"Wait a minute..."

A cold voice came from afar. Xiao Chen and Dao Puzi both stopped, and saw two figures falling in front of them.

The cultivation level of these two people was not very high, and they looked like they had just glimpsed the holy realm. However, at this time, they were seen looking arrogantly, looking at Xiao Chen and Dao Puzi as if they were condescending.

The people around them suddenly became silent. It turned out that there was a moire pattern under the clothes of these two people. This moire pattern was the symbol of Yun Mengze. They were people under the influence of Yun Zhongjun. .

Xiao Chen had seen this cloud pattern last time when he was in Tongtian Valley. When Dao Puzi saw the cloud pattern on the chests of these two people, a cold murderous intention suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This murderous intention flashed away. Of course, only Xiao Chen felt it among the people present, but the two people from Yun Mengze didn't notice it at all. The man on the right still said coldly, "Take off your robe." ”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became even more tense. The dozen or so people who were responsible for the interrogation before were all trembling. This time, it was worse. On one side were strong men from the Sixth Realm, and on the other were Yun. Mengze people, what should we do?

Just when an old man with white beard and white hair was about to step forward to dissuade him, unexpectedly, the next scene made everyone present change their colors in shock!

I saw Daopu Zi raise his right hand, and suddenly the ground was filled with dust. An unparalleled palm force hit the person on the right. Almost at the same moment, Xiao Chen also hit the person on the left with a palm. This extraordinary palm is the palm technique of the Thirty-Three Levels of Lihen Palm!


With Daopuzi's palm, there is no doubt that even though this person has entered the holy realm, in an instant, his entire body is almost completely shattered, and his hands, feet, chest, abdomen, and head are all broken into pieces. , flew out randomly, and the soul was destroyed in an instant!

As for the one hit by Xiao Chen, although it was not as shattered as the one hit by Dao Puzi, at the moment when the palm force hit him, this person had no resistance at all. The meridians in his body were broken in an instant, and his five internal organs were all broken. The six internal organs were also shattered in an instant.

The whole person was bleeding from all the orifices and flew backwards. The body on the outside seemed to be intact, but inside it was almost a ball of plasma and the bones were broken. Therefore, when he fell to the ground, the person looked like he had suddenly sunk in. The soul is also destroyed.

Seeing such a bloody scene, not to mention that the person who died was Yun Mengze, who among the people present in the distance was not immediately frightened?

Xiao Chen raised his hand and looked at the palm of his hand. He didn't expect that this palm, before he had used all his strength, would be so powerful that it could instantly kill a holy cultivator who had practiced Taoism for thousands of years!

It turned out that he had been in Guidie Fairyland for more than half a year without realizing it, and his skills had already become much deeper. However, after he came out, he had not fought with anyone, so he was a little surprised that the palm just now was so powerful.

At the same time, these thirty-three levels of separation and hatred were created by him based on the fragments of the Heavenly Book. The techniques of the fragmentary scrolls of the Heavenly Book were more powerful in the ancient immortal world than in the human world, so he just used A single palm with 50% of the strength was enough to destroy a first-level cultivator.

Let's put it bluntly, a cultivator in the first realm, even a cultivator in the third realm, if he was unprepared under a palm from such a close range just now, he would be dead or injured.

At this moment, everyone was in shock, and the dozen or so people responsible for the investigation were petrified with fear when they looked at the bloody mess.

At this moment, a slightly frightened voice suddenly came from the distance, "Daopuzi!"

I saw many figures suddenly gathering from all directions. These people were all people who had entered the holy realm.

When Xiao Chen and Dao Puzi took action just now, the battle robes flying above their heads had been seen, and Yun Mengze's people naturally recognized Dao Puzi first.

"So you guys still remember me..."

Daopuzi's voice was cold. The moment he finished speaking, the cold hatred and murderous aura in his body suddenly filled the air. This time, not only Xiao Chen felt it, but even people who were far away felt this cold and terrifying feeling. murderous intent.

At this time, the people nearby finally woke up as if from a dream, and looked at Xiao Chen again, and saw that he looked cold and stern, with white hair like snow, and the aura on his body... that he was a cultivator in the world!

A cultivator in the human world can kill a cultivator in the immortal world with one palm. Everyone is frightened. He is... Xiao Yichen!

"It's Xiao Yichen!"

Soon, Yun Mengze's people also recognized Xiao Chen, and a white-haired old man said coldly, "Very good, very good, it turns out that you two have come together..."

Just when the old man finished speaking, two sword lights suddenly flew from the distant sky, one green and one purple, and there were two powerful auras at the same time, which immediately shocked everyone present!

Xiao Chen knew that it was the two cultivators of the Sixth Realm who had arrived, and sent a spiritual message to Dao Puzi, "You deal with these two Sixth Realm cultivators, and leave the rest to me. After that, he didn't wait. Daopuzi answered and immediately flew in the opposite direction from where the two Six Realm cultivators came.

Here, the two sword lights, one green and one purple, quickly flew over and instantly transformed into two old men, one wearing purple clothes and the other wearing green clothes. They seemed to be brothers from the same sect.

"Daopuzi, you are here after all."

The purple-clothed old man's eyes were as bright as lightning, and at the same time he looked at Xiao Chen in the distance with a look of contempt, and coldly snorted, "This kid can only reach the third level of cultivation, but he only relies on a few magic weapons to be powerful. There are so many here today." Man, do you think he can help you break out?"

The old man in green clothes next to him also looked over there and saw a dozen holy realm cultivators surrounding the boy. He was not worried at all at the moment. On the contrary, the Tao Puzi in front of him had extremely high cultivation level, which made him feel wary. He and his junior brother must deal with it carefully today.

"It's useless to talk more, just take action."

Daopuzi's eyes were cold, full of hatred, and the cold murderous aura seemed to engulf the two people in front of him. The old man in green couldn't help but condensed. Could it be that this man's Taoism has...

While he was still thinking, he saw that Daopuzi's whole body had turned into a flash of light, like a strong wind and lightning, and instantly attacked the two of them. Even though they had reached the sixth level of cultivation, they would never dare to be careless at this time. He quickly raised his sword and joined forces to greet him.

Looking at the other side, Xiao Chen was surrounded by more than a dozen immortal cultivators, but he was not panicking at all at this time. The benefit brought by his sixth level of "Selfless Realm" was that he was not afraid of the shock of any cultivator.

At this time, more than a dozen immortal cultivators saw that they could not frighten him, so they launched a fierce offensive. No matter what, they must capture this person today!

"Just in time..."

Facing the siege of more than a dozen immortal cultivators, Xiao Chen's face was still calm and calm. He just wanted to try it. His current Lihen Palm could kill cultivators in any realm, and then after returning , after rescuing Wei Young, he will go to Wutian Palace and kill him till he bleeds like a river!

When he thought of Taihuazi, a murderous aura suddenly arose in his heart, and even the Emperor's sword trembled faintly at this moment.


The first cultivator from the Immortal Realm who rushed up kept waving his sleeves, trying to put him into the Qiankun in his sleeves. However, he saw a flash of coldness on Xiao Chen's face, and the thirty-three layers of separation and hatred palms formed in an instant. Ink-colored palm prints were struck at that person with one palm!

The power of this palm was very fast and fierce, and the man had already reached the three levels of cultivation, but at this moment, he still felt out of breath!


There was a loud noise, and before he could react, the ink-colored palm print hit him, instantly destroying all layers of his immortal energy!

But this so-called immortal body, which has been tempered for thousands of times, is like a vulnerable scarecrow at this time. The part that was hit by the palm force instantly dented, and the internal organs were shattered to pieces. Even the soul could not escape!

The next immortal cultivator who rushed up was no exception. Xiao Chen raised his palm, and a black palm force surged out. With a "boom", he smashed this person and the mountain behind him to pieces. !

"Get him!"

Two masters of the third level were killed in an instant. Obviously, these immortal cultivators were shocked and angry. At this time, they even sacrificed the immortal sword magic weapon and attacked Xiao Chen one after another. However, no matter how many people rushed forward, they would undoubtedly just die. That’s all.

"The so-called immortal seems to be nothing more than that."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. At this moment, he activated the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, and his power suddenly increased by 30%!


With a palm strike, another immortal cultivator was beaten to pieces. After a moment, it seemed as if there was a rain of blood nearby, and below, the corpses of immortals were already covered!

The people nearby were already frightened out of their wits by this scene. They saw that man raising his hands and feet, and he could kill a third-level cultivator with one palm! This this……

Everyone really couldn't imagine it, was this man really a cultivator from the human world? That hair is as white as snow, and it can kill an immortal with one palm. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it!

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but think of thousands of years ago. Tens of thousands of years ago, the human world was just a land of enslavement by the gods. Mortals were enslaved by the gods for generations until that one person came out of the sky... From then on, the entire human world was completely changed. destiny!

And the person in front of me...

At this time, in a valley, there were only a dozen people wearing gray robes gathered there. These people were not immortal cultivators, but human cultivators.

Cultivators in the human world were not welcomed when they came to the ancient immortal world. Moreover, because of Xiao Chen's incident of destroying the spiritual veins in the immortal world a while ago, the cultivators in the human world were even more marginalized and bullied. Therefore, no matter where they went, they were always Wearing a gray robe, he was afraid of being recognized by these immortal cultivators.

But at this time, they saw a human cultivator kill an immortal cultivator with one palm. These high-ranking immortals in the past were now so vulnerable to him!

"I know him, I have seen him, he came with us, he is the Lord of Wuyu Tian! Xiao Yichen! It is indeed him..."

Among the dozen or so human cultivators, a young-looking man exclaimed, while the others looked puzzled, what is the Lord of the Desireless Heaven? It has only been a hundred years since they came to the fairy world. When did a force called Wuyutian appear in the human world...

"The Lord of Desireless Heaven..."

More than a dozen people were staring blankly at the midair. That person, he was the Lord of Wuyu Tian...with hair as white as snow...the Lord of Wuyu Tian!

They have always believed that immortals are immortals and mortals are human beings. How can cultivators in the human world compare to those in the immortal world? Therefore, even if they are bullied, they can only swallow their anger, just like the gods who were enslaved thousands of years ago. It seems to be a matter of course for ordinary people.

Until then, they saw that those so-called immortals, those who were so high in the past, were constantly falling in the hands of a mortal.

It wasn't until this moment that they suddenly realized that the human world may not be inferior to the immortal world, and immortals are nothing more than that. So why do mortals always want to become immortals?

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