"Boy, what do you want to do?"

The Bone Demon asked with a solemn tone. At this time, he had probably guessed what Xiao Chen wanted to do next, and it might indeed be a little crazy.

Xiao Chen stared at the bursts of spiritual light coming from the bottom of the abyss and said, "The fairy rain and dew condensed with normal spiritual energy cannot save Wei Young. Only the fairy rain and dew condensed with the fairy spirit veins can save her..."

Hearing what he said, the Bone Demon was even more sure, and said, "So you want to open the entire ancient immortal world's immortal spiritual veins and let all the spiritual power that maintains the stability of the immortal world rush out, is that right?" ✫


Xiao Chen nodded. At this moment, his eyes became more focused. Only in this way could Wei Young be saved...

"You kid is really desperate for your life. Do you know the consequences of doing this?" The bone demon said to him again, his tone was solemn, and it definitely didn't sound like he was joking.

"Of course I know……"

Xiao Chen stared at the bottomless abyss. Of course he knew that these immortal spiritual veins were distributed throughout the ancient immortal world to maintain the stability of the spiritual energy in the ancient immortal world.

The most important thing is that these spiritual veins are currently occupied by "gods from all walks of life", and some powerful "main veins" are even occupied by the "immortal king" who owns a fairy domain, and there are no gods. I am willing to contribute this spiritual vein of my own.

What he has to do is to forcefully destroy the sealing restrictions outside the spiritual veins, and then destroy the spiritual veins so that the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins can quickly escape.

If you only break away one or two, it doesn't matter much, but if you break away a lot, the entire ancient immortal world will inevitably change.

Due to the concentration of a large amount of spiritual energy, the entire ancient immortal world will inevitably be full of spiritual energy. However, this state is only short-lived. It is equivalent to igniting a person's fire of life, but it will soon be burned out.

In other words, if he destroys all the spiritual veins of the entire ancient immortal world, within this hundred years, the spiritual energy of the immortal world will be extremely abundant, even compared to the ancient times, when the ancient Eastern cultivation world has not yet been broken, but a hundred years later, the entire spiritual energy will be The aura of the fairy world will gradually wither.

This is only one of the reasons. The second is that these spiritual veins "already have owners" and are currently owned by various immortals and gods. If he does this, it will undoubtedly damage the interests of those "immortals and gods". .

And this benefit is very great, so those immortal gods will definitely use all their strength to hunt him down. In the final analysis, that is, by that time, he will be the enemy of the entire ancient immortal world, especially those who occupy the main line. Immortal King", the first one will not let him go.

Of course, Xiao Chen has considered these. With his current strength, does he really want to compete with the entire ancient immortal world? Even though he has the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​after all, there is... no turning back.

At this time, the Bone Demon's voice also became more solemn, "Boy, are you really sure that you can bear the consequences of doing this? When the time comes, you will be chased by those immortal kings, and I will not be able to save you..."

Xiao Chen was silent and concentrated. He knew that he couldn't do this, but if he didn't do it, who would do it? Do you still expect people like Xiao Menger to do this?

Even if people like Xiao Meng'er know the secret of the ancient immortal world and know that the ancient immortal world uses this immortal world's spiritual veins to continuously absorb spiritual power from the human world, what can they do? It’s just a matter of turning a blind eye...

And Xiao Chen, when he goes to do this and destroy the spiritual energy of the immortal world, he will not justly say that he did it for the spiritual energy of the human world. From the beginning to the end, he has only one purpose, which is to condense the spiritual energy of the immortal world. Yulu, go back and save Weiyang.

Seeing that he was silent, the Bone Demon didn't need to ask anymore. Why couldn't he see what Xiao Chen was thinking for so long? He said, "Boy, are you really willing to make the entire fairy world an enemy for a person like that?"

Xiao Chen remained silent, staring at the mountain peak opposite the cliff. Even though he was not present that day, he could still see it in his mind. On that day, Wei Young's determination to take Xuan Qing, her determination to take the Ten Thousand Poison Pills...

She even kept the Xuanwu Armor to herself. She sealed her spiritual power in the Xuanwu Armor and used her last strength to protect herself...

"Speak of a small ancient immortal world, even if it is the enemy of the world, so what..."

The cold wind howled, raising the snow-white hair behind Xiao Chen's shoulders. At this moment, his eyes were extremely focused.

Weiyang can die for him, so why not? Even if he is the enemy of the entire fairy world, so what, even if he is discussed by others in the future, so what, he has never cared about it all these years!


The Bone Demon suddenly let out a long sigh. I have never seen him sigh so long and short in such a long time. He just heard him say, "Boy, you are gambling with your life. How do you know that you can win in the end? Retreat?" Ten Thousand Steps said, even if you bring back the rain and dew from the fairy world, if you still can't save her, what will you do then? Things in this world are often beyond human control. Perhaps, this is her fate. …”

At this point, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly became a little desolate, as if the following words were speaking to his former self.

And Xiao Chen walked towards the cliff, his eyes still fixed, "Although things in this world are beyond human power, those who try their best also seek results."

Hearing this, the Bone Demon was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Even if you know the result."

"Even though I know the result." Xiao Chen's eyes remained motionless, only the cold wind blowing up from under the cliff did not stop.

"Oh, what is love in this world... Idiot, Idiot..."

The bone demon let out a long sigh. I don't know why, in the past, he would only say things like "If it were back then, I could kill so and so with one palm", but today it has become so sad.

After a while, I heard him say again, "Do you know how strong the spiritual power is down there?"

Xiao Chen stared at the bottom of the abyss. Of course he knew how powerful the spiritual veins of the immortal world were below, like a huge powder keg.

Now, what he has to do is to light this powder keg, but the moment he lights the powder keg, he will also be blown up to ashes.

So at the moment, it seems that he can only use Dugu Tianxia's god and demon body. The spiritual power below is too strong. With his current cultivation level, it is absolutely difficult to resist. Only Dugu Tianxia's god and demon body can resist such terrifying spirits. force.

"Hehe, okay, okay..."

The Bone Demon suddenly burst out laughing again, and said to himself, "This ancient immortal world has been silent for thousands of years. I would like to see how you will turn this place upside down, and see those immortal kings who are sitting back and thinking, one by one. Can you still keep calm?”

"I want to see it too."

After Xiao Chen said that, he no longer hesitated, and instantly sacrificed the body of Dugu Tianxia's god and demon, then entered, and blasted the seal restriction in front with a palm. With a "boom", the entire cliff was instantly wiped out, and the seal immediately weakened. Half done.

Xiao Chen gathered the power of the gods and demons again, added another palm, and made another loud noise. Cracks appeared in the entire abyss, and the seal and restriction also shattered with the sound.

The sky was full of spiritual power, causing winds and clouds to surge and mountains to shake in a radius of a hundred miles. How could such a strange phenomenon not be noticed by the nearby cultivators?

"Someone is breaking the spiritual seal... hurry up!"

Soon, a large number of immortal cultivators rushed over, and the leaders were two old men whose cultivation level was not lower than Xuan Daozi.

At this moment in the abyss valley, feeling the surge of spiritual power, it is impossible to say that Xiao Chen's heart has not stirred up at all. But from this moment on, he has no intention of looking back, no matter it is a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​fire, or nine out of ten deaths. Health, this time, he must do it to the end.

Now that he had broken the seal restriction above, he did not hesitate and flew towards the bottom of the abyss. When he was close to the bottom of the abyss, the power of the spiritual veins was like a storm in the fairy world. Anyone who tried to get close would be killed. tear.

Xiao Chen has already felt the terrifying power of this Immortal Spiritual Vein. If it were him, he would never be able to rush down. Even a cultivator from the Third Realm would definitely be overwhelmed by this crazy surging spiritual power when he came down here. Tear into pieces.

But the bodies of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia were not afraid of this violent spiritual power at all. After arriving at the bottom of the abyss, he did not hesitate. He raised his palm and hit a blast of god and demon power straight into the depths of the ground!


There was a loud noise, and the entire abyss trembled violently. Under the surge of spiritual power, large areas of the abyss bottom cracked, and the surrounding mountains collapsed. A terrifying spiritual power rushed straight up toward the ground!

Even in the demonic body of Dugu Tianxia, ​​Xiao Chen could still feel the terrifying power of this spiritual power. The first seal of the spiritual veins of the fairy world here was destroyed by him, but in order to ensure that it was foolproof and difficult to be destroyed in a short time, For people to repair, he needs to destroy it deeper, and it is best to make it impossible for those in the fairy world to repair.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, suddenly jumped into the air, and sacrificed the Emperor Gu Sword. At this time, the Emperor Gu Sword was held in his hand, and it seemed to be stained with blood. The bloody sword energy was the same as Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons. The combination of the aura made him look as terrifying as the eternal demon god.

"Bone Demon, keep an eye on it."

Xiao Chen gathered the divine and demonic energy all over his body, and slashed at the spiritual veins in the ground with one sword. There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the entire valley seemed to be broken. More than a dozen peaks around it collapsed in an instant!

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the spiritual power nearby surged even more fiercely. After Xiao Chen cut off the immortal spiritual veins at one place, he did not stop immediately, but flew away into the distance, and then slashed with his sword. Next, he will cut the spiritual veins here into pieces, making it impossible for those people to repair them.

In just a short moment, he slashed the spiritual veins hundreds of miles away with more than a dozen swords. The spiritual veins were completely destroyed. The entire sky was filled with spiritual power, and thousands of miles around were severely affected. Serious impact.

Especially in places close to this spiritual vein, such as some fairy sects, even the mountain gates collapsed under the collision of spiritual energy. If it were not for a stable defensive formation, the entire sect would be gone in an instant.

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and a nearby spiritual vein in the fairy world was completely destroyed. The spiritual power continued to surge up, causing the surrounding sky to tremble.

The bone demon was extremely solemn a moment ago, but at this moment, as if he was afraid of the world being in chaos, he laughed and said, "Crazy... crazy! Boy, you are too crazy, but I like it, hahaha!"

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