
Hearing this, Patriarch Huntian was a little surprised, and it didn't look like he was lying. Xiao Chen continued, "I need to use the power of the Divine Demon Abyss to stop them... and I want to put it even more..." Understand?"

At this moment, everyone held their breath and became silent. Even the Blood Demon Ancestor looked at him and became motionless. After a while, the Ancestor Hun Tian asked, "Who are you?"

Xiao Chen said, "I am not from the ancient immortal world, but... from the human world."

This time, it surprised the people in the nearby Shenmoyuan. He was actually a cultivator from the human world? The Blood Demon Ancestor obviously did not expect that a cultivator from the human world could be so capable and powerful...

Patriarch Huntian, at this time, had roughly guessed his identity. He stared at him and said, "It turns out that little friend is the person who destroyed countless spiritual veins in the immortal world some time ago. But I was blind before. I didn't expect that little friend. With such ability..."

The expression on Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged and he said, "For thousands of years, the ancient immortal world has been secretly absorbing spiritual power from the human world. What it is doing now is even more detrimental to the human world. Do you think these two seniors are right or wrong? "


Ancestor Huntian's eyes narrowed, he stroked his beard slightly and nodded. He didn't say anything more. On the contrary, Ancestor Blood Demon snorted coldly and said, "I believe what you say for now, but what can you do for us?"

Xiao Chen said, "I have done some research on the formations together. Maybe when the time comes, I can help you break through some of the restricted formations of the Ancient Immortal Alliance."

After hearing this, Patriarch Huntian and Patriarch Blood Demon both fell into deep thought. Of course, Xiao Chen couldn't possibly say that he wanted to prevent everyone from opening Tianshu's seal. There must be an ancient formation in the Tianshu center. When the time comes, he will use his own strength to completely seal this formation so that no one can open it.

As a result, the Ancient Immortal Alliance has no choice. They secretly cut off the connection to the human world before. Now that the spiritual power of the ancient scar cannot be drawn out, they must reconnect with the spiritual power of the human world. Otherwise, within a hundred years, the spiritual energy of the immortal world will be exhausted.

"Okay...that's fine."

Patriarch Huntian nodded, his eyes still fixed on Xiao Chen, and at this time, he had no doubts about what Xiao Chen just said.

In this way, for several days in a row, the masters of the Shenmo Abyss have also gathered here. Although the number of people in the Shenmo Abyss has never been as large as that of the Ancient Immortal World, the masters inside are by no means inferior to those of the Ancient Immortal World.

At this time, the middle-aged man wearing a purple robe and holding a black wooden snake staff was the leader of the Five Poison Sect, known as the "Five Poison Saint". Very impressive.

There is also a woman sitting under an ancient pine tree on the edge of the cliff. But look at this woman's red dress fluttering in the wind, and her skin is as flawless as white snow. She is even more charming than Yan Ruyu from Youxu Palace.

Her cultivation level is also not inferior to that of the Ancestor Huntian and the Blood Demon Ancestor. She is the master of the evil path of desire, Mei Shuer, known as the "Mrs. If a strong person hears the sound of the bell, his body will be burned by evil fire, and his death will often be extremely miserable.

In addition to the Five Poison Saints and Mei Shu'er, there are many leaders of the Divine Demon Abyss with extraordinary cultivation on another mountain peak. Everyone is looking to the southeast, eager to try, and they are not ordinary people.

Obviously this time, there will be a life-and-death battle between Shenmoyuan and the Ancient Immortal Realm. Three days later, when everyone gathers, powerful ancestors such as Ancestor Huntian, Ancestor Blood Demon, Five Poison Saints, Mei Shuer, etc. Led by the leader, the troops divided into three groups and headed towards the Tianshu Mountains where those people from the Ancient Immortal Realm were.

The people in the Ancient Immortal Realm received the news and learned that the various forces in Shenmoyuan were led by those demons and were heading towards Tianshu Mountain in three groups. They did not dare to be careless for a while and quickly went to invite Lord Yun Zhong. He and Ancestor Fenglin and other seniors came here to take charge.

On the first day, the two sides fought at the foot of the mountain, and the fight was so dark that the sky was dark. On the second day, the war spread to the heart of the mountain. On the third day, both sides had arrived, magic weapons and flying swords were flying around in the sky, and there were blood stains on the ground. Tired.

At this time, in the sky, I saw a handsome man wearing white clothes. He had great magical power. With a single movement of his finger, a ray of blue light came straight towards the thousands of demons down the mountain. On the side of the Gods and Demons Abyss, there were immediate heavy casualties. This man in the sky was not The other person is none other than Yun Zhongjun.

Yun Zhongjun's magic weapon "Yun Guang Jian" is very powerful. Anyone who is a demon cultivator has a slightly lower level of practice. If he is hit by that magic weapon, he will be seriously injured even if he is not killed by the green light on the magic weapon.

On the side of Shenmoyuan, Patriarch Huntian's "Hunyuan Mirror" is also very good. At this time, the two magic weapons are fighting together, with bursts of light and dazzling, and the fight is fierce.

On the other side, the ancestor of the Blood Demon looked terrifying. He suffered a loss last time here, but this time he was obviously going on a killing spree. The bloody flag rustling in the air was his magic weapon, the "Nine Yin Blood Demon Flag." ".

At this time, as he kneaded the hand and introduced the curse, nine bloody demon heads suddenly flew out from the banner and went straight to devour the cultivators of the ancient immortal world. The scene was extremely terrifying.


In mid-air, Mei Shuer smiled sweetly, and bursts of soul-stirring ringtones were emitted. Many disciples of the Immortal Sect could not bear it, and blood overflowed from their ears and eyes.

The fighting between the two sides became more and more fierce. In an instant, the fighting was so fierce that the wind blew up in all directions. Bloody mist covered the sky. The mountains and fields were littered with corpses. The blood of these corpses continued to seep into the bottom of the mountain, as if it was awakening the mountain. The devil has been sleeping underneath for thousands of years.


Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, a strange movement suddenly came from somewhere. However, at this time, no one noticed that the blood of the corpses under their feet seemed to have dried up, and no matter how big the wound was, there was no trace of it. A drop of blood flowed out.


This abnormal movement became more and more irregular, like a heart that had stopped suddenly, and suddenly began to beat slowly again, but I don’t know where it came from. But at this time, even Patriarch Hun Tian and Yun Zhongjun and others were also focused on the battle in front of them, completely unaware of the changes under their feet.

At the same time, in a valley full of forbidden formations, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er suddenly stopped. They seemed to have discovered something abnormal, but they were not sure.

"Did you hear anything just now?"

Xiao Chen paid close attention to his surroundings, but no matter how far he extended his consciousness, he could not find the strange sound like a beating heart just now. There was only the sound of fighting constantly coming from the sky at this time.

"Let's go."

Xiao Meng'er didn't say much, and the two of them continued to move forward. When they reached the depths of the valley, they could faintly see the light emitted by the formations.


At this time, more than twenty figures suddenly appeared in front of them, led by two old men in green clothes, who seemed to have a good level of cultivation, and behind them were some disciples of the Immortal Sect, whose cultivation level was mediocre.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

Xiao Chen has no intention of getting entangled with these people, and now he must open the forbidden formation in front as soon as possible. Not long ago, people from the Ancient Immortal Alliance have opened the passage, and that passage leads to the center of Tianshu. The elders of the Ancient Immortal Alliance We have already entered, and now we have people set up formation seals outside, with the purpose of preventing people from the Divine Demon Abyss from entering.

"Get these two!"

The old man in green on the left shouted coldly, and the twenty or so disciples behind him immediately rushed towards Xiao Chen and the two of them with swords. However, with their cultivation, how could they withstand Xiao Chen's divine and demonic power?


There was a loud noise, Xiao Chen flicked out his palm, and the twenty or so people flew backwards, without any ability to parry.


The two old men never expected that he had such a strong power. At this time, they didn't say anything anymore and both rushed forward. Xiao Meng'er also sacrificed the Wushou Lotus Platform, and the two sides immediately fought together.

These two old men were members of the Ancient Immortal Alliance, and both had already cultivated in the Eighth Realm. But in this ancient scar, how could Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er be afraid of people from the Eighth Realm?

A realm of gods and demons, a realm of immortal martial arts. Soon, the two old men could no longer resist. Finally, under Xiao Chen's "Hateful Palm", they both vomited blood and flew out.


After defeating these two people, Xiao Chen no longer wanted to fight. He ignored the disciples who were scared to death and immediately flew to the innermost part of the valley with Xiao Meng'er.

When we got to the innermost place, we saw that there was indeed a very powerful restraining formation. This formation was set up by Yun Zhongjun and others. Even for the two of them, it was not easy for them to break it.

After about a stick of incense, the two of them broke the formation. They saw a void crack inside the formation. This void crack was the passage to the center of Tianshu. They only needed to break the outer layer of the barrier. Just break it into pieces.

Just as the two were about to take action, many people suddenly appeared behind them, including two old men who had already entered the Ninth Realm. Seeing that they had broken the formation and were about to break the Tianshu Passage barrier, then The two people's expressions suddenly changed with shock, and they quickly said, "Stop!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Just when the two of them took action, Xiao Chen was one step ahead of them and shattered the barrier outside the Tianshu Passage with one palm.


The moment the barrier was shattered, the earth shook and a terrifying force rushed out from it. Fortunately, Xiao Meng'er had already raised the Wusui Lotus Platform in advance and pulled him away, otherwise the two of them would have flown away. Everyone will be seriously injured.

But the two Nine Realm cultivators were not so lucky. They were rushed by the power of the void in the Tianshu Barrier, and they immediately vomited blood and flew out. Not to mention the group of disciples behind them, in such a terrifying situation. It was a blessing that he was not completely destroyed physically and mentally due to the force of the collision.

After the force rushed out, it didn't end there. It was as if some ancient seal had been released. Hundreds or even thousands of miles around were violently shaken. Mountain peaks collapsed one after another, and the ground cracked. Countless cracks opened.

"what happened……"

Xiao Meng'er tried her best to control the lotus platform, but under the current shock, she could not even control the Wugou Lotus Platform.

At this moment, Shenmoyuan and the group of people from the Ancient Immortal Realm finally stopped, as if they finally noticed the abnormality here.


The tremors became more and more fierce. In just a short moment, the entire Tianshu Mountain Range seemed to have collapsed, and there was no longer a complete mountain peak.

Whether they are people from the Ancient Immortal World or people from the Divine Demonic Abyss, they are all frightened at this moment. Why do they feel such a depressing feeling at this moment? It seems that deep in the mountains, there is a demon that has been sleeping for thousands of years. It is about to wake up and bring chaos to the world!

"Where is my body...?"

Just when everyone was panicking, there seemed to be another terrifying and deep voice in their ears amid the rumbling of the earth, which made everyone present tremble and even thought they were hearing hallucinations... What was that voice?

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