The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,460 News about Xiao Menger

On the mountain peak in the distance, Yun Zhongjun and Patriarch Huntian were fighting fiercely, the sound was like thunder, but here Xiao Chen seemed not to hear it at all. In his mind, one scene after another reappeared the dream he had when he was unconscious. Everything in it.

He saw Weiyang running into a courtyard full of flowers. He chased her in, but he could no longer see her figure. The flowers in the courtyard suddenly withered.

"Weiyang, Weiyang..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen was in a state of confusion. How could three years have passed? Did he wake up after being in a coma for three years?

Why would I dream of such a dream? Could it be that Weiyang really will never wake up again...

"Impossible, impossible..."

Xiao Chen kept shaking his head to wake himself up. Dreams are just dreams after all. How can they be confused with reality? I dreamed of Wei Young, but I missed her too much, not to mention that in the dream, she was as beautiful as a flower, she was fine, how could something happen!


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a splitting headache, but now that he appeared in the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​why did he have such a splitting headache?

After a long time, the pain slowly disappeared, and on the distant mountain peaks, Yun Zhongjun and Ancestor Huntian had already gone, leaving only a mess, and several surrounding mountains were destroyed just now. During the battle between the two.

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. Dreams are dreams after all. When he left, everything was taken care of. The Wuyu Heaven was hanging high in the sky, and there were layers of ancient restrictions guarding it. Nothing would happen. .

Now in the Tianshu Center, since three years have passed and three years have passed outside, and I don't know what has happened, he must not be chaotic, and he must understand what to do next.

A moment later, he came to the place where Patriarch Huntian and Lord Yun Zhong fought. He saw a mess all around. But just now, he seemed to hear Lord Yun Zhong asking for something from Patriarch Huntian. What fragment was it?


Xiao Chen looked back and looked around, looking at the shocking traces of battle nearby. What kind of fragments were worthy of two masters fighting to the death?

He couldn't help but think that as soon as he came here, three years had passed inexplicably. Others might have come here three years earlier than him, so what on earth were they doing during these three years?

Where is Xiao Menger? Did Xiao Menger also come here three years ago? Then where is she now? Are you also fighting for those fragments?

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a little confused and didn't know what to do next. Originally, he was heading towards the light spot, but now it seems that he may not be able to go. Otherwise, how could Yun Zhongjun and the others be still there? here?

Then, what should we do next, where should we go...

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little confused. It had only been three years, and he actually felt like he had been derailed from the world.

Three years, three years...

I still remember that when I was in Guidie Valley, I promised Xian'er that I would go back soon, but now, three years have passed, and Xian'er...

In his mind, one scene after another, he recalled the day when he left Guidie Valley, Xian'er chased him all the way out. Every time he thought of Xian'er chasing him that day, he became even more upset.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Chen stopped thinking about these things. The top priority was to find someone as soon as possible to find out what happened that day, and what happened in the past three years...

There are faint mountains appearing in front of them. Although these mountains are suspended in this cold void, they generally do not move at will. Just now, Yun Zhongjun and Ancestor Huntian went to unknown places. Now he only has You can look ahead.

A few days later, he came to a mountain peak and suddenly saw someone walking through the void on the opposite cliff. They were four strange-looking old men. One of them, an old man with a hunchback and thin hair, was talking eloquently.

"I think that little lady is dead this time. Tang Jingfeng has found Qingyin to deal with her. Even if she has three heads and six arms, she will not be able to escape this time..."

"You said that this little lady killed Tang Jingfeng's younger brother in order to grab that fragment. Although Tang Butian was indeed a man with a pustule, Tang Jingfeng was so accomplished. You said that this little lady was really brave. Damn, all the murder and looting came to Tang Jingfeng’s head.”

"What a pity for such a delicate and pretty person. You said, if such a great beauty fell into the hands of the four of us..."

"Excuse me, didn't you see that person's skill that day? With a whisk, he took off Tang Butian's head in an instant, and he died without even having time to splash blood. What? Do you want to take that surname? Following in Tang’s footsteps?”

"No, no, no, I'm just saying..."

"Wait! There's someone in front!"

It wasn't until Xiao Chen got closer that the four of them noticed him. The hunchbacked old man with thinning hair in the middle immediately shouted, "Boy! Stop! What are you... what are you..."

Before the hunchbacked old man finished speaking, he saw Xiao Chen's appearance clearly and felt the terrifying aura of gods and demons on him. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and couldn't speak clearly.

The other three people were obviously frightened by the aura of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia at this time. Their faces suddenly turned pale, and their bodies were trembling constantly under this cold aura.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm going to ask you a few things. Just tell them and you'll be fine."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold at this time, and of course it was Dugu Tianxia's voice. He merged into Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons, and every move and even the expression on his face was like Dugu Tianxia's true form.

After hearing what he said, the four people calmed down a little. However, under the suppression of this powerful aura, their bodies still trembled uncontrollably. The hunchbacked old man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and forced himself to calm down and said, "Senior...Senior, please, please, We will tell you everything we know... and we will tell you everything."

Xiao Chen said, "Let me ask you, what happened three years ago."

"three years ago……"

The four people were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Senior, don't you know? Three years ago, many places in the Ancient Trace collapsed, and everyone who was in the collapsed place was I fell here and could never get out, especially the Tianshu Mountains. The entire mountain range disappeared. No one who was in the Tianshu Mountains that day escaped, they were all trapped here. Others are already dead..."

After listening, Xiao Chen fell into deep thought. It seemed that it was true. Three years had passed. But for some reason, he didn't wake up until three years later. Could it be that he fell to a place different from others? Going to the same place?

After a long time, he raised his head again and continued to ask, "What do you mean by the fragments you just mentioned?"

"Senior, don't you know this?"

The four people were stunned again. Why did it feel like the person in front of them seemed to have just arrived here and didn't know anything?


Xiao Chen frowned, and the four people trembled. The hunchbacked old man quickly said, "Senior, don't worry, listen to me slowly. In the past, there was an ancient world of cultivation, but this world was broken and turned into countless fragments. Later, every piece The fragments are all condensed into a Yuanying-like fragment, and if you get such a fragment, you can refine it, maybe it can be refined back to the original world..."

At this point, the expressions on the faces of the four people became excited, especially the eloquent hunchbacked old man. When he talked about this fragment, he seemed even more excited. He kept talking for a while, "Senior, think about it, the cultivation of the past. How many secrets are hidden in the ancient world? How many ancient treasures and classics are there that have been lost? There are even countless magical elixirs, immortal birds and animals, and an endless supply of spiritual power... Once they are refined, If you make it your own, doesn’t it mean that you have an extra little world?”

After listening, Xiao Chen finally understood why Yun Zhongjun and Ancestor Huntian fought so hard before. It turns out that this ancient fragment is so powerful and can be refined back to the original ancient world of cultivation. But who has that? Ability to refine it back to its original ancient world?

Seeing Xiao Chen's concentration and silence, the four of them said excitedly, "Senior, are you also interested in this fragment of the ancient world?"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, just looked at the looming mountain peaks in the distance. He didn't expect that everyone was trapped in this cold void, but they were still the same. He could never forget that you were fighting for it. Even someone as extraordinary as Yun Zhongjun, who was a saint, actually No exception.

It is true that people in the world are obsessed with things and are greedy everywhere.

After a while, Xiao Chen asked again, "I heard from you just now that a young lady snatched a fragment. Do you know who this young lady is? What is her appearance?"

"Oh, this little lady is so awesome..."

Speaking of this little lady, the hunchbacked old man became eloquent again and started talking non-stop, "This little lady is very powerful. She is alone. She is alone wherever she goes. She never trusts anyone. Her martial arts skills Very high. Not only was his martial arts high, but his Taoism was also very powerful. Tang Butian had already reached the eighth level, but she killed him instantly. Tang Jingfeng, who had reached the ninth level, was surrounded by countless Tang Sect disciples. In the end, she still managed to escape, but many people died in her hands..."

"Martial arts... Taoism..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, could it really be Xiao Menger? Sure enough, she also came here three years ago, and like everyone else, she was fighting for the fragments of the ancient world?


The hunchbacked old man said, "That little lady has reached the advanced level in martial arts and Taoism. Under her feet... yes! There is also a lotus platform under her feet, which is very impressive. That day, when Tang Jingfeng and his men surrounded her, she was guarding That lotus platform escaped."

"Wuzhen Huajing, Taoism, Taoism and Xuan... Lotus Platform."

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed. At this moment, it was certain that there would be no one else except Xiao Menger, but why did she want to fight for this ancient fragment?

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