The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,362 The calamity has arrived

"elder brother……"

Seeing Xiao Chen's blood-covered and uncomfortable look, Xian'er's heart seemed to be tugged, with tears still on her face. She wanted to step forward, but she also wanted to listen to her brother's words.

"Xian'er, listen to me..."

At this time, Xiao Chen was in the critical period of overcoming the tribulation. He must not lose his mind, otherwise he would easily go crazy. He forced himself to calm down and said word by word, "Xian'er, I want to overcome the tribulation here. You must return to the Immortal Valley immediately. Stay inside the Immortal Valley and don’t let the bad guy outside come in..." ✪✥❆

"Bad guy..."

Xian'er wiped her eyes, as if she just remembered that there was a big bad guy outside the Immortal Valley who wanted to harm her and her brother.

"Yes, it's the bad guy. He will definitely try his best to come in and harm me. Xian'er, you must not let him in..."

Xiao Chen tried his best to speak every word. In fact, it was no wonder that Xian'er came to disturb him. If he was leaving yesterday, it was because he told Xian'er that he would go back soon. However, he did not expect that he was here to overcome the disaster and lead the When the catastrophe comes, if this is the case, how can Xian'er not be worried? She was so afraid of this valley that day, but today she came down alone...


At this moment, thunderclouds gathered in the sky again. This time, the power of the catastrophe was even more ferocious. It caused strong winds near the God and Demon Platform, and the shadows of gods and demons filled the sky, howling incessantly.


Xiao Chen secretly thought that something was wrong. Seeing that Xian'er was still in a daze, he hurriedly said, "Xian'er, get out of here quickly! Go back, go back to the Immortal Valley... Hurry! My brother will come back to you in seven days. Don't let that person come in... …”

"elder brother……"

Xian'er raised her head and saw the thunder clouds in the sky. At this time, she seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter. She nodded repeatedly and said, "Well! Listen to brother, Xian'er will definitely not let that person in... Brother, you... you You must be well...Xian'er will go back now, don't let brother worry..."

As she spoke, she backed away from the direction she came in. In fact, she was very sensible and was just worried about Xiao Chen, so she came down to the abyss today.

After she left, finally, this heavenly tribulation struck Xiao Chen. The lightning seemed to tear apart the void, revealing a terrifying power of destruction!

At this moment, Xiao Chen gathered the power of the gods and demons together, and with a "boom", he was still knocked away by the thunder of heavenly tribulation. Blood immediately spattered, and his back was even more bloody and bloody, with white bones exposed.

The road to the strong, what exactly is the road to the strong...


Xiao Chen gushed out a mouthful of blood and fell down on the stage. The blood on his body dyed the altar of gods and demons blood red.

The power of this calamity gradually dissipated. There was still an hour before the next calamity. After about a stick of incense, he slowly sat up and once again gathered the power of gods and demons to repair the damaged body.

Just like this, another day passed, and twelve heavenly tribulations hit him, leaving his whole body bloody and bloody, and even countless bones were broken.


The entire altar of gods and demons was dyed red with blood. Xiao Chen lay motionless on the ground. The last catastrophe of the word "earth" just penetrated his chest. None of his internal organs were intact... And what happened next? , he will face the most terrifying twelve calamities with the word "Heaven".

"Chen'er, get up..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's consciousness was blurred, and it was as if his master's voice on Zixiao Peak could be heard faintly in his ears again.

"Chen'er, get up..."

"Teacher, master..."

The water of Tianshui Creek is always so cold and biting. Xiao Yichen shivered from the cold and his face turned purple, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. He could not fall, he could not fall, the master would be angry...

"Junior brother...come down! Stop fighting..."

"Master's favorite... is me... I... can't lose..."

As soon as the scene changed, it seemed that it was back to the Tianmen competition that year. The cold sword energy was Ye Ru Nian's Jingzhe, but the young man's stubbornness was his persistence towards his master!


With a sound of thunder, the first heavenly calamity finally slowly gathered in the sky. The entire altar of gods and demons began to tremble. Under this calamity, even the countless shadows of gods and demons trembled. !

"Get up... get up!"

Xiao Chen finally regained consciousness, sat up suddenly, put his hands on his Dantian, and instantly condensed a layer of divine and demonic energy, and the divine and demonic power in his body surged out!

And the ten thousand-foot divine thunder arrived in an instant. With a "boom", the entire altar of gods and demons shook violently, and Xiao Chen flew out. His body was in the air, splashing with blood. His left arm, It was actually shattered by that catastrophe.


In the Fairy Valley, the flowers were blooming and the sun was shining brightly, but Xian'er's face turned pale. It was as if she had seen that terrible scene just now and murmured, ""

At this time, outside the Immortal Valley, Taoist Qingdeng's expression also changed, and he looked in horror at the place where the calamity had just fallen...

That catastrophe...that was the catastrophe of gods and demons! That boy, could it be that... could he have actually stepped into the realm of gods and demons! Thinking of this, Taoist Qingdeng's face turned pale with astonishment. If that kid cultivated into a god and demon, wouldn't it be...

At this moment, he suddenly had a very bad premonition, but at this time, he could not break the formation of the Immortal Valley, so he had to shout inside, "Little girl, please open this formation quickly and let me in." , otherwise your brother will die in a catastrophe, and no one can save him!"

Inside the Fairy Valley, Xian'er's face was still pale. When she heard the shouts outside, she was slightly startled, but then she covered her ears and refused to listen. She knew that the bad guy outside wanted to harm her brother and wanted to trick her into opening the door. Formation.

Just like that, I don't know how long it has been, the heavenly tribulations were struck down one after another on the God and Demon Stage, and outside the Penglai Fairyland, the cultivators were already dumbfounded. What's more, they were frightened out of their wits by the terrifying heavenly tribulations. Who was it? How could he withstand such a terrifying catastrophe?

"That person, that person..."

To put it bluntly, all the immortal cultivators in the sky were stunned at this time. Even many elders in the Murong clan could not believe that such a terrifying heavenly catastrophe was definitely not caused by a person who had just entered the holy realm. Disaster! The legendary "Taisheng's Tribulation" is probably nothing more than this!

Among the twelve realms of saints, almost every realm requires overcoming tribulations. This is the "saint's tribulation". The tribulations may be big or small. When you reach the peak of the ninth realm and are about to enter the tenth realm of the Taisheng Realm, you must overcome it. "The Great Sage's Tribulation".

The Tribulation of the Supreme Sage is also called the "Tribulation of Forgetting Love", and the so-called "Tribulation of Forgetting Love" is exactly the same. Therefore, this calamity is not trivial, and it is definitely not comparable to the calamities of the previous nine saints.

But at this moment...

Everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the fairyland. The heavenly tribulations were coming down one after another. They were all thrilling. Where were the saints' tribulations? It’s almost the same as the Great Holy Tribulation!

"How is it possible, how is it possible..."

It was extremely difficult for everyone to believe that this terrifying catastrophe was actually caused by that white-haired young man. They only thought that some terrifying existence appeared in the Penglai Wonderland. Could it be... that it was a master from thousands of years ago?

When they thought of the masters from ten thousand years ago and such horrific catastrophes, everyone suddenly felt as if they were falling into the abyss. What else was there in the fairyland? At this moment, many people actually showed timidity and were no longer as unscrupulous as before. Ran inside.

"what to do?"

At this time, the dozen or so high-level immortal cultivators all frowned. At first, they thought that this catastrophe was caused by the kid absorbing thousands of years of rain and dew, but now it seems, That's not the case at all.

It was enough that one of the heavenly tribulations in the previous two days was stronger than the other, but now this heavenly tribulation was clearly the legendary tribulation of gods and demons. How could that kid withstand it after absorbing thousands of years of rain and dew?

But if it weren't for that boy, could there be an ancient god and demon in Penglai Wonderland?

"Gods and demons..."

Thinking of these two words, the dozen or so people present couldn't help but shudder at this moment, no matter how high their cultivation level was, even if one palm could kill a cultivator below the sixth level.

In the ancient times, those gods and demons were so terrifying that just a breath could make them disappear into ashes. It was a taboo era, and the gods and demons in the sky worked together to defeat the taboos of heaven and violated the taboos with force. However, such powerful gods and demons finally Nor could he escape the annihilation of heaven and earth.

At this moment, in a mysterious realm, I saw fairy islands floating above the clouds, with countless beautiful buildings and jade buildings. This was the mysterious realm where Murong Yi clan was located.

In a palace with carved railings and jade walls, there were eight white-haired elders sitting on each side of the hall, with expressions on their faces as solemn as frost.

These are the eight elders of the Murong clan. Originally, each of them was in seclusion to comprehend the mysteries and the way of heaven. However, due to recent events, the eight of them had to leave the seclusion early. Especially in the past two days, the numerous catastrophes in Penglai Wonderland have made everyone in the Murong clan fearful and restless.

Eight elders gathered together this morning to discuss countermeasures, but now even they are unable to open the forbidden formation outside Penglai Wonderland, and they do not know what is going on inside.

And the eight of them firmly believe in the oral instructions handed down from their ancestors. There are immortal spirits hidden in the fairyland. However, the current catastrophe is clearly the catastrophe of gods and demons. It is true that the immortal spirits appear in the world and are born with the vision of heaven and earth. But it is true. What on earth is going on with this divine and demonic calamity?

"Everyone, what do you think of this matter?"

Seeing that the other people were all frowning and saying nothing, at this time, the elder in Mo Yi, who was at the head of "Qian", finally asked.

"This calamity... is probably not simple."

The other people were still frowning, and an old man in purple raised his head and said, "The calamity caused by you and me in those days was not as great as this. This calamity... I'm afraid even you and I will bear it." Don’t come down.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence. Could it be that the Murong Yi family, which has been guarding this fairyland for thousands of years, actually has gods and demons coming to the world?

This is simply unimaginable. No one except the power of gods and demons can resist this calamity of gods and demons. From the day before yesterday to now, there have been nearly thirty calamities. And to this day, this calamity has still not disappeared. That is why , this person resisted the catastrophe time and time again and was not wiped out by the catastrophe. Otherwise, the catastrophe would have disappeared long ago.

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