The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,339 Penglai Xianzhou

After a while, the fairies walked out of the water and came to the shore. They saw several five-color fairy deer walking nearby, and their clothes were covered with plum blossom prints.

"Go away, go away, these deer are causing trouble again."

"It's annoying, look at these deer, they've soiled our clothes again."

"Ah! Sisters, have you seen my clothes? I put them here just now, but why are they missing? Please help me look for them..."

"Hey, my clothes are in such a mess, it must be those annoying deer just now..."

" clothes are gone. How can I get back? Some bad deer must have taken my clothes away. It's disgusting."

"Pfft! Anyway, there are no men here, otherwise my sister would just go back..." ✿

"How can this happen? What if other sisters and sisters see it? How embarrassing... It can't be helped. You should help me find some clothes around here. Look at that bad deer, he picked up my clothes. where it goes……"

Let's talk about Xiao Chen. After taking the clothes, he hurried back to the Butterfly Valley, thinking that he was in danger. Fortunately, he didn't meet anyone else on the way. Otherwise, if the news spread, he, the noble Lord Wuyu, went to steal the clothes of the fairy. ...Bah, how can it be considered stealing when it comes to scholars? It's borrowing.

Anyway, he got the clothes, and now he couldn't delay any longer. He had to leave quickly before Fairy Shuiyue came back.

He learned the art of disguise from Wei Yang, and now that he has clothes, it is guaranteed that the fairies at Taniguchi will not be able to see it. As for his body shape, he only needs to transform it a little. Unless he is a person with high magic power, it will definitely not be possible. There is no clue.

An hour later, Xiao Chen had finished his disguise. This afternoon, there were more than a hundred disciples who wanted to leave the valley to cut off the flow of spiritual energy. It was not difficult for him to blend in among them.

In the afternoon, he successfully blended into the team. Fairy Yudie cast a spell on the Guidie Formation in Guidie Valley. It was impossible for him to force his way through, so he had to do this.

When they arrived at the entrance of the valley, several fairies guarding the valley confirmed that it was correct, and then chanted the incantation and opened a gap in the formation to let more than thirty people out.

During this process, Xiao Chen was not seriously nervous at all. Fortunately, he came out smoothly, but this place was still within the butterfly realm. He could not reveal his identity or arouse suspicion for the time being. He had to find a way to go there alone. elsewhere.

There was faint spiritual energy flowing in front of him. Xiao Chen seemed to have seized the opportunity. After a while, he quickly moved away from the others on the pretext of going there to cut off the spiritual energy.

Finally, the voices of those behind him could no longer be heard. Xiao Chen glanced in the direction of Butterfly Realm. Fortunately, Fairy Yudie was in retreat, otherwise she would have noticed that he had come out. It was not appropriate to stay any longer now, and he had to leave here immediately.

At that moment, he unfolded his Lingxian steps and walked forward. When it was dusk, he stopped and returned to his original appearance.

It was getting late at that time, and when I looked up, I could only see the dusk clouds rising. This place was about thousands of miles away from the Butterfly Realm. However, it was only a few thousand miles away. With Fairy Yudie's way of doing things, catching up was just a matter of fingers. .

What's more, she has the Immortal Binding Rope in her hand. Xiao Chen has tasted the power of that magic weapon. Once trapped, he will never be able to break away with his current cultivation level. So now, he must travel day and night to leave Zifu Continent and return to Let’s talk about Yunzhou.

Although he knows that Yunzhou must be in danger now, many people want to take credit from Yun Zhongjun, and he has very few disguise items left, so he must be careful in everything that follows. , lest Yulu in the Immortal Realm is not found yet, but he falls into the hands of this group of people in the Immortal Realm first.

Although he has the body of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia in his hands, he must not use it easily anymore. He still remembers that time in Tongtian Valley, that spiritual consciousness coming from a very far away place. When he thinks about it now, he still feels... Somewhat depressing.

In this way, in the past seven days, Xiao Chen has successfully left Zifu Immortal Continent and returned to Yun Continent. It has been more than half a year since the last time the Tongtian Valley Spiritual Pulse was destroyed, and in this more than half a year, there have been many Immortal Realms. The spiritual pulse is destroyed.

This time, no one can stop the changes in the ancient immortal world. The reason why he came back to Yunzhou was because he thought that the spiritual veins of the immortal world were destroyed from Yunzhou, so it is very likely that the rain and dew of the immortal world will be destroyed somewhere in Yunzhou. Gathering everywhere.

However, no one could tell clearly where the rain and dew in the immortal world would gather. He could only go and find out, and at the same time see if he could meet up with Xiao Meng'er. Xiao Meng'er's purpose should be different from his.

In the next half month, Xiao Chen acted very carefully. No matter where he went, he always wore a green robe on his body and never showed his true face to others.

Now there is a big problem with the spiritual veins in the fairy world. Many forces in the fairy world have naturally placed this crime on his head, but those people must know the real reason behind it.

However, Xiao Chen doesn't care about this. His purpose is just to get the rain and dew from the fairy world. After getting the rain and dew from the fairy world, he will immediately return to the human world.

In this ancient immortal world that everyone longs for, they are fighting for a spot. In his opinion, it is nothing more than that.

The mist and rain in Lushan Mountain and the tide in Zhejiang Province can’t bear to be forgotten before they arrive. Nothing happened when I arrived, Lushan was misty and rainy, and Zhejiang was in full swing.

The next day, Xiao Chen came to a cross-cutting mountain ridge. Looking from a distance, the mountain ridge was cut off from the middle, as if it had been cut off by a sword. The edge of the sword turned into cliffs on both sides.

He followed a ray of spiritual energy and came here. At this moment, he suddenly heard someone's voice coming from the front. When he got closer, he saw silhouettes of hundreds of people on top of a green peak.

There are also some people who are standing with their swords in their hands, with awe-inspiring celestial energy, and are counting something with their fingers.

These people were obviously not members of the same sect. Most of them came here in search of spiritual energy, and they happened to meet here. Some of them, like Xiao Chen, were covered in battle robes, making their appearance invisible.

Xiao Chen used the Wind Control Technique and flew to the area without attracting the attention of others. This time, the aura of the Immortal Realm was much stronger, and the rain and dew in the Immortal Realm condensed. I don’t know how many people were attracted out. There were many Immortal Realm cultivators like him who did not show their true colors to others. It's gone. Unless you deliberately reveal your breath, it won't attract anyone's attention.

"Look at the direction of the spiritual energy flow. It's slow but not urgent, and it seems orderly..."

"This direction seems to be the direction of Penglai Xianzhou."

There were several old men standing on the top of the mountain, observing the flow of spiritual energy nearby. The rest of the people were also observing attentively. They had been tracking for many days, and it seemed that the spiritual energy was really flowing to Penglai Xianzhou.

If this is the case, the spiritual energy of the entire ancient immortal world is condensing towards Penglai Immortal Continent, then the rain and dew of the immortal world will definitely condense somewhere in Penglai Immortal Continent.

About half an hour later, when everyone here had left, Xiao Chen took out a simple map of the Immortal World and looked at it. The map was not detailed, but it could be barely seen that Penglai Immortal Continent was in the north of Yunzhou. direction.

And where he is now is in the east direction of Yunzhou. From here to Penglai Xianzhou, if you go quickly, it will probably take more than half a month.

But before going, he must make it clear that the rain and dew of the immortal world will condense in Penglai Immortal Continent. Otherwise, if he goes there rashly, not to mention the danger, if he misses the place and time, it will not be good.

Next, he went to many places to track some spiritual energy from the fairy world to see if all of this spiritual energy was really flowing slowly to Penglai Immortal Continent.

If this is the case, then it is basically certain that the rain and dew in the fairy world this time will condense in Penglai Xianzhou. As for where Penglai Xianzhou is, you have to go to know it.

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