The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,368 Spiritual Power Returns

Feeling the murderous aura that suddenly surged out from Taoist Qingdeng, the two middle-aged cultivators did not hesitate at all, and activated their immortal energy in an instant, causing a strong wind to blow throughout the valley.

"Uncle Master..."

When the two old men behind him saw this, they immediately rushed forward. The four of them attacked Taoist Qingdeng with the most violent means in a besieging manner.


Facing the fierce offensive of the four people, Qingdeng Taoist remained undisturbed at all. Although his mana has been greatly exhausted these days and has not yet fully recovered, after all, he has cultivated in the Seventh Realm, how can he be compared with these four Sixth Realm cultivators? ?

With a sweep of his whisk, he instantly condensed 70% of his true energy, breaking the siege of the four people, and struck the middle-aged man in white with the highest level of cultivation with his whisk.


The whisk collided with the purple-green divine sword in the hand of the middle-aged man in white, and immediately made a deafening crisp sound. Although the force was only 70%, it still made the middle-aged man in white tremble all over, and his wrist was in extreme pain. He kept retreating, unable to even hold the sword in his hand, and almost flew out.

When the other middle-aged man in red robe saw this, his eyes showed a cold murderous intent. Without saying a word, he thrust out his sharp palm, as fast as lightning, and went straight to Taoist Qingdeng's vitals!

Unexpectedly, Taoist Qingdeng swept back his fly whisk, and immediately set off a strong wind. Before the middle-aged man in red robe could reach his palm, he felt the force of Mount Tai pressing against him. Before he could avoid it, he felt a pain in his chest and was hit by the opponent. As soon as the fly whisk hit his chest, he flew backwards. If he hadn't been protected by precious armor, he would have been seriously injured.

In the Flower Valley, Xian'er was jumping up and down, collecting flowers by the spring. Suddenly she heard the sound of fighting outside, her face was slightly startled, and the flowers she was holding in her hand also fell down.

"Xian'er, it's okay." Xiao Chen slowly came to her, leaned over to pick up the flowers she dropped on the ground, and gently put them back in her hand.

"Brother, are they fighting outside?" Xian'er looked a little scared. Maybe he was frightened these days, and there are still some shadows in his heart.

"They stopped fighting after a while, Xian'er is not afraid."

Xiao Chen knelt down, gently stroked her face, and said, "With brother here, no one can hurt Xian'er, don't be afraid..."


Xian'er nodded and smiled, then took the flowers and ran into the Flower Valley. After about a stick of incense, the movement outside slowly became smaller, and finally there was no more sound.

"Brother, look!"

Xian'er ran over again holding a garland. Her innocent appearance was quite endearing. Xiao Chen gently put the garland on her head and said, "Xian'er, let's go out."


Xian'er looked very innocent and cute. She held his hand and hummed a little tune, jumping up and down outside the Flower Valley.

But when she arrived near the mouth of the valley, the scene in front of her shocked her, and she buried her head in Xiao Chen's chest.

I saw that Taoist Qingdeng's hands were all covered with blood, and the whisk was also stained with blood. The nearby flowers and plants were all splashed with blood, and on the ground, four corpses with extremely horrible death shapes lay crookedly, including their heads. They were all smashed into pieces, and plasma was splashed all over the floor. It was the four people from before who died here physically, and their souls probably escaped.

"elder brother……"

Xian'er was so frightened that she trembled all over. She was originally a fairy from heaven and earth. She had never seen such a terrible and bloody scene. Once she was stained by these bloody and dirty things, she was afraid that it would leave a shadow in her heart and might give rise to demonic obstacles in the future. Come.

"Xian'er, don't be afraid..."

Xiao Chen hugged her gently and looked at Taoist Qingdeng who was not far away. Two cold eyes immediately made him tremble, as if to say, why don't you clean up this place.

"Hug, sorry..."

Taoist Qingdeng's body trembled slightly, and then he immediately reacted. With a sweep of the whisk, he immediately rolled the bodies of the four people into a pile of grass.

Xiao Chen glanced at him, ignored him, and said nothing. He picked up Xian'er, kicked off his feet, and flew out of the valley.

Watching his retreating figure, Taoist Qingdeng suddenly felt a chill rising behind him. At that moment, he seemed to be standing on the edge of a cliff, cautious, not even daring to say another word for fear of saying the wrong thing. , which leads to death.

He could see that for the young man in front of him, if it was detrimental to him, maybe nothing would happen in the end. Just like when he snatched the other party's Dinghai Pearl at sea, the other party did not retaliate against him now.

But just now, because he didn't dispose of these four corpses, he scared the little fairy. At that moment, he clearly felt the cold murderous aura on the other side.

This feeling of walking on thin ice really frightened him. In this case, he would never dare to be careless again.

In front of him was a forest of flowers, with colorful fallen flowers on the ground and petals flying in the air. Xiao Chen led Xian'er and landed in the forest. At this moment, the tears hanging from the corners of her eyes were still visible.


"" Xian'er pouted, looking pretty. Xiao Chen gently stroked her face, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "It's okay, don't be afraid..."

"Ugh...why do you want to kill those people..."

"They...are all bad people."

Xiao Chen gently stroked her hair that was messed up by the wind. He really couldn't say such words as "If we don't kill those people, those people will come to kill us."

Xian'er is the purest fairy spirit in the world. He doesn't want the turbidity in this world to pollute her heart. What he is most worried about now is that when people from outside come in, they will definitely find Xian'er. The spiritual power on her body can be guessed even by guessing. She is transformed from the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the rain and dew of thousands of years are in her body.

And what he didn't want to see the most was for Xian'er to see him killing decisively, to see his hands stained with blood, and to walk out on a bloody road...

"Brother, I'm not afraid..."

Xian'er gently rested her head on his shoulder and whispered, "Xian'er knows that those people are bad people, and my brother wants to protect Xian'er..."


Xiao Chen gently stroked her hair, and at this moment, a figure flew in from outside, and it was Taoist Qingdeng who followed him.

"Little, little friend..."

Until now, Taoist Qingdeng was still a little worried. Maybe the original aura of Xiao Chen made people feel cold and scared, so he was like this.

Xiao Chen stood up slowly and glanced at him. The look in his eyes made him tremble again, as if he was saying, "I don't want what happened just now to happen again."

"Xiao, don't worry, little will never happen again."

Taoist Qingdeng was horrified, lowered his head as he spoke, and glanced at Xian'er again. For some reason, he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. He was afraid that next, there would be a bloody storm in this fairy world...

The ten-thousand-year immortal spirit appeared in the world, and was born by gathering the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and also integrated with the rain and dew of the ten-thousand-year fairy world. I don’t know how many people will pay attention to this, and I don’t know how many people will secretly covet it. The vision was so obvious that day, I am afraid that even the God and Demon Tomb Everyone has noticed...

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen said no more, and led Xian'er to the front of the flower forest. Next, he had to find a way to leave here as soon as possible. Not to mention that this fairyland was very likely to collapse. The group of cultivators outside were also very worried. It was difficult to deal with him, and he didn't want to really kill decisively in front of Xian'er.

A few days later, the three of them no longer knew where they were, but they could not find the exit from the fairyland. Could it be that there was only the only entrance and exit in this fairyland?

In the past few days, there have been unusual vibrations in the fairyland, and more and more cultivators must have poured in from outside.

Those people just want to find some benefits in the fairyland, but they don't know that flooding in like this will only make the fairyland more unstable, cause spiritual chaos, and will eventually collapse. Anyone who cannot escape will be buried inside.

At noon that day, Xiao Chen took Xian'er to a green peak. With all his consciousness, he still couldn't see the exit. Instead, there was a sudden shock that almost caused the mountain to collapse.

"Don't be afraid, Xian'er."

Xiao Chen picked up Xian'er and flew away. It was not until a long time ago that the vibration slowly stopped, and the nearby spiritual energy began to slowly flow towards the entrance.

"Little friend...look!"

Qingdeng Taoist pointed at the spiritual energy condensed on the distant mountain peak, and saw that the spiritual energy began to flow toward the entrance.

"Spiritual power has returned. It seems that there is only one entrance and exit in the entire fairyland."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Previously, the spiritual energy of the entire ancient immortal world had gathered in Penglai Wonderland. But now that the spiritual energy is flowing back, it means that this fairyland is very likely to collapse. Once all the spiritual energy flows away, this place will definitely collapse.

"Little friend... we need to get out immediately, otherwise, if this place collapses..."

Taoist Qingdeng's face turned pale. He had not been so nervous before, but now he became extremely nervous after seeing the spiritual power returning. Maybe he had experienced similar things before, and now he still feels scared when he thinks about it. .

And Xiao Chen has not experienced such things at all, whether it was the collapse of Fengyun Tian not long ago, or the adventure with Luo Die in the Tomb of Gods and Demons a long time ago.

Especially that time at the Tomb of Gods and Demons, when he wandered in that realm of nothingness for more than half a year, the fear he felt when he recalled it now was still like a nightmare lingering in his heart, and he would feel chilled every time.

Even now, his cultivation and spirit are no longer comparable to those of the past. However, if he is forced to enter the void and chaos due to the collapse of the fairyland, he may not be as lucky as last time.

"Little friend, look...what should we do now?"

Taoist Qingdeng felt a little uneasy. If it were him, he could go back alone. Those people outside could not do anything to him. But now he is with Xiao Chen and this ten thousand-year fairy. If he bumps into those people , something big will definitely happen.

Of course, Xiao Chen also understood this clearly. Whether it was for the rain and dew in the fairy world or something else, the dozen or so people outside would not let him go.

Especially now, when Xian'er is with him, those people will definitely have an idea of ​​Xian'er. Moreover, not only those dozen people, but also how many immortal cultivators gathered outside this time, even he can't imagine.

"Who has the highest cultivation level among them?" Xiao Chen looked outside and asked. Qingdeng Taoist thought for a while and said, "It should be Cangyunzi..."

"Cang Yunzi?"

"Well... that's the person who asked me to draw a wisp of my life soul energy before."

"It turned out to be him."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly thought of the old man in green. That man's cultivation was indeed very high, and he was definitely not inferior to Taoist Qingdeng.

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