The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1322: Collapse of Secret Realm

"It's Fairy Yudie..."

Everyone in Tongtian Valley didn't expect it and was stunned. Watching the phantom butterflies in the sky disperse, there were also many people, as if obsessed, staring blankly at the beautiful woman with fluttering clothes in the air. Fairy. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

She is like that legend. From the day she came to the fairy world, she became a beautiful legend.

No one knows her original name, only that she is now called Fairy Yudie. There were many immortals in the past who wanted to become a fairy couple with her, but without exception, they were all turned away.

There were even many people who went to her "Butterfly Realm" after all the hard work, but in the end they didn't even see her face, so they had to return in despair. ✺

Even so, no one dared to cause trouble for her. Firstly, she was extremely moral, and secondly, the most important thing was that she belonged to Kunlun, the Purple Mansion, and belonged to the empress.

The Empress is in charge of the entire Kunlun, and even the entire Zifu Continent. If people like Wu Qingxianjun only have their own fairyland, then powerful immortals like Yun Zhongjun and the Empress undoubtedly own a fairyland.

No matter who they are from He Xianmen, they all treat them with respect. As for their cultivation level and which realm they have entered, few people in the immortal world know.

People like the Immortal Lord Qinghong and the Immortal Lord Qinghong have no idea which realm Yun Zhongjun and the Empress have entered. They only know that the opponent can kill them with a single finger.

Although Immortal Wuqing and others are among the four great Immortal Lords in Yunzhou, they are not even close to the term "powerful people in the fairy world". Only people like Lord Yun Zhong and the Empress can be called "powerful people in the fairy world".

A true strong man in the immortal world is not only extremely powerful, almost reaching the top of the peaks, but he also holds great power, the power of life and death.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the secret realm of Tongtian Valley is getting colder and more solemn, and the power of the spiritual veins in the ground is becoming more and more violent, as if it will break through the entire secret realm at any time and turn Tongtian Valley into nothing in an instant.

Seeing the tense situation between Immortal Wuqing and Fairy Yudie, all the elders of Tongtian Valley turned pale. Even the peak masters with profound cultivation were unable to say anything in front of Immortal Wuqing and Fairy Yudie.

But they know better than anyone in their hearts that Immortal Wuqing and Fairy Yudie are not only powerful, but they are also obviously hostile. Once they start a fight in this secret realm, the entire Tongtian Valley may be affected. , I really can’t keep it today.

The atmosphere became more and more tense, and even a layer of ice seemed to have condensed in the air, as if it was about to freeze people. The ruthless Immortal Lord looked gloomy and said coldly, "Fairy Yudie, what does this mean... "

As he spoke, he was surrounded by blood, and there was a faint murderous aura. He had been practicing the ancient ruthless mysterious art for many years, and he had already become cold-hearted and cold-hearted.

If it were other people, they might have sympathy and even admiration for Fairy Yudie, but he didn't have any such feelings. In order to capture Xiao Chen today, he didn't mind cutting Fairy Yudie into thousands of pieces and destroying her soul.

And at this moment, Fairy Yudie felt the murderous intent in his eyes, her face remained calm, and she said concisely and concisely, "This man, Immortal Wuqing, cannot touch him today."


At this moment, the murderous intent in the eyes of the Merciless Immortal Lord became even stronger, and a cold mysterious energy gradually condensed in the palm of his hand, and he said gloomily, "It seems that Fairy Yudie must protect him today."

Fairy Yudie's face was still as calm as water, and she said calmly, "This person is the person the empress wants to see."


The Merciless Immortal Lord smiled gloomily, and the murderous aura in his body suddenly became heavier. How could he not know what the Yudie Fairy in front of him was thinking in his mind? Don't use the word empress to suppress him!

At this moment, the peak masters behind him had deeply felt the murderous aura coming from him, and their hearts were filled with fear. The master of Tianxiang Peak said urgently, "Merciless Immortal Lord, wait a minute..."

Sure enough, before he could finish his words, a stream of blood-red profound energy had already gathered in the palm of the Heartless Immortal Lord's palm, and he suddenly launched an offensive towards Fairy Yudie!

Even if Fairy Yudie belongs to the Empress, this is not the Zifu, let alone Kunlun. What should he be afraid of? In order to capture Xiao Chen, he is not afraid of killing Fairy Yudie!


There was a loud noise, and a burst of magic power surged out. Even the Tongtian Valley disciples who were farther behind were shaken and flew out. There were even some disciples with lower cultivation levels who couldn't bear the force. There was blood overflowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"The Merciless Immortal Lord...wait!"

The expressions of several peak masters changed drastically. In the mid-air, they saw the magic power of Wu Qingxianjun and Fairy Yudie turning into two rays of light, one red and one green. The former was full of murderous intent, while the latter was unshakable.

The magic power of the two is so strong that the secret realm of Tongtian Valley is already on the verge of collapse. If the two of them continue to fight like this, the entire secret realm will definitely collapse!


The entire secret realm was shaking in an instant. The surrounding mountains collapsed and dust was flying. The power of the spiritual veins rushed out violently. Some disciples were unable to escape and were wiped out in an instant under the spiritual storm!

"Exit the secret realm... Everyone, exit the secret realm immediately!"

Seeing that the power of the spiritual veins had rushed out, the elders of the Twelve Peaks panicked. At this time, they could no longer care about so much. No matter how high they were in cultivation, under this storm of spiritual power, the immortal bodies they had cultivated were as good as Mortal bodies make no difference!


The expressions of several peak leaders also changed suddenly, but now, what else can be done? This storm of spiritual power pouring out from the sky is beyond their ability to contend with!

At this time, in mid-air, Fairy Yudie was fighting with the Merciless Immortal Lord while at the same time paying close attention to the spiritual storms around her. No matter how powerful she was, she could not withstand these spiritual storms unless it was the Empress or Yun Zhong. A strong person like you may be able to stop this spiritual storm coming from the sky with one person's power.

Looking at the Wuqing Immortal Lord again, his eyes gradually turned blood red. I don't know whether it was the Wuqing Xuan Gong he practiced that devoured the heart, or something else. His murderous intent at this time was getting heavier and heavier, and he even completely ignored the terrible spiritual storms around him. The attacks are becoming more and more fierce!

"Immortal Merciless, if you and I continue to fight here, the final result will be that neither you nor I can leave. But you have thought clearly."

Even in the face of the increasingly fierce offensive of the Merciless Immortal Lord and the violent spiritual power pouring from the sky, Fairy Yudie still dealt with it calmly without any panic on her face.

On the other hand, those in Tongtian Valley, including several peak masters, were already at a loss of control. They hurriedly retreated outside, trying to see if they could set up formations outside to stabilize this secret realm.


The Merciless Immortal Lord snorted coldly and said, "I want to capture this person today, and no one can stop me. If Fairy Yudie insists on obstructing me, then I will be buried here with you today, and we will all be withered bones together!"

After saying that, his whole body was shaken, and streaks of blood gushed out crazily. For a moment, the surrounding spiritual energy surged forward, surging towards this side.


Fairy Yudie secretly thought that something was not right. She had to fight against the ruthless Immortal Lord, while also guarding against the spiritual power coming from all around, and not letting anything happen to Xiao Chen. It was already a bit difficult.


The entire secret realm is constantly breaking apart and is obviously about to collapse. The people in Tongtian Valley have already evacuated outside, but when they see the situation inside, they are still trembling with fear. If the secret realm collapses and the spiritual pulse of the fairy world inside is destroyed, it is extremely possible. It may destroy the entire Tongtian Valley.

But at this time, in the collapsed secret realm, Fairy Yudie and Immortal Wu Wu were still fighting ferociously, with magical powers emerging one after another, causing the surroundings to collapse faster!

The area was already shaking, and dust and smoke were rising. Outside Tongtian Valley, on the green peak a hundred miles away, Fairy Shuiyue used her "clairvoyance" to watch the collapse of the secret realm there. Even though she was hundreds of miles away, she At this time, you can also feel the terrifying spiritual power inside.

"Uncle, it's too bad..."

The secret realm collapsed rapidly, and the sky was covered with smoke and dust in an instant. Fairy Shuiyue gradually could not see clearly what was going on inside, but she thought that the ruthless Immortal Lord was going to die, and his cultivation was extremely terrifying, and he was afraid that his uncle would be too fast alone. I can't hold it any longer...

"Xiao Yichen!"

In the secret realm, even though Xiao Meng'er was protected by a lotus platform, she had too much time to take care of herself. However, in the smoke and dust, she still did not forget to search for Xiao Chen's figure. She was not driving alone like the last time in Huangquan Valley. Lotus platform to escape.

"I'm here."

In the dust and smoke, Xiao Chen suddenly flew over, but as soon as he came over, a spiritual storm surged towards the two of them.

"Watch out!"

The two of them each jumped back to avoid the spiritual storm, but in mid-air, the Merciless Immortal Lord was still fighting with the Yudie Fairy.

Xiao Chen glanced at the two of them, and then looked at Xiao Meng'er again. The two of them had a tacit understanding with each other, and flew out of the secret realm at the same time. But before they flew a hundred feet away, a green shadow suddenly rushed towards them. But it was the Qingyun Beast that stopped the two of them at once.


Qingyun Beast glared at Xiao Chen with a ferocious expression, as if it wanted to tear him into pieces.

At this time, the spiritual power around him was becoming more and more terrifying. If he did not leave, once the secret realm completely collapsed, he, Xiao Meng'er, Fairy Yudie and Wuqingxianjun, as well as the Qingyun Beast in front of him, would all be destroyed. Buried here.

"what to do?"

Seeing the fierce look in the Qingyun Beast's eyes and its teeth bared in a deep roar, Xiao Meng'er frowned and moved a little closer to Xiao Chen.

And Xiao Chen knew in his heart that even if he defeated the Qingyun beast in front of him, with the surge of spiritual power now, he would never be able to escape the magical power of the ruthless Immortal Lord. This man would not even care about his life, but he must be captured, unless …

At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the spiritual storm that was constantly coming around him. Xiao Meng'er tacitly understood what he was thinking, and she also saw what he was thinking. Anyway, this secret realm was about to collapse, so it was not as good as the two of them. One more palm, causing the secret realm to completely collapse, and then trap the Merciless Immortal...

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