The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,398: Conquering the Quartet

"Master...are you asleep?" Yan Ruyu's voice came from outside the door. Xiao Chen frowned and said, "Not yet. Are you okay?"

"Are you really someone who forgets so quickly?"

Yan Ruyu walked in, and the candlelight in the hall swayed, reflecting her charming figure, as if the coldness in the hall had subsided a little.

"What are you doing?" Seeing her charming look, Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"Master, isn't this... asking questions knowingly..."

Yan Ruyu lowered her head and smiled, covered her lips with her hands, and whispered, "Young master Tiantian said that from today on, I will be yours, so why don't I just come to sleep with you..."

"You may have misunderstood me."

Xiao Chen walked towards her and said, "What I'm saying is that from now on, everything in Youxu Tian belongs to me. Since it's all mine, it naturally includes you..."

"Oh, I know, I know, let's hurry up..."

"Hurry? Hurry for what?"

"It's strange, it's dark, don't you want to sleep?"

"Sleep? Of course."

Xiao Chen looked at her and said calmly, "It's just that men and women are in the same room, so there will be some inconvenience at night. Palace Master, please." After that, he said "please" to the door.

"Hey, no..."

Yan Ruyu looked at him blankly and said, "I'm here..."

"I know, Palace Master, please.

Xiao Chen asked again.

"Hey, you, you...why are you so ignorant of amorous feelings?"

Yan Ruyu looked at him with a strange look on her face, frowned slightly, and pushed out her chest, "Hey, is it because I wasn't beautiful enough? Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty, but this is evil... Palace Master, please."

"What's so evil, what a mess, you're the one who's so evil..."

Yan Ruyu was so angry that she stamped her feet and walked out of the palace. When her footsteps gradually faded away, Xiao Chen said again, "By the way, there is something else I forgot to tell you."

"What's going on? Have you figured it out and let me come back?"

Yan Ruyu turned around again and happened to see Xiao Chen's shadow reflected on the paper window in the palace under the dim candlelight. She thought that even his shadow was so cold...

After a while, a voice came from inside: "On Penglai Island, your senior brother died in my hands."

The entire palace corridor suddenly became very quiet. Only the chirping of insects sounded intermittently in the grass. After a long time, Yan Ruyu said, "So what."

Her voice was obviously much deeper, and Xiao Chen said, "If you want to avenge him, you can."


Unexpectedly, Yan Ruyu smiled and said, "What does Yan Wen's death have to do with me? Why should I avenge him? He left this mess to me, but he went to find some immortality medicine. What was he thinking? Did he really think that I Don’t you know? Haha…”

"It's late at night. Palace Master, please go back. I'll send someone to deliver the map tomorrow."

Xiao Chen's voice came from inside the hall again. This time Yan Ruyu didn't stay any longer, turned around and went back to the way.

Early the next morning, Xiao Chen had just come out of the palace and was about to go see Xian'er when he saw Yan Ruyu coming across the corridor again, seemingly dressed even better than last night.

"Are you so early?"

"That's natural...ahem."


"Cough cough cough!"

Yan Ruyu walked over, but kept "cough, cough, cough" all the way. Xiao Chen looked at her, "Did you catch a cold last night and your throat feels uncomfortable?"

"You..." Yan Ruyu bit her lips and looked at him, wondering if this man's head was made of elm wood?

Xiao Chen took out a jade bottle from his sleeve, handed it to her, and said, "This medicine was brought by me from the mortal world. It is made from Sichuan shellfish, loquat, etc. and mixed with ancient secret methods. It has a great effect on soothing the throat." …”


This time Yan Ruyu was completely stunned.

"No need to say thank you."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, put the jade bottle in her hand, and went out to the corridor. When he came back in the afternoon, he found that she hadn't left yet.

"Is your voice feeling better?"

"Okay, okay... Thank you for your concern, Your Excellency." Yan Ruyu had a blank look on her face, thinking that this man...him, does he not like women?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ah, no, no..."

Yan Ruyu came to her senses and immediately took out a scroll from her sleeve and said, "This is the map of the entire Netherworld and the Immortal Realm."


Xiao Chen took the map from her hand and opened it. He saw that the mountains and rivers on the map were clear and the markings were quite detailed.

It turns out that there are four largest forces outside of Youxu Tian. These four forces check and balance each other, and there are also many smaller forces surrounding them.

Until now, after reading this detailed map, Xiao Chen realized that the entire Nether Sky was just a star in this ten thousand feet of fairyland.

"Taiyi, Tiansha, Wuxiang, Peach Blossom."

Yan Ruyu spoke out the names of the four factions at this time, and said, "The ancestor of Xingluo from Taiyi is the most ambitious. Secretly, he always wants to break through Youxu Tian, ​​swallow up the other three, and then become the only one in this vast immortal realm." The master has always been checked by the other three families... As for the Tiansha King, his ambition is also not small, and he has always coveted Youxu Tian. "

At this moment, Yan Ruyu briefly explained the situation of the four major forces. Xiao Chen looked at the map and was silent. Naturally, it was not difficult for him to see that if there were not many powerful ancient formations in Youxu Tian, ​​I am afraid that in the past few hundred years, these The four forces have already attacked.

And this time there has been such a huge change in Youxu Palace, there is no guarantee that the four forces will not be ready to make a move. Now the entire Youxu Heaven is extremely chaotic. He wants to rule the world, and he wants to be as peaceful as a mountain even in rain or shine...

In addition to expelling all the external forces, more importantly, he must make these four forces surrender and make them never dare to rebel. Otherwise, when he leaves, the sky of Netherworld will be in chaos again.

As the saying goes, a country is easy to conquer but difficult to defend. Once Youxutian is defeated again, the powerful enemy will take advantage of the right time and place, and it will be almost impossible for him to take it back.

At that time, let's talk about the world of heaven and earth, and he will recruit monks in the world, even he himself will be endlessly hunted. After all, there is a saying in the world of eradication. If Taiyi's Xingluo Patriarch takes down You Xu Tian, ​​if he doesn't die, can the other party sleep peacefully?

At this moment, seeing him thoughtful and silent, Yan Ruyu chuckled and said, "Well, now that you know how powerful these four forces are, do you still want to fight?"

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen slowly put away the map and said slowly, "If we don't capture these four forces, if I leave in the future, will the Netherworld Palace change owners again?" "

At this point, he stopped and looked at Yan Ruyu motionlessly: "Palace Master, what do you say?"

After hearing this, Yan Ruyu stopped talking. This sentence hit the nail on the head. Once he leaves, if the Xingluo Ancestor and the others come to attack, will she be able to resist them then? Today she surrenders to Xiao Chen, and she can also surrender to Patriarch Xingluo in the future.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Xiao Chen put away the map and looked at Yan Ruyu motionlessly. Only then did Yan Ruyu come back to her senses. She was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Chen looked out of the corridor pavilion and said, "This ancient immortal world is originally a fragment of the original immortal world, so I am looking for an innate spiritual treasure that contains the ancient spirit. The palace master can pay attention to it for me."

"Innate Spiritual Treasure?"

Yan Ruyu frowned. Although this ancient immortal world is a fragment of the former immortal world, how can this innate spiritual treasure be asked for? The fairyland rain and dew that condensed in the Penglai Realm last time also took thousands of years to condense...

Xiao Chen said, "During this period, you can read ancient books and tell me if you have any clues."

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