
There was a loud noise, and Fairy Yudie flicked it away with her palm, causing thousands of waves to rise from the ground, sending the three old men flying away.

This blow was quite powerful. If Fairy Yudie hadn't left three points of room to attack, most of the three of them would have been seriously injured at this time.


Upon seeing this, the disciples at the back rushed forward to support their masters, but they saw three old men waving their hands to order them to retreat.

The old man in green looked at Fairy Yudie who was still looking graceful in the distance. Naturally, he knew that Fairy Yudie showed mercy just now. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether the three of them could still stand here properly.

"Fairy Yudie once obtained the true biography of the former Lord of Butterfly Valley, and her reputation is indeed well-deserved..."

The words of the three people at this moment, I don't know whether they are convinced or not, but no matter what, the three of them have been defeated, and if they continue to struggle, their faces will be dull.


Today, everyone came with great momentum, and now they can only return in despair. Even the three old men are no match for Fairy Yudie, let alone the others?

"Uncle Master, they left..."

At this time, Fairy Shuiyue walked up, looked at the direction in which the group of people were leaving, and then said to the disciples behind her, "Go out and see if there is anyone else around here..."

"No need."

Fairy Yudie raised her hand, still staring in the direction where the group of people left just now, and said, "They probably won't come back in a short time. Let's go back first."

"Uncle Master..."

Fairy Shuiyue looked at her. For some reason, she was still a little uneasy. These people were coming with great force today. Who knows if more powerful people will come later?

And she always had a feeling that Master Yudie had been acting weird since he came back that day. Is it really okay?

Three days have passed like this. Because of what happened that day, the entire Guidie Valley's defenses have now become even tighter. Even outside the Butterfly Realm, many disciples have been sent to guard it.

Xiao Chen has still not come out of the deep valley these days. Counting the days, it has been ten days since he returned to Butterfly Valley. He doesn’t know what the situation is like outside now. Perhaps it is true as Fairy Yudie said, there are many people outside now. Want to catch him.

But he also felt that the spiritual energy in the entire fairy world had become more and more abundant, which must have been the result of the destruction of Tongtian Valley's spiritual pulse.

In fact, the spiritual veins of the ancient immortal world were already like a crumbling tall building, but this time, he happened to add a little strength.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy outside is becoming more and more abundant, and it will not be long before a truly once-in-a-lifetime "fairy rain and dew" will condense. As for what form this fairy rain will appear in, and where it will appear, all of this , he doesn’t know now, but he knows that if he is trapped here again, he may miss the opportunity this time.

Ordinary fairyland rain and dew will have to wait at least a hundred years to condense once, but this time the ten thousand-year fairyland rain and dew that can save Weiyang will take thousands or tens of thousands of years to have such an opportunity. Once missed, it will happen again. No more.

"No, we must find a way to get out..."

Under the tree in the valley, Xiao Chen's eyebrows were furrowed. Even though he knew that it was very dangerous outside at this time, or that Fairy Yudie "locked" him here, in a sense, she might have really protected him.

However, he does not want such protection. If such protection will cause him to miss this once-in-a-million-year opportunity, then he will find a way to get out no matter what.

This night was August 15th. The moon in the sky was as bright as day, shining on the entire ancient immortal world. The water-like moonlight seemed to have remained unchanged for thousands of years. It must be the same in the human world.

"People today don't see the moon in ancient times, but today's moon once shone on ancient people. People in ancient times and today are like running water, and they all look at the bright moon like this..."

On the cliff, Xiao Chen stood with the moon reflected in the sky, staring at the bright moon in the sky. At this moment, he suddenly felt a lot of emotion in his heart. If it were ten thousand years later, when everything has changed, only tonight's moon would never change.

What about thousands of years ago...

Is the moonlight from thousands of years ago also like this, reflecting this vague fairyland and the vast homeland of the world?


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt dizzy in his mind, and his ears were vague, as if that faint voice sounded again.

That one, as if it came from thousands of years ago, the eternal voice "I am at the top of Kunlun, waiting for you for thousands of years..."

"Who? Who is talking..."

When he woke up, there was only the sound of wind blowing gently in his ears. Could it be that everything was just an illusion and he was hallucinating again?

After a long time, everything around him became silent again, as if even the wind had stopped. At this moment, something suddenly came to Xiao Chen's heart, and he immediately sat down cross-legged. On this cliff, the true energy was flowing smoothly. , like this moonlight, pure and flawless.

At this moment, he seemed to realize a strong artistic conception again, an artistic conception from thousands of years ago.

It was not until the middle of the night that Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he saw that the true energy in his body was condensed, and his skill seemed to be a little deeper.

Although it had only been a short moment, it felt like countless springs and autumns had passed when he was on this cliff. Just like the basalt stone he touched when he passed by the top of the East China Sea, thousands of years were just a rush. Just a moment.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a strange aura, and this aura seemed to come from Fairy Yudie.

"Is that really the case..."

This is a faint trace of death, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect, but he will never sense it wrong.

It seemed that as he had guessed two days ago, Fairy Yudie had only suppressed the death energy temporarily, but had not completely eliminated it. Three days ago, when she went out to deal with the three old men, it was obvious that this ray of death was suppressed. The dead air and erosion have become more serious.

At this time, in Fairy Yudie's fairy palace, the bright moon was like water, covering the steps. However, there was not a single disciple in the palace. It turned out that she had ordered all the disciples out before.

"Uncle Master..."

Fairy Shuiyue always feels strange these days, so she came here secretly tonight, thinking that in the past, her master uncle would never call all the disciples out, and would at least keep a few disciples around. However, these days, how can the entire palace Will it be empty without a soul in sight?

When she saw Fairy Yudie's appearance at this time, she couldn't help but be stunned. Under the moonlight, Fairy Shuiyue's body had been eroded by cold sweat, and the traces of black air were obviously heavier than that day.

"Shuiyue? What are you doing here..."

There was cold sweat on Fairy Yudie's face. Even speaking at this moment became very difficult. It was obvious that she was trying hard to suppress the death energy.

"Uncle Master...you, what's going on! These are..." Fairy Shuiyue's face suddenly turned pale, which was even more obvious under the moonlight at this time.

"Shuiyue... don't come here!"

Fairy Yudie knows that this death energy is very powerful, and only the empress can remove it.

However, Shuiyue's Taoism is not good enough. Once infected, she will definitely die. Even she can't save her. That's why when she came back that day, she asked Shuiyue to keep a distance from her. These days, all the disciples in the palace were called Got out.

"Uncle, how could this happen...it was that person that day..."

Recalling that day, that strange and mysterious man appeared in the thick fog, Fairy Shuiyue's face seemed to have suddenly become paler.

"That man's methods are indeed very strange. I faced him that day..."

At this point, Fairy Yudie shook her head and said with a pale face, "I don't know where this person came from, and I can't guess his identity."

"How could this happen..." Fairy Shuiyue's face turned pale and her body trembled slightly. As she spoke, she still walked into the palace.

"Shuiyue... don't come near me!"

Fairy Yudie warned again, and it definitely didn't sound like a joke. Fairy Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, stopped immediately, and asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do now..."

Fairy Yudie shook her head and said softly, "This is a death energy. With my skills, I can only suppress it temporarily, but I don't know... how long it can last."


Fairy Shuiyue trembled slightly and looked outside. Only then did she notice that the flowers, plants and trees around the palace seemed to be withering. The butterfly realm was full of spiritual energy, and the flowers and plants had not declined all year round. How could they suddenly wither?

Fairy Yudie said, "This matter must not be known to anyone, otherwise it will definitely cause great trouble. Three days ago, it was just the first group of people. It won't be long before the second group of people will appear..."

"There will be a second group of people coming..."

Hearing this, Fairy Shuiyue trembled all over, someone else will come...

Three days ago, Uncle Master spent a lot of mana in order to deal with those people and suppressed the death energy to prevent those people from seeing it. But now, the backlash of the death energy has become more serious. If There will be more powerful people appearing next, so what will we do then?

Thinking of this, Fairy Shuiyue trembled slightly and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Master... I, I don't quite understand why, why we must leave that man in the valley. If we hand him over..."

Before she finished speaking, Fairy Yudie shook her head and interrupted, "Shuiyue, what you don't understand now is that there are some things that I can't tell you yet."

"Can't you tell me, could it be..."

Fairy Shuiyue trembled again, and her face seemed to become paler all of a sudden. At this time, she remained motionless and looked at Fairy Yudie with shock. "Could it be...could it be the intention of the empress?"

Fairy Yudie closed her eyes and said no more. Fairy Shuiyue asked anxiously, "Uncle Master, is it really..."

"Shuiyue, go down."


Fairy Shuiyue still had a nervous look on her face, lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said, "But Uncle Master, what should I do with this deathly aura in you? Can you go to Kunlun and ask the Empress..."

Fairy Yudie shook her head and said, "The Empress is still in Wu Xuan and cannot come out. Besides, it is not appropriate for me to take any action now. Kunlun is a long way and it is difficult for ordinary people to get there. By the time I arrive, I will probably be dead... …”

"The death energy eats the heart...then...what should we do..."

Fairy Shuiyue's face was pale, and a layer of dense sweat had gathered on her forehead. Neither of them spoke anymore. The entire palace was extremely quiet, except for the watery moonlight outside the window, which quietly shone in.

At this moment, Fairy Yudie suddenly opened her eyes, her voice seemed to become a little colder, and she said out the window, "Boy, come out."

Fairy Shuiyue woke up immediately, someone was coming? Why didn't she notice? This is Uncle Master's Immortal Palace. Who dares to enter without Uncle Master's permission?

At this time, Xiao Chen's voice finally came from the window, "I have a way to remove the dead energy from the fairy's body."

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