The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,378 The bloody storm

In the distance, Yan Wen saw Xiao Chen's murderous eyes, and immediately felt a chill rising from his back. In the next moment, a red fairy sword was in his hand.

At the same time, Xiao Chen had flown over. He knew in his heart that the hunchbacked old man and Yan Wen had been secretly instigating everyone to surround and kill him. If these two people were not killed, it would be difficult to scare many sects present. The cultivator.


There was a loud noise, and the two swords collided, and dust suddenly flew around. Yan Wen's cultivation level was probably in the middle of the Seventh Realm, and it was not that easy to kill.

"You want to kill me?"

At this moment, Yan Wen's eyes became very cold and terrifying. Although they were both from the Seventh Realm, his cultivation level was higher than that of the hunchbacked old man.

"What do you think." ✰❆

Xiao Chen's voice was cold. Before he finished speaking, he slashed down with his sword again. With a "clang" sound, Yan Wen took a few steps back, but his expression remained unchanged. He said coldly, "With you now? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"It only takes one sword to kill other people. It may take a little more effort to kill you."

Suddenly, a strange light seemed to flash in Xiao Chen's eyes. Yan Wen's breath condensed, and before he could react, Xiao Chen pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows!


There was a sharp sound, and the finger that was supposed to hit Yan Wen's eyebrow was blocked by the other party. Yan Wen's eyes were cold, and he coldly snorted, "It's a pity, it's still a little bit short."

"Is it……"

At this moment, two divine and demonic seals suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen's eyes. Yan Wen's cultivation was not low, so he noticed the divine and demonic seals in an instant and couldn't help feeling suffocated, "This is..."

This time, before he could react, Xiao Chen curled his two fingers and formed a divine and demonic seal almost instantly. This was also the method of "divine and demonic restraint". The divine and demonic restraint could not only be used to imprison, but also to kill people. use.

It's just that this is the first time Xiao Chen has comprehended this magical power, and he is not yet proficient in it. In addition, the continuous consumption at this time is too high, so he must ensure that nothing goes wrong before he can kill masters like Yan Wen.

The finger just now was obviously meant to cover up the opponent's sight and hearing, so that the other party could not react. His real killing move was hidden in this finger.


There was a sharp sound, and this time, Yan Wen was hit in the middle of the eyebrow by the God and Demon Seal. He had no resistance at all, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew backwards, his soul was severely damaged.

The people in the distance didn't see what happened at all. They only saw Yan Wen blocking Xiao Chen's finger, but why was he suddenly seriously injured? And they could feel that this blow... Yan Wen must have been severely injured!

"It's a pity, it's just right."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, before he finished speaking, he jumped up suddenly, using the same method he used to kill the hunchbacked old man just now, he used the Thirty-three Levels of Lihen Palm to control life and death, and struck Yan Wen with one palm.

This palm was so powerful that it shook the world. Within a radius of a hundred feet, dust suddenly rolled and rocks flew everywhere. The cultivators in the distance were all trembling... He wanted to kill Yan Wen!

But Yan Wen is sitting in a fairyland, and there are 30,000 cultivators in the dark sky. If this person kills Yan Wen here...

Before those people in the distance could react, Xiao Chen's palm had already landed on Yan Wen, and Yan Wen's eyes were about to burst. He wanted to resist, but he was hit by a God-Demon Seal and his body was seriously injured. How can I still resist this terrifying palm?


There was a loud noise and dust rolled all over the sky. Everyone was shocked. Yan Wen, like the hunchbacked old man, was beaten to death by Xiao Chen's palm!

In the distance, the old man in green, Cang Yunzi, saw Yan Wen's tragic death at the hands of this man. He couldn't help but be shocked, and a chill suddenly rose from his back.

After Xiao Chen killed Yan Wen, he shot two cold gazes at him, which made him tremble all over and immediately put him on guard.

On the other side, Taoist Qingdeng also felt his heart tremble. He actually killed Yan Wen. From now on, who will be in charge of the ethereal sky and the vast fairyland...? I'm afraid that the Four Directions Immortal Realm will start another killing spree...

In the distance, all the cultivators were terrified, Yan Wen died... in his hands.

After killing Yan Wen, Xiao Chen's face became even more ugly. He used the control of life and death twice in a row, which could easily cause life and death backlash. But just now, he didn't use the Soul Confinement Technique because he was not sure. When Ku Lingzi taught him the Soul Confinement Technique, , he said that this technique should not be performed easily, otherwise it is very likely to be catastrophic.

And he had consumed too much today, and he was not sure that he could restrain these two seventh-level masters with the Soul Confinement Technique. If he missed, he would be doomed, so he could only kill them directly.

"Uh..." After a long period of consumption, he finally couldn't hold it any longer, and there was even a hint of a backlash from the Book of Heaven.

Those who besieged him in the distance were shocked when they saw Yan Wen and the hunchbacked old man dying tragically, but now they saw that he was already exhausted, and they all came to kill him as if they had seized the last chance. .

The fishy wind rose again. Xiao Chen raised his true energy and swung away the dozen cultivators who rushed up first. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his dantian, his head was buzzing, and in front of his eyes was even more... It suddenly became dark.

Below, Fairy Yudie looked at him intently, her heart gradually rising. His true energy was almost exhausted...


A cold sound came, and an old man in purple was seen stabbing him with a sword. However, the sword seemed to be chopped on a cold iron block and could not penetrate.

"Treasure armor protection?"

The old man in purple had sharp eyes and immediately noticed something was wrong. But just as he was sheathing his sword, he saw the two cold and terrifying eyes of the other party. The murderous intent in his body made him fall into the abyss in an instant.

One moment, he was complacent, thinking that the sneak attack had seriously injured the opponent, but he did not expect that the next moment, he would taste life and death.

Before he could react, Xiao Chen slapped his head with a palm. With a "bang" sound, the palm immediately smashed his head into pieces, and even his soul could not escape.

But it didn't end there. Xiao Chen put his two fingers together again, drawing out a fragment of the man's soul, and said with a cold look, "Qingyun Sect... one."

After that, he threw the useless corpse out, and the next moment, he came to another cultivator, killed him with the same palm, and then attracted his remaining soul, saying coldly, "Valley of Broken Love..." two."

"Wishful Gate... three."

In this way, Xiao Chen killed several immortal masters in succession. After killing them, he used their remaining souls to find out what sect this person belonged to, and then read out the name of the sect.

At first, everyone didn't know what he meant, but then they suddenly realized that he... he was probably going to go out and destroy these sects!

Anyone who is here to surround and kill him today, if he does not die today, he will definitely kill all these people after he goes out!

Thinking of this, many people felt a chill in their backs. This person... is so terrifying! He even dares to destroy the spiritual veins of the immortal world, he even dares to kill Yun Zhongjun's people, why wouldn't he dare to destroy a sect?

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