The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,240 Ghost Luo Rock

But at this time, Xiao Chen took a closer look and found that Shangguan Ruoxue was very different from Xiao Meng'er. He couldn't explain why. In short, Xiao Meng'er gave him a very extraordinary feeling, just like The bottom of the abyss can never be glimpsed, but this feeling does not exist in the woman in front of me.

On the contrary, the woman in front of me is the daughter of the leader of the Northern Alliance of Illusion Sea, so she always looks vaguely superior.

But Xiao Meng'er doesn't have such a feeling at all. Even though she is the number one member of the Xiao family and a disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord, she does not have this feeling of being superior to others. On the contrary, she She always seemed to be carrying a huge burden.

Especially that time in Fengyuntian, Xiao Chen saw her trying her best to move up. What kind of persistence was that?

Perhaps he is as persistent as saving Hua Weiyang no matter life or death. Everyone has their own persistence. He doesn't know what Xiao Meng'er's persistence is.

At this moment, everyone below is looking at the cloud platform. Over the past hundred years, the four outstanding young people in Huanhai may not be said to be the most powerful. Maybe there are even more powerful young people in some hidden places, but The four people standing on the stage at this time are the most familiar to people, and they are also considered by many to be the most outstanding young people in Huanhai.

I saw Shangguan Ruoxue floating lightly on the stage. Her white clothes were elegant and not stained by dust. She really looked like the nine-day fairy. Especially the immortal energy that came out of the dust made many men in the audience obsessed.

Let's talk about men, even some girls, they are all looking at her dreamily at this moment, thinking that in the future, they will have such a powerful cultivation like her.

And Chu Qingyu slowly walked towards her, her face no longer as cold and indifferent as before, as if ice melted and snow melted, she smiled softly, "Ruoxue."

I still remember a few years ago. At that time, Chu Qingyu only called her "Shangguan girl", but now she calls her "Ruoxue". It is not difficult to imagine that there is nothing between these two people.

Shangguan Ruoxue also walked towards him at this time, nodded lightly, and said hello. Although there were no words and no smile on her face, from the look in her eyes at this time, it was clear that she no longer had the same look as before. Vaguely aloof, even gentle as water.

At this time, Taoist Hao whispered beside Xiao Chen, "Little friend Xuanyue, you come up too. Also... remember what I told you before."


Xiao Chen didn't say anything. With a little step of his feet, he flew lightly towards the cloud platform. When everyone below saw another young man with white hair flying towards the platform, they were all stunned, thinking that this person was... who?

It wasn't until a while that someone spread the word in the crowd that this was the person temporarily arranged by Wang Ting, the leader of the ASEAN Alliance. It was said that this person had saved Wang Ting's daughter from Shura before, so he had a unique way to deal with Shura. ability.

Since it was arranged by the leader of the ASEAN Alliance, everyone was relieved one after another, but they couldn't see clearly, what kind of ability did this young man have? On the contrary, it looks ordinary. Can he really go to Guiluo Rock with the leaders of the four alliances this time?

At this time, Taoist Hao stood up and said with a smile, "This little friend Xuanyue is also going to Guiluoyan this time. You guys don't have any objections, right?"

After hearing this, people from all the major forces looked at me and I looked at you. Since it was arranged by the ASEAN leader, what opinions could they have?

As for the attack on Guiluo Rock this time, it might be more successful if it was carried out quietly, instead of going with such a big fanfare so that the opponent could be prepared.

But having said that, since this time it is to boost morale, and at the same time four top young people from the four alliances are going, it is naturally impossible to carry out a sneak attack secretly. Even if the sneak attack is successful, it will not have the effect of boosting morale, but will also Some lose their identity.

So this time, everyone left with great fanfare, and they were not afraid that Shura would mount a tight defense after receiving the information.

At this time, the cold wind was blowing on the cloud platform. Xiao Chen stood aside and looked a little out of place with the leaders of the four alliances, especially Gongzi Chu.

Young Master Chu is undoubtedly the most eye-catching among the four, like the brightest star in the sky in the dark night, but Xiao Chen has no identity here, and even his name is fake.

After preparing everything, everyone set off immediately. In addition to Xiao Chen and the other five, there were other cultivators from the Four Alliances who also went together this time.

And on the Guiluo Rock side, many cultivators from the Four Alliances were originally stationed. However, because the Shura Demonic Demon there was too strong, no one could break through the Shura Mist Realm there, so they had to retreat again and again. The loss is not small.

Therefore, the four alliances are working together this time, hoping to break through Guiluo Rock in one fell swoop. Otherwise, their morale will gradually decline, and eventually their hearts will become disorganized, and the result will be defeat without a fight.

Guiluoyan is located in the northeast of Huanhai, and is also the border between Huanhai and Shura. Due to the complex terrain, thousands of mountains and ravines, it is easy to enter and difficult to get out, so it has been called Guiluoyan since ancient times.

But Guiluoyan is by no means an ordinary canyon or a mountain peak, but a very large place. It is quite a distance from the center of the Phantom Sea. If Yu Jian passes by, it will take as fast as ten days and a half month, or as slowly as two days. In March, there are teleportation formations built in various places, so Xiao Chen and others can get there in about three days.

On the third day, Xiao Chen and his party had arrived at Guiluo Rock. Looking from a distance, they saw the overlapping mountains, which were gloomy and haggard, with broken branches and withered grass, sad wind and dark sun, and the whole world seemed to be like... There was an unspeakable desolation.

This is the battlefield between Illusion Sea and Shura. Under those rocks, countless dead bones have been buried for thousands of years, including those of Illusion Sea cultivators and Shura warriors... Every day when it is overcast, you can often hear it. Under those piles of rocks, there were bursts of ghostly cries.

The further they went, the more gloomy the feeling became. Xiao Chen and the other five walked at the front, while the rest of the cultivators from the Four Alliances followed closely behind, on alert to prevent Shura from setting an ambush here.

"There is a lot of yin energy here, be careful..."

Ancient Ruoxue's eyebrows were slightly knitted, and she had already held a snow-white fairy sword in her hand. Chu Qingyu was walking beside her, her true energy slightly condensed in her palms, and she looked very cautious. Only Long Zhan from the Western Alliance didn't seem to be afraid at all. , holding a bloody war-god halberd in his hand, with eyes like a dragon, even gods and ghosts would be afraid of him.

They were naturally skilled and bold, so they walked at the front, but the Four Alliance cultivators behind them felt more and more creepy as they moved forward, and the sky became darker and darker, as if they were invisible under the piles of rocks. Shura's monsters are hidden in the shadow corners, and sometimes everyone will be startled if they see the wrong thing in a blink of an eye.


Just when they were nervous, a sharp and strange scream suddenly came from somewhere. Everyone turned their heads and looked in horror, only to see more than a dozen crows flying towards the sky like arrows, and below, there were actually Several rotting corpses.


Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale. It was not that they were naturally timid, but that they had suffered many defeats in this border area over the years, and many people had died. They even watched their former sect members being contaminated by the evil Shura energy, and finally He turned into a monster and pounced on them.

"Be careful."

Chu Qingyu's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and as soon as she finished speaking, with a "zheng" sound, she condensed an extraordinary celestial sword.

Bai Yuhan looked into the distance and said, "Didn't you say that they are all stationed here? Why is it that it's not dark yet, but not a single person can be seen."

"Maybe it's still ahead, let's go."

Chu Qingyu gathered her fairy sword and moved forward to clear the way. Xiao Chen was on guard when he first came here, but his consciousness was much sharper than the others here. When he came here just now, For a moment, whether it was an illusion or something else, the power of the earth veins here seemed to be slightly abnormal.

The group of people continued to move forward, and when dusk fell, they came under a series of stone peaks. However, under the dusk, these rugged and strange peaks added a bit of a sense of eeriness. At this moment, there was a sudden sound coming from the front. With a burst of spiritual power, Chu Qingyu said, "They are right in front."

Everyone went inside, and sure enough, all the cultivators from the four alliances had gathered here. There were quite a few of them, but at this time, everyone looked a little downcast.

"Mr. Chu, you are here!"

At this time, seeing Chu Qingyu and others coming, several old men with higher cultivation levels quickly walked up. Chu Qingyu looked at the people behind and saw that they were a little sluggish, so she frowned and asked "Have you ever had a confrontation with Shura before?"


Several old men sighed heavily and lowered their heads. After a while, one of them raised his head and said, "Those Shura demons are really too powerful. We lost a lot of people over there, so we lost a lot of people there a few days ago." , had to evacuate back.”

"I see……"

Chu Qingyu concentrated her attention, then looked at those people in the distance, and said, "It doesn't matter, once their fog boundary is broken, we can attack like a bamboo."

Hearing this, many people behind him became energetic. That's right, Master Chu has been practicing in Lingxiao Peak for sixty years. Now that he has mastered Taoism and Xuanxuan, he is not afraid of the evil spirit of these Shura, and can even break through it. After destroying those evil spirits in their mist world, wouldn't it be easy to break into it?


Several old men nodded repeatedly, and then they noticed Xiao Chen standing with Chu Qingyu and the other four. An old man in red raised his eyebrows and asked, "This is..."

Chu Qingyu said, "This is Taoist Fellow Xuan Yue. The leader of the Wangting Alliance asked him to come. It is said that Fellow Taoist Xuanyue has special methods for dealing with Shura." After saying this, he looked at Xiao Chen.


As soon as he heard that there was a special way to deal with Shura, everyone in the stone peak looked at him, and several old men even looked at him with gleaming eyes, motionless as they fell on him. "What can you do to deal with these Shura, little friend?"

At this moment, everyone looked at him with bated breath. If there was really a good way to deal with Shura, that would be great.

Xiao Chen, however, remained silent at this time, looking at the mountains in the distance, and simply asked, "How far is the Shura Mist Realm from here?"

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