Fairy Shuiyue's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper. As she spoke, she seemed to be lost in thought. She paused for a while and then continued, "With my magic power, it is difficult to penetrate the mysterious power of the Heavenly Book. But after a while, strangely Something happened. All the words in the fragment of the book that day were gathered towards that person. I could feel at that time that these words were gathered towards him on their own initiative, rather than being condensed by him..."

"Oh? There is such a strange thing..."

At the head of the hall, the fairy wearing light blue fairy clothes also showed a hint of surprise on his face. After a while, Fairy Shuiyue said again, "Yes, Xuan Daozi later went to chase this person, but Not long after, I found that Xuan Daozi was dead, apparently in the hands of that person..."

The hall slowly fell into silence. After a long time, the fairy at the head of the hall said to himself, "Xuan Daozi also has some Taoism and can kill him easily. Unless that person has a cultivation level of five or above." for……"

Fairy Shuiyue said, "I didn't expect that that person... he actually came from the human world just like my uncle.


At the head of the hall, the fairy in blue frowned slightly. At this moment, she seemed to be recalling the old things many years ago. She sighed softly after a long time, "I haven't returned to the human world for a long time. I didn't know that this world already existed. Waiting for those who cultivate themselves.”

Hearing this, Fairy Shuiyue smiled slightly and said, "That's right. Uncle Master has only been in the immortal world for more than 600 years, and he has already cultivated to become a supreme immortal. From now on, he has cut off the world of mortals, and no longer needs to worry about things in the human world... "

The fairy in blue still frowned slightly and said nothing, but in her eyes, there was a clear flash of unspeakable homesickness. Although the fairy world is good, this is not her hometown after all.

Fairy Shuiyue is still relatively young and has never been to the human world, so how can she see these subtle emotions at this time?

After a while, she asked again, "Then... uncle, do you want the empress to know about this? After all, if that person continues to make trouble like this, I'm afraid he will alarm Yun Zhongjun. Now that the fragment of the book is in In his hands, if he falls into Yun Zhongjun's hands, I'm afraid something will go wrong..."


The fairy in blue lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said, "The empress is still in retreat in Kunlun. It is not appropriate to disturb her for the time being, but that person... I want to know who he is."

Thousands of miles away from the clouds.

"Further forward is the boundary of Tongtian Valley. The aura on Qingyun Beast's body is too heavy and we cannot continue forward."

Under the misty clouds, I could only see the looming green peak ahead. In these days, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er flew a hundred thousand miles on the Qingyun Beast. Not far ahead, they arrived at Tongtian Valley.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and then ordered the Qingyun Beast to fall to a mountain peak below.

This Qingyun Beast can break through some seals and restrictions, and is not even afraid of ferocious formations like the Ancient Love Killing Formation. If you keep it with you all the time, it will be of great benefit.

It's just that there is a clan of ancient immortals in the Tongtian Valley, and there are many experts in it. Obviously, he and Xiao Meng'er can't force their way in, so they can only find a way to sneak in.

After falling on the cliff, Xiao Chen said to Qingyun Beast, "I know you can understand what I say. From now on, you stay here and don't wander around. If I give the order, you will come to Tongtian Valley immediately."

Over the past few days, Qingyun Beast seemed to have been tamed by him, but at this time, his eyes were still full of hostility, and his mouth kept making low whining sounds.

"Let's go."

After settling the Qingyun Beast, Xiao Chen no longer delayed and immediately went to Tongtian Valley with Xiao Meng'er. The distance was only a few hundred miles away. At dusk that day, the two of them had arrived near Tongtian Valley.


Xiao Meng'er immediately made a silence gesture. Even though both of them had already concealed their auras at this time, this Tongtian Valley was an unusual place after all. Once discovered, the two of them would have advanced cultivation levels. , and it is difficult to escape intact.

But now, Xiao Chen can no longer easily use Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons. Not only had the Bone Demon warned him that day, but he himself also seemed to have noticed something for a moment. Anyway, he can no longer easily use Dugu Tianxia's body. That’s it for the body of gods and demons.

The dusk is gradually closing, and even though the mountains are full of spiritual energy, at this moment, for some reason, there is a cold feeling.

The two of them sneaked forward cautiously. Xiao Meng'er said, "There are twelve peaks in Tongtian Valley. Each peak is a restricted area. At the same time, there is a peak master with high magic power guarding it. We need to go to the innermost part in the shortest time." Inside, destroy the formation inside, and when the power of the spiritual veins rushes out, you're done."


Xiao Chen nodded lightly. After the formation was destroyed, the entire Tongtian Valley would inevitably activate the prohibition seal. At that time, he only had to summon the Qingyun Beast, forcefully rush into the valley, and then take him and Xiao Meng with him. Just rush out.

Of course, this is just the best plan. As for whether there will be any accidents during the period, and the strength of the twelve peak masters, he still doesn't know, but no matter what, no one can stop him this time.

In the past three months, the aura of the fairy world has become stronger and stronger. If everything goes well, it will not be long before the rain and dew of the fairy world condenses.

But there is one thing that he still needs to be vigilant about. Once the rain and dew in the fairy world condenses, it will definitely attract powerful forces from all sides in the fairy world to compete. It is difficult to say whether he can survive the competition.

But he had already prepared for the worst. The gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​Fu Xiqin, the Three Corpse Demons, the Emperor Sword, the Golden Crow Feet, and the ray of magic that the gods and demons gave him deep in the Huangquan Valley. Demonic consciousness...

In short, he will kill gods at all costs, and kill Buddhas if he blocks Buddha. Even if he becomes a mortal enemy of the entire fairy world, he will still get the rain and dew of the fairy world.

"What’s wrong with you?"

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er clearly felt the cold murderous aura coming from his body, and couldn't help but frown, wondering how could he suddenly have such heavy murderous aura.


Xiao Chen immediately came back to his senses and hid his aura. Xiao Meng'er still frowned deeply and said, "Not far ahead is Tongtian Valley. If you continue to reveal murderous aura unintentionally, others will notice your aura." If you do, you and I will both be in danger.”


Xiao Chen did not refute. It was indeed his mistake just now. Fortunately, there were no experts nearby, otherwise his aura just now would have made others aware of it.


At this moment, Xiao Meng'er suddenly made a silence gesture, and at this moment, Xiao Chen also noticed that there were two auras of immortal cultivators in the distance, approaching here, and the two of them immediately squatted down. Go and hide in the grass.

After a while, I saw two figures falling nearby in the dusk. The two figures were young. They looked like they were only thirteen or fourteen years old. They were carrying small bamboo baskets on their backs. It turned out that they were two figures. A boy collecting herbs.

"Another Jiazi has passed. In a few days, the people sent by Yun Zhongjun to get the elixir should arrive, right?"

"Who knew, Master said he would come at the beginning of the month, but it's been more than half a month, and there's still no sign of anyone. We're asked to come here every day to collect herbs, and it's annoying to death..."

But look at the two little herb collectors. They were complaining while carefully looking for the fairy grass they wanted nearby. They waited until dark before leaving.

At this time, a cold moon gradually rose into the sky. Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er also came out of the grass. Looking at the direction where the two herb-picking children left, Xiao Meng'er said, "What did you hear them say just now?" Yet?"

"Every sixty years, Lord Yun Zhong will send someone to Tongtian Valley to get the medicine. In a few days, the people who come to get the medicine will arrive this time."

Xiao Chen spoke slowly, and as soon as he finished speaking, the two looked at each other. At this moment, they seemed to have thought of a way to enter the valley.

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