The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,311 Eternity has passed, seize the day!

"That...that is!"

In the Heartless Valley, everyone's expression changed, and they could see the clouds in the sky billowing, and a stream of spiritual light rushing straight towards Xiao Chen, as if all the spiritual energy from all directions were attracted by him at this moment.

At this time, the Yao Qin in his hand was blooming with colorful and dazzling light. The power of the ancient sacred Qin immediately made everyone's hearts tremble!


The rest of the people may not have recognized it as Fu Xi Qin, but Xiao Meng'er, hiding behind the crowd, recognized the Fu Xi Qin in Xiao Chen's hand at a glance. This time, she was convinced that this person was really Xiao. A dust!

"Boy, you are... crazy, crazy, but I like it!"

The bone demon statue was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, and the Fuxi Qin in Xiao Chen's hand was filled with light, as if the ancient power of eternity had been condensed in an instant!

Xiao Chen has never felt Fu Xiqin's eternal divine power at this time... Could it be because he came to the ancient immortal world?

Even the Qingyun Beast he was sitting down on, which had a very arrogant temperament, seemed to be frightened by this eternal divine power at this moment, and his whole body was trembling!


In the Heartless Valley, everyone is in danger. A dozen elders have already been frightened to death. Obviously they have felt the power that is destroying the world at this moment!

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly had an unspeakable feeling in his heart. Fu Xiqin in his hand, and the body of the god and demon in Dugu Tianxia. This feeling of eternity passing away... made him feel inexplicably. A feeling of sadness arose.

No one from the past will be seen before, no one from the future will be seen.

Thinking about the long journey of heaven and earth, I burst into tears with sadness!


A piano sound sounded, and it seemed like all eternity was shattered in an instant. The sound of the piano suddenly turned into a huge wave of waves, rushing straight towards the entire Wonderland of the Merciless Valley!


The expressions of more than a dozen elders changed horribly. Even if there were still some defensive formations left to resist, how could they resist... this unparalleled divine power that would pass away in an instant for all eternity!

Even Xiao Meng'er's expression changed in an instant. At this moment, she finally no longer hesitated and broke away the seal on her body. She immediately raised the Wusui Lotus Platform and turned into a ray of light and fled away from the distance.

Although this flash of light disappeared, Xiao Chen also noticed that it was her...

At first, he didn't realize that Xiao Meng'er was here. It wasn't until now that the other party offered the Wushou Lotus Platform that he felt the fleeting aura.


Wherever the sound of the piano passed, everything was turned into ashes. Even the ancient love-killing formation, at this moment, could not withstand this eternal power!

"Back off...back off!"

The expressions of more than a dozen elders suddenly changed, and they hurriedly protected their disciples and left. Such terrifying power cannot be preserved in Wuqing Valley Fairyland today, but as many disciples as possible can be saved.


The dust instantly rose, covering the sky and the sun. Under the tens of thousands of feet of violent waves, the entire Wonderland of the Merciless Valley was instantly wiped out and turned into nothing!

The fairyland collapsed and spiritual power raged. The hundreds of miles in radius were instantly shrouded in smoke and dust. The dust in the sky covered the sky and the sun. I am afraid it will cover it for several months and it will not be able to disperse on its own!

After a long time, Xiao Chen calmed down. He didn't expect that Fu Xiqin had such power just now, but the long-lost feeling of sadness in his heart still lingered in his heart, like this sky full of The smoke and dust could not be dispersed for a long time, and it seemed that a layer of faint moonlight had enveloped his heart, showing a trace of desolation.

Last time in the Shura Sea, Suye had lost too much soul power to stop the Shura masters for him, and now he fell into a deep sleep in the Fuxi Qin. He didn't know why, but at this moment, he actually missed Suye.

"Boy, let's go."

At this time, the Bone Demon's voice sounded in his mind. Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses, no longer hesitated, and immediately drove the Qingyun Beast away.

This time he not only cut off the spiritual veins here, but also destroyed the entire Wuqing Valley Immortal Realm. This matter will definitely set off a storm in the ancient immortal world. Next, he needs to be more careful, Qingqing Immortal Lord will definitely go crazy. Chase him.


It wasn't until dusk fell that Xiao Chen made the Qingyun Beast stop. There were endless mountains in front of him, and he didn't know where he was.


The Qingyun Beast let out a deep roar, as if it was extremely unwilling to become someone else's mount. But now, not only was it imprisoned by Xiao Chen's unique method, but when it was in the Heartless Valley, it was also frightened by Fu Xiqin's eternal power. So now, Xiao Chen lets it go east, but it will never dare to go west.

At this time, Xiao Chen flew down from the back of the Qingyun Beast. This mount was really easy to use. Not only was it as fast as lightning, but it could also forcefully pass through some fairyland restrictions. With such a mount, he didn't need to consume his own energy. It's so easy even if you travel thousands of miles a day.

"Boy, put away the body of the god and demon." At this moment, the bone demon's warning voice came into his mind again.

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and immediately put away Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons. He was indeed a little too high-profile on the previous trip.

Although this ancient immortal world is a fragment of the real immortal world, in a sense, it is also a relatively complete world.

Maybe he can't even think about the strong people hidden here. There are even strong people who escaped thousands of years ago. If someone discovers the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​it is really unimaginable what the consequences will be. .

The dusk was gradually closing, and Xiao Chen came to the top of a mountain. Looking at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the cold wind and the setting sun, he felt an indescribable and unexplained lingering feeling in his heart.

Ever since he stepped into the ancient immortal world, his state of mind had changed unconsciously, especially when he met the bodies of gods and demons left behind by Dugu Tianxia.

There was also the mysterious woman's voice that came from the top of Kunlun for eternity, and the eternal feeling of sadness that had just passed between him and Fu Xiqin.

"For eternity, no matter how powerful the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas were in the past, they have all passed away now..."

Under dusk, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a little emotional. This feeling was indescribable and unclear. It was like he had stood here and had the same emotion a while ago.

"Eternal Youyou...boy, how do you know what Eternal Youyou is?"

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly entered his mind, and there seemed to be an indescribable sense of desolation in his tone.

The two of them were suddenly silent, and Xiao Chen's heart was in turmoil, just like the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, but suddenly, he saw him flicking his sleeves and saying, "Eternity has passed, just seize the day!"

These few words seemed to make the mountain peak tremble. At this moment, his figure standing in the dusk seemed to suddenly become much taller.

Thousands of years ago, it was the era of Qing Emperor, the era of Dugu Tianxia, ​​but that era has finally become a thing of the past, so why bother to pursue it again.

Now that a new era has arrived, he will let this era finally become his era!

Let future generations always remember these three words Xiao Yichen!

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed by in a hurry, thousands of years later, even in heaven, when someone mentions these three words, they will still tremble!

"Okay, a good eternity has passed, just seize the day..."

The Bone Demon's voice kept ringing in his mind, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly sensed someone approaching and said, "Come out."

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