Three days have passed. After these three days, the death energy in Fairy Yudie's body has basically been introduced into Xiao Chen's body. However, until today, the other party has never woken up.

After a few more hours, Xiao Chen's face started to look a little bad. It was probably because of the death energy entering his body. Fairy Shuiyue did not expect that he was not afraid of this death energy and could even introduce it. Is this the terrible thing about controlling life and death within one's own body?

At night, the death energy in Fairy Yudie's body had been completely drawn out. The moonlight above the roof of the palace shone down and fell on her flawless jade skin, as clear as water waves.

But Xiao Chen's expression was already a little bad. Seeing this, Fairy Shuiyue asked, "Are you... okay?"


Xiao Chen has long been used to it. Although the man's death aura is powerful, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to hurt him based on this alone. However, three days ago, he was injured by Fairy Yudie, and that day he was simply treated. Once, and then it continued to consume power for three days without stopping.

So now, he was feeling a little unable to hold on anymore. He had to find a quiet place immediately to recuperate. He said, "I'm going back to the valley to adjust my breathing. She's fine now. You stay here and wait." When she wakes up, besides..."

At this point, Xiao Chen paused and continued, "She went crazy that day. It may not only be because of the death energy, but it may also be related to the mental method she cultivates..."

"What did you say? Uncle Master..."

A look of surprise clearly flashed across Fairy Shuiyue's face. She looked at Xiao Chen, and then slowly returned her gaze to the uncle in front of her. She recalled in her mind the cold and terrifying appearance of her uncle three days ago...


Xiao Chen nodded, said no more, stood up and said, "I'm leaving, you stay here and take a good look at her. She won't wake up in the past two days. If you can peek into her dream, Maybe you can know something, but entering other people's dreams is a big taboo. If you are not careful, both of you will be harmed, so be careful. "

After saying that, Xiao Chen stopped staying and walked straight outside. When his footsteps gradually faded away and finally disappeared completely, Fairy Shuiyue slowly turned around. There was no more sound in the quiet secret palace. , the air was only filled with the faint fragrance of her and Fairy Yudie.

"Why did Uncle Master go crazy..."

In the past, she had never thought about her uncle's Taoism. Although her uncle was a cultivator from the human world, her Taoist heart was higher than many immortals and immortal kings in the immortal world. Why, this time? , she actually went crazy...

Fairy Shuiyue was puzzled, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became. At this time, the moonlight was thick, falling on Fairy Yudie's beautiful body, like a layer of light gauze.

Fairy Shuiyue hadn't noticed Xiao Chen's presence before, but now that she was alone in the room with her uncle, she couldn't help but feel a little strange. She thought how embarrassed she would be if he woke up and saw her naked. , it’s better to put her clothes on quickly.

At that moment, she carefully put on Fairy Yudie's clothes, and then carried her to a stone bed. Thinking back to Xiao Chen's words just now, if she could peek into her uncle's dream, she might know something...

At this moment, Fairy Shuiyue was a little hesitant. It was a very dangerous thing to pry into other people's dreams, especially when the disparity in moral conduct was too great.

Because the dreams of cultivators are not the dreams that ordinary people have after falling asleep. The dreams of cultivators are very special and magical, and they are often the most authentic feedback.

Just like a person can disguise himself as various identities in reality, but his dream cannot be fake, so once someone peeks into the dream, it will be a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, people with higher moral standards often put layers of shackles on their dreams. Only under such heavy restrictions can they avoid being peeked by others as much as possible.

Because everything in dreams is real and cannot deceive anyone, no one wants their dreams to be glimpsed by others.

At this moment, Fairy Shuiyue frowned. In the past, when Fairy Yudie was enlightened, she would never dare to peek into her dreams. But this time, Fairy Yudie finally fell asleep. For her, it was a big deal. What better opportunity.

Do you want to take a peek into Uncle Master's dream?

In fact, Fairy Shuiyue is also very curious. In the past, she could never guess what Master Yudie was thinking. At the same time, there was something else that made her curious. That is, over the years, Master Yudie had no idea about his past affairs. As well as human affairs, he never mentioned a word.

In the Butterfly Valley, Xiao Chen found the quietest place. The moonlight fell all around, like white frost covering the ground.

It was very quiet outside, and the reason why he was so anxious to leave Fairy Yudie's secret realm was because of the three corpse demons in his body.

Three days ago, during the battle with Fairy Yudie, the three corpse demons in his body almost woke up again, but at the last moment, he forcibly suppressed them with his Hongmeng Purple Qi.

He had a hunch that in this ancient immortal world, he could just go around destroying spiritual veins, but if people noticed the three corpse demons in his body, the consequences might be very serious, so the three corpse demons were absolutely unknown in the immortal world. Can't let anyone know.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. Xiao Chen crossed his legs and closed his eyes. The true energy circulated in his body for several days. Healing the wounds was only secondary. More importantly, he had to find a way to completely suppress the three corpse demons. He must not let the three corpses The devil's breath is revealed.

This ancient immortal world is by no means as simple as what he has seen so far. He has vaguely exposed the bodies of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​but the three corpse demons must not be exposed.

Just like this, another three days passed. On this day, Xiao Chen was meditating and adjusting his breath in Youdie Valley. However, Fairy Shuiyue had not been here for the past three days. I wonder if Fairy Yudie had woken up.

It was around noon, when he was concentrating his energy, practicing his skills, and suppressing the auras of the three corpse demons layer by layer, there was suddenly another sound outside the Guidie Fairyland.

The sound became louder and louder, and it seemed that someone was coming again. Like the people who came two times before, they were all clamoring for Fairy Yudie to hand him over.

Xiao Chen ignored it and remained calm. But after a while, the sounds outside became louder and louder, as if they were making a fuss in his ears. It made him upset and he wished he could immediately turn into Dugu Tianxia. God and Demon Body, go and kill all those people outside.

But obviously, he couldn't do this. After an unknown amount of time, the sounds outside finally quieted down. At this time, Xiao Chen also sensed that it was Fairy Yudie who had gone out. It seemed that she was fine.

The people who came this time were even more aggressive, and even threatened that if Fairy Yudie didn't hand over the people, everyone would trample the entire Guidie Valley.

And this time Fairy Yudie was not polite. Without the backlash of death energy in her body, she no longer had to worry about taking action. In the end, among the five people who came this time, three of them were seriously injured, and one had his arm cut off. , and one escaped, and the rest were injured to varying degrees.

"Go away, if you dare to come to the Butterfly Realm to cause trouble again, you will never be spared!"

Normally, Fairy Yudie didn't look angry, but once she got angry, it was very scary. The rest of the people fled, not daring to continue to cause trouble.

In Guidie Valley, peace finally returned. This time, Fairy Yudie took a very serious shot, which should have temporarily frightened the group of people in Yunzhou.

The next day, Fairy Yudie came to Youdie Valley where Xiao Chen was again. Today she was wearing a light red fairy dress with hundreds of flowers. The long skirt fell to the ground, making her look... Immortal charm is moving.

On this day, Xiao Chen also completely suppressed the three corpse demons. There seemed to be nothing strange. When he heard the footsteps outside, he said lightly, "Fairy Yudie, are you safe and sound today?"

Fairy Yudie came to the entrance of the valley, looked inside, and asked, "Can I come in?"

"This is your place. If you want to come in, can Xiao stop you?"

Xiao Chen slowly walked over from Qingsong Cliff and saw Fairy Yudie standing outside the valley. He thought that the injuries on her body seemed to have healed. If it were an ordinary person, even if the death aura was removed, he would still be injured. It would take months to fully recover, but she recovered so quickly.

"I heard from Shui Yue that that night... I seemed to have injured you."

Fairy Yudie slowly walked inside. Although her memory of what happened that night was blurred, and she didn't even know what happened that night, she remembered one thing very clearly.

That night, she vaguely seemed to feel a very strange demonic consciousness from the other person, but today, it seemed like nothing happened to him. What was going on?

"Speaking of which, Xiao may want to thank the fairy for showing mercy that night."

Xiao Chen looked at her, and while talking, he walked over, looked outside again, and continued, "That's it, you save me once, and I save you once. You and I don't owe each other anything now. Let's save Gui Die outside." The array is open, I want to leave and never see you again.”

Fairy Yudie stood there without speaking. She looked at him for a long time before saying, "I never said I would let you go."

"What did you say?"

Xiao Chen turned to look at her, and his voice suddenly became a little colder, "You almost went crazy that night. If I hadn't risked my life and death to save you, do you know what you would be like now? Why, we have to burn bridges now, no? Let me go?"

Fairy Yudie put her hands behind her back, looked at the distant green mountains and misty white clouds, and said, "You saved me because you saved me, but I never said I wanted you to leave. Besides..."

When she said this, she turned around and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I have an ancient formation here, so the spiritual energy in the fairy world is more abundant than many places outside. You have been cultivating here for three years, which is enough for ten years in the human world. You can practice quietly here." Ten years is equivalent to a hundred years in this world... What is the reason why you want to leave all day long? Do you know how many people want to come to me, but they can't? "

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