"Step aside.

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and cold, and it was clearly more ruthless and decisive than that day in the courtyard.

But Yanyue Qingwu was not afraid at all. The Shura knife in his hand was still pointed at him, and his voice was equally cold and cold, "No."


Hundreds of Shura soldiers from behind also arrived, but at this moment, they could clearly feel the terrifying aura on Xiao Chen's body. They were no match for them. Even if they were together, the other party could kill them with one palm.

"I say it again, get out of the way."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and stern. At this moment, he seemed to have turned back into the cold and ruthless Lord of Wuyu Tian that no one dared to approach.

Yanyue Qingqing was also like him, holding up the knife and saying, "I'll say it again, keep the heart of Shura..."

The two sides were in a stalemate like this, and the Shura soldiers behind did not dare to act rashly. The cold wind was blowing, and at this moment, it was actually biting the bone.

Both of them looked so cold at this time, but the difference was that Xiao Chen was truly ruthless and cold, while Yan Yue's ruthless eyes obviously had a hint of complexity, but the knife in her hand was so... Definitely.

"Step aside!"

Xiao Chen stopped talking to her and rushed forward. A strong wind blew away, causing Yanyue Qingqing to "thump thump thump" and keep moving back. However, she still held the Shura Knife tightly in her hand and waited. After standing firm, he stabbed Xiao Chen with a sudden stab.


There was a sharp sound, and Xiao Chen froze the blade with his two fingers. The eyes he looked at her at this moment were colder than he had ever looked at her before, as if even the air around her was about to solidify into ice.

But Yanyue Wuqing didn't have the slightest fear. She looked into his ruthless eyes and said word by word, "Even if I die today, I will never let you take away Shura's heart..."

"It's a pity that you are too weak."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, Xuan Jin rushed forward and with a "bang", she was shaken back continuously.


Many of the Shura guards behind were shocked, but when they rushed up, they were knocked back by Xiao Chen flicking his sleeves.

"Blood of Shura!"

Suddenly, Yanyue Qingqing gave a sharp shout, and her whole body was suddenly covered in blood mist. She was originally beautiful, but at this moment, her appearance became a bit scary.

I saw a pair of blood-colored wings sprouting from her back, her originally clear eyes turned blood red, and her arms as flawless as snow turned into a pair of blood-red and terrifying Shura claws. At this moment, her power increased more than ten times. !


Seeing her using the power of Shura bloodline to transform into a Shura body, the Shura guards behind her were all shocked. Although people from the Shura clan can transform into Shura bodies, their strength, speed and defense are greatly increased, but this is extremely depleting. The power of blood.

What's more important is that if you transform too many times, even a kind person will become more and more cruel and bloodthirsty due to the backlash of Shura's blood. Eventually, your character will be lost and you will never be able to change back to a human. , so the Shura kings of previous generations had already ordered and prohibited it, and no one was allowed to easily become a Shura body.

"Have you transformed?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were still cold and indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed forward. Yanyue Qingqing turned into the body of Shura, and his power had already leaped into the realm of quasi-sage. There was a loud "bang", and the two people's power collided, and they were immediately excited. The dust was rising.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fight between the two became more and more intense, but even though Yanyue Qingqing had transformed into the body of Shura, her cultivation at this time was still far inferior to Xiao Chen.


There was a sharp sound, and she was knocked away by Xiao Chen's palm. The Shura guards behind were all shocked: "Princess!"


Yanyue Qingqing let out a sharp roar, and then urged the Shura bloodline, her sharp claws burst into blood, and she suddenly grabbed Xiao Chen. However, time and time again, even though her power was extremely strong, she could even kill a six-year-old with one grab. The quasi-sages below the level were disemboweled, but they still couldn't hurt Xiao Chen in the slightest. Now Xiao Chen's strength can compete with the first-level saints.


There was another sharp sound, and Xiao Chen held her down and said coldly, "Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

Yanyue Wuqing's eyes were terrifying, she glared at him hatefully, and said in a deep voice, "I said, even if I die today, I will stop you from taking away the Heart of Shura..."

Just when she finished speaking, she saw blood mist all over her body, and the Shura blood in her body seemed to be boiling. Her eyes became even more blood red, and even the snow-white skin on her chest slowly became terrifyingly blood red, and finally even her face The body is covered with bloody lines, and it is almost close to complete Shura transformation.

"Princess... don't!"

The Shura guards behind were all shocked. Seeing that the princess's Shura bloodline was about to go berserk, everyone was frightened. They knew that in the entire Shura clan, only the princess's Shura bloodline was the purest. Once her Shura bloodline went berserk, then Her power will break through to the saint level in an instant, but if she does, she will lose all her character and will never be able to change back...

"Look, can I stop you now..."

At this moment, Yanyue Wuqing's voice became as low as that of an ancient ferocious beast. Xiao Chen frowned. At this moment, without any hesitation, he used the skills in the book of heaven to hit her continuously. More than a dozen profound powers.

The last burst of profound energy should have hit her "weakness". Xiao Chen seized the opportunity and dispersed the blood mist that shrouded her body with one palm. Then he added another palm, which directly shocked her. Flying out, she also suppressed her Shura bloodline that was about to go berserk.


Yanyue Qingqing let out a muffled groan, losing her Shura bloodline. Soon, she returned to her original beautiful appearance, and everyone in the distance finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her change back.

Xiao Chen glanced at her, and without saying a word, he was about to leave. Yan Yue stretched out her hand ruthlessly, "Stop!"

Xiao Chen originally thought that he would ignore her, but he didn't expect that at this moment, the other party really stopped, but he didn't turn around, he just turned his back to her.

Yanyue Wuqing looked at his cold back and said, "Do you know...do you know how many people will die? Do you know how many people will die if you take away the Heart of Shura..."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything, and Yanyue Qingwu continued, "We, the Shura clan, have lived in the land of Shura for thousands of years and have never thought of taking the Illusion Sea as our own. It's them... they have always wanted Shura's soul. The power of pulse..."

"That day in Yunling, I wanted to catch Wang Yunmeng, but I just wanted to hold her hostage to make the royal court retreat..."

"so what?"

Xiao Chen finally spoke, but his tone was surprisingly indifferent, "What does this have to do with me?"


Yanyue Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly became paler, but in his mind, the scene in Meilin Garden that day appeared again: "Juanjuan group of pines, with ripples flowing below. Clear snow covered the tiles, across the stream Fishing boat... If this world could be like this painting, there would be no wars or disputes..."

"Why? Why..." She didn't understand, she didn't understand, she didn't understand why the person in front of her could be so cold-blooded.

"There are so many reasons in the world. The weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. Isn't that the law of heaven and earth? If everyone is like you and has to find a reason for everything, then tell me why there must be right and wrong in this world. , good and evil!”

"you you……"

Yanyue Wuqing didn't expect that he would actually say such words. His whole body couldn't help but tremble, and he said with a pale face, "Why are you so cold-blooded and ruthless... Then what do you mean by right and wrong? Is it just that you don't care about hundreds of thousands of people?" Thousands of people died to fulfill your own selfish desires... How could you be so cruel... How could you be so indifferent to right from wrong..."

"Cold-blooded and ruthless, making no distinction between right and wrong..."

Xiao Chen sneered, "Yes, what is right? Wrong, what is wrong? Everyone in the world is right, so what's wrong with her! Everything I did today will be borne by myself, Xiao. There is no need for anyone else to blame me!" As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked off his feet, immediately spread out his body skills, and walked away.

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