also to other people. The same goes for high-status big shots, but now...

"very good……"

As expected, Xie Wuxia, who was always used to being complimented, felt as if he had been touched by someone just now. At this moment, his eyes became cold, "Did you not hear clearly what I just said? …”

However, before he could finish his words, Xiao Chen raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and then looked at Zixuan'er, "Did you ask him to come?"

Seeing that he ignored Senior Brother Xie so much, the surrounding atmosphere became as cold as ice. Zixuan'er's body trembled slightly, but in the end she gritted her teeth, raised her head and said, "Not bad, so what?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to become more confident. She straightened her chest, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Xuan Yue, I will make it clear to you today. What happened back then was not what I wanted. It was the fault of Master and What the elders mean, and you are just wishful thinking. Now, I want to get my Tongxin Jade back. Is there anything wrong with it? No matter what, I will just admit the punishment to the master myself later..."

After she finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and everyone was silent. After a while, they started to talk quietly.

Zixuan'er's face flushed red and she clenched her fingers tightly. Originally, she didn't want to tell these private matters in front of everyone, but the other party wanted to use Elder Xingxiu to suppress her, so she had no choice but to go to Senior Brother Xie .

"Now, do you hear clearly?" Xie Wuxia looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"She spoke so loudly, there must be no one here who didn't hear her clearly."

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Chen's expression did not change, and it was the same now. As soon as he finished speaking, he took out half of the Concentric Jade from his sleeve.

Seeing her Tongxin Jade at this moment, Zixuan'er was stunned for a moment. Just when she was about to reach out, she saw Xiao Chen said lightly, "Originally, I planned to go to Junior Sister this morning to return this Tongxin Jade to Junior Sister, but Now, I've changed my mind."

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