The entire Penglai Mountain is indeed very vast, as if it is boundless, but it is also vaguely not as simple as everyone thought before coming here.

It is said that there is a distance of 70,000 miles between Penglai Mountain and several other fairy mountains on the sea. However, in the center of the Underworld Sea, there is only Penglai Fairy Mountain and there are no other fairy mountains. Daiyu has long been lost and is no longer on the Underworld Sea. From this point of view, the legend may not be true.

In the next few days, Xiao Chen carefully suppressed all the aura on his body, in order to prevent others from discovering it. However, the immortal aura of Penglai Realm was very strong, so it was able to hide his aura for him.

In the past few days, he had indeed seen many ancient immortal birds and beasts, as well as many qionghuaxianmu that could not be seen outside, as well as the colorful sunshine in the forest.

The entire Penglai realm is really like the world in ancient mythology. This is just an ordinary place on Penglai Mountain. What if it is in Penglai Wonderland?

These days, spiritual energy from all directions continues to condense towards Penglai Fairyland. Although Xiao Chen and those cultivators that day have not been able to find Penglai Fairyland, they can always find it if they follow the fairyland spiritual energy all over the sky. Not that difficult.

In this way, another month has passed. Since the restrictions outside the Penglai Fairy Mountain have been lifted, after this month, the spiritual energy of the fairy world in the entire Penglai realm has become infinitely more abundant, far from what it was a month ago.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the breaking of the restriction, or the drastic change in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, that the windless waves on the sea of ​​​​underworld have weakened a lot during this period, so that many cultivators from the outside world have found this place in the center of the sea. Penglai Fairy Mountain.

Due to the recent influx of a large number of cultivators from the immortal world, the Penglai realm, which had been peaceful for thousands of years, is finally no longer peaceful. Strange phenomena often appear in the sky, often with brilliant rays of light, attracting fairy birds and beasts in the forest. Racing to run.

On this day, Xiao Chen had arrived at the central area of ​​Penglai Realm. Looking around, he could see thousands of miles of clouds and connected mountain peaks, and everything was filled with the aura of the fairy world.

Such abundant spiritual energy is indeed a rare occurrence in ten thousand years. It is inevitable that the rain and dew in the fairy world will condense this time, and it will only happen in the past month.

However, although it is not difficult to find Penglai Wonderland, it is not easy to enter smoothly. Over the past month, Xiao Chen has carefully observed that there are restrictions everywhere in Penglai Wonderland, and some places are still shrouded in There are layers of fog in the fairyland. Once you enter the fog, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it is almost difficult to get out.

So during this period of time, he saw that some cultivators of the Seventh Realm with advanced cultivation actually used other people to "explore the path", that is, to put a living person into those restrictions and use people to break the restrictions. This kind of practice , can be described as extremely cruel.

However, this is a world of jungle and strong prey, and Xiao Chen has long been used to it, so during this period, he has been trying to avoid those people, otherwise, I am afraid that even he will be captured by those people and used for They "find the way."

Three days later, he came to a green peak surrounded by immortal energy, but saw a lot of people in front of him. It seemed that at least nearly a thousand people were gathered there.

And far in front of it, Xiao Chen clearly felt a forbidden atmosphere. No wonder so many people gathered here. It turned out that there was a big forbidden atmosphere in front, and these people could not enter easily.

And among these people, he also saw a figure. The man was dressed in a green robe. He did not show his true face, but he felt the aura. It was the last time at Wanjianguan that he temporarily cooperated with him to enter Penglai Immortal Continent. Daopuzi, I wonder if the other party has also discovered him at this time.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt that Dao Puzi had become the person he was most familiar with. After all, when they left Wanjianguan, the two of them had fought side by side.

However, the current situation is special. In this Penglai realm, he does not trust anyone. If the other party does not discover him at this time, then he does not intend to let the other party discover him.

Now we just need to wait for these immortal cultivators to open all the restrictions outside Penglai Wonderland, and then we will see how to enter.

In this way, until the seventh day, more and more cultivators poured into Penglai Realm. However, those people came more than a month later, so they were not familiar with Penglai Realm. After running around, Often when encountering danger, someone might catch them and use them to "explore the path".

Compared to these people, Xiao Chen seemed much more cautious. He followed those advanced immortal practitioners all the way to the outside of Penglai Fairyland. Looking from a distance, he saw a mountain peak looming in the clouds in front, and on that mountain peak. Above it, there are countless beautiful buildings and jade buildings, just like a fairy palace in heaven.

It seems that the top of the mountain is the entrance to Penglai Wonderland, but the entire mountain is surrounded by restrictions, especially the restrictions at the top of the mountain. It is not easy to get there easily. pieces.

The aura of the fairy world here is so thick that it is indescribable. There are even water droplets suspended in the air. These water droplets flicker under the sunlight. The colorful brilliance is not ordinary raindrops, but the aura here. condensed.

Everyone was in disbelief that there was such a mountain peak that reached straight into the sky. It looked like it was connected to the heaven. Especially the mountain top that was hidden above the clouds gave people endless reverie.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was hiding in a forest behind, feeling the spiritual energy nearby. The spiritual energy in Penglai Fairyland was even more intense. In seven days at most, the rain and dew in the fairyland would condense. Next, he wanted to Find a way to enter Penglai Wonderland...

"Boy, who are you?"

While he was contemplating, a deep voice suddenly sounded behind him. Xiao Chen suddenly came back to his senses and immediately realized that he had been discovered. Just as he was about to escape, the other party suddenly struck with a palm wind and struck him instantly. He covered it.

"what happened?"

At this moment, the immortal cultivators in front also turned around. These people's cultivation levels were very high. Xiao Chen knew that it would not be easy to escape, so he could only resort to tricks.

The person behind him at the moment was an old man in red, who actually had the cultivation level of the early seventh realm. No wonder he couldn't escape when a palm wind came down.

I just heard the old man in red say, "This kid was hiding here sneakily just now, and I discovered him."


The cultivators in front were a little confused, and they all thought in their hearts, this person seemed to have mediocre cultivation, how could he follow them here?


At this time, another Taoist in Qingpao came out. He recognized Xiao Chen at a glance. A person next to him looked at him, "What? Taoist Qingdeng, do you recognize this kid?"


Taoist Qingdeng's eyes narrowed slightly, but in the end he shook his head, "I don't recognize it."

"Well, let's use him to test the restriction in front of him."

At this time, another middle-aged man came over, his cold eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and said, "Boy, when you enter the forbidden formation later, you will do whatever we ask you to do, do you hear me?" "


Xiao Chen pretended to be shocked and nodded, but in his heart, he already had a plan and knew what to do next.

When Qingdeng Taoist saw his appearance at this time, he felt a little confused. No, that day at sea, this kid clearly...

An hour later, Xiao Chen was sent into the restraining array in front by these people. The ferocity of this array could lead to the death of both body and spirit if he was not careful. Even he had to be careful.

As for those people outside, they were even more afraid to join the battle, so they could only find some people to "explore the path." If the person exploring the path died in the restriction, they would find someone again. During this period, Xiao Chen followed You can see clearly from behind.

"Leave the three, and then go to the six..."

At this time, the people outside were guiding him, and at the same time condensing the immortal energy to help Xiao Chen break through the formation within the restriction. If he made a wrong step, the consequences would be very unpredictable.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen's consciousness was sharp and he avoided some vicious formations. After an hour, he finally broke through the outer layer of restrictions.

After the restriction was broken, the cultivators from outside immediately flew in and seemed to be very satisfied with him. The middle-aged man said, "However, this kid is of some use. Keep him on the top of the mountain to break the last layer." "

Taoist Qingdeng remained calm, and I don’t know what he was thinking. After a while, everyone came to the top of the mountain. They saw that the front was foggy, and there was a very terrifying restriction. This time, even if It was Xiao Chen, and he couldn't help but frown.

It seems that the entrance to the Penglai Wonderland is inside this forbidden evil formation. Although tens of millions of years have passed, the formation has become loose, but it is still very powerful. Let's face it, he, even a seventh-level cultivator, rashly Breaking in will most likely lead to physical and mental destruction.

"What now?"

Everyone stopped. Obviously, this time, they must discuss clearly first. One person looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Let him break the restriction as we did just now, while we stay outside to gather the immortal energy to prevent the formation from collapsing." ”

The restrictions here are very powerful. The higher the level of cultivation, the more severe the restrictions will be. Xiao Chen's level of cultivation is actually not high, far inferior to the people here, but his skill is not low, so he is It is most suitable for those who enter the formation.

"Wait a minute..."

At this time, an old man in green clothes walked up and said, "This person's origin is unknown. It is no problem to let him break the restriction, but before that..."

At this point, he turned his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I'd better trouble you, little friend, to take out a wisp of your soul soul. Otherwise, if you go to Penglai Wonderland and don't come out, how will we find you?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, the others nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's good to leave a trace of your soul soul first, and then go inside to break the formation."

But how could Xiao Chen hand over his natal soul essence into the hands of these people? He said, "I will break the restricted formation for you. As for the soul element, it is impossible. If I lose a ray of soul element, my consciousness will be much weaker in a short period of time. If I accidentally touch it at that time, Who are you looking for to break the fierce formation for you?"

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