The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1374: Kill one person in ten steps!

After feeling the ancient divine power seeping out from the fairyland, the dozen or so masters of the Seventh Realm on the other side were also on guard. No matter who came out later, they would definitely take action as soon as possible to fight for it. Ten thousand years of rain and dew!

In addition to these dozen seventh-level masters, there are many people in the dark. Since ancient times, people have died for money and birds for food. Even if they narrowly escape death, who doesn't covet the rain and dew of ten thousand years?

Even the hunchbacked old man who escaped from Xiao Chen before has now gathered hundreds of cultivators from nowhere. These seem to be his former disciples, and their cultivation levels are not low.


There was a loud noise, and the entrance to the fairyland that had collapsed seemed to be shattered again. A terrifying force seeped out, shocking many people and making them step back.

At this time, in the fairyland, spiritual power surged all over the sky and gathered towards Xiao Chen. It turned out to be Fu Xiqin's divine power.

The entire Yao Qin had become dazzlingly colorful at this time, making him look like a celestial being!

"Xian'er... back off!"

Xiao Chen holds Yao Qin in his arms. At this moment, his magic power has been pushed to the limit. He wants to gather all the power of heaven and earth nearby, so that he can open the collapsed exit again! ✺

Taoist Qingdeng stood behind, half silent but also half surprised. He did not expect that in the hands of this young man, there was such an ancient sacred harp.

However, if you think about using this kind of divine harp, it will definitely consume a lot of mana. I don't know if those people outside will want to kill people and seize the treasure after seeing this kind of divine harp.

Finally, all the spiritual power in the sky was gathered, and Xiao Chen had pushed his own profound power to the limit!


As the strings were loosened, the sound of the ten thousand-foot-long zither suddenly came out. Suddenly, the world was shocked. The entire Penglai Wonderland seemed to be split apart instantly. With a "boom", the entrance to the fairyland could not withstand the power of this divine harp and finally fell apart. , completely collapsed!


Xiao Chen took Fu Xiqin back into his sleeves, stretched out his hand, picked up Xian'er, and flew into the chaos. The entrance to the fairyland had already collapsed, but it was forcefully shattered by him. It couldn't hold up for long, and then will disappear completely.

Taoist Qingdeng reacted with a slight shock on his face. With a sweep of the fly whisk, it instantly turned into a green light and rushed into the chaotic crack.

"When we get out later, anyone who comes near will be killed!"

Xiao Chen sent a spiritual thought to Taoist Qingdeng behind him with decisive words. He knew in his heart that those people outside must be waiting for him to go out. And he had spent too much just now, so I'm afraid it would not be easy to deal with so many people. This time it would definitely be Taking risks out of desperation.

Taoist Qingdeng is naturally very aware that although he escaped from death this time, there will be an inevitable bloody battle after he escapes. But now, he has no choice.

At this time, everyone outside looked shocked. At that moment, the ground shook, and the entrance to the fairyland that had collapsed suddenly had a strong light. When the strong light disappeared, only the inside was visible. Two figures flew out.

"It's indeed him!"

The dozen or so seventh-level masters nearby recognized Xiao Chen at a glance, and at the same time their eyes were fixed on the girl he was holding... That was a ten-thousand-year-old fairy, and the rain and dew of the fairy world were in her body!

Not only were the dozen or so seventh-level masters who locked eyes with Xian'er, but none of the other immortal cultivators present could not feel the fairy aura on Xian'er's body.

Recalling the strange sign that day when the rain and dew in the fairy world condensed, at this moment, everyone figured out that this girl was transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Ten thousand years of rain and dew turned into spiritual power, and it was in her body!

At this moment, before everyone could react, they saw two figures attacking Xiao Chen first. With such heavy murderous intent, they obviously did not intend to leave any room!

Regardless of whether these two people were under the instigation of others or whatever, Xiao Chen was already prepared. The moment the two of them flew over, the ancient swords of Wanjianguan flew out from the universe in his sleeves.

There was a bright golden light. No one in the distance could see clearly what it was. Xiao Chen pointed his finger and the swords suddenly slashed fiercely at one person. The man obviously did not expect that such a powerful group of ancient swords would suddenly attack him. When the attack came, no one could dodge, and blood immediately spattered on the spot. His hands, feet, and torso were chopped into seventeen or eighty pieces, and they all flew out randomly.

Another person passed by the group of swords and saw his companion die tragically under the sword. His face was shocked, and a chill suddenly came up behind him, as if he was passing through the gate of hell. If he had been in that position just now, wouldn't he have died? Him?

However, before he could react, another green light flew from the slanting thorn, and he saw Qing Deng Taoist Qi condensed in the whisk, and hit the top of his head with the whisk.


The whisk hit the man's head, causing blood and brain matter to spurt out. The whole head was torn apart and flew out like a smashed watermelon.


Seeing this terrifying scene, Xian'er almost fainted from fright. Xiao Chen protected her behind him, recalled the sword group with a single movement of his fingers, looked coldly at the immortal cultivators nearby, and said cold words, "Ten steps away". Inside, kill without mercy!”

Hearing these cold words, many people shuddered and were shocked by the scene just now. The two people originally went to kill him, but in the blink of an eye, before they could react, they both died tragically at the hands of the other party.


Murong's side had obviously noticed Xian'er, and the elders also looked condensed, and even couldn't believe it. They murmured to themselves, "It's a fairy, a ten thousand-year fairy... Sure enough, the ancestor's command is Really! It’s a fairy in the realm..."

On the other side of the mountain peak, Fairy Shuiyue was also shocked by the scene just now. She still remembered that the last time Xiao Chen slipped away from Guidie Valley, he was at most the same level of cultivation as her, but just now...

"Uncle Master, have you seen..."

Fairy Shuiyue can't believe it until now. She heard that Xiao Chen killed a master of the Sixth Realm under the Yunzhongjun Sect at Wanjiang Pass. She thought it was made up by those people, but now she sees... what kind of master is the Sixth Realm? , he can kill even the Seventh Realm master!

Why did his cultivation become so terrifying in just a few months, and he was no longer inferior to his uncle.


Until now, Fairy Yudie was still very calm, staring at Xiao Chen in the distance and said, "It seems that he has entered the holy realm."

"Uncle, what did you say, he..."

Fairy Shuiyue was even more shocked. She was not as good as Fairy Yudie. Naturally, she had never been able to see that Xiao Chen had not yet comprehended the Holy Realm.

"Could it be, could it be..."

At this moment, she finally realized that it was he who was overcoming the thirty-six heavenly tribulations in the past few days! However, even if he survived the saint's calamity, that calamity shouldn't be so terrifying, but that day, he, he...

The more Fairy Shuiyue thought about it, the more incredible she felt. This man from the human world was too terrifying...

Fairy Yudie stared at Xiao Chen. In fact, she was not surprised at all. The empress never paid attention to anyone, but this time, she paid so much attention to this young man. If so, how could he be an ordinary person?

It's just that she didn't expect that after more than six hundred years since she came to the ancient immortal world, it turns out that such a powerful person has already appeared in the human world...

And that woman who was with him that day was a descendant of the Xiao family... That woman was a practitioner of Taoism and martial arts, and she was also unfathomable.

"Within ten steps, you will be killed without mercy... within ten steps, you will be killed without mercy."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from below, and a figure was seen flying towards where Xiao Chen was, and that person was none other than the middle-aged man that Taoist Qingdeng mentioned before. Yan Wen .

Hundreds of years ago, this man sat in a fairyland and proclaimed himself the king. He had thirty thousand disciples, and his conduct was similar to that of Cang Yunzi. However, Cang Yunzi was more cautious, while he was ruthless in his actions.

At this moment, I saw him slowly walking towards Xiao Chen and said coldly, "That day, my little friend used a trick to use us to open the forbidden formation for you. Now... what? Do you want to swallow this ten thousand years of rain and dew all by yourself?"

At the end of his words, his eyes gradually fell on Xian'er who was hiding behind Xiao Chen, and the eyes of the rest of the people also showed a look of greed.

Xian'er had just woken up from ten thousand years of slumber. She had never seen so many people before, and she had never seen such a posture before. She was hiding behind Xiao Chen, her body was trembling slightly, and she was obviously very scared.

At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely cold, and everyone nearby held their breath. They naturally knew that Yan Wen's cultivation level was so high that it was definitely not comparable to those of ordinary seventh-level cultivators.

However, what people didn't expect was that in the face of Yan Wen's aggressive murderous intent, Xiao Chen only said one word coldly, "Get out."

Just one word, but it made everyone feel a coldness from the bottom of their hearts, and everyone nearby was trembling.

And Yan Wen didn't expect that the other party would be so tough, and this aura at this time...

Before entering the Immortal Realm to overcome the tribulation, Xiao Chen was not afraid of these people. What's more, now that he has entered the realm of the strong, his aura is completely different from before. The power above these people dominates the world!

At this moment, feeling the cold breath coming from the other party, Yan Wen couldn't help but feel nervous. He finally took back the step he was about to take. At this moment, he really didn't dare to get within ten steps of Xiao Chen. .

But how can these people be easy-going people? Yan Wen's eyes narrowed, and then he said to the people behind him, "What? You don't plan to take this Ten Thousand Years of Rain and Dew?"

After hearing this, the Seventh Realm cultivators from behind flew towards this side. The old man in blue, Cang Yunzi, looked at Taoist Qingdeng, his eyes focused: "Fellow Taoist Qingdeng, then you are with him now." ?”

Taoist Qingdeng put the fly whisk on his shoulder and didn't say much. Anyway, he was ready for a bloody battle today. After experiencing life and death in the fairyland just now, he is much calmer now. Anyway, he has experienced strong winds and waves. .

Seeing that he was silent, Cang Yunzi withdrew his gaze again, looked at the girl behind Xiao Chen, and said, "No matter how powerful I am, little friend, I can't escape unscathed today. Handing over this fairy spirit may save my life." No worries.”

Hearing this, Xian'er trembled with fright. She tightly pulled Xiao Chen's sleeves and said in a soft voice like a sleep whisper: "Brother..."

"Xian'er, close your eyes."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and for a moment, even the air seemed to freeze. Even Fairy Yudie in the distance couldn't help but be slightly startled. This aura on his body...

Well, let me digress. Regarding the recent turmoil in Internet articles, many friends must have learned something about it. Many friends also asked Gu Yi whether the recent events have affected Gu Yi and whether Shifang will continue to create smoothly. …

In fact, Gu Wei would like to say that after some calculation, it has been several years since I last wrote the book, and probably only I can understand the ups and downs in it.

Because of piracy, Gu Yi fell into despair several times... But fortunately, there are friends who are willing to watch the original version, supporting Gu Yi all the way to the present.

Some people may not understand why they should pay to watch the genuine version if they don’t watch the free pirated version? In fact, this problem is very simple. When everyone goes to see free pirated copies, it is a death sentence for this book and this author.

The author's income comes from genuine paying readers. How can he continue to write the story when there is no income? The ideal is very full, but in reality, I really have to give up my waist for five buckets of rice, not to mention that these five buckets of rice are not just food.

But this is the current situation in China. When most people have become accustomed to free money, after all, they can "have sex for free" without spending money. Therefore, many authors are forced to abandon their writing, unfinished works, discontinue updates, and feel sorry for themselves. Giving up on ideals... abounds.

Looking back at the recent turmoil in online writing, it may still be linked to "free". Reluctance to pay is like piracy. It wants to drain every drop of blood from the creator. Isn't human blood steamed buns delicious? Without income, many authors were forced to give up writing, even cursed, collapsed, and despaired.

Regarding these, what can a small 18th-line writer in Guyi say? Probably just Zhi Fenhui Tan...

Well... I haven't said so many off-topics for a long time. As for what a friend asked at the beginning, will Shifang continue writing?

I remember that a long time ago, Gu Yi wrote in a book that the journey of cultivation is full of hardships and dangers. Demons and temptations in the world are everywhere. If you don’t have the determination to reach the end, why bother to cultivate as an immortal?

Therefore, no matter what, Gu Yi will finish writing Yichen’s story, and friends who have always wanted to support Gu Yi, in fact, if you read the original version, it is already the best support.

Even if you can't see the original version, you can recommend Yichen's story to the people around you. Gu Yi is also very grateful to you.

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